Chapter 546: Trivialities

  Chapter 534 – Trivialities

Things often possessed a two-sided nature, the agricultural crisis caused the prices of agricultural products to plummet, the farmers had a bad time while the workers’ lives became better.

The lower cost of living directly stimulated industrial development. Labor conflicts have become fewer, the most typical is that the number of public demonstrations in Paris has decreased by one-fifth compared to the same period last year.

In this respect, the mainstream of the world has completed the transition from agriculture to industry, and all major European powers have developed with industry at their core.

Affected by the butterfly effect, the local market of the United States after the split shrunk sharply and did not rush to the front in this industrial revolution, and the birthplace of the second industrial revolution continued to remain in Europe.

The first to break out of the industrial revolution is naturally Austria, with the Vienna night city as a symbol, opened the prelude to the era of human electricity.

The speed of the promotion of electricity was beyond imagination, and since Vienna set the precedent, Paris and London immediately followed.

Although it was somewhat irrational to follow blindly by public opinion without considering the actual situation, it played a crucial role in promoting the development of electric power technology.

After the completion of the urban lighting networks in London and Paris, electricity technology became a symbol of urban modernization. The difference between a big city and a small city can be concluded by looking at the streetlights in urban areas.

A power station rose up around the city, rows of power lines became a symbol of civilization, and thick black smoke told the glory of the industrial age.

Vienna Palace, Franz was hunting with his family. It had to be said that Archduke Karl’s proposal was still constructive, and it was indeed a lot more convenient to put the hunting ground in his own home.

Purely in terms of floor space, the Vienna Palace is already the largest palace in the world. Of course, if you calculate the floor area, Vienna Palace is still just a little brother.

Franz was not an extravagant emperor who would build a huge palace complex. Vienna is the private territory of the Habsburg family, most of the land is the royal family, expanding the size of the palace to increase the cost is not high.

When the palace was enlarged, the difficulty of guarding it naturally increased, and the Royal Guard naturally had to be expanded along with it. Franz would not admit that this was to expand the private armies, despite the fact that this was the case.

This is all a minor issue, the Royal Guard is entirely up to the Emperor, and has nothing to do with the government, theoretically even if it is expanded to one million.

Obviously, that was impossible, Franz wasn’t that rich yet. Despite the fact that he, the Emperor, was paid a commission, and the royal annuity had already topped the European continent.

It was only by saving money that Franz was able to expand the Royal Guard to one division. This is the last guarantee, have private arms is the emperor’s right to the biggest security, at least can be at any time to launch an armed coup d’état.

In this respect, the Vienna government was in danger, having an emperor who was always on their guard. If they accidentally crossed the line, the Emperor could flip the table at any time.

This was a lesson brought about by the revolution in Vienna, and Franz did not move to tighten his control over the army, especially the capital’s army, which was held in a tight grip.

Any political forces attempted to hand deep into the army, the consequences would be disastrous, seemingly calm Austria, behind the scenes is also full of swords and shadows.

“Bang, bang, bang ……”

After a series of gunshots, only a field of shell casings was left behind. Franz’s marksmanship was still as stable as ever, despite the fact that the prey was already more than two hundred meters away, it was still a routine case, and the rounds hit beyond the target.

Not hitting the prey, Franz was not angry at all. As an emperor who cherished life, he could not bear to kill, so he graciously let the prey go.

This explanation, at first, there were a few little nothings who would believe it, and the little ones were adoring. As they grew older, it was better not to mention it.

This was nothing, the vast majority of recruits on the battlefield were at this level. To be able to accurately hit the enemy from two hundred meters away, apart from a sharpshooter, is a luck-based player.

To be able to ensure that you can do an effective kill on a moving target within two hundred meters, that’s an elite. This is outside the problem of the gun, the recoil is too large bullets are prone to deflection.

In the existing technical situation, this problem has not been solved. Reduce the recoil slightly and the cost goes up.

Looking at the motionless Massimiliano, Archduke Karl walked up and slapped him on the head, ”Massimiliano, don’t have a dead face, come out to hunt and be energetic.

This is something you need to learn from Franz, every time he comes out he returns empty-handed and isn’t just as happy.”

The older Archduke Karl gets, the more capricious he becomes, and now even Empress Dowager Sophie has a hard time restraining him. When he doesn’t see eye to eye, he is able to slap him up.

Franz knew that if he didn’t intervene, Massimiliano would probably get beaten up again. It’s not that he doesn’t like it, in fact, Archduke Karl doesn’t have any expectations for Massimiliano, but he just doesn’t want to see his baby son sink down.

After hesitating for a moment, Franz decisively chose to ignore. Getting beaten up is good, the old man education son, who is not good to intervene. When he was a child, Massimiliano did not receive a beating, and now it is just right to make up for it.

Since being forcibly escorted back to the country, Massimiliano has fallen into a state of autism, shouting every day to go back to Mexico. After the doctor determined that there is no change in mental illness, just heart problems.

In order to let him get rid of the shadow of his heart, the Empress Dowager Sophie thought of a lot of ways, but did not play a role. Finally or violent means played a role, the pain awakened the self-paralyzed Massimiliano.

To Karl lesson Massimiliano, Franz did not have any doubt, as a child spoiled on the sky, now naturally need to make up for it, but why bring him?

Those glorious battles, Franz never avoided to talk about. Today’s times are different, there are a bunch of little ones watching.

In the end, Franz still did not have the courage to defend, in front of the facts, any defense seems pale and powerless.

Franz does not reject Massimiliano this brother, in addition to the serious idealism of a little bit, Massimiliano is still very good, much better than those who are ambitious.

Even the idealism could be used as a counterpoint. If no accident, in the next few hundred years, the Habsburg family will have his legend within the family, in order to educate the next generation to take warning.

Looking at the joyful second son, Franz glared fiercely, as if to say again, “What are you laughing at, is your kid’s skin itching!”

Feeling Franz’s murderous gaze, little Peter immediately covered his mouth with his little hand. With his years of experience, he could tell that if he continued, the thickness of the workbook would increase again.

Franz was reasonable and usually didn’t beat people up. The most common form of punishment was to assign homework, with a special teacher watching over it, and when it was completed, when they could go out to play.

This kind of punishment is more lethal than a beating. Being punched “pain” is only a moment of effort, are pro-life and can not afford to hit hard; if you increase the amount of homework, it may last a long time, Peter personally experienced the pain of continuously catching up with homework for a month.

Men on one side, women on the other. Hunting is such a bloody thing, usually they can do it, if they disturb the women, it is not good.

Franz didn’t speak up, and the other two brothers didn’t dare venture out. When Archduke Karl was furious, with the exception of Franz, the emperor, who could be an exception, several of their brothers could often be punched together. The two were far away on their horses, sending Massimiliano a look of love.

Seemingly irritated, Massimiliano nearly fell off his horse, grabbed the reins, and replied in panic, “Got it.”

The best cure for heart disease is time, and without hearing the brain-dead slogans of “I want to go back to Mexico” and “The Mexican people need me,” Franz nodded in satisfaction.

In recent times, around Massimiliano’s condition, Franz is also worried. The emperor was not good, and the Habsburgs had a somewhat large number of inferior products.

This was still the result of his strong pressure, otherwise there would be another gay brother, I really don’t know how he was educated. Franz is very skeptical, the original time and space of these brothers received a problem with the education.

Facts have proved that acquired education can change a person. Massimiliano that the two were too close in age, before Franz succeeded to the throne, he was already an idealist, can not pull back.

Not so with the other two younger ones, who had received a strict aristocratic education through his intervention. Special talents were not found, but the comprehensive ability still exceeded the average level of noble children, put into the society that is also a senior elite.

Currently the main work, is responsible for the Habsburg family’s external communication, reception, or responsible for and European royal family to get good relations. Where there are weddings and funerals, the need to appear are they to socialize.

Generally speaking, Franz is still satisfied. There were no major mistakes in this area of work, reducing part of his workload, and he did not need to worry about these small things.

Any member of the royal family was useful as long as they didn’t die. Including the failed Massimiliano, who was still the link to the relationship between the Habsburgs and the Belgian royal family.

“Your Majesty, the Empress calls you over.”

Franz nodded, “Got it, tell the Empress we’ll be right there.”

Looking at Archduke Karl’s stern face, Franz rode up, “Well father, it’s almost time, perhaps it’s time for dinner.”

Archduke Karl’s anger came and went quickly. Nodding at Franz’s words, he slapped Massimiliano again, “What are you looking at, don’t hurry!”


Looking at the laughing bunch of hostesses, Franz asked suspiciously, “What’s wrong, so happy.”

Queen Helen smiled slightly, “Charlotte is pregnant.”

The crowd all revealed a look of delight, even Massimiliano’s face, which was unchanging for years, also revealed a smile.

An addition was always a good thing, especially for the royal family. The butterfly effect’s impact was huge, the original time and space who had received his box early naturally had no offspring in Massimiliano I. Now that he had lived for a few more years the situation had changed.

Think about it is also normal, Princess Charlotte’s age is not big, the original space-time Massimiliano hung up when she was only 27 years old, and now it is also more than thirty years old.

It could be considered an advanced age in this era, but the problem wasn’t too big. Massimiliano I is still alive, Princess Charlotte naturally did not go crazy, she has always been in good health.

This news did not affect Austria much, unless it was Empress Helen who was pregnant, the people did not have the heart to care that much.

But as far as Mexico, 10,000 miles away, the situation is different again. It is important to know that Massimiliano I, although he had returned home in disgrace, had not announced his abdication.

Shortly after the retreat of the Austrian army, Mexico broke out in civil war, all parties killed blood, there is no time to care about the bereaved emperor has not abdicated.

See Massimiliano state is not good, the Habsburg family naturally no one will stimulate him, the abdication of the issue was shelved.

Now the child in Charlotte’s stomach, if it is a boy, it is the legal heir to the throne of Mexico. The front Massimiliano I set up that crown prince, in fact, legitimacy is still not enough.

Franz stopped thinking, this is irrelevant. Mexico that mess, who dares to jump into the fire pit ah!

(End of chapter)

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