Chapter 360: Non-War Crimes

  Chapter 350 The Crime of Not Being at War

Plans never catch up with changes fast, the American Civil War, which was thought to be over soon, was still in a stalemate between the two sides in 1864.

Hundreds of thousands of troops level of meeting, simply not a day or two days to finish. Both the North and South could not afford to lose the war, and the commanders on both sides were old and prudent, so the war became a war of attrition.

The southern army was slightly stronger, but the northern army had more men. On a front of more than 100 kilometers, both sides fought many fierce battles, but the result was mutual victory and defeat, overall still half a catty.

The butterfly effect is powerful, with the help of various countries, the southern government was strengthened and the northern government was weakened, and the increase and decrease was directly reflected on the battlefield.

New York, looking at the telegram in his hand asking for help, President Lincoln is about to collapse. This has been the Nth request for reinforcements, since the beginning of the Armageddon, basically every week he will receive three or four telegrams asking for help.

Anyone who says: use the strong national strength and the other side to fight a war of attrition, drag the rebels to death. Lincoln will certainly go up and smack him a few big ear.

Industrial advantage, with the support of the Great Powers, the North really have industrial advantage?

The rebels in the south have limited industrial manufacturing capacity, can’t they still buy it?

Now the northern government can not blockade the southern ports, the two sides of the navy has already fought a number of fierce battles, the northern navy is still unable to win.

Economic superiority, even more bullshit. Do you really think that every capitalist is a patriot who can sacrifice his family for his country?

Class interests are not the same as personal interests. Making money comes first. As long as they make money, who cares if America splits up?

Capital without borders is not a joke, but a real thing. As long as they make money, even if they leave the U.S., they can still live a very nourishing life.

On the contrary, selfless dedication to support the federal government wins the war, and in the end, when it comes time to divide the spoils: sorry, this is a time to speak with strength.

Despite the fact that the Northern government had a much larger economy, the wealth that could actually be mobilized by the Southern government was not much worse than theirs.

At least the cotton bonds of the South were favored over the war bonds of the North in the international capital markets. In order to support the southern government, Britain, France and Austria have received a lot of bonds from the southern government.

The turn of the northern government is not the same, either take foreign exchange payment, or take gold and silver payment. What is the dollar, people do not recognize ah?

In the end, the tragedy found that the real advantage of the northern government is that there are many people, and can fight with the southern government for human life.

But this advantage is not without limits, the losses are too heavy, the civil war aversion will be high.

Since the beginning of Armageddon, on average on the battlefield, the Northern government forces lost a regiment of troops every day, and dealing with telegrams from the front for help became President Lincoln’s daily routine.

With a haggard look on his face, President Lincoln asked, “My Secretary of War, please tell me how long will this meeting last?”

The Secretary of War, Simon Cameo, thought for a moment and said, “I’m sorry, Mr. President that is a question that only God knows. All I know is that I can’t afford to take any chances now, the federal government can’t afford to lose this meeting war.”

Secretary of State Safar added, “So can we keep the casualties down? At the current rate of losses, it is estimated that after putting down the rebels, the United States has no future.”

Because of Franz’s butterfly effect, a large amount of weaponry was sold to the warring governments of the North and South just after the war broke out, and both sides expanded their armies faster than at the same time in history.

Matching this was the fact that the training time for soldiers was all drastically reduced, on average each soldier’s training time was as long as less than 40 days, and at the time of the greatest crisis the federal government’s soldiers, who trained for less than a week, were sent to the battlefield.

The aftermath is the casualties on both sides, more than the same period in history. A large number of youth and strong loss, has threatened the rule of the federal government.

Secretary of War Semon Carmichael explained, “The state governments took criminals, ruffians, and a large number of colored soldiers to make up the numbers, and we have not pursued any of them.

The quality of the soldiers is not up to scratch, and casualties inevitably increase; at least the rate of white soldiers killed in action, we have brought down.”

Lincoln immediately interrupted, “Your Excellency, don’t say such things, all are Union soldiers, there is no distinction between races understand!”

There are things that can be done but not said. Political correctness, in this era of the United States also appeared to spearhead.


Richmond, President Jefferson Davis faced the same problem, with brutal casualties exhausting the Southern government.

The lack of human resources became the biggest problem for the Southern government. Although the labor export companies were active, these cheap laborers from the African continent were not good enough to be used and had to undergo rigorous training before they could become qualified laborers.

If the northern government was willing to compromise, he didn’t mind stopping the war immediately. If the war continued, it would be difficult for the southern government, which was short of manpower, to defeat the northern government.

Of course, they were not afraid of the northern government, and if they really fought to the end, dragging the northern government down with them was still doable. At least they thought that they could do it.

In less than four years, the total population of the United States had dropped by 5% because of the Civil War, and that was against the backdrop of a massive influx of Asians and blacks.

The Northern government straddled the East and West oceans and took advantage of receiving Asian immigrants, while the Southern government received mostly African immigrants because of its geographic location.

Currently there are at least 400,000 active black soldiers, fighting for the Southern government, and the total number of black soldiers who have been killed in action are more than two hundred and fifty thousand.

In order to encourage slave owners to bring black soldiers to the battlefield, the federal government also offered double the compensation, after all, trained black slaves are excellent cannon fodder, while the black laborers who just arrived are still unruly.

To encourage the morale of the black soldiers, at Robert E. Lee’s insistence, the Confederate government released the black slave soldiers from slavery. Huge bounties were also offered, for example: one Negro slave for every two enemy soldiers killed, or an equivalent amount of wealth.

The immediate aftermath was an army of black soldiers in which prisoners were almost never seen.

President Jefferson Davis asked with concern, “Mr. Robert, have the British promised to intervene?”

The snake can’t make it without a head, and John Bull, who had contributed the most to the intervention coalition, deserved to be the leader of the coalition.

Now that the North and South were at a standstill, it was the right time to intervene. As soon as the intervention alliance appeared, it instantly broke the balance of power between the two sides.

Even if one of the countries made a move, it could be the last straw that broke the camel’s back, breaking the balance of power between the North and South.

Secretary of State Robert frowned and said, ”The British still want to watch us kill each other, and anyway, the war has been fought to the point where there is no victor anymore.

Our casualties in this General Assembly Battle have reached as high as 380,000, of which 110,000 were killed in action; the Northern government is even closer to closing in on 600,000, with at least 180,000 killed in action.

Even if we win this Congress Battle, we don’t have the ability to continue expanding the results of the war in a short period of time, and the Northern Government isn’t much better, everyone can’t fight anymore.”

Vice President Alexander objected, “I’m afraid this may not be the case, the biggest role of the meeting battle is in the military morale, not just looking at the number of casualties.

No matter how heavy the casualties are, as the victor at least has more than 100,000 maneuverable troops, as long as the military morale is strong, continuous fighting can also be maintained.

At that time, the losers could only rely on interfering with the allied forces. By stepping in at a time of crisis, they will be able to gain the most benefits.”

It was a fact that an army with high morale could often defeat an army that was several times more demoralized. After the end of this Great War, more than 100,000 troops have been able to sway the outcome of this civil war.

However, this was not enough to threaten the interfering allied forces, with more than 200,000 raw troops joining in, the situation on the battlefield could be turned around in an instant. For the sake of a greater good, the British were naturally willing to wait until they had a winner and a loser before making their move.

This is the difference between reality and theory. Theoretically, the total strength of the northern government was more than two million, the total strength of the southern government was more than one million, and the interventionist coalition army was only more than two hundred thousand which could not play much of a role at all.

In reality, the total strength is not equal to the strength that can be put into combat, the first thing that the states need to guarantee is their own safety, rather than all out to fight.

The second thing was to have combat troops. Taking the northern government as an example, if half of the more than two million troops were the main force, then they could all roll over the south two or three times.

And the actual situation, not to mention half of the main force, one-tenth of the main force are not, in addition to that more than 100,000 troops are more capable of fighting, the rest are all rabble.

You can’t expect a rookie army of 16,000 men, split into two waves to fight the Civil War, to train a million elite men in less than four years.

Historically, it’s often the size of engagements of tens of thousands of men that determine whether the North or South wins or loses. If both sides were looking for stability and couldn’t afford to commit elite troops to pike, there wouldn’t have been such a large-scale engagement.

After a moment of silence, Jefferson Davis spoke, “Make secret contact with the northern government and explain the situation to them. If you don’t want the British to pick up the slack, recognize our independence and end this war.”

Secretary of State Robert shook his head and said, “I guess there’s no hope, it’s true that we can minimize the losses by negotiating a settlement privately, but the politicians in the northern government can’t afford it.

I don’t think they would be willing to risk their political lives or even future retaliation from the capitalists just because they are patriotic.”

This is the reality of the matter, and the chauvinists will always be in the minority. Historically, after the Southern government was on the downside, weren’t they people who were traitors for their own interests?

Expecting the northern government to be all chauvinistic patriots is not much more likely than winning the lottery.

After the forceful intervention of the Great Powers caused the federal government to split, the politicians could still throw the blame out.

The European powers were strong in this era, and the failure was not due to their incompetence, but to the fact that the enemy was so powerful that it was entirely a non-war crime.

(End of chapter)

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