Chapter 455: Dream of a Stronger Nation

  Chapter 445 The Dream of a Strong Nation

Not being able to get everything they wanted in Austria, the Japanese delegation left after some inspection and a Japanese embassy was added in Vienna.

Have to admire the vision of the Japanese, despite the poor ding dong, bite the bullet also set up embassies in several major European countries.

Vienna’s consumption is not low, especially compared to Japan, the price of housing here is even more anticlimactic. Not someone in the speculation, is completely the result of spontaneous market regulation.

As the largest land supplier in Vienna, which can also be considered the only supplier, Franz responsibly said that there is no money in Austria to speculate on real estate.

Vienna house price rise, “the city of night” three words is a great credit. Just because of this name, the people who buy houses in Vienna will be happy to endless.

Buy more people, the market supply exceeds demand, the price naturally went up. Now there is no less than eight hundred divine guilders in Vienna, compared to the same period last year directly doubled.

Ordinary residential is not good, in fact, the most rapid growth or luxury homes, the higher the grade of residential price growth is more powerful.

Especially in the noble area, most of the courtyard prices have increased seven or eight times, and the lowest price is tens of thousands of divine guilders. Don’t mind the price, without the noble status even more money can’t buy it.

In order to save money, the Japanese did not stay in the Vienna Embassy District, but chose to buy a few sets of residential houses two kilometers away for remodeling.

This is a smart person’s approach, a change of place, at least save 50,000 to 60,000 pieces of silver.

Moreover, pretending to be poor still has the advantage of reducing the prying eyes of the great powers. Their own strength is not enough, but also swollen face, not to tell everyone to come and rob it?

As for face, this is something Japan has never had. In this day and age, which European country will look down on them?

In that case, why bother to hold on to it. From the very beginning, the Japanese, ready to be lowly, this is done for decades.

This is why Japan was able to complete the Meiji Restoration without the intervention of the Great Powers. They behaved just too well for people to see them as a threat.

When Franz returned to Vienna, the Japanese delegation had already left. This kind of small matter did not deserve his attention, and the officials who stayed behind only mentioned it casually when they reported their work.

Otherwise, knowing that Ito Hirobumi and the others had come, Franz would still be torn about whether or not to click them off. This has nothing to do with interests, the memory left over from his previous life is enough to make him make this decision.

Since he didn’t know, there was no need to dwell on it. Ito Hirobumi and others are on an expedition to the Kingdom of Prussia, and they are afraid that they will never dream of almost losing their lives.

Even though they are a diplomatic mission and will be protected by various countries. But the sea is windy and pirates, there are too many situations where accidents can happen.

Right now they are not yet allies of the British, and before the Meiji Restoration they were not even qualified to be pawns, so even if an accident happened, no one would care.

Without Franz’s intervention, history went back to the drawing board once again. The Japanese government learned the navy from the British and the army from Prussia, and “Junkoku-ism” was brought back.

As for the French and Austrians, they could not learn from each other, and naturally, a maritime country cannot learn from a continental country. France and Austria were originally European giants, but they caught a cold in the middle of the journey and now they are cured, that’s all.

As a loser, the Kingdom of Prussia against the Russian Empire, is the idol of the Japanese, is too inspirational, do not learn.

Learning from the United Kingdom that was forced out of the ocean countries do not have a navy how to mix the 19th century is the era of sea power, all the great powers are to the sea to launch a charge.

Franz did not know anything about these little incidents. Now he is still for just recovered the Prussian Saxony and Silesia headache, this time by the Prussians pose a problem.

The land was successfully delivered, but the population on it was gone. Originally wanted to use the method of reducing the number of subject peoples to limit the development of the Kingdom of Prussia, but now only half successful.

The total population of the Kingdom of Prussia had already exceeded the 20 million mark, with the main ethnic groups and the Germanized population amounting to about 13.5 million, which was enough to ensure the stability of the country.

In any case, at least the region of East Prussia was emptied, so it was not a wasted effort. The region of Silesia was not deserted, and about 60,000 to 70,000 people remained.

It was only as a result of the active intervention of the Vienna government that this part of the population was preserved. It wasn’t that the Berlin government was willing to give it up, it was mainly that these people didn’t want to move.

The local feeling of not being able to leave one’s hometown always exists, and no matter how much the Prussian government promises, these people just won’t move.

Follow the Habsburg dynasty to mix and we have no heart obstacles, do not want to move, not move, there is Austrian intervention, the Berlin government is not possible to use force, can only listen to let it be.

Although the land was handed over to Austria, the property on the land was still owned by the owner. This is irrelevant, Franz is not at all anxious, anxious should be the owner is right.

Silesia was left undeveloped, Austria was still Austria. But the owners of the property were different. If Silesia was not developed, much of their property would become worthless.

For example: the land is left uncultivated and soon the grass will grow, yet taxes will still have to be paid.

Another example is real estate, such as stores and factories, which, if they are not operated properly, do not yield any income for the owner.

What is needed now is for them to calm down a bit before they know how to cooperate in the future. Unless the Berlin government finances the purchase of these properties and operates behind the scenes, these people won’t last more than a few days.

What caused Franz the most headache was the Saxon government’s daily proposal to the central government for the New Holy Roman Empire to sanction the Kingdom of Prussia.

You have to realize that they have spent a lot of money in order to recover the Prussian Saxony region, and now there are only a few tens of thousands of inhabitants on it, and in order to develop this region still need a lot of investment and immigration.

Being put on the spot, the Kingdom of Saxony naturally could not tolerate it. If not for the force gap between the two sides is too large, Franz suspected that they are directly reckless up.

Without resorting to violence, Saxony still used its own methods to retaliate, for example: closed the trade routes between the two countries, prohibited any Prussian goods in the Saxon region sales.

This was not enough, they wanted to sanction Prussia together with the new Holy Roman Empire. Knowing that this is a lose-lose fight, the Saxon people are fearless, is to bet on this breath.

Franz naturally had a headache, and this sanction did not make any sense. Even if the New Holy Roman Empire blockaded Prussia, people could still get it from Britain and France.

Moreover, after the economic crisis broke out, the tariffs between the countries were about to block the import and export trade, the total foreign trade between Prussia and Austria was less than ten million guilders, less than a third of what it was before the economic crisis.

You can’t be capricious in your policy making and do whatever you want just for the sake of gambling, what about the companies whose interests are damaged? If this leads to an increase in the number of unemployed people and social conflicts, it is not worth it.

What’s the hurry to get back at Prussia? There are plenty of opportunities in the future. Blindly hard to go on, make the civil relations of the stiff will not be worth the loss.

There is no way, the Saxon Kingdom wants to do it, let them do it, this is their right, Franz also do not want to interfere.

Every family has a difficult experience, just compare Franz will be balanced. The British are still in Ireland, Scotland, two trouble, the French are asking for trouble, compared to Austria is good.

The states at the bottom were still peaceful, at least no one was clamoring for independence. It’s understandable that the Kingdom of Saxony would explode now.

The just recovered Prussian Saxony region accounted for more than four layers of their total area, originally there was a million people on it, now there are just a few tens of thousands left.

Any country that suddenly lost thirty to forty percent of its population was also going to freak out. Saxony is still kind of restrained, merely clamoring for economic sanctions against Prussia.


Only after pacifying his little brother did Franz set his sights on the Balkans. Industry don’t think about it, the French just run it as a colony, naturally there is no such thing as high technology.

The industries left over from the Ottoman Empire, first the Near East War and then the French colonization, those industries were long finished.

In a way, this was a good thing. Agriculture alone was obviously easier to rule, and messy ideas were harder to spread in the conservative countryside.

Plus to the credit of the French, many of the diehard elements were pretty much exiled. Even though the French left with a lot of hidden dangers planted, there was no chance for any of this to play out.

Franz’s visit to the Balkans was not a tour of the countryside, but an excuse to create a major operation on the area.

The emperor personally inspected the place, it is natural to strengthen security, the local government inventory of security risks is very natural, this investigation of the problem will be exposed.

According to Austrian law, the lawbreakers are too many, regardless of the size of the crime, constitute a crime to be held accountable.

Why did it take so long to get the French Balkans to do something about it, but wasn’t it just to get them to commit crimes?

The legal gap between French colonization and direct Austrian rule is vastly different. There are many things you can do in a French colony that are illegal in Austria.

And so anyone caught breaking the law faced the full force of the law. There is no such thing as the law against the law; if a village commits a crime, a village is held accountable, and if a town commits a crime, a town is held accountable.

The nails left behind by the French were undoubtedly pulled out. The local ruling class, basically, changed over as well.

No one can say anything when the law is followed. The dignity of the law was to be upheld even if there was more involvement, and definitely not to suppress dissent.

Apart from political prisoners who spread illegal ideas who had to work for life, the rest were dealt with according to the size of the crime. This time, they were not directly exiled, but stayed to fight for the improvement of transportation in the Balkans.

To develop the newly acquired French Balkans, Franz was still very hesitant. Austria’s energy was limited, and it always felt a bit of a loss to put resources into the Balkans.

The newly acquired French Balkan Peninsula was not small in size, including latter-day Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, half of Greece, and half of Istanbul.

But the population was less than three million people, and the young labor force was even smaller. This is the French pot, very early Paris government realized that the French Balkans and the Russian and Austrian mainland is connected to the military simply can not defend, naturally, will not be attentive to the development of the.

As a colony, naturally, do not want to have any good treatment, in order to develop the African continent, the French did not have a lot of immigration from the Balkans. Compared to the African natives, the Balkan population is still a quality labor force.

Suez Canal can be opened successfully, the Balkan people also contributed, which is the main reason for the lack of labor in the Balkans.

Due to Franz’s butterfly effect, which led to an increase in the amount of construction work, the demand for labor naturally increased. Egypt was only a small country with a population of three and a half million, which simply could not provide enough labor.

At a later stage, the huge number of casualties exceeded the limit of Egypt’s tolerance, and France and Austria had to think of ways from the colonies.

Austrian Africa alone contributed 400,000 laborers, and the Balkans contributed 200,000 laborers, and heavy casualties were inevitable in the big projects.

Besides, just because the project was finished didn’t mean they could go home. Especially after the French sold the Balkans to Austria, naturally they wouldn’t send any more ships to send people back, and Austria didn’t send any ships in time to pick them up.

Immediately after the Franco-Egyptian War broke out, the laborers who were still alive were stranded in Egypt. Due to the loss of food, the whereabouts of these laborers is now unknown, and how many are left is anyone’s guess.

The Austrian garrison in the Sinai was now only protecting the Suez Canal. If anyone reached the canal for help, then arrangements would still be made to bring them back by way of ships.

One after another, 10,000 people were sent back, perhaps frightened by the brutality of the war or having their edges smoothed out on the construction sites, these people were quite peaceful.

Of course, the gift of salvation also played a role in making them identify with Austrian rule. After all, only after experiencing the cruelty of the world firsthand did one realize the importance of a strong homeland.

Not having enough laborers made developing the Balkans much more expensive. For the sake of long term stability, Franz was again afraid to bring in foreigners.

There is also the future rise of the Russian Empire, wanting to enter the Mediterranean Sea, is bound to take the Dardanelles.

In case the Tsar he meets is better at fooling, taking the Balkans and exchanging it with them for land along the Ukraine, that would be a big profit.

After all, the Ukrainian areas along the Russian-Austrian border are all black land, and taking just any piece of it would be a big profit. Anyway, the Russians do not pay attention to these areas, the possibility of fooling over is very high.

Since they are going to be used for trade, it would be a waste to invest in development, and maintaining local stability would be enough.

Of course, there is a precondition for this, that is, in the next round of the war in Eastern Europe, Russia won the Prussian-Polish war and recovered the Ukrainian regions occupied by Poland.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for the Tsarist government to generate ambitions to enter the Mediterranean. Having experienced a social poisoning, it was impossible for the Russians not to learn a lesson.


(End of chapter)

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