Chapter 380: Fishing for Law Enforcement

  Chapter 370: Phishing for Law Enforcement

The Hungarian Independence Organization action could only be considered small, the French Revolutionary Party’s movement was considered big.

In January 1865, from Paris to Montauban, the whole of France more than 30 cities appeared demonstrations, as if France is back to the Revolutionary era.

Many people joined the marches in a daze, shouting a variety of slogans, for example:

There were those who asked the government to support the Polish independence movement, those who opposed a particular government policy, those who advocated support for the Spanish Revolutionary Party, and those who opposed the colonial movement ……

There was only what could not be imagined and absolutely nothing that could not be shouted.

Obviously the French Revolutionary Party has also learned to be smart, in recent years, the domestic economy is developing well, everyone’s small life is still okay, this time to rebel simply does not work.

Those who are strongly dissatisfied with the government are them, the disillusioned of the rights struggle, and a group of idealists.

Want to overthrow the rule of Napoleon III, the only way is to mess up France first, as long as the domestic chaos before there is a chance.

The French population, rich in internationalism and very often very emotional, wanted to take charge of what they thought was unreasonable, and this gave them the opportunity.

Versailles, the disorganized parade caused Napoleon III’s alarm. On the surface it seems that this is just an ordinary parade, in France every year there are not know how many times to happen.

But recently it has happened too often, struggle experienced Napoleon III, a glance at the back of the organization.

Napoleon III ordered: “Adair, pull out the rats behind the curtain, I want to see who is making trouble.”

Marches are legal in France and the government has no right to interfere. But the situation was different with daily marches, which not only affected the economy, but also the hearts and minds of the people.

It’s not the good old days of “work in the spring, vacation in the summer, strike in the fall, Christmas in the winter”.

This is the time to fight for the kingdom. After the war against France, the French colonial empire collapsed, and now Napoleon III is trying to build a second colonial empire.

Naturally, he could not tolerate the continuation of marches that affected the country’s economy; after all, there were so many competitors in this day and age that you could fall out of favor if you weren’t careful.

“Yes, Your Majesty!” Police Minister Adair replied apprehensively

This was not a good job, over the years because of the deterioration of law and order caused by the marches, there had been 15 police ministers who had taken the blame and stepped down, with an average tenure of only 10.5 months.

Don’t look at the Napoleon III era as a time of good economic development and social stability in the country and think that they have had a better time. In fact they are still being sprayed as if they are the worst government ever.

Reasons aren’t needed, what reasons are needed to grope the enemy? The government can’t regulate public opinion, and if the opposition wants to spray, Napoleon III will at best find someone to spray against them.

Perhaps the position has changed, Napoleon III has become a defender of the rules. There were no extraordinary measures taken against these enemies, which left room for the revolutionaries to maneuver.

Foreign Minister Abraham opened his mouth and said, “Your Majesty, probably due to the influence of the Polish Independence Movement, the European Revolutionary Movement, in recent times, has once again risen to a high level.

First, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies broke out in an uprising, and the rebels have now taken control of one-third of Sicily; then revolutions broke out in Spain and Portugal respectively.

The atmosphere in the rest of Europe is also tense, a new wave of revolution is likely to break out again, we must be vigilant.”

Although the Americans were only encouraging the revolutionary groups in these big countries to go back to Europe to make things happen, the revolutionary groups in other countries were also affected.

Seeing the upsurge of the Polish independence movement, many people took it for granted that a new wave of revolution was coming and came out to make things happen.

For other countries, maybe the problem wasn’t too serious. For France, it was a big problem.

I don’t know what the reason is, but every time there is a wave of revolution, the French are always there, and Paris is known as the holy land of revolution.

This reputation did not interest Napoleon III at all. If possible, he preferred to place the capital in a small, poor and backward city rather than in the “Holy Land of Revolution”.

Any monarch who lived in a revolutionary shrine would be afraid of being revolutionized by accident.

Before his accession to the throne, Napoleon III was proud of Paris; after his accession to the throne, this feeling was gone.

The number of strikes and demonstrations that take place in Paris every year is more than the total number of those in Austria.

The number of demonstrations and strikes that took place in France every year exceeded the total number of other countries in Europe, and it was not easy for Napoleon III to stabilize the throne.

If Franz were to choose, he would rather go to the colonies as a tyrant than to be the Emperor of France.

This has nothing to do with how good or bad a monarch is, just open a history book and look at the history of the French revolution.

As a bystander, one can laugh it off, but as a person involved, one can only cry. Sitting on a powder keg day after day, a policy that upsets some people can trigger a revolution.

The monarchy was not suitable for the over-energetic French people, who were full of romanticism, and the people of Paris had already proved that only a republic was suitable for them.

Napoleon III thought for a moment and said, “This is indeed a problem, order the police everywhere to be on heightened alert, and have the city guards in Paris and the 7th Division in Nantes switch sides.”

Changing defenses was Napoleon III’s most common tactic, and to avoid the revolutionaries colluding with the military, the garrison in Paris was never permanent.

The lesson of the overthrow of the Orléans dynasty had taught him that the kingdom could not be stabilized without the possession of a reliable force.


Artisa was an Italian merchant, and then he was also a nationalist, the order could not be reversed.

Therefore, he escaped the 1848 Revolution by decisively siding with the victors.

However, this did not change the fact that he was a nationalist by nature. Over the years he and a group of like-minded friends went to great lengths to promote Italian nationalism.

Against the backdrop of the Vienna government’s promotion of national integration, Atisa naturally did not dare to swim against the tide, but secretly they set up the Venice Cultural and Artistic Exchange Center.

This is purely academic exchanges, except that the exchanges are Italian national culture and art. If it was just a personal hobby, it would not have attracted the attention of the Austrian intelligence organization.

The key is that they are very deadly in organizing art and culture training courses for young people, secretly promoting nationalism, and even revealing from time to time their wish for Venetian independence.

Freedom of speech in Austria, as long as these ideas are not preached in public, the law can not be criminalized.

Up to now, they have only paid lip service to these ideas and have never put them into practice. No evidence had been left behind, including the indoctrination of young people with those ideas.

During the War of German Unification, the local government even deliberately left loopholes in the hope that they would take action so that the gang could be eliminated.

Unfortunately Atisa and others are old fashioned and ideals have to take a back seat to profit.

It’s not in their interest for Italian regions to be united and for a Venetia region to become independent from Austria, they lose most of their current market.

So instead of taking advantage of the opportunity to become independent, they convinced the radical nationalists not to act rashly.

These kind of sleepers are the worst, they don’t risk rebellion, but they are working towards it.

Atisa has been a bit distracted lately, always feeling that something bad is happening. Just after returning home, the old butler handed him a letter.

“Mr. Atisa, this is a letter that Mr. Stephen sent to bring you.”

Stephen was a casual acquaintance of his at a banquet, and the two of them made small talk, and Stephen even invited him to join the colonization company and go to the African continent to open up a colony.

Having encountered a professional flimflamer and having a large number of mercenaries as evidence, Atisa did not suspect Stephen’s identity.

There were too many people with the same name in Europe, and with a popular name like Stefan, there were 70,000 or 80,000 in Austria if not 100,000, and no one would associate a colonial merchant with a Hungarian independence organization.

After opening the letter and reading it for the first time, Atisa’s face changed drastically.

“Nell, did anyone else see this letter when you received it?”

Nel, the butler, replied with a depressed face, “The person who delivered the letter handed it to me at the gate, and apart from a few street vendors, there were no suspicious people.”

He was very puzzled, completely unable to understand Atisa’s nervousness. It wasn’t just a letter, even if someone saw it, they wouldn’t know what was inside!

Hearing this reply, Atisa once again made sure, “Are there any new arrivals from those vendors?”

Nell replied with great certainty, “No, it’s the usual ones, almost every day.”

Atisa breathed a sigh of relief, followed by a headache. Isn’t it looking for death to have a revolution in this year?

He could not understand at all how Stefan thought. As the leader of the Hungarian Independence Organization, he had been able to get away with it for more than ten years with the Vienna government hunting him down, so why would he run back now to die.

That’s right, in Atisa’s opinion now Stefan was sending himself to his death. The situation in Hungary is not clear to others, can they, well-informed businessmen, not know it.

Not to mention independence, probably do not need to wait for the Vienna government to take action, the local people will be suppressed them.

The same could happen in Venetia. The Vienna government’s national integration movement is still useful.

No matter how hard they tried, the Germanization of the region became more and more obvious. Especially the younger generation, one by one, was learning German, and the Italian language and script had disappeared from compulsory education.

Even if there are still people who insist on indoctrinating the next generation, the schoolwork in compulsory education in Austria is very heavy, and the students are very busy every day, so how many of them will take the initiative to learn things that are not tested in the school exams?

Some years ago private schools were still teaching Italian, only to have the Ministry of Education stop funding them and put them on the list of profiteering industry operating companies that need to pay the same high taxes to the government as the luxury goods industry.

If it was just a matter of the government not funding them, people could still run their schools. Being included in the luxury goods industry then there is absolutely nothing you can do, the tax rate is as high as ninety-five percent, so you can’t raise the tuition by twenty times, can you?

Even if they were more wealthy, no one would be able to hold out. In the entire Austrian Empire, there are no schools outside the supervision of the Ministry of Education.

The legally recognized schools are those that receive government funding, while the rest are corporate training institutions.

These organizations are taxed at a rate that is based on the profitability of their industry. Unfortunately the school reference object is compulsory education schools, compared with 0 charges, no matter how much fees are considered profiteering industry.

Atisa and others founded training centers, are dependent on donations do not charge any fees, otherwise the hat of the profiteering industry, would have been given to them over.

The people who make trouble are not unheard of, but unfortunately the Vienna government is very tough. A thousand people make trouble, then arrest a thousand, ten thousand people make trouble, then arrest ten thousand. The main culprits joined the road-building army, and the accomplices, including their families, were all exiled to the colonies.

After exiling more than 100,000 people, the rest settled down. Even if you don’t think of yourself, you can’t disregard your family!

The treatment of exiled criminals was not comparable to that of immigrants, and they were usually assigned to the worst conditions and the most dangerous work.

Now receiving Stephen’s invitation to join the center of the revolutionary team, Atisa decided to draw a line with them at the first opportunity, he didn’t want to take his own family’s life.

Without hesitation, Atisa directly struck a match and lit the epistle in his hand.

Not reporting to the government, this is to be worthy of friends. The meeting place agreed upon in the letter, Atisa directly chose to ignore.

Contacting the revolutionaries in Austria is also risky, the Vienna government has never had zero tolerance for these things, Atisa is not willing to take the risk.

After burning the letter, Atisa instructed again, “Nell, don’t tell anyone about this letter. Stefan and I only met at the party, we are not friends, do you understand?”

Nell’s butler replied, “Understood, Mr. Atisa.”

The cautious Atisa didn’t know yet that from the moment he preached nationalism, he had half a foot in hell.

Now by burning the correspondence and not reporting it to the government, he just happened to put his other foot in it as well.

There is no doubt that this is a fishing expedition. If one had taken the epistle in the first place and reported it to the local police department, how could one not have been implicated?

Not taking the chance, that’s not going to happen. Even if you didn’t participate in the rebellion, it’s still a crime to knowingly fail to report it, and there’s no wrongdoing.

(End of chapter)

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