Chapter 373: The Hundred States of the World

  Chapter 363: A Hundred States on Earth

The Bronx, one of the main gathering places for people of Italian descent in the United States, is also the stronghold of the Italian Independence Organization.

Compared to other revolutionary groups, the Italian Independence Organization was the one that was really lively. Originally, they had leaders, and the most influential of the revolutionary groups, the Charcoal Burners, was the main force, with power all over the Italian region.

With the outbreak of the assassination case, the Charcoal Party became the most well-known international terrorist organization, and even the Kingdom of Sardinia, which was regarded as a place of hope, was also destroyed as a result.

The Italian Revolutionary Group also split. Originally, the Charcoal Party was allowed to be the leader, that was because they were powerful and influential, not that everyone was really obedient.

Now that something has happened, one by one, of course, they want to make cuts with the Charcoal Burning Party. With the name of the Charcoal Burning Party, even if the revolution succeeded, the next interventionist coalition army would dry up.

Even overseas, the members of the Charcoal Burning Party didn’t dare to publicize their identities. They are not wanted by one or two countries, they are on the blacklist of all the monarchies in Europe, and even in the United States they must remain anonymous.

After the exile overseas, the charcoal-burning party broke out into fierce infighting. People blamed dumping and slammed each other for wreaking havoc and burying a great deal of good in Italy.

Anyway, the assassination of the king was all planned by others and had nothing to do with them, and even if they did have a relationship, they have now set aside their relationship for fear of getting involved in this offense.

External blows coupled with internal struggles, the brilliant charcoal-burning party naturally split, and now: the Italian National Salvation Army, the Italian Salvation Society, the Italian Liberal Party, and the Italian Mafia ……

Don’t get me wrong, the Italian Mafia of this era was not the gangster organization of the latter days, which played a very important role in the process of Italian independence.

(Note: The Italian name of the “Mafia” is “Morto Alla Francia, Italia Anela”, which is abbreviated as “Mafia”. (meaning: “The destruction of France is Italy’s desire”).

After the occupation of the Kingdom of Sardinia by France, anti-France became the biggest enemy in the hearts of Italians, and “Italian Mafia” was the slogan of the Sicilian people who fought against the French invaders six hundred years ago.

After the split, the charcoal-burning party was far less influential and powerful than before. Because of their different philosophies, the different revolutionary organizations also had different styles of action.

In the beginning, the Italian revolutionaries were mostly active on the European continent, especially in Paris, where they were the most popular. In order to cause trouble for Austria, France was always their biggest patron.

Things always change, and after the outbreak of the assassination of the king, they had a hard time. At that time, the French government decided to annex the Kingdom of Sardinia, and they, the revolutionary organizations, became a hidden danger.

If the people of Paris hadn’t been too enthusiastic and tipped them off in advance, most of the backbones of these revolutionary organizations would probably have fallen into the hands of the French government.

As the impact of the assassination case fermented, many people realized that the situation was not right and fled the European continent.

At this time everyone chose the United States is also a helpless move. The revolution also needs capital, originally the British is a good gold master, but things are too big, France and Austria exerted too much diplomatic pressure, the London government can not top.

After all, this kind of thing can be done in secret, if it is too much will only lose both sides. The British can support the Italian Revolutionary Party, France and Austria can also support the Irish independence organization.

Exile in the United States is different, first of all, the distance is far enough away, everyone low-profile a little bit of France and Austria is very difficult to find; secondly, the United States of America’s Italian immigrants, there are sufficient human resources and financial support.

Now the Italian revolutionary organizations are using the local gangster organizations to cover, the federal government pretends not to see, the Joint Investigation Team’s wanted notice here is just for show.

Goulart, one of the leaders of the Italian-American immigrants, asked, “Gentlemen, what do you all think of the American proposal?”

There is strength in numbers, and even though Italians are doubly discriminated against in the U.S., there are millions of them, and their social influence is not comparable to that of Poles or Hungarians.

The federal government naturally could not roughly threaten, but changed to cooperation, both: funding their funds, weapons and ammunition, in exchange for them to start an uprising in the Italian region.

Gabori, the leader of the Italian National Salvation Army, proposed, “Sooner or later we will have to start an uprising anyway, and with the Americans funding it will also be able to lighten everyone’s burden, so we can agree to them.”

There was no way around it, and after the French occupation of the Kingdom of Sardinia, Gabori connected with his supporters who were not willing to concede defeat outright and launched an armed uprising.

There is no doubt that the insurgents were next to be taken care of by the French army in three or five, and they would have been caught if they hadn’t seen the time and run fast.

The failed uprising became a wanted man by the French, and the Italian regions could not stay. In the fight against the Italian revolutionary organizations, France and Austria have reached an agreement, the European continent are not safe.

After the outbreak of the Polish uprising, the Italian independence organizations were stimulated, and the armed revolutionaries led by Gabori could not sit still and wanted to continue to launch an armed uprising.

Antonio, the leader of the Italian Liberal Party, objected, “But now France and Austria are so powerful that even if the uprising succeeds, it will not be able to stop their counterattack.

Before the situation on the European continent changes, it is not advisable for us to take any chances, lest we waste our valuable revolutionary forces.”

This was the opinion of most people, looking at the revolutionary organizations in various countries, apart from Poland the situation in Italy was the worst.

Poland although occupied by Russia, Prussia and Austria, as long as the revolutionaries calm down, just in Russia to make a fuss about independence, and the support of the European countries, the short-term enemy is only one.

Italy to make independence on the tragedy, France and Austria can not be bypassed, and even Spain is in the way, European countries sympathize with them quite a lot, dare to carry out the support is very rare.

Including the original support for them the British, are now suspended support. There is no doubt that John Bull does not think they can overthrow France and Austria to unify the Italian region.

In this context, launching an uprising has a low success rate, not to mention that it is easy to draw fire. Do not think that in the United States is safe, angry, France and Austria to organize a coalition army dare directly landed in New York to find their bad luck.

In this era, the powers are so overbearing, did not make a big move before, that is, they do not pay attention to them, not worth to do a battle.

But if you get angry, Paris and Vienna to do at any cost to death, now the U.S. federal government may not have the ability to shelter them.

If France and Austria were interested in compromising with the federal government now, perhaps tomorrow they would be deported as wanted criminals. Promises by politicians are only valid to the extent that they are in their own interest.

Gabori explains, “We only promised to start an uprising in the Italian region, we didn’t promise to start an uprising anywhere.

Sardinia, Lombardy, Venetia are areas where the enemy is strong we have no chance of success.

But what about another way of thinking? Why must we start with the difficult and then the easy? Can’t we go to areas where the enemy is weak?

The lessons of history have taught us that the road to Italian unification cannot be successful if it begins in Northern Italy.

Why did the Kingdom of Sardinia fail? It was the wrong target from the beginning!

What if in 1848, instead of attacking Lombardy and Venetia, we had attacked the regions of Central and South Italy first?

France and Austria were deep in revolution at the time and unable to intervene, we unified the central and southern Italy region first, and in the end, Lombardy and Venetia were all that was left, would the French still have been able to swallow us in one bite?”

People are reflective, although there is a bit of hindsight, but we all have to admit that never the beginning of the strategic thinking is wrong.

The Kingdom of Sardinia’s strategic blunder was credited to many in the room. It was taken for granted that Austria was untouchable and could easily defeat them and then unify the Italian region.

Under this wrong perception, everyone manipulated public opinion to force the government to start the Austro-Sardinian War, which then cut short the Sardinian Kingdom’s fortunes.

What’s even more pitiful is the assassination of the king, which was planned by an unknown genius at the back, which directly buried the Kingdom of Sardinia and made the road to the unification of Italy even more unreachable.

Italian mafia leader Vargis asked doubtfully, “It’s not that easy, the south-central Italy region is also controlled by the great powers, once we launched the uprising, Austria, Spain, and France may send troops to intervene.

The current chaos in Europe is not enough to keep them from reaching out. Any one of those families sending out troops would be difficult for us to cope with.”

Gabori smiled coldly and said, “What’s there to be afraid of, it’s not like we’re the only ones in this uprising.

The Americans want to alleviate the pressure they are facing, and we can’t be the only ones to support them. The French Revolutionary Party, the Spanish Revolutionary Party, the Hungarian Independence Organization, and so on are all our allies.

If we all mobilize together, the enemy will prioritize. As long as we defeat those few rotten Italian states, we will have succeeded in our first step.

With the unification of the south-central Italy region, we’re also a medium-sized country, and even France and Austria can’t swallow us in one gulp. By utilizing the conflicts between the European countries, we can survive.

With the capital, we’ll slowly build up our strength later and look for the right opportunity to unify the entire Italian region.”

This was a morale booster, of the many revolutionary organizations in Europe, not many were truly powerful.

The Polish Independence Organization was already on the move, and it was killing them to be in a dead heat with the Russians, so they couldn’t be counted on at all.

The French Revolutionary Party had recently lost much of its revolutionary fervor, spurred on by the annexation of the Kingdom of Sardinia, and many had road-tripped to the rule of Napoleon III.

The Irish Independence Organization had nothing to do with them, Britain was not an obstacle to Italian independence, and the two sides had no basis for cooperative interests.

The Spanish Revolutionary Party kept up the struggle, and revolts were commonplace. Their home base was within Spain, and theirs in the United States was only a small branch.

It is estimated that the one who can accomplish the task of holding back is the Spanish Revolutionary Party. The question is why would people help? Don’t think that the world’s revolutionary organizations are really a family, there are many conflicts of interest.

The most typical is the conflict between the French Revolutionary Party and the Italian Revolutionary Party, in the radical concept of Great France is included in the Italian region, the French Revolutionary Party also mostly support Napoleon III annexation of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

The conflict arose, and it was still of the irreconcilable kind. Besides, French revolutions are almost always so dramatic that they don’t need to be led much at all.

As long as the monarchs were pissed off or suddenly pissed them off, the people of Paris would spontaneously join in whenever someone started an uprising.

See the February Revolution, which was declared after a demonstration and a few angry people punched a few police officers, with less than 10 casualties from the start of the uprising to the success of the revolution.

This kind of mind-boggling revolutionary movement is exclusively French. Other countries can’t learn from it, and if they do, there will be corpses all over the place.

The bloodshed of the French revolution usually happens after the revolution.

Before the revolution, or during the revolution, the death of hundreds of people is considered to be heavy casualties; and not tens of thousands of people in the latter part of the struggle, are not ashamed to call it a revolution.

Gabori had wanted to revolt in Sicily for a long time, but unfortunately his strength was not good and his supporters were too few to be sure.

After all, the Kingdom of Sardinia is gone, even if you want to get together a thousand people of the Red Shirt Army, that is not an easy thing.

Military expenses and personnel aside, how to send people to their destination is a big problem. If there was no one to cooperate, it was possible that they would be sent to the sea and fed to the fishes halfway.

Even if they landed in batches, without the cooperation of local revolutionary organizations, it would be impossible to hide such a big operation from the eyes of the rulers.


After some heated arguments, the group finally decided to do it. We all agreed to start an armed uprising in south-central Italy, and as for Sardinia and Lombardy and Venetia, these hard-core whoever likes to go.

Even if they did not unify the entire Italian region, they were able to unify the south-central region many people were satisfied. After all, they are just using this slogan to fool ordinary people, if they take it for real that would be stupid.

The Italian region has never been unified, and now it is only the capitalists who are promoting it for the sake of their interests, so don’t think that the Italian people agree with the great unification.


It’s been an uneventful time in the US, and many of the revolutionary organizations in exile here have been meeting and discussing. There are those who have decided to take action, those who are standing by coldly, and most of all those who are still muddling through.

(End of chapter)

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