Chapter 511: The Frenchman Who Wants to Stop Losses

  Chapter 500: The French Want to Stop Losses

Shrinking version of the African railroad network plan came out, in line with the principle of saving as much as possible, in addition to the construction of the main road central government funding half, the other branch line railroad construction, all to the colonial government to think of their own way.

The main road is a strategic need to connect the colonies together, can increase the ability to resist risk. Even in the event of a world war, Austria would be able to preserve the African continent.

Not to mention, the gold mines in the South African region alone required the construction of this railroad. To keep out the prying eyes of various countries, it was not possible without strength.

The Portuguese did not dare to join forces with the British, that is, the benefits given by John Bull is not big enough to make them risk. If found a large number of gold mines in South Africa, they can still restrain the desire?

To put it bluntly colonies in this day and age, that is just a kind of wealth. For the Portuguese, as long as the benefit they can get is big enough, even if they lose their colonies in other areas under Austrian retaliation, it is still worth it.

Otherwise, why would Franz need to fight the British in the South African region? As long as the Vienna government declared the annexation of the Boer Republics, the Governor of Delphi was not stupid, so how could he continue to wage war?

The greatest value of the Anglo-Boer War was that it woke up the London government to the fact that they really couldn’t fight on land.

As for the colonial government in Cape Town, it is estimated that it will not be able to come out from the shadow of this war for decades.

Once the railroad is connected, even if the gold reserves are exposed, the Cape Town colonial government won’t have the guts to do anything, and this is the effect of the war.

Including the London government, which likewise could not raise the desire to fight. Because of the connected Austrian Africa, at any time can mobilize hundreds of thousands of troops out, to take the gold mine from the hands of Austria need to pay the price is too big, has exceeded their limit.

In general, Franz on the African continent has been more important than Europe, in his view here is the future of Austria.

There was no way around it, it was too hard to expand on the European continent. If there is no Africa this colony, then the European continent so many years, it is not possible to be so peaceful, Franz has long been engaged in things.

Not to mention, with the Habsburg dynasty and the Ottoman Empire’s grudge, they absolutely lingered until now.

The original time and space Austria did not lay hands on them, that is their own strength is not good. Because of diplomatic blunders, coupled with the fierce domestic political struggle, resulting in successive military failures on the European continent, this time just barely able to protect themselves.

Because the Austrian African colonies opened up, the resources inside have been enough for Austria to digest for many years, Franz only gave up the idea of provoking war in the European continent.

This is the return on investment, the original time and space of the first world war warring parties did not have a winner, each are greatly injured, the last cheap fisherman.

The second world war is even worse, the European countries have been involved in the war is not the problem of great injury, almost all the army was wiped out, leaving the lying corpse of France is barely considered to have dodged a bullet.

The risk of this is too big, the gain is too small. After all, the territory on the European continent is not well digested, if choked then it is finished.

Look at the French know, in order to digest the Italian region, had to concentrate, even overseas colonial expansion activities have been affected.

Originally the most likely collision between France and Austria in the African continent, now there is no sign at all. Influenced by the change in strategic center of gravity, the French expansion in the African continent has been greatly reduced, and there is still enough buffer between the two countries.

The land on the African continent is also limited, and with the French expanding at a slower rate, Austria is naturally not polite.

Even if the two countries are divided into spheres of influence, there is no satellite map in this era, and the African continent is so large that it is difficult to define it clearly even if it is pushed forward by one or two hundred miles.

A line on the map, to the actual border on the error is much bigger. Good thing that the two countries sphere of influence junction, mostly a vast desert, or the French territory has been greatly reduced.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to grab the land is not only Austria, the British also stepped up the penetration of the Sudan region. If not for the sudden outbreak of the Anglo-Boer War, slowing down the British and Austrian energy, the French interests in the Sudan may not be able to keep.

Of course, with the alliance of Britain, France and Austria, these problems will gradually fade away, and everyone will exercise as much restraint as possible.

Paris, with the French political decision after the strategic contraction, the forces invested in this side were also weakened. By now, it was no longer possible to suppress the situation in Mexico.

Napoleon III now had a huge headache, and he was still debating whether to give up the Mexican Empire. This decision is not good, in recent years the French government has invested too many resources in Mexico, directly give up is really too bad.

If it is not Austria has not been to Mexico to expand its power, Napoleon III have to suspect that Massimiliano I is not the Habsburg dynasty sent out spies, specifically to create trouble for France.

Of course, this thought only flickered. From the perspective of family interests, if the Habsburg dynasty is interested in Mexico, it is impossible to let Massimiliano I set up outsiders as Crown Prince.

When he received this news, Napoleon III was stunned by this divine operation, and he once also doubted that it was not Massimiliano I’s illegitimate son outside.

In his opinion, even if the Habsburg family direct line members of the Mexican throne is not interested, abduction of a side member of the past as the heir, but also stronger than supporting outsiders on the throne.

If the Bonaparte family influence is not too weak, can not get the recognition of the local constitutionalists, or Napoleon III in the beginning to support their own people on the throne.

Napoleon III regretted, if he had known that Massimiliano I was so incompetent, he would not have supported this idiot to the throne.

A Ming over the age of the rich old man saw the emperor’s dilemma, after all, this political investment is Napoleon III led, and now want to give up Mexico, certainly can not be personally proposed by the emperor again.

“Your Majesty, the investment in Mexico has failed, continue to invest, may not be able to recover the cost, now we need to do is to stop the loss.

Taking advantage of the alliance of the three countries, we can deter the Americans, we need to find an underling to take over as soon as possible, and try to sell it at a good price.”

Selling Mexico’s interests, this was indeed a good choice, at least better than going bloodless.

In order to eliminate the rebels in Mexico, before and after the French have lost tens of thousands of soldiers, but also took in more than a billion francs of loans.

This loss, are about to catch up with the British in the Anglo-Boer War losses. However, the pay is not necessarily a return, Mexico’s rebels are more and more suppression, the situation is still deteriorating.

Contemplated for a while, Napoleon III asked doubtfully: “Mexico is not our colony, the situation is still deteriorating, our interests over there, can sell to whom?

Spain because of the throne dispute broke out civil war, it is impossible to meddle in Mexico at this time; the British are too calculating, it is impossible to pay a high price; Austrians operating overseas colonies strategic center of gravity in the African continent, Mexico is not interested.

The rest of the countries either don’t have the strength to take it over; or they are poor people with no money, and it would be too expensive to give it to them.”

This is the crux of the matter, they are all incapable of controlling the situation, who else can be expected to take over?

Everyone is not a fool, as long as they understand the situation in Mexico, they all know that this is a mess, and they simply will not jump into this fire pit.

After a pause, it seems to think of something, Napoleon III sternly scolded: “Marquis Finkel, don’t tell me it’s the Americans? It is impossible.

Whether it is sold to any country can be, only sold to the United States of America and the Confederate States of America can not, this is agreed in the four countries convention.

Once the treaty is violated, we will have to face sanctions from the other three countries, and the newly established alliance between England, France, and Austria will immediately fall apart!”

On the issue of checking and balancing the Americans, all three countries, Britain, France, and Austria, had the same position. The present France is a responsible power, and must not be allowed to make a mess.

In order to sell a few dollars, it is necessary to break up the alliance of Britain, France and Austria, Napoleon III is not so short-sighted.

He was very clear about the diplomatic dilemma faced by France, on the surface we are still reconciled, but the European countries secretly ostracized has always existed.

Especially after the annexation of Italy, they had a hard time. If you tear up the Triple Alliance, Britain and Austria will certainly retaliate, or perhaps another anti-French alliance.

Seeing that Napoleon III was angry, the old man immediately shut his mouth. This is already affordable to the Americans, the emperor does not agree that he has no way, can not take himself into it.

Seems to be perceived the Marquis Finkel’s help, the finance minister Allen opened his mouth to solve the problem: “His Majesty is right, Mexico absolutely can not fall into the hands of the Americans.

However, the Mexican problem must also be solved as soon as possible, if we drag on, we will only lose more.

I personally suggest that whoever accepts the Mexican empire, as long as they can guarantee the normal fulfillment of our debt with the Mexican government, they will be able to obtain the benefits we have there.”

Obviously the Secretary of the Treasury Allen is sober, he is very clear with the situation of Mexico’s strife, it is impossible to sell at a good price, as long as it can guarantee the normal fulfillment of the debt are God’s blessing.

Even this he did not report much hope, after all, this time willing to take over the object is too little. Unless the risk of breaking with the British and Austrians to lead the Americans into the field, or basically can not find the wrongdoer.

The Mexican government owes France’s debt is not a small number, with Mexico’s financial income, even if there is no expenses will have to pay back decades.

After a moment of contemplation, Napoleon III opened his mouth and said: “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs as soon as possible and European countries to contact, test them who are interested in taking over the Mexican Empire.

Now can not care so much, do not seek to sell how much money, as long as you can get rid of it as soon as possible, to avoid blood money on the line.”

(End of chapter)

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