Chapter 334: Preparations in Austria

  Chapter 324 Austria’s Preparation

Because of the distance, the American Civil War broke out more than two months later before the news reached Vienna.

Looking at the intelligence in his hands, Prime Minister Felix spat out, “It seems that we have fostered a pig teammate!”

From an onlooker’s perspective, the Southern government was undoubtedly asking for trouble by taking the initiative to start the war. Regardless of whether or not the northern government could be forced to compromise in the end, the loss would outweigh the gain.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg sighed and said, “No, the southern government is not stupid, they are emboldened.

If they follow the previous script, it will be difficult for the future southern government to get rid of the influence of the countries. For the sake of future interests, they decided to take a risk, and anyway, they have Britain, France, Spain, and us to help cover their backs.”

Finance Minister Carl questioned, “But the southern government started the war at the wrong time, the northern states were not prepared for war at all, they could have dragged the war back a few months.”

Foreign Secretary Weisenberg explained, “After dragging it out for a few months, the Northern government compromised. Don’t look at the Lincoln government clamoring for war, but in reality the Northern government didn’t have many soldiers in their hands at all.

The political system of the United States is different from European countries, their states have too much power, and the power of the central government is compressed.

The states had their own armies, and the northern government had no right to command those armies at all without the consent of the state governments.

They have no more control over the states than we have over a few states. After the departure of the Southern officers, the military power of the central government was no better than that of some of the powerful Confederate states.

The American public was mostly opposed to the Civil War before the South made its move. The capitalists did support the Northern government, but they would not carry guns into battle.

With the interference of the States, many of the Confederate states had already said no to the federal government. There could be no more than ten Confederate states willing to send troops, and the Lincoln administration did not have the strength to settle the Southern government by force.

How could the Southern government be autonomous without a battle to show its strength? The European nations are not supporting them for nothing!”

Profit makes a man lose his way, and knowing the danger, he will still do it.

Franz interrupted, “Well, no matter what the Southern government thinks, war has broken out. Whether the Americans live or die has nothing to do with us.

For us, the primary goal is to divide America. The situation is now out of control, but it’s not the worst case scenario.

America is uniquely situated, they haven’t experienced a brutal war, and now it’s time to let them feel it once.”

There was no reason for Franz not to be wary, even if it was split in two. Both Americas possessed the foundation of hegemony, and the split had only delayed them from growing up.

The Southern government was good, and since they liked to play with plantation economics, let them continue. The agrarian states wouldn’t be a threat, and Franz didn’t mind helping them with their labor problems.

The northern government was a different story, once they finished industrialization they would qualitatively change. Driven by profit, they played with expansion, who could stop it?

Even if Franz had the determination to intervene again, with Spain in decline, would England and France be willing to follow and explode their livers?

The use of political means to split the United States, in fact, also hidden killings. Once the United States is divided, the federal government is naturally the majesty of the ground, the influence on the federal states will also decline.

Since the southern states could leave the United States of America because of their interests, other states could also secede.

Once the seeds of secession are planted, the future Northern government will have its hands full. Just the thought of the Confederate states underneath going independent at the drop of a hat would be enough to break any government.

For example: a state realizes that it has suffered a loss in the federal government and jumps out to make a deal with the central government. If their interests are not met, they want independence.

Another example: the federal states have a conflict of interest and the federal government takes that side? If you support one side, the other side will want to become independent. If it is not handled well, several states may declare independence together.

In terms of creating conflicts, the British are the best at it, and they don’t even need Austria to do it herself. In less than twenty years, the American continent will be just like the European continent, full of small states.

Unfortunately, Franz’s great plan was aborted just before it began. The civil war broke out, and the federal government definitely gained command of the armies of the states. With military power in hand, the central government’s control over the states naturally went up a notch.

It was estimated that it would not be long before President Lincoln would have to amend the Constitution to patch it up again, repealing the juridical basis on which the states were free to federalize their withdrawal.

The Minister of the Interior, Prince Wendy Schlegelz, proposed, “Your Majesty, why don’t we order the ocean fleet to travel to the Americas as soon as possible, and first establish a foothold in the Central American region, laying the groundwork for an armed intervention.”

This landing point could be more than just a harbor. To be able to station tens of thousands of troops and ensure the supply of basic materials, a small place will not do.

Franz shook his head, “There’s no need to rush, just follow the normal progress. Let’s discuss first, where do we put the landing point?”

Colonial Minister Josip Jelacic replied, “Your Majesty, Nicaragua is the most suitable in terms of resources, we can borrow a piece of land here.

If we have to intervene by force in the future, we actually have the option of doing it from the Western Pacific, attacking the west coast of the United States and forcing the northern government to recognize the independence of the southern government.”

Looking at the map, Franz’s eyes lit up. In this era, the Panama Canal had not yet opened, and the Americans’ uniquely favorable geographical location had not yet been fully highlighted.

Now the main force of the U.S. Navy are in the core area of the East Coast, the West Coast defense is relatively weak. Once the threat of war was encountered, regardless of whether the northern government would compromise, the west coast states would certainly withdraw from the war anyway.

Without these states the North American government’s demographic advantage would be insignificant. Without a sufficient troop advantage, it was almost impossible to win the war.

Britain, France, and the West were no soft targets either, and with the navy blocking or even shelling the east coast, the northern government couldn’t even think of not compromising.

At least the eastern consortium could not stand it, they could not bear the cost of the destruction of their roots and continue to support the northern government to fight on.

Franz said with some hesitation, “Not a bad plan, except that in this way we will have to station another naval fleet on the west coast, as well as coordinate with the British in order to get supplies from Canada.”

Foreign Minister Weissenberg replied, “Your Majesty, there is no problem with diplomacy. We have already signed a secret treaty with Britain, France, and Spain to join forces and intervene in the American Civil War.

Once America splits, the British are the biggest profiteers, and they have no reason to refuse.”

After looking at the map, Franz made a decision, “Draw five divisions of troops from the country, two of them will be sent to the South Seas region in batches, and send our caretaker ironclad Vienna to the South Seas region as well.

In the short term, we will first expand the two large islands in the South Seas region, and the neighboring subsidiary islands. At the same time, prepare for an expedition to the United States.

The other three divisions, one to Central America and two to the African continent, make a show of accelerating our overseas colonization process.

The ocean fleet was divided into two, leaving two ironclads and a portion of the attached fleet in Nicaragua, while the rest continued to visit the American countries.

Don’t be in a hurry, the American Civil War can’t be decided in a day or two. The army will be in place in two years, and the navy will proceed at its normal pace.”

When the truth is false, it is true.

Franz’s plan was not haphazard, history had changed and it was anyone’s guess what the outcome of the American Civil War would be.

Whether or not armed intervention was needed, and when, were unknowns. Austria’s strategic plan, obviously, could not be centered around the American Civil War.

Otherwise, the American Civil War stalemate, the time to intervene is delayed, then the Austrian army can not wait forever?

Intervention also has to consider the cost. So Franz decided to colonize while making preparations for military intervention.

As for the ocean fleet, when visiting the southern government, packaged and sold to them. It is estimated that by this time next year, the northern navy will be almost ready to blockade the south.

Take advantage of the fire and try to sell it for a sky-high price out. Franz didn’t have any pressure to make money from slave owners for nothing.

Why are there so few subscriptions for Chapter 6? Give a hint ????

(End of chapter)

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