Chapter 60: Things You Can Only Do But Not Say

  Chapter 60: Things you can only do but not say

People are realistic, especially the nobles who have been inherited for hundreds of years, all have their own set of ways to survive, and this time the role is reflected.

April 13, 1848, received the news of the Prague rebellion, Prince Wendy Schlegelz immediately led the troops back to the city to quell the rebellion, with the cooperation of the local nobles, less than three days to recover the city.

In order to deter the local nobles, Prince Windischgrebtz ordered the execution of all the leaders of the rebellion, basically, all the rebels from the small chiefs and above were executed.

More than two thousand heads hung in the streets of Prague, frightening the nobles who had escaped.

It is important to realize that this time, not only ordinary people were killed, but at Franz’s request, the execution of big names was now prioritized.

Ordinary people could still be used as laborers, but the nobles and capitalists who participated in the rebellion could not be used as laborers, so the higher the social status of the people died faster.

At the time of the executions, the city government also singled out a group of notorious people and held public trials against them, exposing the crimes they had committed in the past.

With their heads, the Vienna government collected another wave of popular support, and a look at the cheering Prague population shows how much hate these people were pulling.

Owed usury do not have to pay back, the Vienna government formulated a series of laws to protect his interests, will be here on the ground, oppressing their capitalists, ruffians and hooligans are on the guillotine.

Czechs belong to the West Slavs, ethnically similar to the Poles, but their culture, national traditions, way of thinking, reaction to reality and even eating habits, are very close to the Austrians, so much so that they have been called “Slavic-speaking Austrians”.

Because of the similarity in cultural traditions, the Czech population considers itself to be Austrian.

In Franz’s view, the Austrian government could integrate the Czechs into the Austrian family with a little effort.

“Mr. Kandler, I have recommended you to the government in Vienna to be the General Director of Education in Bohemia, what is your opinion?” Prince Windischgraetz asked

(Bohemian Region, today’s Czech Region)

Chief Education Officer? What the hell, an Austrian army colonel was just turned into a civilian?

Well, the Austrian civil-military divide is not so strict, and it’s a piece of cake to become a minister, but he’s changed so quickly.

Under normal circumstances, the military to civilian first have to have a period of excess, and so on after the adaptation will be transferred to the past, seldom appeared in his this kind of leap so big.

However, from the administrative level, he is also considered to be promoted, Kandler knows that he does not have much choice, Prince Wendy Schlegelz is not like others to reject the Lord.

“No, Herr Prince!” Kondrai replied

“Then the matter is settled, the Vienna government wants to unify the country’s language and writing, you know that, and for that reason, they even went so far as to spare a portion of the nobles who participated in the rebellion.

Your task now is to urge them to fulfill the conditions they promised, and if anyone dares to renege or be passive, you must report it in time.

Of course, it is not enough to rely on them alone; now that a number of state enterprises have been added to the Czech area, you will also have to organize teachers to go down to the factories to teach German to the ordinary workers.

In other places, you can see for yourself, in any case, you have to popularize the German language as soon as possible, and emphasize Austria in the textbooks, and dilute the local terms!” Prince Wendischgraetz commanded

The benefits of unifying the language and writing were self-evident, except that it was not so simple to do, and now the Vienna government could only quietly promote it.

Considering the resistance of the public, Franz did not even dare to explicitly issue a document abolishing other languages and unifying German.

Just because you can’t say it doesn’t mean you can’t do it. Franz was a pragmatist, and the subtle promotion of the German language could serve the same purpose.

It wouldn’t be long before many people realized the advantages of knowing German, for example, that they could be paid more in factories.

Lures are often more effective than coercion and are less likely to cause a backlash.

The Czech Republic was just the beginning, and after cracking down on the local powerful, some of the nobles were brought in to promote the German language.

After all, these nobles are from the German region, German is their native language, but also know Slavic language, left them to solve the shortage of language teachers.

With the cooperation of these local snakes, those who dared to make trouble were cut almost to pieces, and the general public didn’t care so much, they couldn’t afford not to learn for the sake of a higher salary.

“Don’t worry, Your Excellency the Prince, I will do this job well!” Kandelay assured

From this Prague Rebellion, Kandelay had already found out that the Vienna government attached great importance to popularizing the German language, which meant that he was doing a promising job.

The specific incentives, the Vienna government has not yet introduced, well-informed people already know that the Crown Prince attaches great importance to this matter.

Now it is only because of the factors of the war, holding the government’s energy, once the domestic rebellion is suppressed, the unification of language and writing is likely to become Austria’s national policy.

There are a lot of smart people, follow the national policy, there is always no harm. By this time, there were already quite a number of people aiming at the education chiefs in various places to start their activities.

Kandler was able to serve as the chief education officer of the Bohemian region, no doubt not only this time he took the credit, Prince Wendischgraetz also contributed in it.


Franz set up the situation, obviously not just for a Bohemia.

On April 13, a rebellion broke out in the Galicia region, and for a time the rebels occupied most of Austrian Poland, and also established a provisional Polish government.

But this rebellion came quickly and went even faster, on April 16 the Austrian army began to put down the rebellion, with the support of the local people, in less than a week this powerful rebellion was suppressed.

Taking the opportunity, the Vienna government cleansed the local powerhouse, Franz bared his fangs, a wave of packing away the local support for the rebellion of the aristocrats, capitalists, and even the middle class were not spared.

That’s right, this will be really in the fight to divide the land, anyone who helps the government to suppress the rebellion, can get a free share of the land, others are naturally in accordance with the rules of slowly pay money to redeem it.

The difference in treatment could only reflect the superiority of loyalty to the emperor, if everyone was the same, who would be willing to work for the emperor?

In just half a month, more than 20,000 heads fell to the ground in Austrian Poland, which can be said to be the most thorough suppression since the outbreak of the European Revolution.

After this battle, the nascent Polish nationalism died outright in Austria. Those who remained were either at the bottom of the social ladder or loyalists of the Habsburgs, and the activists were all sent to God.

(For those who are short on books, check out The Road to Mediterranean Hegemony)

(End of chapter)

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