Chapter 5: Property Autonomy

  Chapter 5 Property Autonomy

Going out and socializing is also costly, the Austrian aristocracy lives a corrupt life, and Franz has not yet achieved property freedom.

Now, Franz’s income is again very limited, mainly from his parents giving money, to be precise, from the pocket money given by his mother.

Because of the factor of his father’s absence, the financial power of the family fell into the hands of Madame Sophie, and Franz had not yet received the property in his own name.

Of course with his status want to get money is very easy, but Franz is the love of feathers, trickery is certainly can not do.

Now the European environment, also not suitable for investment in industry, there is more than a year time France’s February Revolution will break out, and quickly spread to the entire continent of Europe, in addition to Russia, all countries are to be troubled by the revolution.

Historically, Vienna fell into the hands of the rebels, and if he was unlucky enough to be burned down by the rebels, where would he go to cry?

There are many profitable businesses, such as arms, drugs, counterfeit money, lottery, Franz thinks that the more suitable for him or mining, salvage shipwreck treasure.

After calculating once, Franz had to give up these attractive money-making programs, the reason is very simple, he is the heir of the Austrian Empire, rather than an ordinary capitalist.

Conservatives do not want to see a capitalist emperor, Vienna revolution is about to break out, Franz also can not leave the support of the conservatives.

“Franz, are you studying again? Young people should be more active, you are too dull, why don’t you go hunting with me?”

The one who spoke was none other than his current father – Archduke Franz Karl, an extremely mentally unstable man whose greatest hobby appeared to be hunting, and whose second greatest hobby was to take several of his sons on hunting trips.

As a member of the Council of Regents, Archduke Franz Karl was one of the least existent members, because of his birth defects, his intelligence was very low, and it was too difficult for him to participate in politics.

If not for his high status, the Austrian Regency Council would not have let him in at all.

“Father, you’d better go by yourself, I still have to visit Archduke Louis today, I don’t have time to go hunting!” Franz hastily refused

This was the aftermath of being too young, even though Franz acted mature, in the eyes of many, he was still just a child.

When Franz Karl was normal, he was still a good father’s and still cared for him, but this kind of care Franz was a bit unbearable.


“As you know, mother, my expenses have been a bit high lately ……”

Not waiting for Franz to finish his sentence, Mrs. Sophie spoke, “So you want to get back the property in your name, right?”

As an Archduke of Austria, how could one not have an estate?

Since both his father and uncle were a bit brain-deficient, as the eldest son in the third generation of the royal family, after making sure that his brain was normal, his grandfather was very happy to enthrone him as an Archduke.

However, the title of Archduke Franz is still a bit false, the fiefdom seems to be outside the control of Austria, so the fiefdom’s income can not be counted on.

Such empty title Habsburg family there are many, such as the King of Jerusalem, if one day Austria can recover Jerusalem, then it will be worthy of the name.

It is different to have a good grandfather, although it is a knighthood is only honorary, but as the most favored eldest grandson, he still inherited a considerable amount of inheritance.

As far as Franz knew, it included five estates, two mines, and several small workshops, as well as tens of thousands of Rhineland guilders in cash.

(A Rhenish gold coin weighed 8 grams, and the gold content depended on the mint’s modesty, there was no standardized standard.)

In this era, it is also a huge sum of money, to support Franz’s personal expenses, is no problem at all.

“Yes, Mother! You know I’m old enough to freely dispose of property!” Franz replied dryly

Europe’s cultural tradition was different from the East, where parents’ property and children’s property, were divided very clearly.

Whoever dared to mention it like that in the Eastern society, kept a meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots, but in the West, Franz’s request was completely normal.

Parents as guardians, in the children after adulthood, will not be able to continue to dominate their property, including these estates benefit, expenses, Franz can go to check the accounts.

“Well, it’s your right! But considering your age, I won’t give up my mother’s supervisory rights within the next year, your large expenses must be reported to me!” Mrs. Sophie thought about it and said

“No problem!” Franz said without hesitation

These are all small problems, as long as you can take back the right to manage the property in your hands, reporting is fine, you can spend your own money as you like anyway.

“Well, then Franz bring your financial staff to settle with me, after deducting your expenses over the years, and my management fees for your estate, I’ll hand over all the rest of the property to you!” Mrs. Sophie said calmly

Between mother and son should also clear accounts, this can avoid because of the relationship of money, hurt the feelings of both sides, this aspect of Mrs. Sophie is early preparation.

“Mother, I don’t think a settlement is necessary, I believe in you!” Franz said curtly

To Franz, money was all a minor issue, as long as it was enough to spend now, in the future he had the means to obtain enough money, there was absolutely no need to dwell on this.

Of course this was only for his mother, with his knowledge of Mrs. Sophie, Franz didn’t think she would screw her son out of money.

“Franz, this is your right, if you give it up, don’t regret it in the future, I will only settle with you once!” Mrs. Sophie said seriously

“Of course, mother, I know exactly what I’m doing!” Franz replied without hesitation


At the end of 1846, Franz successfully completed the handover of the property, the few workshops of that year no longer existed, the industrial age had come and gone, and workshop production was long behind the times.

However, the manor and the mines are still there, and the current benefits are not bad, which can create a net income of nearly 10,000 Rhineland guilders per year.

High income and expenses, Franz looked at the account book, his own spending is higher than expected, not to mention the dozen private tutors, is a small expense.

There are also servants, maids of honor, guards, tailors, coachmen ……

All of these expenses are Franz’s own commitment, the issue of support obligations, forget it or do not pull the good, their own money there is no need to gnaw on the old.

In short, over the years he would not have saved much money, all the cash added up but more than sixty thousand Rhinelanders, which also includes the cash in the estate.

Sure enough, it is the style of the aristocrats, so much cash are saved, actually did not invest out of the money to make money, Franz are too lazy to spit out.

This is the status quo of the Austrian nobility, they have not yet completed the excess from the big nobility to the big bourgeoisie, in the investment everyone tends to be conservative.

(The end of this chapter)

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