Chapter 610: The Human Purgatory

  Chapter 597 – Human Purgatory

In West Asia, under the massacre of the “Persian Blade”, the refugee army quickly scattered, and the Ottoman government could no longer influence the direction of the refugees.

In addition to the dead, the remaining refugees only a small part of the flow to the Persian hinterland, more or the original way back to the Ottoman Empire.

People are afraid of death, facing the Persians who raised the butcher’s knife, the refugees have been abashed.

Going out is difficult and going home is even more difficult, it is hard to send the refugees out, how can the Ottoman government accept this trouble again?

After the successful expulsion of the refugees, Major General Shen Dilk has already shouldered the rank of Lieutenant General, and if he can solve the immediate trouble, it is likely that he will be promoted to another level.

As a price to pay, Shendilk has become infamous, affectionately called “the most insidious butcher” by the international media.

The media must be grateful to him for making this year a year without a shortage of hot news. After the Persian massacre, newspaper sales rose by 30% across Europe.

Inside the command headquarters, a middle-aged officer worriedly reported, “General, there are more and more refugees outside, we can’t hold them back any longer.”

Lt. General Shen Dilk ignored it, already toying with a pair of walnuts in his hands. Only after half a dozen hours of work did he faintly ask, “Do you guys still remember how our ancestors founded the Ottoman Empire?”

The crowd was directly dumbfounded, how the Ottoman Empire was established was clearly recorded in the history books. Although it was embellished quite a bit, the general situation was still recorded.

This question, however, didn’t seem to have any relation to the matter at hand. After pausing for a few moments of effort, seeing that no one answered, Shen Dierk was not angry.

These days the quality of Ottoman officers that is miserable, really capable officers would not have been a few, because of the Near East war, a lot of people also took the blame, was held accountable – retired, most of the rest are relations.

Shen Dielke such a prominent birth, but also capable officers, has never been a phoenix in the sky.

What sucks in officialdom is actually worse in the military. Doing nothing is good, doing more is bad, and the same applies here.

As long as you want to do serious work, you have to be prepared for the thought of being attacked, and in this kind of harsh environment, the first thing that most people think about is to keep their heads above water.

Shen Dilk was so quickly infamous, in fact, it is also the handiwork of rivals, otherwise how do outsiders know that the expulsion of refugees is led by him?

Faced with the harsh reality, Shen Tilk does not expect his men to be smart and capable, as long as they are able to complete the tasks he has set out as required, that’s enough.

“The weak and the strong, this word is not unfamiliar to you guys, right?”

“When we encountered a natural disaster back then, how did our ancestors get through it, I’m sure you guys have heard about it.

In the final analysis, there is only one thing – to reduce the number of people, whether it is waging wars externally or carrying out internal cleansing, it is essentially to reduce the number of people, and when there are fewer people, there is enough food to go around.

There are so many refugees out there now, we can’t save them even if we want to. Since that’s the case, let’s use the oldest method – the weak and the strong.”

The crowd’s complexion changed dramatically, as if they had experienced enlightenment and suddenly woke up, and they clapped their hands.

Exasperated, Shen Dierk slapped the table, the words had reached this point, and still no one picked up on it. Obviously everyone is a smart person, not willing to take responsibility, wanting to be clear.

“Enough! Pass the order down, tell the refugees that we are running low on food, and follow the ancient tradition of our ancestors that only the strong survive.

Only those who get five heads can qualify to survive. They can be submitted in batches, send people to register them, and they are allowed to use any means outside the barracks.”

Shen Dilk lazily ignored the crowd, what climate could be achieved by fear of taking responsibility? It is important to realize that times are different now, it is the Ottoman Youth that is in power now.

Idealism is the most frightening, in order to achieve their goals, they can sacrifice everything. Even their own lives can be abandoned, let alone a group of refugees.

Infamy may be a disaster in other countries, but it’s nothing at all in the Ottoman Empire. In the eyes of the rulers, such notorious generals were more reliable.

With so many refugees out there, the Ottoman government didn’t have enough food relief and had to keep them out of the country for the sake of domestic stability.

Against this background, letting the refugees kill each other was undoubtedly the best option. Don’t look at Shendilk saying that getting five heads will qualify you to survive, the survival rate seems to be one in six.

In reality, once the refugees killed each other, it would be hard to stop. In the end, not to mention one in six, I’m afraid there wouldn’t even be one in ten or one in twenty who could survive.

And these people will really survive? Don’t dream about it. The ones who survived with five heads are all ruthless people, if they let this group of guys who have grudges against the Ottoman Empire survive, it is estimated that no one will be able to sleep.

Shen Dilk was ready to breach the contract, and it wasn’t really a breach of contract. Killing is against the law, and there is no exception in the Ottoman Empire.

This kind of existence that kills several people in a row is a felon in any place, and it is not excessive to execute them directly.

Ruthless, perhaps, but in Shendilk’s opinion, he was cleansing the empire of hidden dangers. If he didn’t do this and let these refugees flood into the Ottoman Empire, the entire country would be doomed by the scourge.

In front of the cruel reality, there was no such thing as good or evil, right or wrong. In this cruel era, everyone was struggling to survive.

Being merciful and soft-hearted would not survive in this age of the weak and the strong.


After a long time of fleeing the famine, the nerves of the refugees had actually reached the brink of collapse long ago, and many of them had even broken down.

Shen Dielke’s order came, undoubtedly igniting the final madness. Not knowing who took the lead, the refugee camp was in complete chaos.

Except for a few people whose sanity was still intact, who took the opportunity to flee towards the fringes, most of them frantically attacked the people around them, as if they wanted to take each other’s heads in exchange for their own ray of hope.

Hell on earth was no better than this.


Vienna Palace, looking at the intelligence in his hands, Franz was also stunned by the Ottomans’ tawdry maneuvers. Instead of scolding the Ottoman government along with the outside newspapers, he was rationally analyzing and summarizing the gains and losses.

Have to admit, the Ottoman Empire can be brilliant for so many years, or have a unique way of survival.

At least in terms of ruthlessness, European countries were out of reach. They are not only ruthless to the enemy, but also more ruthless to their own people.

Even the Russian army that invaded the Ottoman Empire in the Near East War was afraid of international public opinion and did not dare to play like this, however, the Ottoman government dared.

Don’t look at Shendilk being scolded, in Franz’s opinion he was pushed out to take the blame, the one who is really qualified to make the decision is still the Ottoman government far away in Ankara.

Prime Minister Felix: “We still underestimated the Ottoman Empire, with this ruthlessness, it should not be underestimated.

I propose to intensify the suppression of the Ottoman Empire and take this opportunity to intervene by sending troops to support the independence of the Armenians, leaving no chance for the Ottoman Empire to rise.”

Frozen ones are afraid of the horizontal ones, and the horizontal ones are afraid of those who don’t want to die.

This saying applies to countries as well, and anyone who encounters a country that doesn’t want to die will have a headache. The current Ottoman Empire has a few hints of being desperate.

The prestige that the Ottoman Empire had built up over the centuries had not dissipated so easily. The ruthlessness that was flowing out now, again made Prime Minister Felix think back to the past and couldn’t help but raise his guard.

Franz shook his head: ”The ruthlessness of the Ottoman Empire is indeed not to be underestimated, but after this battle, they want to revitalize already impossible.

It is now the industrial age, and population is the most valuable asset. How much population does the Ottoman Empire still have, and how many young and strong laborers are there?

If the Ottoman Empire wanted to develop, it would have to be decades of work. This is only a theoretical figure, completely disregarding the ethnic and religious problems in the country.

Supporting the independence of the Armenians may seem to have weakened the Ottoman Empire, but it actually did the Sultan’s government a great favor. A piece of the country was reduced, and the ethnic conflicts in the country were also eased.

Instead of that, it would be better to secretly support the Armenian independence movement and let them consume the Ottoman Empire internally.

By the way, it boosts the confidence of Britain and France, so that they can invest some of their exuberant energy into the giant pit that is the Ottoman Empire, so that they don’t have to keep an eye on us every day.”

It’s not that Franz can’t see the Ottoman Empire, but the realistic data tells him that the Ottoman Empire has lost the possibility of rising.

Whether the Ottoman Empire now had 10 million people left was an unknown, which also included a large portion of minorities, and when the civil war was over, the population would be further reduced.

Want to carry out industrialization, the Ottoman Empire not only to solve the problem of labor shortage, but also to consider the domestic religious issues.

By the time they had solved these problems, time had already passed. Before solving these fundamental problems, even with British and French support, they could at best only build an army that looked quite capable of fighting on the surface.

There were too many cases in the original time and space that proved that if a country wanted to be strong, it had to be strong on all fronts. Merely training a new army could not actually do much.

(End of chapter)

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