Chapter 320: The Pit You Must Jump Into

  Chapter 310 – The Pit You Must Jump Into

The fighting power that a strong government can explode is often beyond imagination. With Franz’s order, the trade volume between the Austrian African colonies and the American countries came alive all of a sudden.

A large number of labor export companies, settled in the Austrian colonies, exported the excess local labor to the Americas and the Arab world.

With the concerted efforts of all, the dilemma of the lack of labor in each country changed significantly for the better. Under the new model of labor export, the international price of slaves has declined.

The labor export companies were actually forced out, as the saying goes, when there is a policy from above, there is a policy from below.

The Vienna government banned the slave trade, and in order to bypass the legal provisions, the nimble-minded slave traders, immediately changed their vests.

With the name of the labor export company appeared in the Austrian colonies, and continued to carry out business in a dignified manner. Anyway, after leaving the Austrian colonies, they were free to do as they pleased.

In the end, these immigrants became slaves or bonded laborers, depending on what country they went to.

These things were not the concern of the colonial bureaucrats, who had a big task ahead of them, to reduce the indigenous population by three layers in five years.

Especially since the colonies were still in the process of expanding, this pressure was even greater. The Colonial Ministry had assigned tasks to each colonial government, and the Ministry of Finance had allocated a special fund of 2 million Shendian per year for immigration.

All proceeds generated from the immigration work went to the individual. Officials with outstanding immigration business skills were directly promoted, and those who failed to fulfill their tasks were all removed.

It’s about everyone’s rice bowl, no one dares to take it lightly. Moreover, there are lucrative benefits, how much can be taken depends on their respective abilities.

Since 1859, the Austrian colonies have been frantically exporting immigrants to the outside world.

Take the United States as an example: in 1858, it received 183,000 immigrants from the Austrian colonies; in 1859, it skyrocketed to 346,000; and in 1860, it grew to 378,000 ……

The immediate consequence of this policy was that, at the outbreak of the American Civil War, the number of whites in the country had fallen by more than half a million compared to its history, while the number of blacks had risen by more than a million.

Profit is always the best catalyst. While acquiring black slaves from another country’s colonies was subject to heavy taxes and even bribes to colonial officials, labor exportation in the Austrian colonies was subsidized.

The colonial army, too, was striking frequently to attack the indigenous kingdoms.

In late 1859, Josip Jelacic also enacted the infamous Boundary Removal Act.

The law stipulated that all indigenous tribes within a fifty-kilometer radius would be forcibly relocated if immigrants, military, or government officials were attacked by natives.

This directly triggered a strong protest from the labor export companies. How can a good labor force be expelled, isn’t it a way to cut off people’s wealth?

The colonial government inevitably changed when it came to implementation. Anyway, it is all migrated away, and it does not matter where they end up, it is the same to deal with the labor export company.

There’s nothing to say that the colonial governments are any cleaner than anyone else in this day and age. There was no genocide, it was all considered harmonious.


With Russian support, the Indian insurgent army at one point exceeded two million and occupied half of India.

There is no doubt that it was a rabble. Just the number of troops went up, the fighting force was a crap mess, and the weaponry was the rags that the Russians had eliminated, averaging three men to a rifle.

After the insurgents had gained the upper hand, the British did their best to drive a wedge between them. The several rebel armies, which did not belong to each other, were soon caught up in an internal power struggle and lost the best opportunity to drive the British out of India in one fell swoop.

Reacted to the John Bull, constantly to the Indian region to increase the troops, the insurgent army in the early stage of the strategic advantages gained, in the internal fight was wasted.

The next step was the time to demonstrate the comprehensive national power. By 1859, the British had invested 350,000 land forces in the Indian region and gradually gained the initiative on the battlefield.

Franz, who received the intelligence, could only marvel at the strength of John Bull. The laborers could actually invest so many troops in the case of the expedition.

Needless to doubt, such a large sum of money only the British can do. Obviously, the Tsarist government’s approach has stimulated the fragile nerves of the London government.

It directly told the Russians in practical terms that if they wanted to seize India, they should first think about how many troops they could commit to the region!

Thinking of this, Franz just smiled coldly. The British this time, I am afraid to play the wrong way.

Nicholas I is not what soft persimmon, successor Tsar Alexander II is also not a light, with this want to intimidate them, afraid of dreaming.

Historically, because of the defeat in the Crimea, the Russians licked their wounds on the side, and supported the limited strength of the Indian rebellion, which allowed the British to quickly suppress the rebellion.

The current Tsarist government is also licking its wounds, but Nicholas I, who seized Constantinople, is as powerful as ever and has suppressed internal conflicts.

Together with the financial support provided by Austria, the Tsarist government’s finances were not as miserable as in history, and it was still possible to come up with a sum of money to support the insurgents.

Moreover, the Indian region was not poor at all. There was still a lot of loot in the hands of the insurgents, which could be used to buy weapons and ammunition.

If the Indians were a bit more competitive, they still had a chance to win the war. Anyway, they could afford to die in large numbers, as long as they organized enough cannon fodder to spend with the British.

Anyway, with the support of the Tsarist government, the Indians could still hold out for a while longer.

Thinking about this, Franz was a little conflicted again. On the one hand, he wanted to consume the strength of the British and shake their hegemony; on the other hand, he didn’t want the British to decline, or else the main force to intervene in the American Civil War would be gone.

Under this contradictory heart, the Vienna government abided by the principle of neutrality, did not support any party, as a time to eat the melon crowd.

Sighed, Franz will be in the hands of the intelligence in the candle flame, then said: “India issue ends here, keep the daily intelligence transmission can be.

The next task is the United States, conditions permitting, but also to add a little chaos to them, we are considered to support the southern plantation owners.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” Tyrone replied

This mission was very troublesome, the trans-oceanic telegraph hadn’t been connected yet, and communication became the biggest problem in the transmission of intelligence.

By the time the ships transmitted the news back home from the Americas, the yellow flowers would be cold, Franz could only choose to delegate. Whether or not it would bear fruit was entirely up to God.

In terms of short-term benefits, the capitalists who supported the North probably had more to gain, and they won the U.S. cotton, tobacco, and grain exports would all drop dramatically.

As a competitor, Austria could reap huge economic benefits.

But in the long run, a unified America is too scary. The Chosen People are not making this up, they do occupy the most fertile land in the world.

Even if the whole German region was unified, Austria could not match their development potential, which was innately determined.

Then even if the European continent does not break out in war and keeps developing steadily, it is only a matter of time before it is surpassed by the United States.

Unless Austria can swallow half of the continent and digest it perfectly. Thinking of this, Franz felt it was better to let the United States split up.

Even if the United States is split into two, it still has the potential to become the world’s hegemon. There was no way around it, America’s natural conditions were simply too favorable.

Even if the United States is divided, the strength of the North and South will still gradually increase over time, counting on the South after independence to check the northern government, is completely in the dream.

Even how long this independence could be maintained was a serious question. In terms of development potential, the capital economy of the North far exceeded the plantation economy of the South.

When the power of both sides was seriously imbalanced, as long as a strong leader emerged in the North, the War of Unification would break out again.

Thinking about it Franz wanted to cry, and interfered in the American Civil War, not just once, may become a bottomless sinkhole.

At this time, Franz somewhat understand the history of Napoleon III’s approach. Perhaps it is to see this pit is too terrible, he will choose to better bully Mexico to start.

The French suddenly withdrew, and the British and Western countries were immediately dissatisfied. Say goodbye to everyone together to interfere in the American Civil War, your damn run to attack Mexico, is not reckless disregard for the collective interests?

Less France this main force, Britain and the West also played a retreat, the three countries interfere in the coalition forces have not yet entered the dissolution.

Then, the European countries will sit and watch the Americans civil war. The government in London tried to intervene a few times, but because of internal disputes, it was delayed, and before they could make up their minds, the war was already over.

“To do great things is to be spared, but to see small gains is to forget them.”

Napoleon III. How can one take advantage and not take risks?

Knowing that there is a pit in front of him, Franz decided to jump this time. There is no way, the lesser of two evils.

Whether the intervention succeeds or not, it will bring greater losses to the United States and delay their development.

If it succeeded by a fluke it would be a big profit, an immigrant country like the US had little centripetal force to begin with. Unification wars cannot be fought indefinitely, and after two or three failures, the people will no longer have the courage to wage war.

(End of chapter)

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