Chapter 35: Upside Down Black and White

  Chapter 35: Upside Down Black and White

On March 9, 1848, Vienna became more and more chaotic, burning and looting occurred, and the whole city lost order.

This was already the third day of the outbreak of the revolution, and due to the contradictions between the working class and the bourgeoisie, both sides had already had multiple clashes due to their interests.

If it weren’t for the common enemy, the two sides would have gone their separate ways by now, and even if they had maintained a nominal alliance, they would have gone their separate ways.

There was no way around it, a revolution is also about eating, so the first to fall on hard times were the capitalists in the grain industry, whose grain stores were revolutionized by the workers.

Normally, the workers were squeezed hard, under the encouragement of those who had the intention, the idea of retaliation also arose at this time, and many of them simply did not do anything, so they had their revenge and complained about it.

They killed the supervisors, took out the thugs raised by the capitalists, and pointed the spearhead of the revolution at the bourgeoisie.

After the first time, there will be a second time. The hands of the capitalists are stained with the blood of the workers. It’s just as well that there was no one to guide them, but now that someone has instigated them, they can no longer be suppressed.

Many of the trade union representatives who tried to stop it instantly became counter-revolutionaries, lackeys of the capitalists, and no reason could stop them from taking revenge.

Human desire is horrible, and when everyone killed the first capitalist and divided his belongings, they couldn’t hold back any longer.

This inspired conflicts between the two sides, and in order to defend their interests, the capitalists hastened to form their own revolutionary army, and a number of firefights broke out between the two sides.

Now the bourgeois-led revolutionary army targeted the Viennese nobility, while the working-class revolutionary army revolutionized the nobility and the capitalists together.

Vienna, an estate, this time has gathered a large group of people, these people are all want money do not want to die of the Lord, fear of death have fled from Vienna.

An old man, trembling tone, said: “Mr. Owen, what else to do now? That gang of mudbloods have put their target on us, and in just two days, thirteen gentlemen have already been killed!

The wealth and goods that everyone has been robbed of is even more impossible to count, and if this situation continues, it won’t be long before it’s the turn of all of us sitting here!”

Everyone turned their eyes towards Owen, this revolution was planned by him, now that the situation was out of control, everyone hoped that he could come up with effective measures.

Owen looked at the crowd with a grimace, he hadn’t expected it to turn into this situation, originally his initial aim was just to utilize the working class to sell their lives and establish a bourgeois regime.

Unfortunately, before the new government was established, it lost control underneath, and the revolutionaries that were supported were incapable of accomplishing the mission that everyone had given them.

The trade union representatives they brought in could not control the workers underneath, and the revolution deviated from their intended trajectory from the very beginning.

“I also deeply regret the accidental killing of these thirteen stretchers. May they rest in peace in heaven!

Their blood will not be shed in vain, and this is a debt we will collect. Including the loss of everyone’s property, the present payment is only for the sake of a greater harvest in the future.

The current situation is so unfavorable that we have to activate the alternative plan and send someone to negotiate with His Majesty the Emperor while preparing to suppress these rebels!”

The crowd fell silent, negotiation was an option that had no choice. Everyone was smart and understood that the current situation was very unfavorable to them, and the army remained loyal to the imperial family.

This time, they had only caught the government off guard, if they waited for the city defense forces to return, I was afraid that the situation would change.

No one thought that with a bunch of rabble in their hands, they would be able to defeat the regular army.

Intelligent people were rational, and when they realized that the situation was not good, they naturally had to find a way to get out. Especially after the outbreak of internal conflicts, everyone’s enthusiasm for revolution is even lower.

It’s okay to revolutionize other people’s lives, but to revolutionize one’s own life, that’s not negotiable.

At this time, a young man in his twenties, wearing glasses, stood up and questioned, “Mr. Owen, do you think it’s possible? Don’t forget, from the beginning of the uprising we have no way back.

Think about how many nobles we have executed in the past two days. It’s not like you don’t know about the chaotic relationship between the nobles, do you think the nobles will let us go at this time?

Even if they let us go now, how can we guarantee that they won’t settle their scores? Do you think that this epileptic Emperor of ours is able to make a decision?”

The crowd that was originally ready to accept reality and prepare for a compromise hesitated again at this time.

In this revolution, the nobles of Vienna could be said to have suffered heavy losses, and the enmity between the two sides had already been made.

Even if they can now rely on the power in their hands to force the Vienna court to compromise, once the city defense forces return, the power contrast between the two sides will be reversed again.

Their hands of the armed forces is not a standing army, disbandment is sooner or later things, if both sides turned face, they do not even have the strength to resist.

This is not the same as their previous confrontation with Prime Minister Metternich, who was being disciplined and did not use extraordinary means.

Now that they have broken the rules themselves, can they still expect the nobles to follow the rules of the game?

This is a very real problem, even if they control the government, they do not have the power to fight against the counterattack from the nobles.

Hearing the young man’s words, Owen’s face turned blue, how could he not think of these problems?

However, a dead friend of the road is not a dead friend of the road, to ensure that he can get out safely, he still has a way. In the midst of this uprising, he had already raked in enough, the big deal was to go into exile.

“Ramsay, everyone knows the problems you’re talking about, and there’s no way for me to give a guarantee. But let’s not forget that the nobles suffered so many casualties this time, and it’s not like we were the ones who moved?

It was clearly all done by that bunch of mudbloods, we only organized the army for self-protection, and to suppress the rebellion, this uprising has nothing to do with us.

Aren’t there some nobles who have supported our cause before? We need them to step in at this time, and characterize this rebellion first!”

With these words of inverting black and white, Owen spoke without changing his color. Although it was self-deception, it was undoubtedly a good way to divert hatred.

For the nobles to retaliate afterward, it was completely a rabbit’s death, and it had to be done in order to preserve the interests of the class, but that didn’t mean that all of them wanted to avenge the dead.

Many would even celebrate it, and with some families extinct, they could pick up another title to inherit for nothing, and maybe a fiefdom.

As long as the backstabber was found, the hatred was diverted, and money was spent on a few favors, the matter would be over.

(End of chapter)

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