Chapter 261: New Vienna system

  Chapter 253 The New Vienna System

As the Vienna Conference opened, delegations were combining their efforts and showing off their skills.

Russia and France attempted to carve up the remaining land in the Balkans, was left out of the John Bull naturally resigned, pulling the Ottoman Empire to put up a fight at all costs.

The Russians were unafraid of the British threat. Anyway, they hold Constantinople in their hands can blockade the Bosphorus, once the two sides turn the other cheek, the British naval fleet in the Black Sea was shut down.

There are hostages in the hands of the Maohuat bottom of the air, as a land power country offended by the British will also be offended, the Maohuat is able to go out, the big deal is that the two are separated.

The French government first hesitated, it is not that Napoleon III was afraid to fight with the British, in fact, for this matter, the two sides are simply impossible to break out in a war.

If you really fight, the French Navy is not without the power of the battle, perhaps they can not win the Royal Navy, but let the Royal Navy is greatly injured or can do.

This kind of high-risk gambling, the London government is not likely to risk betting. Sail battleship era exploding the navy is too easy, the result of the two great powers bloodbath is that there will be no winner.

Mainly in the interests, and the hairy bear as a neighbor anyone will be afraid of three points, Napoleon III both want to take the benefits, but also do not want to take the risk of it.

France alone Macedonia, Albania, Thrace, Epirus and other regions, seemingly profitable, in fact, after this war, the Balkan Peninsula’s economy has long collapsed.

War damage, refugee flows, plague, so many things added together, the Balkan Peninsula’s population directly less than one-third, the young labor force is even more rare.

The Balkan Peninsula, which was originally a piece of fat meat, has now been de-oiled. Wanting to restore social order, it is inevitable to invest a lot of resources.

Simply put, this gain was no longer enough to make the French take the risk. If it were not for political necessity, Napoleon III would not have been interested in any of the territories in the Balkans.

“Gentlemen, it’s not a good idea to keep arguing like this, why don’t we each divide our spheres of influence and then negotiate!” Metternich proposed

After saying that, he first used a pen to mark out the Austrian control area on the map, and then handed the map to the Russian representative, Karl Worcel.

Without much hesitation, Karl Worcel circled his expected target on the map, which Russia and Austria had agreed upon, and the spheres of influence of both sides did not cross.

The French followed suit, drawing their own spheres of influence, and when it was the turn of the British, Thomas was dumbfounded.

Good guy, the three countries to the map one point, the Balkan Peninsula was divided up. Even if there is a leakage of the islands, it is also in the hands of the Ottoman Empire, so bullying allies British people can not do it.

The idea came to Thomas that he should do something, not to let the enemy so easily as the wish.

As for the Ottoman Empire as an ally, unfortunately can only be sacrificed, just the will of all European people, including the British people, Thomas can not swim against the current.

“Three, the people on the Balkan Peninsula have been enslaved by the Ottoman Empire for so many years, and now that they have returned to the embrace of the civilized world, we should help them to build an independent country, how can we continue to enslave them?

How will the world look at us if this inhumane thing happens? How would the international community feel?”

Metternich rolled his eyes, the four of them could represent the international community. If just one country went out of character, there was still the possibility of condemnation from the European countries, the four of them together in custody made everyone shut up obediently.

In this era, the whole world can’t find a person who dares to be the enemy of England, France, Russia and Austria at the same time, even if the rest of the countries are tied together, they are not the rivals of these four families.

“Mr. Thomas is overthinking, how could we enslave the people on the Balkan Peninsula?

You have to know that the people of the Balkan Peninsula have been under the bloody rule of the Ottoman Empire for a long time, and many of them have been poisoned by the barbaric world, and we are precisely helping them to return to the civilized world.

According to the intelligence we have gathered, the cultural heritage on the Balkan Peninsula has all been severely damaged, and the people on the island now are either accomplices in the Ottoman Empire’s repression of the people.

Either they are a bunch of illiterates or traitors to the civilized world. Isn’t it a joke to let them establish an independent state?

It’s better for our countries to supervise and guide the local populace back into the civilized world to avoid the tragedy from continuing.”

Black Ottoman Empire is also politically correct, hundreds of years down the Ottoman Empire even if the barbaric pronouns, has been deeply instilled into the hearts of every European.

Of course, the Ottoman Empire’s infamy is also true to its name, historically they really did a lot of things that the sky is angry, Metternich can find out a whole lot of evidence to prove their barbarism.

These things were not revealed, then nothing happened, once they were taken out whether they happened a hundred years ago or two hundred years ago, they were all proof of evil.

It can’t be washed away no matter what, the modesty of the experts in this day and age hasn’t fallen off yet, and they can’t do anything to help wash the ground for the Ottoman Empire.

As a politician, Thomas is even more afraid to defend the Ottomans on this issue, or the British public will not spare him.

Now the Balkan Peninsula has culture, knowledge heritage of people, basically are dependent on the Ottoman Empire exists, even if they did not become a traitor, their ancestors also became a traitor.

From this point of view, it is barely justifiable to classify these people uniformly as remnants of the Ottoman Empire.

Thomas did not dwell here and directly proposed, “Mr. Metternich is right, in that case, how about an international co-management of the Balkan Peninsula, with us working together to help them return to the civilized world.

After pulling them back to the civilized world, in finding a suitable time, let the people on the Balkan Peninsula establish their own country independently and do their part for the civilized world.”

Hearing Thomas’s proposal, the French representative Auvergne was obviously somewhat moved, but the Russians reacted even more fiercely.

Karl Worcel slapped his hand on the table and said angrily, “This is impossible! The people of the Balkan Peninsula have suffered so much from the Ottomans’ tea poisoning that they must be overseen by us before they can return to the civilized world.”

Looking at the furious Karl Worcel, Metternich rubbed his forehead, it was obvious that this one military-born foreign minister had not yet adapted to the role of a diplomat, and had a tendency to make a move at the drop of a hat.

In the negotiation of the people to beat up, this kind of thing seems to be the Russians really do it.

In order to avoid the negotiation deteriorate, Metternich had to open the mouth to solve the problem, immediately to Thomas questioned: “Balkan Peninsula many nationalities, from the Byzantine Empire after the unity of the country has not been established. Could it be that Mr. Thomas, you want to rebuild the Byzantine Empire?”

Rebuilding the Byzantine Empire, what kind of international joke is that? The nationalists in Greece can just shout slogans foolishly, who here can tolerate the reconstruction of the Byzantine Empire?

When questioned, Thomas explained without changing his face, “Mr. Metternich has misunderstood, letting the people of the Balkan Peninsula establish their own country is only to help the local people return to the civilized world.

The Byzantine Empire has long been extinguished, so how could we think of rebuilding it?”

Metternich sneered, “It’s best if we don’t, or else the world will be unsettled again. Regarding the issue of the people of the Balkan Peninsula establishing an independent state, I don’t think there’s any need to discuss it.

The people of Serbia, Wallachia, Moldavia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina have already joined Austrian citizenship, and they are all people with a homeland now!”

The inspired Russian Foreign Minister Karl Worcel immediately spoke up, “We have already given citizenship to the populations of the Bulgarian region and the Constantinople region, so we won’t bother Mr. Thomas about it.”

Regardless of whether or not there will be nationality this matter, this excuse Karl Worcel used first, the big deal is to make up for it later.

Anyway, no matter how Thomas exerted his tactics, it was impossible for the Austrians and Russians to come out and establish an independent state, which meant that both sides were going to tear their faces off.

Continue to go after the French territory? This thought flickered, Thomas does not want to let Russia, France and Austria embrace the group, this combination appeared, they are pulling the whole world as an ally, but also can not be recruited.

Should we divide a piece of land in the Balkan Peninsula? After looking at the map, Thomas decided not to border with these land power countries.

Auvergne, who had been paddling, suddenly changed the topic and said, ”The most important thing about the Balkan Peninsula is still the Black Sea Straits, and most of the international disputes revolve around it.

For the sake of world peace and stability, I propose international co-management of the Dardanelles and Bosphorus Straits, with all the coastal port cities becoming free ports, and no weapons to be deployed by any country.

Regardless of the period of time, the governments of each country will guarantee the free navigation of the strait without any restrictions or taxes on navigation.”

After taking stock of the situation everyone expressed their agreement, only Karl Worcel had some meat on his bones, but considering the actual situation, even if they wanted to charge a navigation fee they couldn’t collect it in the end, he still agreed.

They can collect the tax in the Bosphorus, Britain and France can also collect the tax at the entrance of the Dardanelles, when the time comes merchant ships do not dare to pass, this golden waterway will also be ruined.

To solve the problem of the waterway, Thomas is also too lazy to continue to dwell on the issue of the Balkans. Russia, France and Austria share the Balkan Peninsula, why is it not a balance?

Once the Russians rushed out of the Black Sea, the French bore the brunt of it, and Austria likewise could not tolerate the Russians’ continued expansion.

The Near East War, although they did not get the actual benefits, but strategically they still succeeded, using the new international order to block the Russians in the Black Sea.

After solving the problems of the Near Eastern War, Britain, France, Russia and Austria signed the Four Powers Pact, which redrew the spheres of influence of each country in the form of a treaty.

After the signing of the treaty, the governments of the four countries issued a joint statement that the four would work together to maintain peace and stability on the European continent and to combat any breach of the rules.

With the conclusion of the Vienna Peace Conference, a new international order was once again established, with the exception of the free navigation of the Black Sea Straits, in which each country’s sphere of interest was based on its area of actual control.

The Ottoman Empire became the biggest loser, due to its own lack of strength to maintain the rule on the Balkan Peninsula, it had to sell the areas of Macedonia, Thrace, Albania, and the region of the Gallipoli Peninsula, etc., to the French at a price of 200 million francs.

The French and the Ottoman Empire is an ally must pay attention to eat, had to shell out a sum of money out to buy. Austria and Russia will not be polite, as the Ottoman arch-enemy, naturally, a mouthful of swallowed the territory they occupied.

The Duchy of Montenegro probably couldn’t figure out for itself whether it had lost or gained money this time. Although finally driven back home by the British, but with the support of Russia and Austria, they doubled their territorial expansion and successfully took the access to the sea.

The doubled territory is actually just over 10,000 square kilometers, not as big as the Montenegrin principality in the later times. There was no way, who made their homeland small?

In order to add more than 5,000 square kilometers, the Duchy of Montenegro has lost half of its young men and women, and the total population of the original territory has dropped by 23%, plus the population of the country has only exceeded 200,000 after the newly captured land.

The biggest winner on the surface, the Russian Empire, was silently licking its wounds at this time. Even though it had obtained Constantinople, it was only a superficial glory.

Both Bulgaria and Constantinople were devastated by the war, and the local economy collapsed.

Especially the city of Constantinople directly into ruins, more than two thirds of the buildings in the city were damaged to varying degrees.

Of course it was probably a good thing that it was demolished and rebuilt just in time to remove the traces of the Ottoman Empire and shape the glory of the Russian Empire. It should have been, if finances weren’t a concern.

Taking stock of the casualties, then the Russians can’t stop laughing, the Balkans alone cost the Russians 600,000 killed in action, and with the battlefields of the Crimea and the Caucasus, the total number of Russians killed and maimed pushed close to 900,000 killed and maimed.

If not for the capture of Constantinople, the political gains brought to erase all this, Nicholas I really do not know how to end.

Britain and France, who also took part in the battle, did not take advantage of the situation either, with 210,000 French dead and 45,000 disabled, and 78,000 British dead and 11,000 disabled.

This figure is added to the losses caused by plague and disease, otherwise this figure could be reduced by one-third. In any case, the non-combat losses, after all, did not exceed the combat losses.

As for the Ottoman Empire, their losses are a mystery, the Sudanese government itself does not know how to count, anyway, they formed before and after the million army was disabled.

The Balkans were lost, and many of the soldiers were captured and dispersed, and when they were dispersed, they were really dispersed, so don’t expect these people to come back and rejoin the army.

Broken, I don’t think the Sudanese government cares anymore. The capital is gone, the heart of the country is gone, so why bother with casualties?

Push the book “rebirth of pig raising big brother” urban life text, interested friends can flip.

(End of chapter)

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