Chapter 568: The Slaughter of the City

  Chapter 555: Slaughter of the City

Asia Minor Peninsula, after five consecutive days of bitter fighting, after paying the price of nearly three thousand casualties, the Russian army finally laid out the enemy in the harbor, Ava is like a peeled cherry.

Admiral Ivanov had already personally supervised the battle at the front line, just a battle for the harbor took five days, which was very unfavorable to the next battle plan of the Russian army.

Soldiers are precious, want to quickly open the Black Sea Straits, the most important word is one word – fast.

Ottoman inland traffic is closed, the Austrian navy has blocked the sea, they want to carry out large-scale mobilization of the army is the most important need is time.

Beforehand, the Sudanese government is not sure of the exact landing site of the allied forces, can only be fully deployed. Even now, the Sultan’s government has to prevent the allied forces from attacking straight away while guarding the coast of the strait.

The Ottoman Empire had already lost its capital once and could not afford to lose it a second time. If Ankara falls and Asia Minor is split in two, the Sultan’s government will have no choice but to die.

According to the Russian army’s plan, it would take Ava within two days, then quickly expand in all directions, making a direct attack, forcing the Sudanese government to mobilize the surrounding army to intercept.

Now it was impossible, and the addition of three days made the situation very different. The Sudanese government has the time to readjust its troop deployment, and the war has become more difficult.

Watching the rows of stretchers carrying the wounded pass by in front of his eyes, listening to the wails of the wounded, Ivanov’s cold heart melted.

Forcing back his anger, Ivanov ordered, “Lieutenant General Velasor, immediately call for help from the Allied Command and ask Austria to send medics to treat the wounded.

Lieutenant General Harosov, you are in charge of commanding the rest of the aftermath, Ava City must be cleared of the enemy within today.”

This was all he could do, there was a severe lack of medics in the Russian army, only the personal safety of the officers could be guaranteed, and the soldiers were injured that could only be left to fate.

In the past, that was not an option, how can you fight a war without dying? The price of medicine is so high, the tsarist government and poor, simply can not afford to buy.

Moreover, medical personnel in the Russian Empire are middle class, they live comfortably at home, very few people enlisted in the army.

It wasn’t just the Russian army, the vast majority of countries around the world had this common problem. Comparatively speaking, countries like Austria and Prussia, which had a universal army, did a little better.

The Vienna government made a big effort to build a medical college more than ten years ago, and trained a large number of medical personnel to come out, and under the system of universal compulsory military service, these people are also required to enlist and serve in the army.

Together with the troops themselves also trained a part of the battlefield first aid personnel, in the same time, the Austrian army field medical care system is considered to be the most perfect.

Admiral Ivanov is not the main face of the Lord, now by the Austrians responsible for logistics, naturally want to ask for help.

Do not expect every soldier to be able to get enough medicine, at least to carry out effective first aid, as far as possible to find ways to save the lightly wounded.

Seriously wounded is very regrettable, this era of medical technology is limited, the possibility of saving over very low, and many people even if they are saved, but also waste.

Even some casualties could not endure the pain and needed the help of their comrades to relieve themselves. The war is so cruel, “one will accomplish ten thousand bones”, that is not exaggerated at all.

“Yes, Your Excellency the Commander.” The two replied in near unison

After saying that, they each left to carry out their orders, and Admiral Ivanov continued to patrol the battlefield. As far as the eye could see, there were all the craters that had been bombarded out by the shells.

The smell of blood and smoke was clearly audible, and under the sun’s rays, the earth was extraordinarily yellow and red, and the atmosphere was extraordinarily eerie.

Walking, Ivanov’s feet seem to step on something, look down, it is a only half of the head. It was covered with a thin layer of soil, which was exposed by Ivanov’s step.

Frowning, Ivanov continued to move forward, the battle had just been extinguished, it was too late to clean up the battlefield, the broken limbs and debris he saw along the way.

Arms, thighs, heads, internal organs …… As long as there are parts on the human body, they can all be found here. This is a piece of hell on earth, if it is not strong inside, ordinary people look at it, I am afraid that they will collapse.

(Do not dare to describe in detail, bloody violence to 404, the author can only ……)

For a soldier like Ivanov, this is all child’s play. The battlefield is supposed to be a sea of corpses and blood, pale white bones, and even more bloody scenes he has seen, and his heart has long been numb.


Sighing secretly, Ivanov was not sure if this war was the right thing to do, and if possible, he would have preferred the original “assault plan”.


Inside the city of Ava, the Ottoman army had almost fled, leaving behind the death squads to block the enemy.

Most of these people are *** fanatics, not only to stay behind to fight for their lives, but also to organize civilians to stay behind to fight for their lives.

Weapons have been issued, due to the lack of quantity, most people can only hold cold weapons in their hands to make up the number, knives, swords, spears, bows and arrows as if overnight back to the Middle Ages.

Akjol master and disciples were among them, they reacted one step slower and didn’t take advantage of the chaos to escape Ava City, now they could only survive with the city.

As the first city to be conquered, Ava’s resistance would definitely be the fiercest. The Sudanese government had little confidence in winning the battlefield and attempted to scare off the enemy with such drastic means.

If all the Ottomans fought to the death, even Austria, which had a large family, could not afford to wear out the war, which also needed to consider the cost and could not be invested in endlessly.

The teenager asked with some trembling, “Master, does the enemy really want to kill us all?”

In front of life and death normal people can’t keep calm, let alone a teenager. At the age of a middle school student, he should have been reading and learning in school, but he was forced to go to the battlefield.

Akjol pretended to be calm and said, “Who knows! After a while of fighting, you kid be smart, once you’re out of their line of sight, just find a random corner to hide in, and hold on until it’s dark and then we’ll run away.”

As he spoke, Akjol’s hands were still trembling, it was obvious that he was not as calm and collected as he appeared to be.

Protecting one’s family and defending one’s country was too much of a luxury for them, the small citizens who were not able to protect their families, it was just too much of a luxury to be attained.

Whether the enemy is terrifying or not is unknown, the terror of the Ottoman government is something they have personally experienced.

Ava is also a port city, naturally inevitable by the impact of foreign ideas, everyone’s consciousness concept is slowly changing.

The Ottoman government, which had enslaved them, gradually developed resentment and lost its loyalty, a change that was usually insignificant, but changed when it came to a matter of life and death.

The Russians started the process, the Ottomans lurking inside the buildings did not stop it, it was not the time for a decisive battle.

The rabble could not beat a regular army, and cold weapons were no match for hot ones.

The city of Ava had been abandoned, and the remaining defenders had withdrawn to the outskirts of the city, preparing to rely on the terrain to block the Russians and slow them down.

Want to give the Russians trouble, the best night when the lights are dark, when the people inside the city can use the terrain advantage, to create big trouble for the Russian army.

Plans never change fast, the Russian army is not a small sheep, into the city is to eat meat. The Tsarist government was poor, and the Russian army has always had a tradition of looting instead of paying their troops.

The Russians who participated in the Battle of Ava were no exception. The Vienna government provided them with logistical supplies, but did not pay them.

Even if Franz was willing to give it, the Tsarist government did not dare to ask for it. If it really sent it down and broke the cheap pay system of the Russian army, how would the future war be fought?

With so many sacrifices, if we don’t make a profit from Ava City, how can we make up for everyone’s broken hearts.

Facing the Russian soldiers who broke down the door, the Ottomans’ ambush could not go on. There was no choice, so let’s fight!

Cries, shouts and killings resounded in the sky, the Russian soldiers had long killed their eyes on the battlefield, facing the Ottomans who dared to resist, they naturally raised their butcher’s knives without any hesitation.

When Lieutenant General Harosov reacted to it was already too late, Ava was originally a small town, because of the war, and ran away a number of people, and now the unlucky people who stayed behind are only 20,000 to 30,000 people.

How could such a small population be a match for tens of thousands of Russian troops? The battle lasted until the evening, except for some lucky ones who hid and escaped, the rest became the ghosts of the Russian soldiers.

The purging of the whole city was indeed done, people were almost dead, and Ava was naturally safe. But the aftermath left Lieutenant General Harosov in tears.

How did the promised robbery turn into a “massacre”? Well, this can not be blamed on the Russian soldiers, see the Ottomans with weapons in their hands, they are only in advance to eliminate the enemy.

But this reason, probably only the Russians themselves will believe. No one would believe it if they told anyone.

Massacres are not popular on the European continent, but of course the massacre of the “natives” does not count. But this is a thing of the past, into the late 19th century, even if the colonizers play the massacre, but also will cover up a little.

After all, Lt. Gen. Harusov could only admit that he was a butcher, and he was sure to wear the hat of General Butcher.

Good thing, here is the Ottoman Empire, in the European world Ottomans than the status of the indigenous people is not much higher.

To Harusov Lieutenant General is pleased, to the Ottoman Empire and Russia’s grudge, the domestic radicals, religious people will support him, the tsarist government said nothing can not take him as a scapegoat.


The next day, just entered the city, General Ivanov was stunned by the horror of the “results”. As the commander-in-chief of the Russian army, he had to look at the problem in a much more comprehensive way.

On the surface, with the European world and the Ottoman Empire’s grudge, many people commanded to clap their hands.

But politically, it is not a simple look at the feud, this incident has given the European countries to interfere in this war pretext. I’m afraid it won’t be long before St. Petersburg faces diplomatic pressure from the international community.

Realizing the seriousness of the incident, Ivanov immediately ordered, “Immediately block the news, put a gag order on what happened in the city of Ava, and uniformly announce to the outside world that the entire population of the city has been expelled.”

Things had come to a head, so one could only play rogue. Besides biting the bullet and not admitting it, Admiral Ivanov didn’t know what to do.

After pausing for a moment and glaring at Lieutenant General Harosov, Ivanov added, “As soon as possible, compile the story and report it back to the Allied Command and St. Petersburg, this matter is no longer something we can handle on our own.”

Today’s exams, the psyche is devastated, the state is a bit wrong, I have to slow down ????

(End of chapter)

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