Chapter 600: The Pilgrimage Path

  Chapter 587 The Path of Pilgrimage

In the era of the gold standard, it is never okay to not have enough reserves. Do not look at Britain, France and Austria are allies, once the French currency reform problems, the first to take advantage of the fire is Britain and Austria.

This is not to say that other countries and France and goodwill, mainly because of the lack of strength can not afford to mess with France. In this world where the cannon range is justice, a big fist still has a lot of benefits.

Napoleon IV asked suspiciously: “The gold price has been in a high state, the British and Austrian countries will also have an impact, right?”

Sterling and the shield are gold standard, the price of gold increases, the pound and the shield also follow the price increase, the increase in the value of the currency will also affect the British and Austrian export trade.

Finance Minister Allen helplessly replied, “Your Majesty, the main international settlement currencies at present are the British pound and the divine shield, and the impact of the increase in currency value on them has been minimized.

On the contrary, we are more disadvantaged, affected by the change in currency value, more and more capitalists choose to hold pounds and guilders, and the market share of the franc continues to go down.”

This is the power of monetary hegemony, although the Shendon and the British pound are rivals, the two countries’ interests are the same on the issue of maintaining the gold standard.

In addition to market share, in the international import and export trade market Britain and Austria also occupy the vast majority of the share, countries have to hold a large number of pounds sterling, Shendun.

This latter-day U.S. monetary hegemony is almost the same, knowing that holding a large number of dollars will be sheared, but there is no way, want to do international trade or must be held.

Unlike other countries, you can make concessions on the currency issue, seeking the support of the British and Austrian countries to complete the gold standard reform, France can only be dead to the end.

This is not just a matter of face, but also involves the international status, as well as a large number of interests. Once the Paris government softened, the world is no longer dominated by the three powers, but the British and Austrian two points.

There is no doubt that the Paris government must not compromise on this issue, or the French people outside will punish the traitors.

After wandering a few steps, Napoleon IV said fiercely: “Since the international market can not buy enough gold, then from the gold and silver complex countries to find a way.

Sell silver for gold, they do not want to speculate high gold prices? Then we also follow along with the speculation, now the market gold and silver exchange ratio is only 1:23.5, then give me to speculate to 1:30, or even 1:40.

Gold price against silver skyrocketed, the value of the British pound and the divine shield currency will also follow the skyrocketed, more than the market to bear the limit, not afraid that they do not sell gold to calm down the value of the currency.”

This is a lose-lose fight, the currency value suddenly appeared to surge, will inevitably affect the export trade. Britain and Austria are not good, the compound standard system of France is also not good.

Apart from a few financial capitalists who could profit, it can be said that there would be no victors. All countries involved in international trade are victims of currency instability.

I have to say that Napoleon IV is ruthless enough, not let me join the game, then I will overturn the table, no one want to play happily.

Minister of Finance Allen hastened to discourage, “Your Majesty, you mustn’t. We have not yet completed the currency reform, the gold and silver exchange ratio surge is the first to be affected by the impact of the franc.

If they don’t compromise and allow the market to be impacted, the franc’s credit system will be finished first, and the countries that haven’t completed the gold standard reform will lose a lot as a result.

For Britain and Austria, the short-term economic losses in exchange for the establishment of the gold standard system is also acceptable.”

Now is not yet the era of free trade, as the world’s two largest colonial empires, Britain and Austria’s largest trading partners are their own colonies.

No matter how many shocks the increase in currency value brings, as long as the internal circulation system is not in disarray, Britain and Austria will still be able to withstand it.

Moreover, the completion of the gold standard reform of many countries, everyone synchronized changes in the value of the currency, offsetting each other’s impact does not affect trade.

On the contrary, the gold and silver compound standard system countries worse, the exchange rate changes directly to many import and export enterprises become unprofitable, and may even lose money to make money.

Foreign Minister Montero agreed: “Allen is right, if we follow the speculation of high gold prices, we will fall into the enemy’s trick.

Insufficient gold reserves, we can still think of ways from other countries. There are quite a few countries that haven’t completed the gold standard reform now, we can totally cash in enough gold from them.”

Napoleon IV nodded thoughtfully in recognition. A dead friend of the road is not a poor friend, as long as he can solve the problem, he doesn’t mind which method to use.

In the original time and space, when the European countries reformed the gold standard, due to the lack of sufficient reserves, in the end it was solved by foreign plunder.

Now that history has returned to its original trajectory, the French Empire, which has been silent for many years, is about to reveal their fangs to the outside world once again.


The French gold gap is not very large, can be solved by foreign plundering, the other countries in Europe can not.

Not every country has that part of the strength, can rely on colonial plunder to solve the problem, more countries have to choose to the British and Austrian compromise, in exchange for the two countries in the currency reform support.

Vienna Palace, looking at the great situation in front of him, Franz felt a few moments of unreality. The British are willing to share monetary hegemony with Austria, this is not a joke?

No action John Bull, more headaches for Franz, he believes that the British must be planning what conspiracy, just not been discovered.

Paranoid about being victimized, maybe there is! It is always right to be vigilant, and it is better to work for nothing than to be unprepared to suffer behind.


As winter turns to spring, the earth radiates with life. Every year at this time of year, Franz takes his family out for a trek.

This year was no exception, only this time the destination was a bit special. Jerusalem, an ancient and legendary city, is the final destination for this event.

Because the destination was so special, there were more participants than usual. For example: the elderly Grand Duke Karl, the Empress Dowager Sufi, and the abdicated uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand I.

This puts a lot of pressure on Franz, as these old men are not young, and a little accident on the way will make him go back to his home for the funeral.

It was impossible to persuade them, they were the true believers. As his uncle Ferdinand I said: My greatest wish is to plant the Habsburg flag in Jerusalem.

Well, many generations of Habsburg emperors said the same thing, only they were unlucky enough to meet the Ottoman Empire in its heyday without success.

Now the opportunity came, and one by one they couldn’t resist. Even the honest father, who always had little heart, said that in case he died in Jerusalem, it would be just right to be with God.

If Franz hadn’t stopped them, they would have run there just after the armistice treaty was signed. Faced with a group of religious fanatics, Franz was helpless.

Since the Austrian recovery of Jerusalem, the number of pilgrims to Jerusalem from various European countries had been particularly high, and tents had been pitched even outside the city, not to mention inside the city.

In order to solve the problem of accommodation for the pilgrims, the Jerusalem City Council was forced to change its original program of total demolition and reconstruction, and to repair and remodel the buildings in the city.

Most of the buildings were converted into inns and hotels, which were renovated in the shortest possible time and then opened to the public.

Without waiting for Franz to react, Jerusalem was transformed into Austria’s most prestigious tourist city, and all the publicity, planning, and advertisements were all superfluous.

This time, he traveled to Jerusalem to be crowned, mainly for the purpose of putting on a show + pretending to be a bully, so naturally, the rehearsal could not be small.

In order to prepare for this ceremony, the government of Vienna is also a blood money. A large number of manpower and material resources at any cost to the above, Franz estimated that the final expenses may be as high as tens of millions of guilders.

Don’t feel expensive, these investments are worth it. Not to mention, after the recovery of Jerusalem, Austria’s rule became more secure. In front of this favorable news, messy doctrine, ideas, all have no market.

This is only domestic, in the international Austrian reputation also soared a wave. The growth in soft power cannot be measured in money.

On April 3, 1875, Franz set out on a pilgrimage from Vienna with a large family.

Just after boarding the train, accidents were frequent. First, his uncle Ferdinand I fell ill, well this could only be considered a minor problem, he was sick every day and everyone was used to it.

Then his mother, the Empress Sophie, fainted. After a moment of confusion, the doctor gave the answer: the train was going too fast – motion sickness.

There’s nothing to say, so slow down! Franz was traveling on a special train, the fastest train of the age, theoretically capable of going as fast as eighty yards.

Of course, this is limited to theory, the railroad is not a smooth road, encountered a mountain curve, certainly can not run so fast. The average speed is only about forty or fifty yards, which is considered fast in this era.

After slowing down, the situation is much better. Originally, it was an overnight trip, but it was delayed until the next day to arrive in Venice, and even the transportation was affected.

This was a minor problem, nothing more than the railroad from Venice to Vienna being closed for an extra day, not a big loss. Arriving in Venice the test really began, in addition to Franz, the seasick emperor, and a family of old and infirm women and children.

(End of chapter)

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