Chapter 567: Farce

  Chapter 554: Farce

In Paris, the French were holding a funeral for Napoleon III. The dense crowd outside is proof enough of Napoleon III’s popularity.

On this day, the French workers took a collective vacation, the capitalists could not even think of not taking a vacation, the title of Napoleon III “socialist emperor” is not a joke, in the workers more influential than anyone else.

The people spontaneously organized mourning activities, compared with the original time and space of the bleak, have to say that this is an irony.

Although there were many people attending the funeral, there were very few guests of any significance. The aftermath of the Bonaparte family’s poor popularity was evident here.

European royal families seem to be very busy, in addition to the dependence on the French to eat, the rest of the great nobles are only sent representatives to attend, some even lazy to send representatives.

Take the Habsburg family as an example, Franz just sent a side count over to cope with the situation. Even if the two countries are allies, still can not change the two royal families look at each other in the eye.

The grudge here, is a muddled account, a moment and a half can not be straightened out. Not only the Habsburg family, most of the European nobles are not friendly to the Bonaparte family.

Aristocrats are also vindictive, Napoleon swept across the European continent, I do not know how many people’s rice bowls, how can this account forget it?

If the Bonaparte family also fell, it is estimated that everyone’s heart also feel better. Now the result is just the opposite, the Bonaparte family is still brilliant, see this outbreak of households, everyone is too jealous, how can they go to give them support.

The original time and space Napoleon IV in South Africa gold-plated accidental death, but it is a big fuss, many people speculate that the British royal family planning to murder.

The reason: when Napoleon IV encountered the Zulu warriors, Army Second Lieutenant Carey and his men were only 50 yards away from Eugene, but withdrew to camp without firing a shot.

There must have been something behind this clearly abnormal behavior, and it’s hard to say who actually planned it.

The Bonaparte family had so many enemies that the number of people capable of orchestrating such a low-grade mishap was at least in the triple digits.

There is no way, the last direct line heir died, the Bonaparte family not only lost the hope of restoration, but also lost the ability to track down the real culprit.

At the funeral, the atmosphere was somewhat eerie. If anyone paid attention, they would have realized that quite a few people had a gloating expression on their faces, and if it wasn’t for the wrong occasion, I’m afraid they would have laughed out loud.

That’s right, some people came just to see the joke. Napoleon III has just gone soon to succeed the throne of Eugene Crown Prince is too young, the French government is bound to have a violent struggle.

For example: Victor Emmanuel II, the former King of Sardinia, came to watch the fun. Napoleon III threw him out of power, he has long hated, now over is to smash the scene.

Undisguisedly put a smile on his face, completely ignoring Eugene’s murderous gaze. Europe didn’t have the habit of regicide, even if he was a former king, it was still a king.

As a member of a vested interest group, no matter how angry Oren was, it was impossible for him to commit regicide. It was still the scene of the funeral, so it was even more impossible to make a move.

Perhaps in the eyes of many, this approach was very unwise. To irritate someone so much, if you can’t do it in the open, can’t you retaliate in the dark?

However, Victor Emmanuel II had reasons why he had to do it. Now the Sardinian Restoration Organization, which he led, had united with the Italian Revolutionary Party.

Now that the Italian independence movement was in the doldrums, as the elected leader, Victor Emmanuel II had to do something to revitalize the people.

The funeral of Napoleon III was utilized by him, and he was able to get in, naturally, with the cooperation of people who wanted to see the Bonaparte family make a fool of themselves.

Anyway, after attending the funeral, he left with the guests. If the French want to intercept that’s better, can also hype up public opinion, want to see the French joke of the country, will not give up this opportunity.


Napoleon III funeral farce, Franz does not care, this is all a small problem. That is, take the little four young, can not be stimulated, if a different old man absolutely will not pay attention.

If it were an old man, he would never have paid attention to it. He had destroyed his country and taken away his throne, but he was still not allowed to have a little tantrum?

It is not just in the side laughed well, and did not run out to make trouble, disturbing the order of the funeral, these guys as the air well.

To settle the score will be a long time to come, why rush for a moment. As the Emperor of France, it’s easy to fight a few clowns, isn’t it?

As long as they cut off their financial resources, safekeeping these guys will soon cry out. Regicide can not do things, then let them the rest of their lives every day to worry about the firewood, rice, oil and salt.

Exiled monarchs have a hard time, and a large group of people to follow the food, no money that is never allowed.

This Franz has seen, Massimiliano so failed, one after another ran over to defection of several hundred people.

If it is not Franz this brother from time to time to pay money to help, Sophie Empress Dowager also in the secret subsidies, do not say that to keep the emperor row, can let so many people eat, that are not easy.

These people yell on their mouths, to counterattack Mexico, really want them to implement, the ass is useless. But there is no way, but also must be fed.

Don’t look at these people’s ability is not good, with these people in, and without these people in, that is completely two concepts. Without these people to help wave the flag and whitewash, what about the reputation?

Franz is willing to pay money to support a group of idealistic mouth cannon party, is to let these people around to promote the reform measures of Massimiliano, regardless of practical, consistent with the Mexican situation, at least on the surface looks very good.

The uninformed masses of eaters, can not think of the deeper issues, it is easy to be led astray.

Of course, the activities of these people in Austria is also subject to restrictions, not everywhere can go, write articles that are selective publication.

A large part of them were sent by Franz to France to further their studies, the name of the restoration of the Bonaparte dynasty to learn from the experience.

So far the effect is good, Massimiliano’s Mexican restoration organization has been established, but also attracted a lot of Mexican students to participate.

Are more than rotten times, looking at the domestic warlords to fight that high, these people finally realized that the emperor is still better.

And then by the influence of public opinion, many people think carefully, found Massimiliano I actually did not do anything bad.

As the newspapers said, the local warlords in Mexico were too powerful to allow the emperor’s orders to be carried out.

Because of their opposition to the Emperor’s reforms, the conservatives and the warlords revolted together, and the revolutionaries were fools who were fooled.

Behind this, Franz has to sponsor Massimiliano 200,000 sacred guilders every year, and it can be said that public opinion is pulled back by money.

Victor Emanuel II’s pressure is going to be mostly, one just talk, one in taking practical action to restore the country, in terms of expenses is not a class.

Although there are many secret sponsors, the amount of money is not large, and Victor Emanuel II, who has a large group of men, is short of money. Money is not enough, then you have to create a topic, mobilize patriotic fervor, or perform a big trick to persuade the owners to increase the investment.

As long as the source of funding is cut off, the prestige of these restoration organizations will immediately drop many grades, after all, people also need to eat.


Head of Intelligence Tyrone: “Your Majesty, the Prussians have made their move. In the last few days, the Polish newspapers have been cursing the government, attributing the chaos in Poland to the lack of a king and the competition for power at the top of the government.

The Dombrowski government is on shaky ground and barely won the election on the back of public support, the Prussians have taken public opinion hostage and they are now banking on international intervention.

However, Napoleon III had just died, and everyone was focusing on the future political direction of France, and couldn’t care less about Poland for a while.

If nothing happens, within a month at the most the Polish parliament will hold a new election for king, this time with far fewer rivals, and the election of William I is virtually doomed.”

The fact that there were fewer rivals was not a Prussian trick, it was purely because a lot of people were scared by the mess in Poland and didn’t want to get into the muddy waters.

Don’t look at the fact that the Greater Poland hasn’t been independent for long and has screwed up quite a bit. In the international arena, they are a great power, as if they were already a member of the Great Powers.

Self-appointed sixth power in Europe, second only to Britain, France, Austria, Prussia and Russia five countries, completely did not consider the feelings of Spain, the German Confederation and the Nordic Confederation, on the comprehensive national strength of these three is not worse than Poland.

Even the Netherlands, Portugal, the two insignificant small countries, the comprehensive national strength may not be inferior to Poland. Don’t look at them as a small number of people, but they have colonies, economic strength over Poland.

This is also even if, as a publicity needs, appropriate exaggeration of their own strength is also acceptable. Not long ago the diplomatic oops, Austria almost moved against Poland, let a lot of people see the point.

The Kingdom of Poland looks good, in the European continent is also a medium-sized country, theoretically as long as the development of good, there is the possibility of joining the club of great powers.

But the geographical location is really too bad, sandwiched between the three countries of Austria and Russia. The sudden Austro-Polish conflict made many people recall the old story of the partition of Poland by the three countries.

Bad geographical location + love of death is clearly a huge pit. No one wanted to be the king of a dead country, and after weighing the pros and cons, many people chose to give up.

Franz picked up his teacup and took a small sip: “Continue to keep an eye on it, don’t make any sudden moves. The British side of the dark side can be launched, when William I elected as the king of Poland, it will be launched immediately.

Be careful to hide, don’t expose us. It’s best to let the German Federal Empire take the initiative a bit, they jumped out to compete with the French for the Rhineland region.

We and the British received the news that the French were going to buy the Rhineland, and it makes much more sense to support the German Confederation in acquiring the Rhineland in order to keep the French from continuing to expand.”

Austria had a lot of influence in the German Confederation, many big nobles and high government officials had secret contacts with the Vienna government, it wasn’t hard to push them to jump out, the problem was that it was hard to keep it a secret.

No one can guarantee that these people will not leak. Separate bets, has always been these people’s way of survival, in and Austria to maintain contact at the same time, there is no less and other forces to deal with.

One foot promised to keep the secret, the next foot will sell the secret, this kind of thing in the European continent do not happen too much.

Especially this kind of thing that affects the national decision-making, not one or two people can do, need to mobilize too many people, if someone leaks, even who is a traitor is very difficult to find out.

Head of Intelligence Teren replied thoughtfully, ”Yes, Your Majesty. We’ll expose the secret Franco-Prussian dealings before the British push the German Confederation out of contention.”

It didn’t matter that the Berlin government had issued a blank check, as long as everyone thought it was true.

In the face of international pressure, if the Prussians dared to stand firm, Franz dared to unite the European countries to intervene. From the beginning, he was prepared to force the Berlin government to give up the Rhineland by force.

In the 19th century, if a country wants to be strong, it must first have enough coal and iron, without which heavy industry cannot develop.

In the original time and space Germany can develop, the main thing is that they have the coal and iron resources of the Rhineland region, only to have the splendor of the Ruhr industrial zone.

In a short period of time, this part of the lack of resources, the effect may not be obvious, with the further development of industrial technology, the aftermath will explode.

Even if the annexation of the Kingdom of Poland, the same can not make up for this part of the loss of resources. Europe’s coal mining resources, mainly distributed in England, Central Europe Rhineland region, Ukraine, Silesia, and the Balkan Peninsula.

Unfortunately, the Donbass coalfield in Ukraine was still far away and beyond the reach of the Kingdom of Prussia. Silesia fell into the hands of Austria, and after losing the Rhineland, Prussia would sooner or later delay its industrial development because of the coal problem.

(End of chapter)

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