Chapter 371: The Federal Government’s Counterattack

  Chapter 361 The Federal Government’s Counterattack

The unbridled expansion of French power in Mexico naturally triggered resentment from all sectors in Mexico, and Massimiliano I was also involved.

Massimiliano, who did not notice the change in status, took measures to intensify the conflict and stabbed the windowpaper.

He protested directly to Napoleon III: the French army had acted recklessly and violated the sovereignty of Mexico, and the result was naturally tragic.

From the standpoint of France, these French troops were undoubtedly acting in their interests.

Napoleon III, who specialized in changing faces, ignored the protest. Instead, he accused Massimiliano and the Mexican government of having no managerial talent, of not even being able to maintain the stability of the country, and of having to be replaced by the French.

Both sides were hitting the nail on the head and fighting a war of words. Because of the intensified internal struggle, the Republican rebels led by Juarez escaped.

You know, Huarez led the Republican guerrillas in the most crisis, only a few hundred people left, hiding in the mountains and old forests to survive.

Not realizing the danger of the rebels, Massimiliano pardoned many republican political prisoners and had these men bring a letter to Juarez.

Also in the letter, he promised to pardon all the rebels if they would recognize his throne and give up armed rebellion.

Well, in reality it was Massimiliano who admired these patriotic elements of Juarez and attempted to solve the problem by peaceful means, absorbing these men for his own use.

Deep in the canyon, at the command of the Free Mexican Army, Juarez warmly welcomed his comrades who had escaped.

A middle-aged man said, “Your Excellency the President, here is a letter for you from Massimiliano.”

Undoubtedly, Massimiliano I’s approach did not have the desired effect, and the pardoned political prisoners still did not identify with him as emperor, not to mention the so-called gratitude.

The reason was very real, Massimiliano could not fulfill their interests, and the two sides were destined to become enemies.

In the eyes of many, this political pardon is still a stain on their lives, and will be doubted as to the loyalty of the revolution, which can only be cleared by clicking off the emperor.

Reading over the letter, Juarez sneered and said, “This fool is daydreaming, actually wanting us to surrender.”

After saying that, Huarez scanned the crowd to see everyone’s reaction. The result satisfied him, no one advocated surrender.

A close associate suggested, “Your Excellency the President, this is also an opportunity. If we can use this opportunity to take out the government forces outside, our crisis will be lifted.”

Juarez nodded; the French and Mexican government forces had joined forces to surround them, and the Freedom Army was compressed into a single even.

Don’t look at the vast canyon area, but the local population was small and mostly Indian tribes.

Juarez was also an Indian, and the Freedom Army was mostly Indian, so they survived. However, the conflict between the Indian tribes is not less than with the white man, and it is not so easy to fool the cannon fodder.

Most of the ones who have managed to hold out until now are his close associates, but instead it’s this portion of the Republicans who have just been pardoned and whose loyalty can’t be ascertained.

Juarez boosted his morale, “Don’t worry everyone, the difficulties are only temporary. The American Civil War is coming to an end, and whoever is the victor does not want to see a Mexican emperor.

Soon we will have access to a steady stream of arms and ammunition to drive the French invaders out and overthrow that idiot emperor in the process.”

There is no doubt that they are now hooked up with both North and South. Only because of the civil war, both sides weren’t offering them support.

The Southern government did not dare to offend the Great Powers and did not give a clear reply. The Northern government, although openly opposed to Massimiliano’s succession, did not want to irritate Britain, France and Austria.

Don’t look at Massimiliano seems to be only the French pushed to the throne, but in fact the British, Austrians and Westerners also expressed support.

Only the French directly out of the army, dominant in Mexico. Massimiliano political means and not pass, not able to use the three countries to check the French.

This is also one of the reasons why Juarez was not willing to compromise, a political idiot destined to sit on the mountain. If Massimiliano was a kingpin, there was no way he could have done such a childish thing.

By pardoning the political prisoners, he had undoubtedly strengthened the organizational capacity of the FSA. Maybe these people couldn’t carry guns and fight, but they were able to lure more people into rebellion.


The news of the collapse of the Vienna system reached the United States as fast as possible. President Lincoln breathed a sigh of relief, a change in the situation in Europe will certainly tie up the energy of the countries and create an opportunity for them to unify the United States.

Soon he was bitter again, no matter how the situation in Europe changes, at least you have to dry down the southern government first ah!

But his carefully prepared general war turned into a war of attrition with the southern government. On average, the attrition of one regiment per day has lasted for several months, and there is still no chance of victory in sight.

Even if the northern government had a manpower advantage, that had dropped from 1.65:1 before the outbreak of the war, to 1.3:1 now, an advantage that was no longer apparent.

The butterfly effect was powerful, and the weakening of the population advantage directly led to a significant decline in the war potential of the North.

If not for Lincoln’s insistence on the abolition of slavery and homestead laws, mobilizing the enthusiasm of everyone to join the army, the victory would have been won by the Southern government.

Secretary of State Safar spoke up, “Mr. President, according to the analysis of the intelligence we have received, the chances of the Russians and the Kingdom of Prussia going to war are as high as seven.

Britain and France are most likely going to support Prussia, Spain’s position is unknown, and the Austrians should be very conflicted.

The Vienna government wants the Russians to fail and increase their say in the Russian-Austrian alliance; but they also don’t want to see the Kingdom of Prussia grow bigger and increase their difficulty in unifying the German region.

Once war breaks out, Britain and France will surely cause trouble for the Russians in other regions, and I’m afraid that the Czarist government’s support for us will immediately cease.”

Safar’s words certainly told Lincoln not to expect that if the situation in Europe got out of hand, the countries would give up their intervention in the American Civil War.

This time, the European change, the most deeply involved is nothing more than the rupture of the relationship between Britain, France and Russia, and Britain, France, Austria and Spain, the four interventionist alliance did not have internal conflicts.

Even if the situation in Europe involves their energy, the power of the countries in the Americas can likewise intervene in this war. After all, the strength of the north and south are too close, external forces to join at any time can break the balance.

After hesitating for a few moments of effort, Lincoln made the worst possible plan.

“Create public opinion, focusing on the British, French, Austro-Spanish four countries interfered in our internal affairs, put the blame for the continuation of the civil war on them!

At the same time contact the Revolutionary Party and independent organizations that we support, now they need to contribute. Don’t expect them to achieve results, as long as they can distract the countries.”

It wasn’t for nothing that the U.S. attracted hate; after 1848, revolutionary parties and independence organizations from all over Europe basically met here.

For example: the Hungarian Independence Organization, the French Revolutionary Party, the Spanish Revolutionary Party, the Irish Independence Organization, the Italian Charcoal Burning Party …… These institutions have not taken less funding from the Americans.

Of course, this era of the U.S. government is not so domineering, do not dare to give these organizations direct financial assistance, mostly through donations in the U.S. private collection.

In any case, the U.S. federal government still gave them help. Otherwise, organizations like the Hungarian Independence Organization, which had lost its roots, would have long since disappeared in the course of history.

Who made their Hungarian nation only 600,000 people? Among them, half of them went into the labor corps and contributed to the construction of transportation in Austria.

Instead, the people at the bottom of the Hungarian region shifted to become ethnic Austrians. Regardless of the matter of blood and cultural traditions, if people consider themselves Austrian, then they are Austrian.

It can’t be helped, who let them be Hungarians with the status of serfs, and never gained human rights in the Republic of Hungary at all.

Even though this illegal organization only existed for a few months, it was still enough for propaganda.

Even the previous serfdom, that had the back of the ruler of the Kingdom of Hungary. Anyway, it had nothing to do with the great emperor, who abolished serfdom and gave everyone land.

With a large number of people at the bottom not buying into the idea, and the top leaders being wiped out during the Revolution, the Hungarian Independence Organization should have disappeared under normal circumstances, but it was still being supported by the Americans.

Perhaps it was just habitual, but it was also very upsetting to the government in Vienna. This time Austria’s involvement in intervening in the American Civil War to eradicate the Hungarian independence organizations was one of the reasons Franz convinced the government to do so.

Similarly, the French Revolutionary Party went into political exile in the United States after the revolution had failed. The Spanish Revolutionary Party, though still fighting against the government, had financial support from the United States.

The Irish Independence Organization, not to mention the fact that the Irish had almost all moved here, naturally the Independence Organization followed, and was the most numerous of these organizations.

Secretary of State Safar objected: “His Excellency the President, the strength of these organizations is limited, at most a little storm, it is difficult to play much of a role.

Moreover, I’m afraid that the consequences of doing so will be very serious, and it might provoke the countries and make our situation even worse.”

It’s not that Safar looks down on these organizations, it’s really that apart from Spain, England, France and Austria are all very stable right now and don’t have the conditions for a revolution to break out.

Hesitating for a moment, President Lincoln smiled bitterly and said, “It’s all come to this, whether we do it or not, they will stand against us.

Of course, if we lose this battle, maybe they will become our allies again, who knows?

Make things a little more subtle, keep the federal government out of the picture, and get the gold masters who support them to step in and force their hand.

Whether it’s starting an uprising, assassinating dignitaries, or organizing a parade, just distract the countries.

I remember the Italian Charcoal Burners also once planned the assassination of a king in an attempt to provoke a Franco-Austrian war with it, and we can hint at various organizations to follow suit.”

The bottom line was nonexistent, and President Lincoln didn’t mind doing something a little more out of the ordinary if it would stir up the countries and take the pressure off of them.

Secretary of State Safar nodded, at this point it was really only a risk.

Anyway, the worst case scenario was nothing more than the division of the United States, the current possibility of unification of the United States under the interference of the Great Powers was already very low, and if it was not risked, there was no no possibility at all.


Delaware, inside a mansion the Hungarian Independence Organization is meeting. Call it a meeting, but rather a meeting to hold the gold masters behind the Hungarian Independence Organization accountable.

Jarest, a Hungarian-American capitalist, questioned, “Stefan, it’s been so many years, and you haven’t made a single move. Have you forgotten the oath you once took – to revive the great Hungary?”

Stefan was the very man who slipped through the cracks of Hungary’s failed War of Independence, having escaped liquidation by the government in Vienna because he had traveled to the Ottoman Empire to seek help at the time.

With the top brass hanging it all up, middle-ranking revolutionaries like him became leaders. The Ottoman Empire wimped out later and didn’t dare continue to support them, forcing them into exile in the United States.

Through the years, the once hot-blooded young Stefan no longer existed, and now as the head of the Hungarian Revolutionary Party, he had turned into a politician.

Stephen explained without panic, “Mr. Jarest, Hungarian independence cannot be accomplished overnight.

Back then, Mr. Kosut, it was because he was too impatient that he failed.

Now that the Austrians are still powerful, and Hungary was even divided into seven after the Revolution, the Vienna government utilized the checks and balances of the ethnic minorities within Hungary, and it is difficult for us to succeed in launching an uprising now.”

Yarest sneered, “I also know why that fool Kossuth failed, but can’t you guys retreat to the next best thing?

Even if you can’t achieve full independence, can’t you achieve a state seat in the new Holy Roman Empire? If you can’t, obtaining the status of an autonomous province is also a victory!

You don’t even need an armed revolt, just mobilize the people to take to the streets and put public pressure on the Vienna government, and sooner or later they’ll compromise.”

Where there are people, there are circles, and the Hungarian nation had almost zero influence in the United States to give him a boost. As a successful capitalist, Jarest’s modesty was naturally low.

For the better, he chose to work with the federal government, acting as a blackguard manipulating Hungarian independence organizations.

As can be seen from his comments about Kosuth, he has no respect for the Hungarian Independence Organization. It is entirely from the position of the higher power that he is calling the shots.

As for whether or not Hungary can become independent, what business is it of his? From the point of view of personal interest, Jarest would prefer that Hungary remain unable to become independent so that he can continue to retain his present unique position.

All these notes coming out now were just to create confusion in Austria. It didn’t matter whether the Vienna government would compromise or not, as long as the Hungarian independence organization made a stir, he could give the federal government a pass.

After getting along for so long, Stephen naturally figured out Yarest’s nature, and both sides were utilizing each other.

People all need to live, more than ten years had passed, including Stephen, many members of the Hungarian Independence Organization had industries in the United States. The effort they spent on taking care of their industries far exceeded their investment in the independent organization.

As for the great cause of Hungarian Independence, it was naturally left to the middle-aged teenagers to accomplish it, so it was hard to want these old guys to charge into battle?

The fact that after so many years, there are only about 200,000 Hungarians left who are registered in Austria already says a lot.

In the face of reality, many people have selectively changed their ethnicity. Perhaps after a few decades, this nation disappeared into history.

These circumstances were clear to the people. There are no more people, so what the hell is independence. Many of the younger generation in the Hungarian region do not know the Hungarian nation.

To put it bluntly, the Hungarian nation has been around for only a few decades, and if nothing happens, the “father of the nation” is still alive.

Before that, there was no concept of the Hungarian nation at all. This is why many Hungarians accept the Austrian nationality, because no one ever told them that they belonged to the Hungarian nation.

Now there are proposals to rename the Hungarian Independence Organization as the Austrian Revolutionary Party, only to be opposed by the older generation, which would mean a total rejection of their efforts.

Stephen thought for a moment and said, “Mr. Jarest, to venture to change the struggle now, we would need a great deal of manpower and material input, as well as a certain amount of lead time.”

Until then, the Hungarian Independence Organization had only two operations, developing secret party members and engaging in assassinations.

It’s not that organizing the population hadn’t been done before, except that it usually ended tragically. Crowds of people apply everywhere, and often, in the course of stringing along, one doesn’t know who has reported them.

Not everyone is willing to go independent with them, and the vast majority of the population in the Hungarian regions are still satisfied with their current lives and have no desire for revolution.

The older generation, who had experienced the Revolution, regarded them even more as a scourge. When independent organizations were operating in the Hungarian region, they didn’t dare to mention independence at all.

The reason for their activities was to get funding, and if the American donors stopped funding them, the organization would be disbanded in a few years.

As a matter of fact, historically, the independence organization died in the middle of the road, and they had nothing to do with the leadership of Hungary’s independence.

Jarest pretended to complain, “I know, I want to see the results first. If you are so passive, you will wear out the people’s patience with you.

It’s not even easy to organize popular donations anymore, especially in the last few years, when fellow Hungarians aren’t emigrating to the United States.”

The faces of the Independence Organization crowd sank, and that was the bottom line. No Hungarians were emigrating to the United States, which also meant that it was difficult for their organization to absorb fresh blood.

It also meant that their importance to the U.S. government was diminishing, and if one day they lost their value altogether, it was possible that the federal government would compromise with Vienna and just sell them off.

Before that, the Hungarian Independence Organization had already been sold by many countries in succession, for example: the British, the French, and the Ottomans.

The members of the Hungarian Independence Organization who stayed in these countries all suddenly met with accidents and then received their box lunches.

A cold sweat had broken out on Stephen’s forehead, and he realized that this was not a discussion, but a direct threat. If this was not done well, the Americans were going to trade their heads with the Vienna government.

Don’t think that just because it’s easy to hide in this day and age, you can hide from the Vienna government. If it’s just a handful of people, just find a small place in the countryside to hide, and everything will be fine.

But for the Independence Organization, if they really left the United States, their good days would be over. Not every country would give them asylum.

Stephen assured, “Mr. Aarest, please rest assured, we will do our best in this operation, and you will see the results within half a year.”


(End of chapter)

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