Chapter 239: Good Idea = Bad Idea

  Chapter 233 – Good idea = Bad idea

Crimean Peninsula, Britain, France and Russia continue to fight in a firefight, to be precise, Britain and France attacked, the Russians are in full defense.

Weapons and equipment on the inferiority is a hard hit, unlike the Balkan Peninsula on the Russian army, clean change the Austrian armament equipment, in terms of equipment and Britain and France is equal.

The Russian army on the Crimean Peninsula was not so lucky, it was originally the second-line troops in the country, and hastily responded to the war, coupled with the corruption of the bureaucracy of the tsarist government, multiple factors caused their tragedy.

In fact, at this time, Nicholas I had already decided to fully replace the Austrian armament equipment, but because of the introduction of production lines in the country, the bureaucrats of the pit crew slapped their heads and gave the order to the domestic military industry.

It took time to commission the production line, it took time to retrain the workers, and there was no harm in waiting in times of peace. Now is a time of war, the Russian army on the battlefield can not wait ah!

Up to now, the Russians have not been able to bring the capacity to play to the peak state, according to their speed to the Crimean Peninsula of the Russian army to fully change, no one or two years time can not be done.

Just transferred to the Crimean Peninsula as the commander-in-chief of General Fitzroy Somerset was angry, in the Balkan Peninsula when the war is not felt, what is missing directly to Austria to purchase good.

When he arrived here, he realized that the logistics of the Russian army was so rotten, not only the new weapons replacement is not timely, even the ordinary logistics supplies are often wrong.

Thankfully the opposite side of the coalition forces are not as strong as those encountered in the Balkans, the Constantinople offensive was still meaningful, at least the French elite troops were held back.

Fitzroy Somerset thought for a moment and said, “Send a message to St. Petersburg, explaining our situation and requesting that the country replenish our supplies immediately.

If we can’t secure logistical supplies, then we’ll have to abandon the Crimean Peninsula and retreat to the Ukrainian coast.”

Lack of medicine and medicine is not a problem, anyway, gray livestock is not worth anything, and it does not hurt him to die. Lack of guns and artillery, this can not be tolerated, dick thing are not, how can the war be fought?

As for whether it will offend people, Fitzroy Somerset has not cared so much, he will be finished if he loses the war, and the consequences will be no more serious than that.

As the top general of the Russian army, as long as he wins the war, even if he offends the domestic interest groups, he can resist the pressure.

The transportation means of the Russian army in the Crimean Peninsula is mainly oxcarts, and this time and space is still good, the Russians are relatively well prepared, hoarding a number of supplies in the coastal areas, and there are a lot of them in the Crimean Peninsula.

Even if they were floated by the bureaucrats, they took these supplies and did not use them, and in the end, they still had to turn around and sell them to the tsarist government, so Fitzroy Somerset did not have to worry about food yet.

There was nothing to be done about weaponry, and since the Tsarist government had made sure to change their uniforms, the rags were abandoned somewhere.

The same weaponry, after the Russian arsenal production out of the weight is inevitably increased that little bit, the failure rate is also that little bit higher, but absolutely durable.

Fitzroy Somerset wasn’t fussy either, as long as it was there. Now put pressure on the government of St. Petersburg, is to let them speed up the speed of supply, if the domestic production is too late, quickly go to buy ah!

Anyway, no matter what, the Crimean Peninsula Russians do not dare to give up, once Britain and France are firmly established here, the Black Sea has nothing to do with them.

In order to combat their biggest rival, I’m sure the British don’t mind paying for the annual military expenses. As long as the Crimean Peninsula is blocked, the hairy bear is not only finished with the Near East strategy, half of the import and export trade is in their hands.

It doesn’t need to last much longer, three to five years at most, the Russian Empire’s European hegemony collapses, and then by instigating Poland’s independence, the British strategy will have succeeded.

Of course, this kind of good thing, obviously not so easy to succeed, at least Franz did not agree, he is now ready to create some trouble for the British.

The Russians could not fall, at least not until the new Holy Roman Empire was internally integrated, otherwise they would have to live with their tails between their legs.

Franz asked with concern, “Marshal, what are the ways that the Russians can capture Constantinople?”

In Franz’s opinion, the easiest thing to break on the Near East battlefield was Constantinople, and as long as the Russians captured it, the war would be impossible to fight.

The narrowest part of the Bosphorus was so 750 meters, and the widest part was so 3.7 kilometers. As long as the Russians were provided with a number of shore guns and placed them on the shore, the sea passage between the Black Sea and the outside world would be cut off.

There is no sea channel connection, the Ottoman Empire’s transportation and the Russians have a fight, if the land from Asia Minor Peninsula transfer of supplies, then the British and French forces on the Crimean Peninsula logistical supply must be a problem, in addition to the gray run no other way.

Marshal Radetzky analyzed: “Your Majesty, Constantinople was originally a fortress city, easy to defend and difficult to attack, stationed and the French elite troops, and the navy to provide fire support.

If you want to attack, the only way is to rely on the strength of hard consumption. The only way to break the city is to fight to the limit of the French army.

Now the Russians the most correct choice, is to mobilize a large number of artillery against the Constantinople bombardment, and then the strong fortress is also a limit.

The Ottoman Empire had long since decayed, Constantinople had not been threatened for a hundred years, and they had long since relaxed their upgrading of the city’s fortifications.

After the outbreak of the Near East War. The Ottoman government only carried out a little repair and reinforcement, but the time is still too short, this is the opportunity of the Russians.

These fortifications, for the most part, are unable to withstand heavy artillery attacks. As long as the Russians are willing to put down money and get a few hundred heavy cannons to knock on them bit by bit, they can also break this turtle shell.”

This was a purely stupid solution, completely overwhelming by force, but it was the only feasible way now.

The problem is that Britain and France can also get a large number of artillery and the Russians against the bombardment, and in the end both sides still have to take human lives to fill in. Constantinople is unlikely to be breached without 100,000 or 800,000 dead.

This era of artillery hit rate is very low, the Russian army as long as the dispersal of artillery positions, the city of Constantinople bombardment on the line, the target is so big can always put the shells into the British and French to destroy the Russian artillery positions will be difficult.

Franz felt that casualties would not intimidate the Russians, and that the military expenditure would probably drag them down first. Just a few hundred heavy artillery, without tens of millions of rubles can not be done, a round of rounds of fire down to dozens of tons of ammunition.

Since to achieve the effect of wild bombardment, a day to shoot out several thousand tons of ammunition, are just ordinary operation. To flatten Constantinople, God knows how much ammunition would have to be consumed in the end.

But if you don’t fight like this, according to the way the Russians are currently attacking, the exchange ratio is hitting four to one, even if the gray livestock is worthless, it can’t stand up to this kind of consumption, ah?

According to the current situation, Franz can say with certainty that at most another year and a half of time, the tsarist government will be forced to give up because of excessive casualties.

Franz thought for a moment and said, “The staff put together a plan and forward it to the Tsarist government, let them use it or not!”

He didn’t believe that there were no smart people in the Russian government who could see that blindly taking human lives to fill the giant pit of Constantinople without the advantage of firepower was a complete death wish.

According to the intelligence received by Franz, since the outbreak of the Battle of Constantinople, the casualties of the Russian army have approached the sum of the two Bulgarian battles.

St. Petersburg is ready to replace Maeshkov, under the command of this “genius” commander, the Russian army casualties have been high.

This plan is not for the government of St. Petersburg, but for the Russian Balkan commander-in-chief Mareshkov, if you do not want to return to St. Petersburg in disgrace, he will certainly consider the Austrian proposal.

As the top general of the Russian army, no one could bear the temptation to conquer Constantinople, and as long as this great deed was accomplished, it would be recorded in Russian history as a “national hero” of Russia.

Not only the Russians were interested, in fact, Franz also wanted to accomplish this great deed, the Habsburg dynasty and the Ottoman Empire is also a feud, the capture of Constantinople can also bring them a lot of political prestige.

The vast majority of European nations had a special affection for the city, and now that the French were helping the Ottomans defend Constantinople, Franz was certain that Napoleon III wouldn’t mind taking the city if given the chance.

The accomplishment of this great deed was in no way less prestigious than the defeat of the Russians would have brought. If the Battle of the Crimean Peninsula had failed, Napoleon III would more than likely have simply swallowed Constantinople to salvage the political disaster of losing the war.

The government in London would more than likely have acquiesced in this happening as well, and how Constantinople in French hands would have been better than in Russian hands. The British would be absolutely delighted to see the French and Russians in a dead heat.

If possible, Franz wouldn’t mind giving a push to make the hatred between France and Russia a little deeper.

Unfortunately, the Russians were indisputable, the bureaucrats of the Tsarist government dragged their feet, and the hope of the Russians winning the war on the Crimean Peninsula was too slim.

Unable to do this, Franz could only hope that the Russians would explode to capture Constantinople and pull the hatred between Britain and France to full strength in one fell swoop.

Marshal Radetzky’s approach, which was undoubtedly the most effective one from the standpoint of the Vienna government, was in fact a bad idea for the Russians from beginning to end.

The reason was very simple: the war was too consuming to be played by an agricultural country like the woolly bear.

This method of fighting easily exceeded the limits of the Russian Empire’s tolerance, and even if Constantinople was captured, they would not be able to proceed to the next step in their strategy because of the exhaustion of their financial resources.

After all, what about another Dardanelles? Mastering just one Bosphorus is not enough for the Russians to take control of the Black Sea Straits, and besides, with the capture of Constantinople, they have only mastered half of the Bosphorus.

Strategically, splitting their forces now to take the Gallipoli Peninsula to blockade the Dardanelles would end the war just as well.

There isn’t a Constantinople everywhere, and defending the Gallipoli Peninsula is definitely much harder than defending Constantinople.

Even if you can’t capture this place, a diversionary attack can give force Britain and France to station heavy guards and reduce the pressure of the Russian army on the Crimean Peninsula.

Can only say that the temptation of Constantinople is too great, the Russians can not resist this temptation, just a wave of reckless up.

Franz naturally could not remind the Russians that the Near East war ended prematurely and failed to maximize the depletion of the strength of Britain, France and Russia, which was not in the interests of the new Holy Roman Empire.

Moreover, even the best strategy needs people to execute it, Franz did not think that the Russians had such a strong execution ability, at least General Maeshkov could not do it.

With the efficiency of the Russians, it was undoubtedly a fool’s errand to try to beat Britain and France to a surprise attack. Now the Gallipoli Peninsula only needed a few Ottoman garrison regiments, which could easily be broken through.

Once Britain and France reacted, the allied forces attacking the Greeks could immediately reinforce the Gallipoli Peninsula, and then it would be another general battle.

Britain and France’s national strength is strong, even if another front is opened, they bite the bullet and hold out, the Russians will not be able to, the domestic organizational capacity is close to the limit.

If another front is added, I’m afraid the Woolly Bear will also feel what it means to be short of troops. Of course it’s not that they’re short of troops, it’s that they can’t put troops on the front lines anytime soon.

Logistics supply not to mention, even if they can get supplies from Austria, with their efficiency to transport to the front, the yellow flowers have become cold.

A bad operation, good intentions did a bad thing, because the logistics supply is not in place, let the Russians lose the war, Franz will only and Nicholas I together cry.

Australian scientist Prof. Bitto conducted research studies in 11 countries and found that the chance of a non-close couple having a deformed baby was 2%, while the chance of a close couple having a deformed baby merely increased to 4%.

Hemophilia has a 50% chance of men, and that’s a good multiple choice question.

(End of chapter)

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