Chapter 381: If you don’t make a mistake, you won’t die.

  Chapter 371: You won’t die if you don’t make a fool of yourself

The city of Milan, Treos rising textile tycoon. 1848 Ossa war, directly to the Lombardy region capital world has occurred a major reshuffle, Treos is to take advantage of this gap to stand out.

The pursuit of money is not the same goal, Treaus ancestor is also a nobleman, but in his grandfather’s generation will fall.

At this time, Treios is considering whether to get a knighthood, to restore the glory of his ancestors.

It is not easy to get a title in Austria, but of course, as a rich “Shield” player, it is still more advantageous than a commoner player.

The colonization system has created opportunities for them, as long as they are willing to spend money, recruiting a large number of mercenaries to open up colonies in the African continent to exchange for merit, sooner or later, they will be able to smash out a knighthood.

It wasn’t the easiest path, but it was the most suitable path for Treos. Joining the army and going to war is easier to obtain a knighthood, but this has never been the choice of capitalists.

Nobles had a higher social status, but in the business world, nobles didn’t have any particular advantage, and many of their privileges had shrunk.

Treos had always weighed the pros and cons, acquiring merit through overseas colonization also depended on luck, and the inputs and outputs were often not directly proportional.

In this regard, in fact, the nobles have more advantages, they have cultivated the military command ability since childhood, some nobles also have the family ministers and private armies inherited from their ancestors, so the colonization team formed is naturally more capable of fighting.

Can fight colonization team basically will not lose money, even if they did not find any resources, all the way to rob rob rob rob, incidentally and labor export company cooperation, to help African tribes immigrants, that also have to earn.

As long as the colonization team does not lose money, it can operate for a long time, and the merits naturally accumulate over time.

This is the capitalists can not compare, their advantage is money. If you have money, you have people, these years the retired officers and soldiers are in demand, most capitalists are recruiting them to form colonization teams, and the fighting strength is not too bad.

Unfortunately, not everyone is willing to go to the African continent to make a break for it, with the increase in colonization teams, there are not enough retired officers and soldiers willing to go to the colonies to divide them up, and the cost of salaries is increasing with each passing day.

As the latecomers had to lower their recruitment standards, the fighting strength of the colonization team was inevitably reduced.

Not having a strong fighting force didn’t mean that it was impossible to colonize the African continent. Fighting power in how garbage, deal with some indigenous tribes is still not a big problem, only the number of casualties is a little high.

If the luck is not good, a battle down the light pension can put people lose blood. Now the Austrian colonization team’s pension standard, basically is 500 ~ 1800 divine guilders, simply can’t afford to lose.

Stefan’s appearance made Tereos’ eyes light up, others were laughing at Stefan for recruiting Italian mercenaries with no fighting ability, however, Tereos saw the other side – cheap.

As a qualified capitalist, Treios had the advantage of never forgetting to save costs.

The price of recruiting an ordinary German mercenary could recruit two Italian mercenaries; the price of an elite mercenary was more than enough to recruit five Italian mercenaries.

In addition to low labor salaries, casualty pensions can also be compressed to less than 300 guilders. If you recruited from Italian states, you can still rely on the pension in case of heavy losses.

As long as they are careful not to be greedy, Italian mercenaries with slightly lower combat power can also sweep through the indigenous tribes. After all, the cost is low, more people can be recruited, and there are advantages when doing labor export business.

Just as Treos made up his mind to work with Stephen, a letter interrupted all his fantasies.

Not everyone was thinking of revolution and independence, and Treios didn’t want to change the status quo, even though he was also influenced by Italian nationalism.

It was fine to donate money in normal times and to preserve Italian traditions and culture, but it was impossible for him to go to war himself.

He would not even finance the revolutionaries. Treios was very shrewd, and he never made a deal that was destined to be unrecoverable.

All nationalists have different political philosophies, especially in the face of profit, which often determines the philosophy.

As a textile tycoon, on the surface of leaving Austria, Treaus can reduce a lot of competitors, and even dominate the Italian market.

But in reality, leaving Austria after the raw materials can kill him.

It is easy to say from overseas imports, really if the full dependence on imports, the international cotton market, once the turmoil occurred, can immediately kill him.

Britain can become the dominant cotton industry, not only because of the textile industry is strong, more or a powerful Royal Navy as a backing, has a vast colony as a market, can protect their own interests.

Italy after independence could not protect his interests. Treaus was only dissatisfied with the policies of the Vienna government and wanted to abolish the current policy of national integration and labor protection laws.

This is a completely different concept from rebellion, there are plenty of people who are dissatisfied with the policies of the state, after all, no single policy can satisfy everyone.

If we were to revolt just because we are dissatisfied with a government policy, would the world not be in chaos? Whoever goes up there can’t possibly satisfy everyone, right?

Thinking of the large number of mercenaries in the hands of Stephen and the others, Tereos’ face changed and he immediately shouted, “Martin immediately prepare a car, I want to go to the city hall.”

Regardless of whether the revolution could succeed or not, as long as the war came together business would not be good. In case of bad luck, it wasn’t impossible to be patronized by chaotic soldiers and go bankrupt.

As the victor of the last shuffle, Treos didn’t want to do it again. He is a capitalist but also industrialist, not the kind of businessmen who buy low and sell high, the factory where the war started to hide can not hide.


In Pécs, in the province of West Hungary, several members of the Hungarian Independence Organization (HIO) are apprehensively following the contact lists and delivering letters around.

For security reasons, everyone is doing their own thing. There were those who hid the soles of their shoes, those who sewed them inside their clothes, and the quick-witted ones simply switched to digital codes, utilizing the Bible as a carrier.

All of this was futile in the event of a traitorous betrayal. The Hungarian region was more thoroughly cleansed than the Austro-Italian region, and those who managed to escape were the smart ones.

Tragedy struck Domeschi, the messenger, who happened to bump into his master and was then retained.

After reading the letter, Brooks mentally greeted Mr. Stephen’s entire family. In the early years, the two men had been like-minded friends, and they had all worked together for Hungarian independence.

But times are different now, and Brooks, who is past the middle of his life, is no longer that simple idealist.

When he was able to escape, it was because of luck that he happened to fall ill and did not have time to join the rebellion.

After recovering from his illness, the rebellion had already taken place, and Brooks, who had revolutionary tendencies, was placed under house arrest by his father, who was still loyal to the emperor.

Thanks to his father’s spontaneous participation in the suppression of the rebellion, he was excluded from suspicion.

Time is the best weapon, and in the blink of an eye, his father died, and the unrestrained Brooks once again became involved with the surviving nationalists.

By this time, everyone was no longer chanting slogans of independence every day, but opposing the Viennese government’s division of nationalities and unification of languages and scripts.

Violent resistance was out of the question, and hard-headedness had long since met its match in the independence movement. Brooks was not stupid, he knew very well the consequences of going against the government.

Because of personal friends, Brooks and some members of the Hungarian Independence Organization still maintained secret contacts, but this did not include Stephen.

It couldn’t be helped, who made Stephen a political prisoner in exile? There were quite a few people in the Hungarian Independence Organization, and with how much they had gotten up to, most of the members weren’t actually wanted.

Brooks was the smart one, and anyway, these people were in exile overseas and not wanted, so contacting them would be a good way to feign ignorance even if they were exposed.

Many friends make a good road, just like this time when the Hungarian Independence Organization was trying to make something happen, and a friend hinted at him to hide a little farther away.

Having seen the letter, Brooks was very suspicious that someone was trying to mess with him. There was so much in the letter, even the timing of the uprising.

Under normal circumstances, someone like him, who was not even a member of the Hungarian Independence Organization, could not be trusted. Wasn’t there any fear that he would report it?

Brooks asked tentatively, “Mr. Domich, why the uprising on February 15, when we are totally unprepared?”

Domich didn’t think about it that much, there was no need for secrecy among his own people.

“Sir Brooks, a new wave of revolution has come to Europe, this time we are joining forces with other revolutionary groups, and we will all start the uprising together in January and February.

We delayed the date of the uprising to February 15th because we weren’t prepared enough. But don’t worry, the first uprising against Austria will be in the Italian region.

Currently, we have recruited thousands of mercenaries, and with the cooperation of the local revolutionary groups, this uprising will definitely be a success!”

Hearing Domic’s words, Brooks’ suspicions were half dispelled. It looked like he was really a member of the Hungarian Independence Organization, and this sacred expression was the same as when he was young.

Brooks continued to ask, “My old friends do they have anything to account for?”

Since he was implied to hide away a bit, under normal circumstances it made no sense for these friends to drag him down again, this letter was obviously not simple.

Domich thought for a moment and said, “Mr. Paul said to bring his regards when he meets you. And that you should save the ham for when he comes over to eat it.

Mr. Solam, asked you how the old place was. He misses the Revolutionary period very much, but unfortunately it failed last time and won’t this time.”

These plausible words did not strike Domich as anything but old friends catching up.

But to Brooks’ ears it was a different story. “Ham” was the code word for retreat, and there was no doubt that he was being told to run.

The “Revolutionary Period” was not a good memory for them, watching their comrades fall and countless like-minded friends being liquidated.

Cold sweat broke out on Brooks’ forehead as he realized the situation.

Other people do not know that the Hungarian independence organization received funding from the Americans, but Brooks is very clear, their friends did not complain about the Americans to tell them what to do.

Associated with the current American civil war, Brooks instantly figured out a lot of things.

This uprising is certainly not able to participate in, either immediately pack up and run away, and then return when things have passed; or immediately go to report, to take themselves out.

Domich asked suspiciously, “Sir Brooks, what’s wrong with you?”

Looking at the innocent-looking Domich, Brooks felt a bit unbearable in his heart and hesitated for a moment, saying, “I’m fine. The situation in the Hungarian region is very complicated, Domich you leave as soon as possible after completing your mission and take a boat to Russia to avoid the wind.”

Domich was shocked in his heart and asked in surprise, “Why?”

Brooks shook his head and said, “The police in the Pecs area have very good noses, the contact list is on you, and if something happens, the organization’s operational achievements here will all be finished.”

With a determined look on his face, Domich said, “Don’t worry, Mr. Brooks. I don’t have the list on me, and even if something happens, the enemy won’t get anything out of it.”

Brooks didn’t continue to persuade, although he didn’t know what the Hungarian Independence Organization’s purpose was this time, he was very clear that these people sent out were all outcasts.

The persuasion was only that Brooks was worried that Domich would be arrested and would give up the fact that he was connected to the Hungarian Independence Organization.

But after careful thought, Brooks then mused that even if Domic had escaped, these same things could not be kept secret.

In normal times, this kind of contact between friends was nothing, and he could not be convicted. But when the big change occurs, then it is different, maybe the title will be taken into account.

There are only two ways left for Brooks, either to run away and go into exile; or to report to the government, and all past events can be written off.

After hesitating for a while, Brooks still decided to be a traitor, after all, this time things are too strange, inside the fog.

“Domich, I’m not doubting your loyalty, it’s just that we should be vigilant and not be able to make unnecessary sacrifices.

If you’re willing to help, you can deliver a few letters for me. It’s a critical time for me to meet with them, and I don’t feel comfortable having my men deliver them.”

There was no doubt that Brooks was ready to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

There were always a few enemies when you came out, and Brooks was no exception. Taking the opportunity to involve them and kick out a few stumbling blocks, he didn’t have any pressure.


(End of chapter)

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