Chapter 480: The Fishing Masters Present

  Chapter 469: The Fisherman’s Present

The political concept of an alliance between Britain, France and Austria had actually emerged several years earlier, after the arms race between Britain, France and Austria.

Royal Navy in the arms race, did not manage to complete the standard of the two strong, the British government in the insightful, that continue to confrontation is likely to lead to France and Austria to join forces, not in line with the interests of Britain.

Then some people proposed an alliance of the three countries in an attempt to restrain France and Austria from expanding their armaments in the form of a covenant, while at the same time laying down Britain’s position as the world’s hegemon and establishing an international order with Britain at its core.

This plan was obviously too idealistic, because of the conflict of interests between the three countries, the conception remained a conception and could not be turned into reality.

To this day, neither France nor Austria recognizes the British as the world hegemon. No one wanted to be inferior, and the French and Austrian populations were so arrogant that mere face-saving was too much for everyone to bear.

A look at the European newspapers shows that the internationally recognized triad was Britain, France and Austria. The British had an advantage in the navy and an economic advantage, but were far worse in the army.

Originally, in the age of sea power, the sea hegemony was the world hegemony. But the center of the world in this era in the European continent, France and Austria in the continent’s influence is greater.

The boss can not suppress the second, the third era, the hegemony status becomes famous but not real. No, even this “name” is not recognized by the world.

Not long ago, the London government suddenly decided to promote the alliance of the three countries, in addition to dismantling the Franco-Austrian alliance, but also to make the title of the world’s hegemony true to its name.

Britain, France and Austria alliance, the alliance leader is naturally the world hegemony. This is not just a false name, but also a series of benefits.

With this name on top, the British were able to gain benefits more easily when expanding overseas, and the French and Austrians could also gain benefits, just not as great as the British.

One of the biggest benefits was currency hegemony, the name of world hegemon would undoubtedly increase the status of the British Pound, and could crush the S.H.I.E.L.D. and the franc to become the world’s currency in one fell swoop.

The interests involved in the alliance of the three countries were so extensive that soon after the negotiations began, they reached an impasse. The sudden outbreak of the Anglo-Boer War made this alliance even more remote.

Many people breathed a sigh of relief, especially Berlin and St. Petersburg, once the Anglo-French-Austrian alliance was made, there was no chance for them.

Everyone knew that behind the Anglo-Boer War was the Anglo-Austrian game, and everyone’s eyes were on Vienna and London to see how the two countries would react.

The result was very unfortunate, the Vienna government did nothing, and the London government did not make any reaction.

This is only the perception of the outside world, in fact, the London government is not calm. A conflict with Austria at this time had affected their prior plans.

Since the war had already broken out, it was too late to say anything. Britain also wanted to save face and could not possibly retreat back because of fear of Austria.

Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli had already given Governor Delphi an untenable rating in his mind. Of course if the battle is won, this evaluation will still change.

It has nothing to do with right or wrong, the main thing is to do it at the wrong point in time. If the Portuguese were brought together and the two joined forces to expel the Austrians from the South African region, then it would all be worthwhile.

In the event that this could not be done, striking just for the sake of the two Boer republics would be a bit of a lost cause.

The gold mines of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State have not yet been discovered, and the diamond mines are in their infancy, but the price of diamonds is not high now, and this little benefit is not enough to move Prime Minister Benjamin.

All these are secondary, the key is that the London government is not sure of winning. Facing the Boers alone is not a problem, with Austria involved the situation has changed.

We are all in the same circle, the other side has how many means, basically also have a number in mind. Change a set of uniforms, appeared on the battlefield of small tricks, and not without playing.

Instead of the Boer Republic, it is now better to say the German Republic, even if it is mixed with a few tens of thousands of Austrian troops into it, it is not out of the drama.

Fighting inland, both sides have a lot of logistical pressure, and no one can talk about having much of an advantage.

The trouble is that Austria has too much of an advantage on the continent, with a constant supply of troops to replenish, and that leaves Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli with no doubt in his mind.

Prime Minister Benjamin got right to the point and asked, “Sir Louis, what are your thoughts on the Boer war?”

There was no doubt that the Colonial Office was involved in this war. Otherwise Governor Delphi alone, would not have the ability to organize 30,000 troops out.

Colonial expansion means wealth, no matter whether the government loses or gains, the individuals or companies involved below always make a blood profit.

Behind this war, there are also interest groups in the promotion of the Boer Republic’s diamond mines are not enough to make the London government moved, but enough to make the South African region of the colonists moved.

A few years ago, the South African colonial company because of rushing too fast, and the Austrian colonial team had a series of armed conflicts, and finally could not hold out, in the two governments intervened before the truce.

This time they are the main force driving this Anglo-Boer war, and hatred has nothing to do with it, anyway, the deaths are all the bottom beaters, between the top level can not talk about blood feud.

The main thing is that the roads of peripheral expansion are blocked, if they don’t take on the Boer Republic, they will have to go to Namibia to eat sand.

There are no minerals for sale in Namibia in this day and age, as early as the 15th century European colonizers came and left.

There is no way, semi-desert climate, even if you want to planting are not productive, want to mining input and output is not proportional.

Apart from being suitable for fishing, there seems to be no income. South African colonial company is also a pursuit, to fish to stay in the mainland as fishermen is good, why go all the way to South Africa?

The bureaucrats in the colony know very well that if they don’t do it, they will never have the chance to do it. They all came to the colony to get rich, not to hang around.

With so many people wanting to fight, Governor Delphi, who had ideals and ambitions, naturally followed good advice.

The British colonial department naturally will not hit the enthusiasm of the people underneath, they have a share of the credit for winning the fight, and the responsibility for losing the fight can be dumped on the Delphi Governor.

Colonial Secretary Sir Louis, is not a member of the Cabinet, and Benjamin Prime Minister is not all the way, he came to power is the result of the compromise of all parties, delaying the time to report is not surprising.

Louis blindly said: ”Your Excellency the Prime Minister, this matter I also just learned, our South African telegraph lines are not very stable, the last report loopholes a lot of content.

From the current situation, the progress of the front line is still very smooth, the telegram said that our army has advanced hundreds of miles, the Boers are a touch and go.

If the Austrians don’t get involved I don’t think there will be any problem in winning this war, and now we can prepare a celebratory feast for our boys.”

Prime Minister Benjamin glared at him fiercely, his mind had already made up its mind, if the war was won it would be just a matter of time, if it was lost let this annoying guy in front of him get lost.

Foreign Minister McLean, who was a close confidant, immediately retorted, “Sir Louis, your speculations are all based on possible scenarios, the reality may be just the opposite.

There has been no protest from the Austrians at our Foreign Office until now. Surely no one would think that the Vienna government would even dare to protest?”

No movement, which is the worst possible outcome. If the Austrians protested strongly, then it meant that the matter was still under control and could be resolved using diplomatic means.

Now that the Vienna government has not uttered a word, then it must be making a big move, and it will not be surprising that the Anglo-Boer War has evolved into an Anglo-Austrian confrontation, or even the outbreak of a localized war.

Benjamin sneered, “Since the Colonial Ministry has already made preparations, then this war will be in your charge for good, and our cabinet will fully cooperate.”

“The Cabinet cooperates with the Colonial Ministry”, if this is said out, it can definitely be on the front page of the London newspapers, the matter of reversing the primary and secondary is something that seldom happens in Britain.

Louis face changed, how can he not hear the implication. But this war has not been approved by the Cabinet, although in the colonial expansion of this is a normal operation, belongs to the legal behavior.

But in this case, the cabinet is not responsible for the war, and the colonial ministry and the colonial government of Cape Town will have to take full responsibility.

This is not what Louis wants, the credit can be received together, but the responsibility is better to let the colonial officials take it, he does not want to tie himself to them.

This was the survival instinct of a politician, if you can’t pass the buck, then don’t do anything. Doing more makes more mistakes, this is the inevitable result that will happen.

Louis hurriedly shrugged it off, ”Your Excellency the Prime Minister, this war was a complete accident, and we in the Colonial Ministry did not know about it beforehand. For the specifics, it’s better to wait for the detailed report from the Governor of Cape Town!

Since it has been established that the Austrians are going to intervene, we have to take more active measures, and if the navy can blockade the enemy’s coastline, this war will be stable.”

Seeing that the fire had reached his own head, Robert, the Minister of the Navy, sneered, “Sir Louis, you can’t be unaware that both Boer republics are landlocked; which port do you want the Royal Navy to blockade?”

Although the Royal Navy was the most powerful navy in the world, they were not omnipotent. At least to blockade the Boer Republics, they couldn’t do it.

Opening the map showed that the Boers already bordered the Austrian African colonies. To blockade them they would have to blockade Austrian Africa, a coastline that wasn’t too long, just a few thousand kilometers.

If the Austrian Navy didn’t exist, the Royal Navy could pretty much do it en masse. It would also require the cooperation of the French and Portuguese, otherwise the capitalists wouldn’t mind the long way.

For a continent, the so-called blockade is a joke. At least in the 19th century it was, and with the exception of Antarctica and Australia, which were inherently inferior, several other continents were not afraid of blockades.

Don’t look at the lack of industry on the continent and assume that it can’t be built. With people, resources and technology, a rudimentary industrial system could be spawned in two or three years if the Vienna government wanted it.

Looking at the woeful Louis, Benjamin’s anger in his heart subsided a lot, things have come to this point or quickly aftermath.

Otherwise, if they really lose the war, their cabinet will not have a good day. Push the responsibility again clean, an incompetent hat still can not be removed.

Many times ludicrous policies come out, not that politicians do not know, but for their own interests, they have to do it.

Benjamin said seriously, “Alright, Sir Louis. Your colonial ministry should still come up with a battle plan as soon as possible, you must win this war.”

Fighting in the South African region, they still have a few certainties, Austria’s power just penetrated over not long ago, while they have been operating in the region for decades.

The amount of troops that can be put into the area far exceeds the amount of troops that Austria can put into the area, as long as the speed is fast enough, perhaps the war will be over before the Austrian reinforcements arrive.


Snipes and clams. Seeing that Britain and Austria are about to dry up, Napoleon III is not willing to be lonely. On the one hand, he cheered the Vienna government, and on the other hand, he accelerated the pace of expansion in the Italian region.

Britain and Austria in the South African region of the game, held back most of the energy of the two countries, which gave the French created a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

This moment no one has the strength to intervene in their annexation of the Italian region, there is no need to say that the talks do not come together on the force of force.

From the outbreak of the Anglo-Boer War, the French have increased the garrison in the Italian states, the threat has been shown.

If it were not for the influence of the international community, Napoleon III would already be sitting on the Italian throne, and would now be just one step away from being crowned.

(End of chapter)

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