Chapter 340: Digging for the United States

  Chapter 330 – Digging for America

On June 18, 1861, the Austrian Ocean Fleet left Japan and sailed into the Pacific Ocean. Count Hummel stood on the plywood looking into the distance, and from time to time came a sigh.

The commander of the Ocean Fleet, Lieutenant General Arest, asked suspiciously, “Your Excellency the Count, you don’t seem to be in high spirits, do you?”

Count Hummel sighed and said, “Your Excellency the Commander, the country has asked us to gain a foothold in the Republic of Nicaragua, I’m afraid that things are not that easy, and most likely we will have to use force to solve the problem.”

Lieutenant General Arest asked suspiciously, “I’m sorry, Your Excellency the Count, I don’t see any trouble.

Nicaragua is just a small populated country, with a total population of only 300,000 to 400,000, and the number of white people is less than ten percent. There is almost no industry, and this is capable of posing a threat to us?”

It was true, there were no powerful countries in Central America. Even if they were all tied together, Arest wouldn’t feel the pressure.

The rulers here now were more like a few mine and plantation owners than a republic.

It was fine for these people to bully the local natives, but if they were up against the regular army, Lieutenant General Arest would guarantee that a single regiment would be able to take care of them.

Count Hummel shook his head and said, ”What about the excuse for war? If there isn’t enough reason for us to risk attacking Nicaragua, the state visit behind us, should we still proceed?”

This was the difference between politicians and soldiers considering the issue, the military just saw that it was easy to occupy Nicaragua, but did not consider the political implications that came with it.

Otherwise, the orders given to them by the government in Vienna would not have been to look for a place to land, but to occupy Nicaragua, or to occupy the Central American countries.

Lt. Gen. Arest said nonchalantly, “It’s not so simple as to have a direct showdown with the Nicaraguan government. Tell them what we want. If they don’t cooperate we’ll exterminate them, and there will always be someone who will cooperate with us.”

Count Hummel explained, “Your Excellency Commander, we don’t have enough immigrants to occupy this place, and ruling by force of arms is not stable. Once the army leaves, it won’t take long for the locals to rebel.

It’s too costly to send heavy troops to suppress it, and abandoning the place will easily trigger a chain reaction that will bring about a shock to our colonization system.”

Insufficient immigrants, this is an unsolvable dilemma. There was a lack of immigrants in the African region, there was a lack of immigrants in the Southern Ocean region, and there was still a lack of immigrants in the Americas.

In favor of Austria’s limited human resources, it is impossible to have unlimited immigration, even if we add the Germanic culture circle it is not enough.

The Colonial Office was able to mobilize 100,000 to 200,000 immigrants from the European continent every year, and it had already exerted its utmost efforts.

Count Hummel not only once heard, plantation owners because of the lack of labor to work in the field of their own news, there are even people directly from Russia to buy serfs.

As for the use of local labor, mainly mine owners. It was not that the plantation owners had high moral fiber, it was mainly because the management was too troublesome.

Austria banned slavery, so naturally there were no slave training institutions. Untrained natives could easily devour their masters.

This point on the mine owners is different, almost every mine owner has raised a gang of thugs. On the one hand, they fought against gold thieves and protected the security of the gold mines, and on the other hand, they suppressed miners’ riots.

After some unlucky people were killed, for the sake of everyone’s personal safety, the colonial government banned farm owners and plantation owners from using unsafe indigenous laborers.

Lieutenant General Arest thought for a moment and said, “If it’s just a lack of immigrants, we can actually think of something from America. It is said that the United States already has more than three million ethnic Germans.

When many of them left the European continent and immigrated to the United States it was to escape the war. Now that the North and South have fought, I’m afraid these cowards want to run away again.

We just need to fool around 100,000 or so, and the problem of insufficient immigration will be solved. The big deal is to promise a little more benefits, Central America is vast and sparsely populated anyway.”

Immigrants are not introduced indiscriminately, or the aftermath is very serious. The antithesis is Mexico, when the United States sent immigrants to the Mexican region, the Mexican government also introduced many preferential policies.

When the number of immigrants took advantage, the Americans immediately planned the locals to make a fuss about autonomy and independence.

The Mexican government naturally can not endure, I have good intentions to take you in, but also gave so many preferential conditions, actually want to rebel.

The Mexican government is also a waste of time, actually did not put down the rebellion. There is no second chance, the Americans have been ready to kill.

The Mexican government paid 2.3 million square kilometers of land as tuition for this. With this negative example, from now on, countries receiving immigrants, have to think about it.

Nowadays, the Austrian colonies, then, strictly control the proportion of all nationalities. It mainly attracts immigrants from the German cultural circle, and receives a small number of immigrants from other countries, which are also dominated by the underclass with little culture.

After a few moments of contemplation, Count Hummel made a decision: ”Your Excellency the Commander, your idea is fantastic.

If we can recruit enough immigrants from the United States, Central America will be ours.

Send someone to inform the Hawaiian government that our visit is only for one day, and tell them to wait in the harbor.

The fleet is about to visit the United States directly after resupply, and I’m going to go down the west coast states, one by one.”

No wonder Hummel was excited; the plan was supposed to be highly maneuverable.

This era was different from later times, when ethnic Germans were excluded from mainstream America. The upper class in America was held by the Anglo population, which accounted for most of the wealth in society.

Holding the line applies to any ethnic group, and the German elites who couldn’t get in to the upper class, didn’t give in and remained in the struggle.

The fact that German is still spoken in the immigrant colonies in the German region and taught in the local schools is a sign of their dissatisfaction with the Anglo domination of the upper class in the United States.

The real integration of ethnic Germans into American society came after the two World Wars. The use of wartime counterintelligence was used to break up the ethnic Germans.

This created an opportunity for Austria to dig in. If one becomes vested, one can’t dig. It’s the immigrants who are still at the bottom of society that are the easiest to fool.

Central America is full of land, generous at the expense of others, has always been Franz’s best, inevitably also infected the Vienna government officials.

As for whether the U.S. government would hinder the migrants from leaving, there was absolutely nothing to worry about. If the U.S. government did, then they would no longer be a threat.

What else is there to attract immigrants to a country that can only enter but not leave? Without enough immigrants, relying on the natural growth of the US population, by the time they’ve developed, they’ll have long since entered the era of nuclear flattening.

Carving up the world also depends on the timing, once you miss the opportunity, you may not be able to reap the rewards even if you pay ten or a hundred times more.

What kind of country gets what kind of status in diplomacy. There is no doubt that Hawaii, which is already a semi-colonial country, does not deserve Hummel’s attention.

If there was enough time, he wouldn’t mind visiting it according to diplomatic protocol. Now that he was in a hurry, there was nothing wrong with implementing the new plan to compress his visit to Hawaii.

It is estimated that the Kingdom of Hawaii will not welcome him, the visit of the great powers in this era is not a good thing for many small and weak countries.

Hummel hadn’t just experienced it once, most countries were just about as good as sending the plague, bureaucrats trying to get him to hurry up and leave with the fleet.

This was manifested in the form of receiving gifts and getting cramps in their hands. Including the fleet’s supplies are these countries friendly sponsorship, fleet senior and a gift of native products.


Newport Harbor, Oregon.

The sun was hot and baking, and the sound of warships roaring was heard not far away.

The docks were already filled with people, both large and well-dressed men and small, rough-hewn men, all waiting in the hot sun.

Looking at the fleet appearing in the distance, listening to the roaring and piercing roar of the steam engines, many people revealed delighted smiles.

Unlike the smiles of most people, there was also a part of the population that had their brows furrowed as if they were about to meet a heavenly trouble.

Without being overseas, one would never know the importance of a strong motherland.

Don’t look at the United States is a country of immigrants, in fact, there is the same between immigrants three, six, nine classes, standing at the top of the undoubtedly is the British immigrants.

On the one hand, the British occupy the mainstream of society, on the other hand, because of the world’s first Royal Navy, to provide the British with sufficient backbone.

In this regard, the Germans were more tragic, the German region was divided, although the strength of each country is not weak, but there is no one world power can provide them with support.

Under Franz’s butterfly effect, Austria was given a new lease of life and jumped to become the world’s third naval power, and quite naturally became the pillar of the German nation abroad.

This aspect of the work, in fact, the Vienna government also do quite a lot. The embassies abroad, which were open to so German nationalities, could give them reasonable help.

By practical action, it gained their approval. That’s why so many German emigrants were gathered when the Ocean Fleet visited America.

Many were counting on the intervention of the government in Vienna to give them a higher political status. The arrival of the Ocean Fleet was seen by many as an opportunity.

This world was all about fists, a strong country would naturally be respected by everyone overseas, and conversely a weak country would not be immune to bullying.

Looking at the dense crowd on the pier, Count Hummel revealed a pleased smile. His grasp of this plan was a few points greater.

(End of chapter)

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