Chapter 471: Joining – Splitting Up

  Chapter 460 Join – Split


Ever since the fall of the Russian Empire, France and Austria have been the greatest enemies of the British. Although Franz has been very restrained, but with the growing strength of Austria, still regarded by the British as a great enemy.

I don’t know since when, every move of the government in Vienna has been watched by the British, and it is considered to be an early enjoyment of the German II.

If not for the French to share the pressure, the British are going to form an anti-Austrian alliance, something they are the best at.

With the seemingly insignificant redistricting, the London government sensed the danger, and in their view it was a sign that France and Austria were joining forces.

France and Austria join forces, this result is too terrible. Throughout the world, there is no one who is qualified to let France and Austria join hands except Britain.

Late at night in Downing Street, the Prime Minister’s residence was brightly lit. Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli held an emergency meeting overnight, not that he was sullen, but the situation had reached the edge of losing control.

In recent years, they have been very cautious about France and Austria, and even if they are suppressing, they dare not do too much, that is, they are worried that the two countries will come together because of the pressure.

Prime Minister Benjamin opened a top secret document, which was left behind by his predecessor. There was only speculation on it, and there wasn’t any substantial evidence.

But the content inside was too scary, the former Prime Minister John Russell thought that France and Austria existed a secret contract, and even the two sides had already allied.

The judgment was based on Austria’s acquiescence to the French annexation of the Kingdom of Sardinia. Based on this judgment, many attempts were made in the political diplomacy that followed.

Tried more often, but do not dare to determine, this is not the two countries put out of the smoke bomb, after all, France and Austria can be each other for the European hegemony of the biggest rivals.

Benjamin originally also did not believe, he also thought that his predecessor in the treatment of France and Austria, the performance of too weak, did not reflect the hegemony of Britain.

Now his judgment has changed, as long as the Lombardy and Venetia and the Italian region to do the cut, Napoleon III ascended to the throne of Italy’s biggest obstacle is gone.

This is the other side, under normal circumstances Austria should contain the French expansion of power, now the Vienna government has made the opposite decision, no wonder Prime Minister Benjamin is not worried.

“The information has been sent to all of you, and I invited you all here late at night to discuss countermeasures. From the current situation, the rumors of an alliance between France and Austria are almost certain.

The question now is where to go from here for Britain, can we hold them down in the face of the challenge from France and Austria?”

The international situation is not favorable for Britain, it is a disaster for politics and diplomacy, but for the military, it is another feast.

Secretary of the Navy Robert was the first to state, “The Royal Navy is capable of meeting all challenges, even if the opponents are France and Austria, we are capable of defending Britain.”

This is not bragging B, the Royal Navy really has this strength. As long as they don’t die, they have a certain chance of winning in the face of France and Austria joining forces.

Of course, this is only tactical. Strategically, as a maritime nation, the navy is the lifeblood of Britain, and there is no way for them to fight with France and Austria to consume.

Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli immediately affirmed, “Very well, from now on the Royal Navy must be prepared. If war does break out, it will be up to you to defend Britain.”

Robert replied with a big smile, “Please …….”

The Secretary of State for War also leapt to his feet, but quickly fell silent. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to make a stand, it was mainly because no one would believe him if he said it.

If the Royal Navy can’t guarantee the safety of Britain, isn’t it funny to count on the Army? France and Austria are the strongest land forces, and the strength of any one of them is three or five times that of the British army.

The navy’s assurance, let the crowd a little bit of peace of mind. Can not suppress the French and Austrians at the same time, this is a small problem, Britain is to rely on wisdom to eat, they can fight wisdom not to fight.

Receiving an affirmative answer from the Royal Navy, Foreign Minister MacLean proposed, “The situation is not that bad, France and Austria are themselves in conflict, even if they have made an alliance, it is difficult to cooperate in good faith.

This is the opportunity, if possible, I suggest the formation of an international alliance consisting of Britain, France and Austria to jointly dominate international affairs.

Then, slowly provoke the relationship between France and Austria until this alliance collapses.”

There was a kind of ally called a pitbull, and another kind of ally called a shit-stirrer. As a master of both arts, MacLean planned to play to their strengths and rely on diplomacy to break up the Franco-Austrian alliance.

Colonial Minister Louis frowned and asked in dissatisfaction, “Is it possible that all of our previous plans have been abandoned?

Don’t forget how fast Austria has been expanding overseas over the years, and if we don’t curb it, it will be impossible to limit it later.”

It was a fact that in the overseas expansion, Austria had exerted a shocking combat power. The speed of expansion is so fast that no one can keep up with it.

Foreign Minister MacLean smiled slightly and asked rhetorically, “The world has been divided up pretty much, everyone’s expansion has basically reached its limit, and if the Austrians want to continue expanding, they will have to go up against various countries.

The reason why they are expanding so fast, besides the high number of immigrants, there is also the Vienna government’s flexible foreign policy.

In the overseas colonial expansion, they avoided the core colonies of each country, expanding towards the unclaimed land. Doing so, with Austria’s strength naturally did not meet with hostility.

Now it was different, another step forward would require conflict with various countries. Expansion will naturally slow down or even stop.

Our original plan was to cause them a little trouble at best. If a colonial war really breaks out, I’m afraid we won’t be able to take much advantage.

Sir Louis, can you tell me how many troops would be needed to occupy the Austrian colonies?”

Louis was slightly stunned, he didn’t expect that MacLean would ask this question. But the professional Louis, still gave an answer.

“The Austrians have five main colonies, which are Austrian Africa, Austrian South Ocean, Austrian Central America, Austrian South America, and Austrian North America.

First is Austrian North America, which is a land of ice and snow, including Alaska and some of the islands in the Arctic Ocean, that is, the one between Canada and Glenlyn.

It’s probably over two million square kilometers in size, and no one knows the details because it’s a no-man’s land.

The total population of Austrian North America, shouldn’t be more than 10,000, so it’s estimated that a company could take it down, or a single pirate could take care of them.

Secondly Austrian South America, which is the Patagonian Plateau, stretches all the way to Drake Passage. There are about a hundred thousand natives on it, as well as more than fifty thousand European settlers.

Both Argentina and Chile have an interest in this land, and with a bit of agitation, they could probably make a move.

The Austrian South Seas region is full of islands, making it a bit tricky to move. It is also the most densely populated of all the Austrian colonies, with over 400,000 European immigrants alone.

Because of the Lanfang Autonomous Province, a large number of Chinese have gathered here, totaling more than three million, and there are also more than four to five million local natives.

Every year it was able to provide Austria with a great deal of wealth, so the Vienna government also attached great importance to it and stationed two infantry divisions here.

In time of war ……”

Foreign Minister Maclean shouted, “Stop!”

“Sir Louis, the situation is as you have explained. Austrian North America is a land of ice and snow, and does not bring any substantial benefit to Austria, except to look good.

Austrian South America is much the same, requiring the Vienna government to pour money into it every year, and it can’t even break even.

These two regions are really good to get your hands on, but do they have any other advantages besides their size? If Chile and Argentina were really interested, they wouldn’t have to do anything, they could just pay for them.

As long as the money is in place, the Vienna government does not mind selling off this piece of money-losing land.

The remaining three colonies are the core of the Austrian colonial system. Unfortunately, these areas are not easy to move, unless we tear our faces off and go in person.

Otherwise, I don’t think anyone will be able to seize the Austrian South Seas. No need to doubt that the Dutch would not dare to make a move unless they don’t want the mainland.

Not to mention Austrian Central America, which we still need to suppress the Americans with the Austrians, can’t be moved at all.

I’m afraid no one thinks that anyone will be able to take Austrian Africa. Even the combined power of the European nations on the continent is at best equal to theirs.

In that case, what was the value of our earlier plan? We can gain nothing of substance, except to make the Government of Vienna look bad.

It might even lead to the fall of South Africa, which our forces at Cape Town could not hold if Portugal remained neutral and the Austrians united the two Boer republics.”

Interest is always the best catalyst, and the Colonial Office’s plan did hit Austria, but unfortunately not substantially.

Even if Austrian North America and Austrian South America were captured, the Vienna government’s big deal would be a loss of face once, as well as a saving of over two hundred thousand guilders a year in expenses.

In the face of reality, Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli naturally made the choice that best served the interests of the British Empire.

“From the present situation, the most important thing at the moment is still to interrupt, or break up the Franco-Austrian alliance, and all other plans are postponed for the time being.

If we don’t take action, I’m afraid that it won’t be long before Napoleon III becomes part-time Emperor of Italy, and the Austrians annex the German Confederation.”

Based on speculation alone, Prime Minister Benjamin had come up with an answer that was almost entirely correct, and his judgment in politics was absolutely extraordinary.

Finance Minister Molitor said worriedly, “This is indeed an urgent matter, and it would be very unwise to confront France and Austria directly. It is in Britannia’s best interest to stir up their conflicts and keep the European continent in balance.

By the way, our finances are also in trouble, and we need time to sort it all out. The previous governments were too warlike, and we’ve been at war for the last decade or so.

They were quick to borrow and the final debt fell on our shoulders. In the last twenty years, our total debt has tripled.

Thirty-four percent of our annual revenues now go to pay off our debts. If it continues, the Russian Empire today is our tomorrow.”

This is a big trouble, the British Empire is rich, not the same as the government is rich. In the last decade or so, the government in London has provoked the Near Eastern War, the Persian War, the suppression of the Indian rebellion, the Ethiopian War ……

No amount of family business can stand up to this kind of tossing and turning, and the debt naturally goes up.

(End of chapter)

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