Chapter 401: Justice does not add to the body

  Chapter 391 Justice Does Not Add Up

Ottawa, after months of negotiations, by September 1865, the multi-party talks had finally reached a preliminary result.

Under the intervention of Britain, France, Austria and Spain, the U.S. federal government recognized the independence of the Confederacy and the Indians, and the United States formally seceded.

The disputed states of Maryland and West Virginia, the areas that supported the Northern government joined the Union, and the areas that supported the Southern government joined the Confederacy.

Don’t be surprised to find that the territories of the northern and southern governments were intertwined. This time the people freely chose which government to join, and it ended up being town-based.

There is no doubt that this was the handiwork of the British, and they were pros at it. Burying the conflict between the North and South now, one can imagine a lively future in the Americas.

The Confederate government consisted of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, and parts of Maryland and West Virginia.

The regions of Arizona and New Mexico were also included in the Southern government. (Roughly present-day Arizona and New Mexico)

The Indian Emirate was somewhat more pathetic, being sandwiched in the middle of the Northern and Southern governments, and the territory was only poorly populated by Indians. (roughly present-day Oklahoma)

After the division of the United States, the overall national power was still dominated by the Northern government, with a population of 17,645,000 people, inheriting nearly two-thirds of U.S. industry, and 63.2% of U.S. territory.

The Confederate government followed, with a population of 11,984,000, inheriting nearly one-third of U.S. industry and 34.1% of U.S. territory.

The Indian Emirate was negligible, with an uncounted population of no more than one million, a territory of less than 200,000 square kilometers, and almost zero industry.

(Note: the United States in 1865 did not include Alaska and Hawaii, nor did most of the later overseas islands)

Of course, this is only a preliminary agreement reached by everyone, and the specific details will continue to be tugged at. Especially the issue of national boundaries, which will take time to determine.

However, this did not affect the signing of the treaty, in the British, French, Austro-Spanish four countries urged, September 12, 1865, the Lincoln government reluctantly signed this armistice treaty.

The signing of the treaty also meant the end of the Lincoln administration’s time in office, and without needing to be prodded, Lincoln submitted his resignation to Congress the following day.

It would go very smoothly, without a hitch. With the biggest blackmail over, it was only natural that someone else should come up and take over. All that was left to do was to wait for the election to be over, and the Lincoln administration would be ready to go.

The Civil War was over, and the federal government was back in Washington again. It was still the capital of the Union, no matter what.

Even if it was laid waste, they had to come back. It was politically correct and signaled the orthodoxy of the federal government.

Stepping into the White House again, Lincoln seemed to have aged twenty years. There were broken walls everywhere, and the former political center had turned into a ruin.


A sigh that spoke of the helplessness of life.

The Civil War was not Lincoln’s responsibility, and the countdown to war began when the capitalists of the North dominated the government.

It was only his bad luck that he happened to catch this critical time to take the blame.

Historically, it took the Northern government winning the war and Lincoln’s assassination just after the war, pulling in popular sympathy points, to become America’s greatest president.

This black pot naturally fell on the last president. Now that the situation has changed, while the previous one certainly can’t get away with it, he, the current president, is even more guilty.

Political opponents will not let go of this opportunity to step on the loser to get to the top, which is perfectly normal.

Certain people who looked at the Lincoln administration with displeasure were gearing up to sue them for violating the Constitution and starting a civil war that resulted in the deaths of millions of people.

This Civil War was fought so badly that the Northern government lost: 572,000 soldiers killed in action or died of wounds, 267,000 soldiers disabled by wounds, 23,000 soldiers died of disease, and 12,000 accidental deaths of all kinds , e.g. Assassination, Falling Overboard, Execution for Breach of Military Discipline …….

This is just the military losses and does not include civilian casualties. While it’s not quite to the point where every family wears mourning and everyone cries, it’s not far from that.

Don’t look like it’s about the same as the Near East War Russian losses, but the Tsarist government nominally won the war and captured Constantinople and the Bulgarian region.

Even though Constantinople was in ruins and the Bulgarians were still thinking of independence, this still did not detract from the political success of the Tsarist government.

The same could not be said of the Federal Government, who had failed strategically. Trying to pass the buck didn’t even work.

“What’s wrong with shedding the blame?”

At some point, Secretary of State Safar appeared behind Lincoln.

Lincoln shook his head and said, “No. When I first entered here, I knew it was a mess. It’s just that at the time, I thought I could take care of it and reunite this country.

However, I overestimated myself and underestimated the enemy. Now that I have to leave in disgrace, perhaps I will be the first president to enter prison.”

Safar consoled, “Before that, it might have been possible, but from the moment you handed in your resignation, that possibility ceased to exist.

The worst that could happen would be nothing more than the next president signing a pardon. The Republicans aren’t going to watch us go in, that’s the rules of the game.”

The President of the United States has the right to pardon anyone, including former presidents, without the permission of any body, except by impeachment.

According to the rules of the political game, presidents can resign early in exchange for the next president pardoning them.

“Pardon” means that all previous charges are wiped away, and with early resignation, impeachment is naturally out of the question.

Before the Armistice Treaty was signed, Lincoln had to take the fall, so Congress would not impeach him. Once the Armistice Treaty was signed, he resigned on his own, and the Republican-dominated Congress had already ratified it, so impeachment was out of the question.

Because of the independence of the South, the Democrats were devastated and had no way to compete with the Republicans in a short time.

The next president would most likely still be from the Republican Party, and no party wanted their president to be convicted and imprisoned to “make history”, so the Republican Party would naturally make an effort to keep Lincoln.

Even if the Democrats win the election, they will pardon them for political reasons.

This is the rule of the game in American politics, and even in the 21st century, no American president has ever been imprisoned for a crime.

Under normal circumstances, there would not even be an indictment. President Harding, the “Poker Cabinet”, President Grant, the “Watergate” Nixon, and so on, all landed safely in the end.

Now there is a clamor for prosecutions, but in reality it is only because of election propaganda. The radicals are just being used, and the politicians won’t break the rules of the game.

Even if Lincoln’s resigned, it doesn’t mean that the Lincoln administration is ready to go, not until the transfer of power has taken place.

It’s also the end of his term, otherwise the president resigns and the vice president replaces him. Still one of his own on the stage, the amnesty would have come out a long time ago.


The internal power struggle in the US is not something Franz is interested in caring about, he’s still seething with the joy of a divided America and can’t help himself.

Having seceded once, a second time was possible. From the moment the federal government recognized the independence of the South, it meant that the patch that Lincoln had put in place had lost its effect.

It was the pot of the Declaration of Independence, the states were free to join in the first place, there was no prohibition against withdrawing, and Southern independence was not legally in question.

Lincoln though introduced a law that prohibited the Union from seceding. But it was an afterthought, not recognized by the state governments at all, and the law amounted to nothing.

After a civil war, if certain Confederate states were to become independent again, would the federal government still be able to organize force to suppress it?

It is unknown whether the federal government would have been able to organize an army if the Southern government had not started the civil war.

In this day and age, the states of the United States have so much power that they have the ability to not give a damn about the federal government. For example: banning federal troops from entering the state.

Without the cooperation of the states, it would have been difficult for the government in Washington to even mobilize the domestic army, let alone organize it.

Now, because of the Civil War, the federal government’s prestige has been greatly diminished, and its binding power over the states has been further reduced. This meant that the United States was no longer a threat for a long time to come.

If the federal government was a loose confederation, the Confederate government had to go even further, with each joining state having more power than any of the states under the New Holy Roman Empire.

The Confederate government can be understood in this way: each state was a small independent kingdom that came together to form a confederation, which is now the Confederate government.

ps: accidentally came to the unknown world, but also a bandit, no future can not must be an official! I’m Not a Bandit

(End of chapter)

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