Chapter 26: Piggyback Rescue Diary

  Chapter 26 – Piggyback Rescue Diary

The days of misery were short-lived, and after half a dozen months of time polishing, the group of noble officers finally looked like they had a few moments of military temperament.

At this time, the training content has also changed, in addition to the simple physical training, there are also military command classes.

This time the learning is very targeted, the cases explained are all alley warfare, which is carefully selected by Franz, the reason is naturally interested.

Everyone has a military foundation, listening to these lessons is not strenuous, compared to the previous physical training, many people showed interest.

That’s what we’re good at, what’s it like to train us as big-headed soldiers?

Albrecht sneered, “Alright, I’m done talking! You will work in squads and assume that the enemy is attacking Vienna and plan your defense accordingly;

Or assume that the enemy has occupied Vienna and we are making a counterattack and make a corresponding battle plan.

The time is for three days, I will give you marks, those who fail will prove that your military command ability is not passable, you can only be a reckless person, then it’s better to go back to participate in physical training!”

A cold air fell from the sky, many of them showed a bitter face and could only cast their expectant gazes on their teammates.

“The military command ability is not up to par, so you can only be a mangaka.” It would be a small problem if the military career ended with this comment on top, but the key is that everyone still needs to have a face, right?

Everyone was a young man, who would want to admit that they were a reckless man without a brain?

No one doubted that Albrecht couldn’t do it, there was a tradition in their family.

When Archduke Karl carried out his military reforms back then, he had done the same thing, turning a bunch of nobles he considered unsuitable to serve as officers into big-headed soldiers and forcing them to retire themselves.

Those retired noble officers really had “no bright future”!

In the circle of nobles, their legend is still circulating, and it is called the shame of Austrian nobles.

The nobility of the German region has retained the tradition of military service, and all of them have been trained as officers since childhood. Under the ten years of hearing and seeing, even if it was a pig, it was a cultured pig!

In short, the Austrian nobility in this period had not completely degenerated, and everyone still had a sense of honor.

Even to the time of the Austro-Prussian War, the Austrian army showed the combat power, are in the forefront of Europe.

Of course the city defense army may be an exception, perhaps here is represented the lower limit of the Austrian army, Vienna’s prosperity corrupted the will of the officers.

This question, who can say? Now the most crucial thing is still to save these eight hundred lost boys, pull them back from the edge of degeneration, the next March revolution in Vienna will not be a problem.


“How about it Albrecht, are there any good seeds among these guys?” Franz asked

“I’m afraid I’m going to have to disappoint you, these guys are only barely good enough, they have too many outstanding debts to make up, we’ll see when we’ve made up that knowledge!” Albrecht shook his head and said

“What about serving as company and platoon officers? That is, right now, if we put them below the troops and command a company or a platoon in combat, how much combat power can they bring to bear?” Franz asked with concern

“Your expectations of them are really low, right now the vast majority of them are not suitable for first-line commanders, if barely if they are used, they will be able to bring out about six or seven percent of a unit’s combat power.” Albrecht said thoughtfully

Receiving this answer, Franz couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief, with this combat power, it was almost enough to cope with the next situation.

“Then let’s fill them up with another wave, no matter how capable they are, at least these people are loyal enough and have hot blood, you don’t have to worry about them becoming deserters!” Franz said with a smile

It wasn’t in vain that he personally came over to walk a wave ah, with the City Defense Force plus the Royal Guards in hand, basically the big picture was set.

“That’s true, they’re at least better than that bunch of old farts in the city defense army. But Franz, what’s the point, it’s not like they’re going to fight now? Are you going to use them to remove and replace that old bunch of greaseballs?” Albrecht asked suspiciously

“Removing so many officers at once creates too much of an impact, we can use the name of exercising to place them as deputies in the army.

Then organize an armed pullout, let them command and see the effect!” Franz lied without changing his face

When he said this, even he himself didn’t believe it, to waste so much effort just to have these people replace the bunch of assholes in the city defense army?

Luckily, this is the European continent. If it is the East, the Prince dares to do this, people’s first reaction is: no good, the Prince wants to plot against the throne!

Franz did not say, Albrecht also do not bother to ask. Anyway, this is Ferdinand I personally gave him the order, now by Franz supervision of the city defense army.

The question of plotting against the city, do not even have to think about it, there is no market for doing so in Europe. Besides, Franz didn’t have to do anything, he could be regent after two or three years.

The situation of Ferdinand I is clear to everyone, it is impossible to have the next generation, just wait for the age to arrive, he will exercise the rights of the emperor as the crown prince, than the current rights of the Council of Regents is a few points.

If you want to be emperor, you can also wait for his uncle to hang up! There’s absolutely no reason why Franz would be desperate, huh?

Otherwise, Albrecht wouldn’t bother with him. The noble officers wouldn’t have bought him off so well!

“Fine, do what you want, as long as I don’t make a mess anyway, I’ll cooperate with you!” Albrecht said helplessly

In Albrecht’s opinion, Franz was juvenile and wanted to make a career.

At this age he has also experienced it and knows that it is useless to oppose, the more you don’t let him do it, the more he is going to do it.

As things stand, what Franz is doing is still within the rules and not messing around.

On the surface, Franz was prepared to replace the already degenerate noble officers with young noble officers, which would not cause a strong backlash from the noble class.

This was not considered out of the ordinary in everyone’s eyes, anyway, the meat was rotting in the pot, and these nobles were counting on this military position to eat.

It’s possible to drive a noble officer back home, and the one who replaces him is still his own son, or brother, or even a distant relative.

If he had promoted a civilian officer, Albrecht would not have been so easy to talk to; class position could not be abandoned.

If Franz knew what he was thinking, he would have told him he was overthinking. Isn’t it bullshit to promote civilian officers in this day and age?

Leaving aside other external factors, just looking at military literacy, the two sides were not on the same level.

Unless one was a natural talent, the time it took to train a soldier who couldn’t read a bucketful of words into a qualified officer would be measured in years.

(End of chapter)

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