Chapter 4: Famous Austrian Generals

  Chapter 4 The Famous Generals of Austria

Leaving from Archduke Karl’s mansion, Franz had a satisfied smile on his face, it was obvious that the two had just talked to each other and he had become Archduke Karl’s new student.

Archduke Karl originally intended to continue to deepen the reform of the Austrian army, but unfortunately he lacked a strong supporter in the central government, and Franz’s appearance just solved this problem.

As the future successor of this empire, Franz recognized his military philosophy and it was only logical to support him in his reforms.

The current Austrian Emperor Ferdinand I was too sick in the head to handle political affairs, and as Crown Prince Franz could be regent once he came of age.

This time will not be too big, there are already too many people who are dissatisfied with Prime Minister Menier, including Archduke Karl, all want him to get out.

This time Franz appeared just right, there is no better choice than to support the Crown Prince regency, there is military support Franz as long as it is not too stupid, can be in power in advance.

Franz in the conversation, and mixed some private goods into it, such as the Prussian staff system, the new era of army training, tactical command and so on.

A lot of refreshing proposals, so that the Archduke Karl is very interested, how much will be added to his new military concept, which is still an unknown.

In the end Franz still proposed, asked the Archduke Karl to develop a military reform program for the Austrian army.

Franz was not going to admit that the uniform he was wearing gave him extra points, otherwise this conversation would not have gone so well.

Could it be that the Archduke Karl would really be shocked by his proposal and then just fall under his king’s dominance and just do everything he could to support him?

Don’t dream about it, it’s impossible!

The reason why the two sides were talking to each other was mainly because we all had similar philosophies, Franz was still the heir to the empire, and had been a soldier since he was a child.

Archduke Karl intentionally guided him in the military cognition, Franz is also very cooperative, creating an illusion to him that the Franz in front of him is one of his admirers.

In order for his ideas to be better implemented, Archduke Karl didn’t mind taking on another future emperor as a student, the two sides were completely allied in political interests.

Perhaps the young Archduke Karl in politics has not yet flunked, now at this time he is already an old fox, Franz’s intention to come he has long guessed out most of it.

In the view of Archduke Karl, Franz is nothing more than for his influence in the army, as a price, the future Franz will have to support his military reform.

Franz to the inside of the practice of private goods, in his view is a child in order to save face, want to attract his attention, these military concepts, do not know which gunman pounded out.

If you can use it, you can’t use it, anyway, this is a side issue, will not affect the political cooperation between the two.

The European Succession Act is very sound, and it’s not a big deal for an heir like Franz to join forces politically with a military powerhouse like him openly and honestly.

Even Franz and the current Prime Minister Metternich have a very good relationship, and both sides are still mentors and friends in history, and no one thinks there is a problem?

Franz was second in line to the throne and still became Crown Prince. That’s because in front of him is the father – Franz Karl, brain problems, experienced the uncle Ferdinand I lesson, no one dares to get a retarded emperor out.

The Austrian Empire also wanted to save face, and his father had repeatedly stated in public that he had renounced his right to succeed to the throne, whether or not this was his intention is not known, but the words were already out there anyway.

Now Franz is just ganging up on the bright side, no this is just a learning need, as the heir to Austria how can he not learn the military?

In the next few days, Franz ran to the Archduke Karl every other day to mix, the beautiful name is to learn the military.

Austria in the 19th century is still the world of the aristocracy, where Franz came into contact with a lot of important members of the army, such as Josip Jeláčić, Wendy Schlegelz, Radetzky.

(Remarks: The three great fathers who saved the Austrian Empire, Radetzky suppressed the Italian revolution; Wendischgretz suppressed the Prague uprising; Josip Jeláčić suppressed the Hungarian revolution)

Trying to take these men under his wing, Franz couldn’t do it yet, at least we all got acquainted, and it might not work sometime in the future.

It was all to everyone’s delight, and becoming friends with the future Emperor was something no one could refuse.

This was also Franz’s established strategy, actively leaning on the army, only by obtaining the support of the army, in the future unrest he would be able to quell the rebellion in the shortest possible time.

“Franz, there is a military meeting tomorrow, are you interested in attending?” Albrecht Friedrich Rudolf opened his mouth and asked

(Remarks: Archduke Karl’s eldest son, the last famous general of the Austrian Empire, who had received the title of Field Marshal of Austria, Germany and Russia)

“Albrecht, forget it, your meetings are too boring, I don’t want to listen to a bunch of old men ranting!” Franz said indifferently

At first he was interested in attending such military meetings, after having been there a few times he was disappointed.

There was a large group of nobles in the Austrian army, there were talented people among these people, but more of them were just mucking around to make up the numbers.

If he were to muddle through in the army, he could become an admiral in less than ten years, and he could even report to the army without having to go there.

Except for the marshals who had gold, the Austrian Empire was already full of generals, and with the existence of so many muckety-mucks, the so-called military meetings weren’t that formal anymore.

Real problems would not even be brought up for discussion in such meetings, and if it weren’t for the existence of conventions, such meetings wouldn’t even be held.

“Well, since you’re not interested, I’ll leave first!” Albrecht said indifferently

Franz smiled slightly, he didn’t dare to underestimate Albrecht, historically he was the main character in the March Revolution, directly making Ferdinand I abdicate.

How can this be possible without insider trading? You know that as the person directly responsible for the events of the March Revolution, he was exiled from Vienna, and it did not take long for him to return to the center of power again.

Franz didn’t mind continuing this kind of deal, after all, he was the ultimate beneficiary, and if his uncle hadn’t abdicated early, he didn’t know when he would have been able to succeed?

The Austrian Empire was still a strong family, and had it not been for the problems with the government in Vienna, it would not have fallen so quickly.

At this time, the Austrian Empire is still and Britain, France, Russia, West and known as the five European powers, the Prussians have not yet broken out just quasi-powers.

(End of chapter)

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