Chapter 523: Heartlessness Makes the Willow Shine

  Chapter 511: Mindlessness Makes the Willow Shade

Vienna Palace, Franz’s troubles have been coming ever since the news of the fall of Mexico City.

Although Massimiliano I is not popular in the Habsburg family, but this does not include the Empress Dowager Sophie and Archduke Karl.

Massimiliano was not a good emperor, but a good son nonetheless. He did well in Vienna and was well liked by the Empress Dowager Suffragette and Archduke Karl.

It was not until they heard about the accident in Mexico that they came to inquire about the news. Despite Franz’s repeated assurances that Massimiliano was safe and was in the Austrian embassy, they were still uneasy.

Now all the telegrams involving the Austrian Central American region, the Empress Dowager Sophie will have to personally go through, and even in his own name to the Governor Hummel to send electricity.

This makes Franz very unhappy, but there is a reason for it, he can not say anything. Parents love their children deeply, do something out of the ordinary is normal.

In order to give himself a few days of peace of mind, Franz did not hesitate to choose to tour the country. Of course, it is limited to Europe itself, Asia, Africa and the United States are too far away, and it is still risky to go far away in this era.

Franz front foot just left, Alexandrovich’s European tour, entered the last stop – Vienna.

The world’s attention of the Austrian Hotel Imperial Palace has finally opened. It is not easy ah, since the construction of this place, have greeted no more than ten customers, a year may not be able to open once.

In fact, it doesn’t make much difference if it’s open or not, because it doesn’t charge for the rooms anyway. According to the usual practice, when royals visit each other, the host is responsible for making the arrangements.

Of course, Franz still hoped that a few more visitors would stay, which was also advertising. This is how the Austrian Grand Hotel’s class was pulled up, known as the world’s first grand hotel.

Although it is still far from recovering the investment, the hotel’s performance growth rate is still very impressive. From the opening to now, the annual turnover has climbed three times, and is still growing at a rate of thirty to forty percent per year.

The Imperial Palace was originally a palace system, the degree of luxury is self-evident, and the landscaping inside is even more unique.

To these beautiful scenery, just moved into the Alexandrovich Crown Prince but can not mention half a little interest, only left a strong sadness.

Franz travel reason naturally do not need to explain to the outside world, Alexandrovich directly mistook this is Franz do not want to meet with him.

The emperor’s every word and action has a political allegory. Franz’s refusal to meet with him meant that the Russo-Austrian alliance had come to an end. To Alexandrovich, this was very bad.

It meant that his trip to Europe had failed. Despite the détente with the European countries, it still didn’t offset the effects of the broken Russo-Austrian alliance.

With the Emperor out of the picture, Crown Prince Alexandrovich could not get excited about the next diplomatic meeting. After a tentative offer of a loan, which was rejected by the Vienna government, the negotiations ended.

A wonderful “misunderstanding” led to the Russian and Austrian high-level close contact, the opportunity to eliminate the conflict was wasted.

A hundred years later, when decrypting the Franz residence book, this misunderstanding has been unveiled, by historians as the 19th century’s largest “political oops”, however, the historical world of the storm clouds again, around the topic of the endless debate.

Franz, who was visiting Württemberg, naturally did not think about it. He could not turn around and go back to Vienna just because of Alexandrovich’s visit, that would be too humiliating, and it would have been better if Alexander II had come in person.

Crown Prince to Crown Prince no problem, anyway, Franz left his son in Vienna, even if the age of a little younger, that is the Austrian Crown Prince, the two sides of the status is equivalent, can completely complete the task of reception.

To talk about things, and the Austrian Foreign Ministry. Now there is a telegram, Franz traveling does not need to take the top level of the government along.

Simply from the distance, Württemberg is not far from Vienna, Austria transportation is developed, overnight can be done.

Not only Württemberg, Austria’s distance between the mainland of Europe are not far, even the farthest away from the island of Cyprus, from Vienna that is only more than a thousand kilometers.

So little distance, theoretically three days can arrive. Of course, this is limited to theory, under normal circumstances by ordinary means of travel, or need ten days.

Franz’s national tour certainly does not include such islands as Cyprus, the reason is very simple – seasickness.

By special train, it would take no more than three days to reach any of Austria’s major mainland cities from Vienna.

That’s why Franz was able to take a trip on the go; something came up and he could return to Vienna in time.

The youthful Alexandrovich proved unable to stand the strain. Stayed in Vienna for a week, did not see Franz return, he took off back to the country.

No one would have thought that this is the inconspicuous Alexandrovich’s visit to Europe, opened the prelude to the rupture of the Russian-Austrian alliance.

A wonderful misunderstanding led the Russians to believe that the government in Vienna had decided to abandon the Russo-Austrian alliance, prompting the Tsarist government to move closer to the British.

This was all in the future. Franz’s visit was said to be an inspection, but in reality it was more of a tour.

If he was really inspecting, he would not have started with these states first. Even though he was the Emperor of Shinra, he likewise didn’t have much say in the economic development of the various states.

The rules of the game were such that Franz did not care about anything that he should not be asked about. As long as he was sure that the economic development of the states was good, that was enough for him.

As an emperor, as long as he made sure that the country was in good shape, then his position was secure. Ambitious people will always be a minority, and in times of peace, these people are at best a mouthpiece party.

Compared to other countries in Europe, the German region was relatively conservative, and Austria was the stronghold of the conservatives. Many new ideas were born here, but they could not flourish here.

The main reason why Paris became the lighthouse of the free world and the mecca of revolution was that the Parisian people were receptive to new ideas and were more emotional than rational.

If one studies history, one will find that France has become the place to be for European thinkers, and the earliest testing ground for any theoretical idea is Paris.


MEXICO CITY A cheer went up from the soldiers, who had been nibbling bread for days on end, on receiving notice of Minister Compton’s furlough.

The Mexican government had the power to prevent its own people from doing the business of the Austrian Embassy, but it had not the nerve to obstruct the travel of Austrian Embassy personnel.

Three or two “Austrian soldiers” appeared in the streets of Mexico, these people are the local snake. Even if they are not native to Mexico City, they have lived there for many years.

Followed Massimiliano I mixing time, it caught a lot of bad habits. In the Austrian Embassy, they naturally did not dare to be reckless, and now they have no scruples when they come out.

Of course, it does not mean that they are unforgivable. In fact these guards in Massimiliano I constraints, the whole is still good, in addition to a little temper.

Being the first to go out on leave, Captain Mikel and a few of his fellow officers were the first to choose to improve their meals, they had had enough of continuously gnawing on bread.


“There was a loud bang and a slap on the table. Capt. Mikel growled, “What, you won’t sell it to us? Why not? It’s not like I’m not paying for it.”

The restaurant’s wait staff stammered out an explanation, which did not alleviate the anger of Captain Mikel and the others, but instead made them angrier and angrier.

This anger was not directed at the waiter, but mainly at the Mexican Republican government, except that unluckily he was on his heels and got caught in the crossfire.

This restaurant was recommended by Captain Meeker, and now it made him very disgraced, directly lifting his gun upward with a sneer, “Don’t talk nonsense, hurry up and serve me the steak.”

With the gun on his neck, the service staff naturally didn’t dare to refuse and nodded their heads in a hurry.

This practice obviously angered the diners, several officer-like youths ran over to the theory. Looking at the age of about seventeen or eighteen years old, it was the time of the newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers.

“You bunch of mongrels, how can you forcefully buy? People don’t want to do your business, that’s their freedom!”

The phrase “scum” and “freedom” completely enraged Captain Mikel. They were hardcore royalists, and the fact that they didn’t betray Massimiliano I at the last minute was proof enough of their stance on liberalism.

They preferred to use their fists to reason. Without any hesitation, Captain Mikel and the others who wanted to vent their grievances immediately took action. Soon a few youths who had been the ones to stand out fell to the ground and wailed.

After the fight was over, finally no one disturbed Captain Mikel and the others to eat. As for the Mexican Republican government sent out to follow the personnel, from beginning to end are pretending to see nothing.

As long as it didn’t cause a big mess, it was better not to bother the higher-ups with this little matter. Involving foreign soldiers, even if it was a crime their superiors were equally unqualified to deal with it.

If they handle it well, they won’t get any credit, and if they handle it badly, they may become scapegoats. As a semi-colonial country, the Mexican Republican government wants to not goat.

If only so things will pass, every day in Mexico City and the powers of the conflict is not a few, the usual result is that the Mexican people suffered a loss.

The only thing is that this time the protagonist is different, no matter what the identity of these soldiers before, now they put on the Austrian uniform, that is the Austrian soldiers, the Mexican government can not help them.

But the middle-aged teenagers who had suffered a loss did not agree, after dragging a wound away. A few people did not rest in peace, but in thinking how to retaliate.

“Cole, this matter can not be so forgettable. If we don’t retaliate back, these fuckers will be even more rampant!”

Cole’s man asked back, “Kendall, what are you going to do?”

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Kender sneered, “Of course it’s ……,” comparing to a neck-wiping gesture, the two men’s conversation came to an abrupt end.

Do not look at them young, in fact, also experienced the test of blood and fire, is a member of the radical faction of the Mexican Republican government.

Paused for a while, Cole only slowly spoke, “This matter must be cautious, not to be able to leak the slightest crack, it is best to frame ……”


The few people who were still hanging around outside, Captain Mikel, did not know that they had been targeted and were looking around for a good time.

There were so many soldiers in the embassy to take turns resting. Vacations were hard to come by, and if they missed this one they would have to wait until next month.

At midnight, a few people who were already drunk, helped each other on their way back. It’s not that they didn’t want to stay overnight, but mainly because the wallet in their pockets couldn’t take it.

With such a small amount of military pay, they can’t afford to spend so much. Occasional indulgence is okay, drunken life, they are not qualified.

“Bang Bang Bang ……”

Gunshots rang out, and several people instantly came to their senses and immediately prostrated themselves on the ground. Immediately took out the gun to counterattack in the dark night.

Thanks to the tense situation, the Mexican Republican government has stepped up its vigilance, and the police on patrol were recruited by the sound of gunfire.

Captain Mikel escaped, but his companions were not so lucky, and the eight people who came out turned out to be three dead and two wounded.

This was only the beginning of the conflict, there were also several soldiers returning home who suddenly realized that their mansion had changed owners, and there was an equally violent clash.

In just one day, this group of soldiers on leave, created a dozen shootings in Mexico City, resulting in dozens of casualties.

Minister Compton, who had received the news, was not angry but pleased, which would not have to worry about not having an excuse to intervene. So many shootings, the Mexican Republican government must give Austria an explanation.

As for the death of these people, Compton Minister can only regret that said to give them a justice. In any case, these people were also Austrian citizens issued by him.

Especially in the matter of the change of owner of the house, these are “Austrian citizens”, actually was taken away from the property, the matter must not be so let go.

Compton Minister is a smart person, the Austrian army has not yet hit over, this time is not suitable to stimulate the Mexican government. In case of anger people, pulling them together with the death, that would be miserable.

In his opinion, looking for an excuse to interfere, under the threat of force Russia, take the opportunity to political blackmail of the Mexican Republican Government, that is the best choice.

Really if you rely on the army to push Mexico flat, but also want them these diplomats for what?

In order not to overstimulate the Mexican Republican Government, Minister Compton began to avoid the importance of the shooting case, caught the shooting case, let the Mexican government to hand over the murderer.

Ordinary Austrian citizens property was taken, and even the tragic case of the tragedy of the extermination of the family, for the time being, not to be pursued. No, the Mexican government doesn’t even know yet that these people became Austrian citizens.

Originally, Minister Compton was still hesitant to give Austrian citizenship to the families of these soldiers, after all, many of them are not up to standard.

Now there was no need to hesitate, they had to be Austrian citizens, even their relatives killed in the Great Purge could become Austrian citizens.

The greater this number of casualties and the more property lost, the more powerful it will be when claiming compensation in the future.


(End of chapter)

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