Chapter 458: Fucked to Death

  Chapter 448 – Fucked to pieces

Capital is profit-driven, after the announcement of the heavy industry program in Bosnia and Herzegovina, for the sake of preferential policies, the number of people who went to the region to visit the area increased all of a sudden.

Whether to invest or not, that still had to wait for the results to come out. Usually, companies will not make up their mind to invest until they have bought a mine.

In this era, there is no such thing as importing ore from overseas. Although there are many minerals in the Austrian colonies, the cost of extracting them and transporting them back is enough to make any company collapse.

Ore was rarely imported in this era, except for minerals that were not available locally. Most of the major industrial powers in Europe were self-sufficient in most of their industrial raw materials, and their colonies only played a supplementary role.

Franz believed the capitalists were savvy and would take care of it all themselves. The ones who weren’t smart enough to do so were basically out of business.

Now he focused his attention on the African theater, where the French had followed suit after the British had marched up to Tunisia.

The fight between Britain and France around the Tunis Channel became intense. As for the Tunisian government, it could be ignored. With two debtors beating down their door, they could only be humpbacks.

In the Red Sea the rivalry between Fao and the British also became intense, the successful opening of the Suez Canal exceeded the British expectations, and Fao joined forces to squeeze them out of Egypt.

Now the French army occupied most of Egypt, the Austrian Libyan region also pushed the border line forward a number of kilometers, the specific occupation of how many places Franz is also confused.

Anyway, when the Egyptian government surrendered, the French and Austrian negotiations can only be counted, after all, according to the agreement Egypt is allocated to the French, taking advantage of the fire that is also a loss.

Colonial government level is not enough, do not know the French-Australian alliance that is normal, this kind of thing is also normal, we can negotiate to solve the problem.

Anyway, it can be determined that the essence of Egypt are in the hands of the French, Austria’s hand did not extend so long, the occupation of the region is also a few oases, and a large area of desert.

This is a small problem, France and Austria will not stalemate on this issue, anyway, the early occupation is useless, within a century these areas have no value.

In order to offset the effects of the British attack on Ethiopia, in March 1869 Austria sent troops to the Arabian Peninsula, the latter-day region of Yemen.

In short, the Red Sea region can not let the British all occupied, Yemen region port although not good, can not be compared with Djibouti, but the transformation of the docking warships is still no problem.

Britain and France did not take action, that is, they also want to set up a house of cards, the Ottoman Empire in the end is their ally, the Arabian Peninsula has always been defaulted to the Ottoman sphere of influence.

There is not enough interest. The thing to do to an ally is something that everyone rarely does. For the French controlling the Suez Canal was enough, it’s not like Austria was going to block the canal anyway.

The British, needless to say, faced with the ostracization of France and Austria, if they made the gesture of being able to block the gate, who knows what the stimulated France and Austria would do?

Only the theory of interest is not suitable for monarchies, often the position of the emperor is the position of the country. If the French and Austrians are stimulated together, the British will not be able to cry.

The Ottoman Empire as a party, their minister in Vienna protests every day, and now the Foreign Office is negotiating a price with them.

Already created an established fact, love to sell or not to sell casually, anyway, Austria is not going to let out again. If you have the ability to send troops to take back, or else on the negotiation table to talk slowly.

This is to learn the American routine, first to the occupation of the land, and then negotiate the sale of the problem. Not only is the bid not high, even the legal issues do not need to be entangled.

Not only to the Ottoman Empire, including all the colonies on the African continent, all of which were bought from the local indigenous tribes by Austria’s legal means, all of which had legal written documents.

As to who signed it and whether it had any legal effect, that’s a question worth looking into.

In short, the colonial government had a treaty with the indigenous tribes, including their entire immigration as part of the treaty.

The general idea was that the living conditions in Africa were so bad that they asked Austria to help them emigrate to better living conditions, in return for land in their hands.

There is no doubt that the colonial government adhered strictly to the treaty. It was guaranteed that they would be allowed to emigrate in full and realize the great life goal of getting out of Africa and into the United States.

In addition to the international conflict, the changes on the African battlefield also attracted Franz’s attention. In the hands of many African tribes, smoothbore rifles appeared, and it was obvious that some people did not want Austria to successfully complete the strategic plan.

Austrian Africa’s total population has exceeded the seven million mark, this figure seriously breaks the balance, and so on may not be the African continent have become Austria’s own land.

The rapid growth of the population was due to two factors, on the one hand the immigration from East Prussia and on the other hand the immigration brought by the economic crisis in Europe.

Because of the population, Austrian Africa was relatively well-developed, far from being comparable to other European colonies in Africa, and its attraction to immigrants was increasing day by day.

This change obviously aroused the scruples of various countries, and quantitative changes would eventually cause qualitative changes. Without the backing of Austria, these millions of people might not have been taken into account by Britain and France.

Unfortunately, with a strong and ready to localize Austria, everyone had to be more vigilant.

If not for the Great France program to fool the French, now it is not France and Austria in the Mediterranean Sea expulsion of the British, but Britain and France in the joint siege of Austria.

The good thing is that Napoleon III showed enough power, first annexed the Kingdom of Sardinia, and initiated the Egyptian War, and now also fighting with the British for the Tunis Channel, attracting most of the attention of John Bull.

Even so, what comes out is still what comes in. Austria is behind the Ethiopian resistance to the British invasion, the British naturally will not be idle.

Not only did they sell weapons to the indigenous tribes, they also sent a large number of military instructors to help train the army. It is good that these people do not compete, not practiced, or Austria will be in big trouble.

“Gentlemen, do you all have any ways to get the French to speed up, their Great France program is progressing too slowly, it is necessary for us to give it a push.”

If you want to make them die, you have to make them mad.

For the sake of the French Great France strategy, Franz was also worried. As an old rival, the Habsburgs knew France far better than any other country, even more than themselves.

The original time and space are the First World War to break the spine of the French, the price is the German Second Empire sinking, Austro-Hungarian disintegration, now Franz is not willing to follow suit.

Even if Austria’s strength looks more powerful, however, can burst how strong the fighting force, Franz still have no bottom in his heart.

He wasn’t worried about not being able to consolidate the power of several states, in fact there was no need to try at all, all of these states would do their best for the war.

The reason for this is obvious just by looking at the map. Most of Austria’s defense pressure was on these states. If war broke out, they would be the first to suffer.

Whoever doesn’t cooperate, isn’t that suicide?

The only problem was that there would be no victor if war broke out, France was not yet in decline, and with Prussia’s luck, Franz didn’t think he would run into it.

Napoleon III dared to belittle the Kingdom of Prussia in the original time and space, yet the same thing wouldn’t happen against the current Austria unless he was given a descending wisdom aura.

As long as you don’t make a big mistake, both sides are fighting for strength. Spell off France, Austria also does not have the strength to dominate the continent of Europe, or perhaps even be sieged to death.

In that case, France would have to be allowed to fall on its own. To do this is very difficult, the best way is to let the French die.

Challenging Europe is impossible, the French have tried many times, the closest they came to success was the Napoleonic era, and they certainly won’t be coming back now.

The Great French Empire was the big pie that Napoleon III had painted for the populace, and now Franz was going to use public opinion to force Napoleon III to turn that pie into reality.

The dream of a great power is not only just a driving force for a country’s journey to success, but equally a driving force for a country’s journey into the abyss.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg replied, “Your Majesty, I am afraid this is very difficult. It’s not that the French don’t want to implement the Great France strategy, it’s mainly because they are not strong enough.

Overseas colonies are up for grabs and have already tied up a great deal of the French energy. The three battlefields of Egypt, Tunisia and Mexico are all being used, and the newly occupied Kingdom of Sardinia is not so stable.

Want them to go further, unless all these problems were solved. Otherwise at this time the French are incapable of annexing the Italian regions, let alone taking on Belgium.”

The Vienna government had already looked into it, and the best way to get Belgium back into the Shinra Empire was for the French to annex it.

Only after experiencing suffering once would they know the goodness of the Shinra Empire. The same approach applied to Switzerland, except that the French had no love for Switzerland, so this approach wouldn’t work on Switzerland.

The French were approaching the limits of their power utilization, a problem Franz was naturally aware of. The three battlefields were all far-flung, and not to mention other things, the military expenses alone were a huge sum of money.

There were now 72,000 French troops in Mexico, 127,000 in Egypt, and 48,000 in Tunisia, half of which had gone out without realizing it.

This would have been a good time to sneak up on France if not for the geographical constraints, and their domestic forces were down to their lowest point.

Obviously this was impossible, France and Austria did border in Italy, however neither was the core area. Trying to fight all the way there, the Albis Mountains are a problem, so it’s better to wash your hands of it!

Prime Minister Felix said thoughtfully, ”Perhaps they can be stimulated, the French are not powerless, the problem of troop strength can be solved by expanding the army.

The problem of finances, with the outcry of the entire French population, this is the least of it. The government of Napoleon III has also accumulated a lot of family money, consuming part of it is not a big problem.”

It would be more appropriate to stimulate the French, or rather the civil radical expansionist organizations. As long as the French expanded, then the power to expand was there.

As for whether it would affect the French economic development, the French radical groups didn’t care, and Austria naturally cared even less.

The only problem is that the French expansion of the Austrian army must be followed by the expansion of the army, in order to continue to ensure that the balance continues to continue.

Franz pondered for a while and said, “There is no problem with stimulating the French, but it is necessary to ensure that the situation will not get out of control, we are not ready for war.”


(End of chapter)

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