Chapter 336: Pulling Backward

  Chapter 326: Pulling Back

People proved to be afraid of death, and the big shots who had favored the Southern government before the bayonet compromised, and the federal government imposed military rule on Maryland.

These were big men, and Lincoln was able to hold them for a time, but not for a lifetime. After having organized the Maryland militia, the federal government had to release them.

This was also an era of poor communications, and while taking over the state of Maryland, Lincoln also ordered the telegraph system to be taken over to communicate with the rest of the country.

Otherwise, the news would have blown up in the northern states. Maybe the bill to remove the president from office even made it to Congress.

Decla, the pro-Southern leader of Maryland, left this sad place with a grim look on his face. Giving in to the federal government at the point of a bayonet was a complete insult to him.

In this day and age, morality has not yet completely gone down the drain, and these big shots still have a face. For the sake of their own reputation, what they were forced to compromise on, they could only keep in their stomachs for now.

Dekra was not a reckless person, he was very clear that now was not the time to retaliate, the federal government’s people were still staring at their every move.

If it was a normal situation, he naturally wouldn’t be afraid of the federal government, under the rule system the federal government couldn’t help him at all. But when he ran into a president who was not subject to the rules, the situation was different.

After returning home, Dekla did not take action at first. Instead, he was calmly thinking, those people are allies, those people are enemies.

The butler’s unassuming voice rang out, “Mr. Deklar, Mr. Edward and Mr. Pirro are visiting.”

These two men were both friends and part-time comrades in arms of Dekla, top ten ranked farm owners in Maryland, and like him, were lost men at the banquet.

Dekra said casually, “Invite them in.”

“Yes!” The butler replied

They were all old friends, there was no need to be so polite. If it wasn’t for etiquette, even the briefing would have been saved.

Because they were despised by the European aristocrats, calling them explosive and ignorant of etiquette, the rich people of the United States paid great attention to etiquette in their daily lives instead.

Being despised by European aristocrats even if, this era of American arrogance can not be up. But absolutely cannot be despised by the same bumpkin, so Dekra’s manor is completely all copied from the British aristocratic style.

Butlers and servants are specially trained, compared to any European small and medium-sized aristocrats, are not inferior in the slightest.

In a flash, the butler brought the people in.

Dekra asked, “My friends, what would you like to drink?”

Pirro interrupted, “Dekla, you still have time to drink coffee here. That lunatic Lincoln is riding us and shitting on us, if we don’t teach him a lesson, how can we still be in the business?”

Pirlo’s words instantly ruined the atmosphere. Dekla couldn’t care less about etiquette, he wasn’t an aristocrat anyway.

Usually imitate a little bit of even so, really if you let him to do Washington mountain tops face does not change color, this still need to be accumulated.

Dekra directly asked back: ”What do you want to do, send people to finish him off?

Now the federal government is staring us to death, looking for our pigtails everywhere, a carelessness will put himself in.”

Pirro grimly replied, “Of course not, I’m not stupid. Even if we were to take him out, it wouldn’t be now.

However, it’s not possible to do nothing, right? Now that the armed forces in our hands are being collected by the federal government, even if we want to join the southern government, we can’t do it.”

Having said that, Pirro had some regrets. If they had known that the federal government dared to be unruly, they should have been a little more resolute in their attitude when the vote was taken at that time.

Now the northern government was the capitalists’ world, and they, the farmers, had so little say in the government that a president dared to force them to compromise with a bayonet.

Dekla said unhurriedly, “What’s the hurry, there are plenty of people who are unhappy with him. Since the beginning of time, how many people who break the rules end up well.

This time, I’m sure those capitalists who support the federal government are feeling emboldened, right? A president who dares to show his knife to everyone is not destined to be long.”

It’s a fact that the United States, since it was first established, has been a world dominated by big capitalists, big plantation owners, and big farm owners.

Now that the united parties have fallen out over their interests, the juggernaut has become a consortium of capitalists. No matter how it changes, these people don’t want a president who dares to flash a knife at them.

Today Lincoln threatened Maryland, who can guarantee that tomorrow he won’t use the same tactics against another state?

Edward asked with concern, “Decla, are you preparing to unite with the capitalists to impeach the president?”

Dekra shook his head and said, “It’s not that easy, that bastard Lincoln is the spokesman for the interests put out by the capitalists, and now he is defending the unity of the country.

It’s still hard to move him based on this one thing alone. Besides, you guys don’t want to expose this one ugly incident to the American public, right?”

This is the most realistic question, as long as everyone’s interests are safeguarded, the capitalists don’t care, whether the president’s behavior has crossed the line or not.

Even if they were looking for trouble, it wouldn’t be this time. At least until the end of the Civil War, it is not appropriate to risk changing the president.

Edward thought for a moment and said, ”Indeed, even though I hate him very much, I have to admit that standing on the country’s side, he is indeed upholding the unity of the country.

The capitalists didn’t want to give up the market and cheap industrial raw materials in the South, and Lincoln was a useful pawn that they wouldn’t discard for a short time.

But from our standpoint, that’s not a good thing. If we don’t get him down, it’s going to be hard for us to get a foothold in this circle.”

Dekra sneered, “Then how about letting him lose this war? A president who started the Civil War between the North and the South and caused the division of the United States is enough of a stench for hundreds of years.

Making him a loser that everyone will criticize is the best revenge. If you guys don’t want to see him, you can even send someone to give him a ride when the time comes.”

A king becomes a loser, a loser who violates the rules naturally has a miserable end in the end.

Whether it was for the sake of profit or for the sake of face, it was necessary for them people to pull the federal government’s leg.

Pirro asked with concern, “What’s your plan?”

Dekra replied with some embarrassment, “It’s not just getting started, and you guys are running over here.

But I already have my initial thoughts, it’s unwise to directly confront the federal government. It’s much simpler to trip up secretly.

There’s no one in Maryland right now who doesn’t hate Lincoln, and we can join forces with the capitalists on this issue.

For example: get the state legislature to introduce a law that would make him the most unpopular person and bar him as president from entering the country.

Authorize Maryland’s public officials to take full advantage of their specialties and give the federal government a taste of what bureaucracy is all about.

The federal government is calling for the people to join the military, so let’s make it impossible for those who want to join the military to do so, and we’ll stuff all the punks and hoodlums who don’t want to join the military, into the military.

Didn’t Lincoln abolish habeas corpus? We’re going to continue to enforce it, and if he can, let the federal government send someone to enforce it itself.

Next mobilize our members of Congress to make trouble for him, and we will oppose whatever he supports.

As soon as we get the chance, we’ll impeach the president. We can’t hit him yet, but it’s a breath of fresh air to disgust him first.

The latter will be our own work, and the capitalists will not fall back on the Southern government because they hate Lincoln.

For example: we make a cover and guide the youth who support the Southern government, to run to the South to join the army;

Privately smuggle supplies and trade with the Southern government, and that’s still pulling the capitalists along with us;


There is no doubt that Deklar’s level of foot pulling is professional grade. Pulling the upper class of Maryland, together, to give the federal government a hard time, even if the matter is exposed, the federal government can do nothing with them.

Utilizing the state government and the federal government against the federal government, this kind of thing happens too much in the United States. The federal government has, many times, been made to look bad.

On the contrary, none of these behaviors crossed the line, and as long as they didn’t personally come down to help the southern government, it wasn’t even a thing.

As for the issue of smuggling, the capitalists who had the strength to participate were involved. For the sake of profit, there is nothing they dare not do.

Historically, after the southern government was blockaded, a large portion of the weapons and ammunition were contributed by northern capitalists, otherwise the southern government wouldn’t have lasted that long.

Edward sighed and said, ”Dekra, how can we explain to our friends in the south? We did promise beforehand that Maryland would stay in the federal government for the time being so that we could pick up their attack on Washington.”

Dekra replied calmly, “They will understand our plight, no one knew that we would meet a Lord who was not subject to rules, and now we are working equally hard for the independence of the South.

The strongest fortress is always breached from within. Now we will give the Federal Government a chance to add to the enemy’s confusion from within, and I believe that in the end it will do no less good than if we had joined the war outright.”

The federal government is simply powerless in the face of a bunch of nonviolent, uncooperative foot pullers. The states of the United States have so much power that the state governments are elected and not appointed by the central government at all.

It doesn’t matter to local government officials if they offend the president, it doesn’t matter if they offend the federal government. Anyway, these people can neither remove them from office nor promote them.

The only thing that can’t be offended is the local powerhouse. These capitalists and farmers hold the local votes, and their position is the position of the American people.

Any policy needs people to implement it, and once the local government plays with bureaucracy, the federal government can’t do anything about it.

Military control of localities is easier said than done without the cooperation of the local government. Maryland in this day and age isn’t small, and you simply can’t do it without 100,000 troops.

Thanks to Wooly Bear on the Volga, plus 6 more, first one in the evening

(End of chapter)

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