Chapter 322: State Funeral

  Chapter 312 State Funeral

By 1859, constitutionalism had become such a hot topic in Austria that even the birth of the youngest prince became a backdrop.

There is no way around it, the eldest son Frederick is already more than two years old, the crown prince’s seat is set. As the second son, there was much less outside attention.

The Vienna court still held the usual celebrations, the limited level of medical technology in this era, for the next generation, every family is very important.

Almost every core member of the birth, a celebration will be held, which is a sign of family prosperity.

The Habsburg family was able to kill from the many European aristocrats, the establishment of a large empire, relying on the many sons and daughters.

Not only the Habsburg family, in fact, the long heritage of the family, all have a common characteristic, that is, the ability to create a strong man.

European nobility is not a simple assholes, even in the 19th century, it is their responsibility and obligation to be ready to go to war at any time.

This is not so wonderful for families with thin heirs. In case of a bump or bruise on the battlefield, with the medical conditions of this era, you might just see God.

Then, it would just be cheap for someone else. There was no need to doubt that there were intricate marriages between nobles, and as long as the nobles had been passed down for hundreds of years, they were basically able to find heirs from their relatives.

This time Franz learned smartly, directly put all the alternative names together to draw lots, that’s right is to let the little one to grab by himself.

It can’t be considered a grab, the name written on top of the first paper ball grabbed is the little one’s name.

Empress Dowager Sophie objected, “Franz, will this be too childish, the little one will grow up thinking you don’t value him!”

Franz firmly denied, “How could it be, formally because I respect his opinion, I let the little guy decide on his own!”

Empress Dowager Sophie was a bit baffled as she asked, “But how will you explain it to Frederick?”

Franz said without changing his face, “It’s fine, we just don’t tell him.”

“If you catch several paper balls at the same time, then does it add up?” Helen asked suspiciously

Franz nearly broke out in a cold sweat, he finally understood why some European names were so long.

Hastily denying it, he said, “Of course not, when that happens, then we start over.”

This kind of stupidity was firmly not to be done, it was not a good thing to have a name that was too long. As a father in case he couldn’t even remember his son’s name, that would be the end of it.

The watching Archduke Karl added, “Let’s start then, but I think it would be better for Frederick, the older brother, to help, the little one is afraid that he is not capable of doing so.”

Two cold light shot over, Franz awkwardly smiled, just born little guy, afraid that he can’t finish this epic task.

The excellent plan he had painstakingly come up with instantly became child’s play. It was impossible to let Frederick do it for him. If he really did it, it would be a stain that Franz would never be able to wash away in his life.

Franz thought about it and said, “Then let God decide, I’ll catch it for the little guy!”

As soon as the words left his mouth, his hand had already grabbed the pre-prepared paper ball and opened it in front of everyone – Peter.

After determining the little one’s name, Franz quickly left the scene.


“Your Majesty, the old marshal passed away last night!”

The slightly alarmed voice of the maid rang out, and Franz’s face changed. There was only one person in Austria who could be honored as the Old Marshal now-Johann Joseph Wentzel Radetzky von Radetz.

In terms of age, Marshal Radetzky was 92 years old, a year older than history. In an age when life expectancy is less than 40 per capita, that’s totally high.

Franz had already prepared for it, but Marshal Radetzky’s departure was still a bit sudden, without any warning.

“Inform the cabinet to prepare for the state funeral, I want to personally conduct the funeral for the old marshal. Pass the order that the country will mourn for 14 days.”

This Bohemian aristocrat-born marshal had spent his entire life making contributions to the Habsburg dynasty and had never been involved in politics.

Even after he was appointed as the Chief of General Staff, he only focused on his own work, never participated in power struggles, and was only loyal to the Emperor, which was a model for soldiers.

When he was alive, out of the instinct of the monarch, Franz did not dare to praise him too high; the situation is different when he died, naturally, he had to follow the highest specification.

Marshal Radetzky’s achievements, also worthy of this treatment, Franz is not afraid of who will have an opinion.

Little Peter on the tragedy, was born when the constitution grabbed the headlines, just took the name and caught up with the death of Marshal Radetzky, directly ignored by the outside world.

Franz can be sure that tomorrow’s newspapers in Vienna, all the news of the death of Marshal Radetzky, held a state funeral.

The advent of the telegraph had brought the European continent closer together, and the news of Marshal Radetzky’s death was not kept secret and was quickly passed on.

A few families rejoiced and a few grieved.

Austria naturally wailed, the old Field Marshal was still very popular. Many people organized themselves to see the old Field Marshal off.

Napoleon III even sent a representative to the funeral. A pure soldier is always easy to be respected by everyone, even if he was once an enemy.

Of course, it was also a matter of time. So many years had passed since the war against France, and the hatred between the two sides had long since faded into almost oblivion.

It is more likely that the French had too many enemies back then, and Austria is still not ranked, and Britain and Russia are the main force pulling the hatred.

The war against France Marshal Radetzky is also just a pawn, despite winning several localized wars. Battlefield each for their own masters, this is not what deep hatred.

If there was rejoicing, the Kingdom of Sardinia would have it, right? They didn’t even send out a representative, and if it wasn’t for Marshal Radetzky, they wouldn’t have lost the Ossa War so badly.

After all, Austria wasn’t doing very well at the time, and Franz didn’t dare to launch a counterattack without the old marshal in command.

If they hadn’t lost two to three hundred thousand young men in that tilted battle ten years ago, they wouldn’t be so tragic now, and wouldn’t even have the power to fight back.


The facts proved that Franz had overthought it, and the Sardinian government was not happy at all.

Prime Minister Cavour had been relieved of his duties. There is no doubt that this must have something to do with the charcoal-burning party.

Not only him, but all the charcoal-burning party members in the government had been relieved of their duties and were being examined by the delegation.

As for the top brass of the Charcoal Burning Party, they had long since run away by this time. After such a big event, if they didn’t kill a few people to sacrifice their flag, how could they reflect the supremacy of imperial power?

Franz was not Napoleon III, he would never be soft on this issue. Since the charcoal-burning party planned the assassination, he will pursue to the end.

Whether or not the charcoal-burners are involved, they will have to go to the guillotine. Not being able to control the people under your hand is a sin in itself.

If they hadn’t been advocating and guiding these middle-aged teenagers, with their brains, they probably wouldn’t have run out to become assassins.

How nice to stay in the Sardinian Kingdom and demonstrate, even if it’s a siege of the Capitol, Franz won’t intervene, but running out to assassinate him, that won’t do.

If he didn’t make an example of them, who knew when another assassin would appear?

If these people didn’t run away, there would still be a need to fabricate charges. Now there’s no need. The Joint Investigation Mission has issued a wanted notice.

Arresting people, Franz didn’t hold out much hope. There was no identity registry in this day and age, so it would be hard to find out by changing their names or changing the place where no one knew them.

Know that the first time to run are smart people, reaction slow step of the unlucky person, now has entered the prison.

A young man, appeared in Cavour’s home, crying and asking: ”His Excellency the Count, what should we do now?

Father has been arrested, and the investigating group is asking us to prove our own innocence, and if we can’t prove that we have nothing to do with this assassination, then we will be treated as accomplices.”

Cavour said grimly, “Kelder, I want to know whether you have planned this assassination or not, or did you know beforehand that they were going to carry out an assassination?

This is very important, you have to tell the truth so that I can think of a way to save your father and the others out.”

Kelder was about to cry out, heaven and earth, although he had a good relationship with the radicals and participated in some activities organized by the radicals, he really knew nothing about this assassination case.

As for his father, there was even less to say, a capitalist in the Sardinian Kingdom, who usually didn’t participate in specific activities at all, but only provided funds for the activities of the Charcoal Burning Party.

In order to do business conveniently, he put up a name in the party.

The tragedy was that this honorary position was that much higher, and after a few bigwigs ran through, his father, the titular senior, was also caught by the investigation team.

“Your Excellency the Count, I really don’t know. You are well aware of the fact that my father is not a high ranking member of the party at all, and has never been involved in the party’s affairs.”

Cavour nodded, he knew this as well. If it was normal times, he would have been dead set on protecting Kelder’s father, who was also his gold master.

Things were different now, the situation was completely out of control. He just wanted to save the people, but he was also unable to do so.

In any case, the mastermind of this assassination case had to be found, otherwise there was no way to explain to the international community.

If there was a delay in solving the case, then it would become an established fact that the French army had occupied the Kingdom of Sardinia for a long time.

Right now, the British were still using various countries to hold the French back and were not letting them occupy the entire Kingdom of Sardinia. If the murderer could be found in time, international pressure could be used to force the French to withdraw their troops, and of course, cession of land and reparations would be inevitable.

Cavour explained: “The situation is very complicated now, the representatives of various countries have different positions, and we have been deprived of the right to speak.

The Austrians’ goal this time is to find the man behind the curtain, and if there is an answer that they can accept, and then make amends and apologize, then this matter will be over.

The trouble is the French, who want to use this assassination to annex the Kingdom of Sardinia, and even more frightening is that the government of Vienna has acquiesced to them.

The Russians are out of reach, and as long as the Vienna government doesn’t oppose it, the Tsar’s government won’t support us either, and it’s rumored that Nicholas I is furious about the assassination as well.

The good thing is that, for the moment, the British are still supporting us, and as long as we find the person behind it, there’s still room for things to maneuver.”

Caird was not a fool, he had already heard the implication of Cavour’s words. If he couldn’t find the person behind the scenes, he would have to look for someone to take the fall.

And this black pot was not a good one to take, not only to go to the guillotine, but also to gain the approval of the investigation team.

Can afford to take the pot of people and run away, the rest of these people are not qualified, even if you want to take the pot is not qualified.

“So, my father is not in danger for now?” Kelder asked

Cavour nodded and said, “You now find a way to raise a sum of money, hit up the investigation team, and explain the situation to them.

Everyone knows that the real mastermind has already run away, so as long as you feed them, your father will be fine.”

Cavour himself didn’t believe it when he said this. The representatives of other countries were fine with it, things were not their business as long as there was money to be taken, turning a blind eye to it would pass.

Would the representatives of France and Austria dare to let it go? In case they really can’t find the black hand behind the scene, then the only way is that the whole charcoal-burning party is the black hand.

As long as all the suspects are erased, it doesn’t matter who the real culprit is.

For the sake of two cases of conspiracy to assassinate the king, killing hundreds of suspects who might be the murderer would be completely worthless.

Don’t expect anyone to stand up for them, there is no monarchy that would vote against them on this issue.

Caird nodded grudgingly, realizing that at this point Cavour had nothing more to say. Knowing that Prime Minister Cavour had been removed, he hadn’t held out much hope, and now that he was able to look for a way out, it was considered good.

Want to save his father is only one aspect, the more critical is that this crime is too big, the family can not escape.

As long as the assassin case is involved, not to mention his outbreak family, even if it is the old aristocrat as well to be finished.

(End of chapter)

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