Chapter 484: Napoleon III’s Thoughts

  Chapter 473 Napoleon III’s Thoughts

After the news of the establishment of the Great French Empire spread, the whole of France was abuzz. At this moment Napoleon III’s prestige reached its peak, with the intention of catching up with his uncle Napoleon.

From now on, Napoleon III is no longer the second generation who relied on his uncle’s legacy to rise to power, but a generation of French masters.

However, this “lord” is not in a good mood, the reaction of the European countries than Napoleon III imagined more intense. Just eaten Italy, may not be able to digest.

The French Foreign Ministry has exhausted a lot of people, although they have been very hard, but the news back is still not optimistic.

Until now, no country in Europe has recognized the legitimacy of the “Great French Empire”.

Napoleon III could not find the legitimacy of this thing. Bonaparte family in Italy, is a common nobleman, because uncle Napoleon only rapid development of the family.

If you can’t find the legitimacy of the throne, you can still use the election to fill in the blanks, and you can make do with what you’ve got. There was no legitimacy for the empire either, that’s right not a lack of jurisprudence, but a complete lack of it.

Open the history books, the Roman era Italy and France used to be a country, no matter how shameless, Napoleon III is embarrassed to say that he is the heir of the Roman Empire.

Further back the powerful Frankish Kingdom had also unified most of the two countries and even included parts of Germany.

However, this empire was established by the Germans, France also has a name: West Frankish Kingdom, but now the French do not buy it.

In 843 AD, the Verdun Agreement then legally divided France, Italy and Germany. The only connection between France and Italy was probably the fact that linguistically they both belonged to the Latin family.

It didn’t help that Napoleon III didn’t dare raise the flag of the Carolingian Empire, which would have meant that Austria would have flipped on them in a heartbeat.

Besides, the flag didn’t help, and most people probably don’t remember the empire. Those who knew the history would again question the legitimacy of the Emperor, Napoleon III had no right of succession.

Originally, Europe recognized the law, and now also involves the interests, naturally will not easily recognize the “Great French Empire”.

Originally by the French to pull the Belgium, Switzerland, now involuntarily close to Austria, apparently by Napoleon III’s eating face scared.

It didn’t help that places were different from each other. The Italian region is so well known that the influence caused by the occupation of this place will naturally not be small.

Look at Austria’s expansion into the Balkans the reaction of the countries to be much smaller, mainly in everyone’s impression of the Balkans is the countryside small places, while the Italian region is a prosperous metropolis.

This impression is not wrong, the Balkan Peninsula was indeed a small countryside a decade or so ago, and the local production level was stuck in the Middle Ages.

Wealthy areas, were concentrated in the Constantinople generation. Since the economy was backward and it was taken from the pagans, it could not be considered an invasion.

The European public had a good view of the big picture, and it was politically correct to fight the hated Ottoman Empire.

When it came to expansion into Germany, the result was the opposite. If the Near East War hadn’t been fought with such fervor that Franz had decisively withdrawn after taking the South German region, Austria wouldn’t have been able to get by so easily.

If given the choice, Napoleon III would have wanted to take things gradually and slowly to lower the pressure from the outside world.

However, unlike Franz, who was young and could afford to wait, Napoleon III, born in 1808, was now 62 years old.

In later years, this age may be the golden age of politicians, however, in this era of France’s life expectancy hovering around forty years old, has been considered a high life expectancy.

Watching his health deteriorate day by day, Napoleon III had to consider paving the way for the next generation. He had many illegitimate children, but only one legitimate son, born in 1856 at the age of 14.

He was obviously too old to control such a large empire, and the chariot of France was too far gone to be pulled.

Napoleon III thought he could manage, but his young son could not.

Forced annexation of the Italian region of the hidden dangers, Napoleon III is naturally well aware of, but he still did it.

The French people’s desire for great power is driving the chariot forward, continue to expand to the Italian region is sooner or later, from the moment of annexation of the Kingdom of Sardinia, the chariot can not stop.

Especially there are Austria, Prussia two successful examples in, but also stimulate the French ambition, Napoleon III is just barely able to pull the chariot.

His own body was not sure how long it could hold out, and once the change of heart occurred, it was clear that his young son would not be able to manage the empire.

Instead of being passive and expanding, it would be better to strike now, at least with him personally maneuvering, the success rate is still higher.

Slowly is certainly not, really if you learn Franz bent on stability, twenty years are not necessarily able to annex the Italian region, Napoleon III does not have so much time.

The Italian region is not so easy to digest, now forced annexation and digestion is even more difficult, the future of France’s main efforts are to be put on the digestion of the Italian region.

During this period, there will certainly be a lot of trouble, but with the strength of France can still be suppressed. After experiencing setbacks, even radicals will slowly calm down and think, and will not blindly start a war again.

As long as France does not take the initiative to start a war on the European continent, then there will be no danger, this point Napoleon III is still very sure.

The only one with the strength to threaten France on the European continent is Austria, however, geography dictates that whoever initiates a war between France and Austria will lose out.

Since Austria had given up the Italian region, their strategic center of gravity on the European continent would not be here.

As for the central European region, Napoleon III has given up his original plan. After eating the Italian region, then going to fight Belgium, Rhineland and other regions, I am afraid that they will be besieged again.

In any case, the Italians did not have a strong state, and it was always easier to rule than the Germanic people in Central Europe.

Moreover, the occupation of the Italian region could also strengthen the discourse in the Mediterranean and consolidate the rule of France over the North African region.

Advantages naturally have disadvantages, the price is to pull the hate value of the European countries full. For a long time to come, France was the most unwelcome existence in the European world.

If not operated properly, there was also the possibility of an anti-French alliance. In order to avoid the worst case scenario, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is naturally busy.

Foreign Minister Montero had just walked over when Napoleon III asked with concern, “Well, are the Austrians willing to help stall the British?”

Pulling in Austria is now the most important part of the French diplomacy, without this main fighter, the rest of the European countries are not enough to worry about.

The headache-inducing rollers were now busy planting their fields. After a defeat, it was as if the Tsarist government had become transparent and hardly participated in European affairs.

Of course, the fact that there were too many debtors to face was also a factor. The Tsarist government is still not thick-skinned enough, and at this time is trying to lower its presence lest it be chased for debts.

Originally, Spain’s position was also critical, but their own people pinched, people’s brains are fighting into pig brains, can not care about the Italian region.

The only remaining European powers were Prussia, Poland, and the Nordic Confederation. These three countries have some strength, but without someone to lead them, they haven’t dared to come and make things happen.

Now Napoleon III wanted to find a way to pull together Austria to hold the British, is to let the European countries group leaderless, lest the emergence of anti-French alliance.

Montero, the foreign minister, replied joyfully, “The government of Vienna has agreed to hold the British back to a limited extent, but wants us to support their actions in the Middle East, where they intend to reclaim the Holy Land.

Considering the importance of this event, our minister in Vienna, has agreed to the Austrians’ terms.”

The French had also spread their sphere of influence to the Middle East, and Napoleon III was also interested in sending troops to recover the Holy Land to gain political prestige. He was just too busy to do it.

Napoleon III made an immediate decision, “Well done, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to find a way to encourage the Vienna government to go to war against the Ottoman Empire.

If necessary, you can give them the promise that we all join hands in the interests of the Mediterranean Sea, the Eastern Mediterranean region, including the Ottoman Empire, belongs to them, and the Western Mediterranean region belongs to us, so that the British go to eat shit!

And send people to donate money to the German Unity Organization, encourage these nationalists to come out and cause trouble, create pressure on the Vienna government, and lure them to make a move on the German Confederation.”

Blank checks are for anyone, and Napoleon III was no exception. Pulling Austria to hold the British in check was just a test run, he didn’t expect Austria to actually help hold the British in check.

Even if he promised to help now, it is unlikely that in a couple of days the Vienna government will change its mind again and join forces with Britain to make things happen. In front of interests, all promises are unreliable.

The division of the Mediterranean interests, in fact, from the French occupation of the Italian region, has already created an established fact, is no more than an additional Ottoman Empire.

However, the Ottoman Empire also needs Austria to fight with its own hands, and only if it wins will it be qualified to share the spoils.

Regardless of how much benefit Austria could get, Napoleon III was relieved as long as there was a war against the Ottoman Empire or the annexation of the German Confederation.

He didn’t know that Franz had made up his mind to watch the show, or he wouldn’t have fretted. Since he didn’t know, the best thing to do was to find something for Austria to do, so as not to bring attention to their heads.

Montero nodded, it wasn’t the best option, but the safest. As long as the Austrians moved, the perilous situation in France would cease to exist.

(End of chapter)

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