Chapter 505: France and Russia Coming Together

  Chapter 494 – France and Russia come together

In the spring of 1871, the Roman uprising led by Garibaldi and Mazzini ended in failure, and the head of the insurgent army was forced into exile.

In the context of the imminent establishment of the Anglo-French-Austrian Triple Alliance, in order to maintain Anglo-French relations, the London government did not accept their political asylum this time.

But the nature of the stirrers still allowed John Bull to step in and send them to the United States of America. This is the favorite of the European revolutionaries, who like to travel to the United States for political asylum, mainly for two reasons.

On the one hand, it was thousands of miles away, less affected by the politics of each country, the federal government liked to shelter political prisoners, and everyone’s safety was guaranteed.

On the other hand it is economically, the United States of America has a good economy and is a country of European immigration, where it is possible to obtain funding from fellow citizens.

If you look at it purely from a security point of view, it’s actually much more secure to hide out in a sparsely populated colony, and you can build a farm in the countryside somewhere and live in isolation without any problems.

Very few people choose to take refuge in colonies, unless they have done something spectacular and are being hunted down and forced to change their faces.

The end of the revolution in the Italian regions marked the solidification of French rule there. After the purges of the war, Italian anti-French forces were devastated.

Originally, France posed a threat to everyone, a threat not in terms of human resources, economy, or industry, but more from the shadow left by the Napoleonic era.

The fact that the French claimed to be the world’s number one land power, and that no European country expressed opposition to it, speaks volumes.

Otherwise, in terms of human resources, Russia and Austria were double the size of the French region; in terms of industry, Britain and Austria were again above France; economically John Bull was far ahead of France.

If we follow the latter-day calculation of comprehensive national power, France would be far behind Britain and Austria, and would be on a par with the Russian Empire, and even if there was a gap, it would not be too big.

However, on the European continent, France brings everyone the strongest sense of crisis.

Do not look at Austria’s territory is bigger and more populated, however in everyone’s impression of the Balkan Peninsula that is barbaric, the Hungarian region is also the countryside small place.

Not to mention the Russian Empire, where the concept of barbarians was deeply rooted in people’s minds. After losing the Russo-Prussian war, everyone took them less seriously.

France, which was already very powerful in everyone’s mind, now annexed the rich Italian regions, and European countries were generally anxious about the expansion of the French.

There was nothing wrong with it, the impression of Italy in this era was that it was rich. Even Sicily, which was poor and backward in later times, was now a rich country.

After the annexation of the Italian region, France’s population, economy, and resources gained gained strengthened, and the Great French Empire became even more like a day.

In the face of this situation, all European countries were striving to safeguard their own security by diplomatic means, and at the same time avoid conflict with France, or other countries.

As a leader of power politics, it is not difficult to understand Napoleon III’s forced annexation of the Italian regions. In addition to paving the way for his son, there was also the mobilization of national sentiment and the strengthening of national cohesion.

This is the price that historically powerful nations have had to pay, as Engels commented: the forced annexation of the Italian regions was the best way for the French dictatorship to survive forever.

Otherwise, Napoleon III was only part-time Emperor of Italy, it would have been easier to rule, and the Italian population would not have been so resistant.

This is somewhat similar between France and Austria, except that Franz had the banner of the empire of the god Luo can be used, the legal basis is very sufficient, the annexed German state people did not resist, while Napoleon III did not.

With the establishment of Greater France, Napoleon III had already accomplished the great task of annexing Italy, although Lombardy and Venetia were missing, which did not hurt.

Moreover, with two fewer regions to rule, it was less difficult.

The French naturally knew very well the cost of forcibly annexing the Italian regions, except that they were confident that they could suppress the Italians by their own power.

In this case, of course, it is better to have a smaller Italian region, and it is not too late to digest the results of the war and then expand.

The annexation of the Kingdom of Sardinia in front of the French has already provided a reference, by virtue of the strong strength, it is easy to establish the rule in the region.

The current backlash is that it was all at once and there was no time for digestion.

In order to establish a stable international situation to digest the results of the war, Napoleon III repeatedly issued a statement declaring that France is a “contented” country, and will not continue to expand on the European continent.

This kind of appeasement, but can not wipe out the anxiety in the hearts of everyone, forced by the reality of the governments had to accept this statement.

What Napoleon III feared most was isolation, as in the war against France, when the mighty France was being dragged down by enemies on all sides.

To avoid the worst, Napoleon III accepted the ill-intentioned British into the Franco-Austrian alliance. While Britain, France and Austria were allied, he was also easing relations with the Russian Empire.

Times were different and the Russian Empire was now no longer a threat to France. In order to go one step further, the French government was already calling for a “Franco-Russian alliance”.

No doubt this call was ignored by Napoleon III, but it didn’t stop him from using it as a front – to scare people.

The Franco-Russian alliance was easier said than done. The Russo-Austrian Alliance and the Anglo-French-Austrian Triple Alliance were two hurdles that could not be overcome.

Unless the Vienna government was insane, it would not let the Franco-Russian alliance emerge. The British also do not want to see the emergence of such an alliance, we must know that in order to break up the Franco-Austrian alliance he personally.

If there was another Franco-Russian alliance, it would be devastating. John Bull didn’t think that the Austro-Prussian countries in the middle would be a match for the Franco-Russian alliance, which was even more frightening than the Franco-Austrian alliance.

At least the Franco-Austrian alliance had a deep conflict of interest, and it wasn’t difficult to destroy this alliance. The Franco-Russian alliance is different, the two countries do not directly border each other, the conflict of interest between each other is smaller, it is not easy to break up this alliance.

Unlike the original time and space, the current Great French Empire is the number one power in Europe, at least on the surface.

After the annexation of Italy, the total population of France is as high as 55 million people, the total economic output has jumped up to exceed Britain, the total industrial output is second only to Britain and Austria, the gap is also very limited.

Military also has the world’s second largest navy, plus the world’s first army. Just this strength is frightening, who dares them to ally with the Russians again?

France and Russia simply leaned in, and caused a furor on the international scene. The European countries couldn’t stand it, and the Vienna government couldn’t sit still either.

Vienna Palace, looked at a nervous face of the crowd, Franz pacified: “Do not worry, the British want to break up the French-Austrian alliance, the choice is to join this alliance.

We have now allied with France and Russia at the same time, and if they have made an alliance, we ourselves are within this alliance.

It’s far quicker to break down an alliance from within than from the outside. Besides, right now the French are trying to digest the results of the war, and the Russians are still busy with reforms.

Even if they wanted to make an alliance, they would never choose this time. Apart from triggering the scorn of the European countries, could this alliance serve any other purpose?

If they really want to make an alliance, at least they need a common enemy. It’s not like the Kingdom of Prussia is qualified, it seems like we’re not that inviting to be hated right now, right?”

Franz could conclude that France and Russia were bluffing and speculating solely on the basis of interest. The alliance had the potential to be established, but lacked the motivation to do so.

Both France and Russia needed to resolve their internal contradictions now, and even if the two countries made an alliance, it was impossible for them to expand externally at this time, and there was no way to get more benefits from the European continent.

Britain, France and Austria alliance has divided the right to speak in most parts of the world, which has become an established fact, the French jumped out at this time, will certainly be blocked.

Alexander II was still carrying out internal reforms and was not capable of sharing the pressure for them at this time, and Napoleon III did not have the backbone to do so.

Napoleon III was an Anglophobe, and he was able to overcome this disease because the Franco-Austrian alliance gave him the courage to do so, but deep down he still had fears.

In the case of the Russians could not help, let him alone against the pressure of Britain and Austria, or too difficult for people.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg shook his head and said: “Your Majesty, no matter how unlikely it is, we must put an end to the crisis in the cradle.

In order to avoid the worst case scenario, we must also make contingency plans. Negotiations with the British will have to be accelerated, and we will have to be prepared to ally with the Prussians if necessary.”

This answer made Franz’s heart startled, judging from the map, wasn’t this a replica of the original time and space Euroland pattern?

He was pleased that Austria is much stronger than the original time and space, this possible alliance, the strength of the “German-Austrian alliance” is also stronger than.

Alliance more half of the Mediterranean, half of the Balkan Peninsula, adding Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia region, less three-quarters of Italy.

Under this circumstance, the combined strength did not fall into the disadvantage. Of course, provided that the British do not go down, not the British, French and Russian triple alliance or to kill people.

Soon Franz dismissed the idea, it is too dangerous. Gentlemen do not stand on the dangerous wall of Franz, or not willing to carry out such an adventure.

Even if the land can be won, the sea is simply to send food. A Russo-Prussian war, the Prussian Kingdom to dispel the idea of the development of the Navy, with the Austrian Navy to challenge the British and French, how to see are not reliable.

Counting on the outbreak of the Navy, it would be better to simply destroy the Ottoman Empire, build a railroad connection to the Suez Canal, the success of a few points higher.

Franz made an immediate decision: “You can strengthen the relationship with Prussia, but do not do too much for the time being. The French and Russians were just getting closer, and if we did too much we would irritate them.

From the current situation, at least twenty years, France and Russia are unlikely to unite for foreign expansion, as long as we push for a Prussian-Russian war before France and Russia are allied, the worst case scenario will not happen.”

Clearly Franz’s position had changed and was prepared to let the Russians lose again. Given the appetite of the Junker nobles, if the Tsarist government lost again, believe it or not, they would dare to occupy St. Petersburg.

Once the Tsarist government collapsed and Austria fell on its sword, the Russians should not try to rise again for the next few decades, and would even lose their chance to rise forever.

If you look at the map, you can see why. After losing the war and losing the fertile land in Eastern Europe, you can’t be motivated in Siberia, can you?

Now the population of Russia and Austria is very different, once the Tsarist government lost again, lost a large part of the territory and population, the woolly bear is no longer scary.

Of course, the aftermath of this is also very serious, it must make Prussia is also greatly injured, otherwise there is another dangerous neighbor next door.

It could not be helped that Alexander II had to jump out at Franz’s nerves at this sensitive moment.

The shadow of the World War was always in Franz’s mind, and he was very wary of the Franco-Russian alliance. Even saving for a rainy day gave Franz reason to strike.

(End of chapter)

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