Chapter 229: John Bull’s Diplomacy

  Chapter 224 – John Bull’s Diplomacy

Versailles Palace

British Foreign Minister Thomas said to Napoleon III: “Your Majesty, the Russian-Austrian alliance is too great a threat to us. The Near East War broke out until now, if not for Austria’s support, the Russians would not have been able to hold out long ago.

Now the opportunity has come, the Austrians want to unify the German region, the Russians will surely oppose it.

Judging from the present situation, the government of Vienna has made concessions, and in exchange for supporting the Russians in obtaining Constantinople, the Russians have supported them in annexing the South German region.

This deal, which seemed to be a give-and-take, went wrong in the course of operation, and the Russians were not able to take Constantinople, while Austria swallowed the South German region in one bite.

There were certainly many within the Tsarist government who did not want Austria’s plans to come to fruition, so their support for Austria was bound to be limited.

Faced with the diplomatic pressure from the united European countries, the Austrian government naturally could not withstand the pressure. Originally they had suffered a loss in this deal, and if at this time it was found that the Russians were out of their depth, the Vienna government would certainly be displeased.

At this time we are inducing Austria to abandon the Russo-Austrian alliance on the condition that we recognize their annexation of the South German region, with a very high degree of success.”

The existence of the Russo-Austrian alliance had seriously threatened the core interests of Britain and France, which involved a struggle for dominance of the European continent.

From the end of the war against France to the present, got the hegemony of the European continent of Russia, the reason why it has not been able to foreign expansion, in addition to the constraints of the Vienna system, more importantly, the tsarist government’s means in diplomacy is not up to scratch, was united boycott by everyone.

Now the situation is different, Austria and Russia came together, Britain and France can despise the Russians diplomacy, but can not ignore Austria’s diplomatic ability.

Metternich was known as the “Chancellor of Europe” in this era, and the British had experienced his diplomatic skills firsthand.

Austria with the strength of the last of the four powers, actually dominated the European continent politics for thirty years, relying on diplomatic means.

“Pressing France, driving away Britain, blocking Russia” is the greatest achievement of the Vienna system, by virtue of the contradictions between the countries, Metternich accomplished the strategic purpose of the weak against the strong.

If Russia and Austria continue to deepen cooperation, once they realize the strategic complementary, then the core interests of Britain and France, will have a fatal impact.

Napoleon III shook his head and said: ”Mr. Thomas, the threat of the Russian-Austrian alliance is clear to us, and I am happy to break up the pairing.

But the success rate of all that you say can be realized is too low, that old fox Metternich is not easy to deal with, I’m afraid he didn’t fall for the trick very easily!”

Putting aside the Franco-Austrian deal, the plan to break up the Russian-Austrian alliance has to be a little more reliable, doesn’t it?

You can’t just assume that the Russians will reduce Austria’s support because they are jealous, and then rashly pull Austria’s leg diplomatically.

We all play politics, dealing with international relations is to talk about interests, as long as the interests of the appropriate, it is not difficult to suppress personal feelings.

Thomas said calmly, “Your Majesty, the Russian-Austrian alliance is based on interests. Austria refuses to give up its alliance with the Russians, and that is only because the interests are not enough.

As long as Austria is willing to give up the alliance with the Russians, we can not only support them in annexing the South German region, the Central German region can also be given to them, and even the land they are now occupying from the Ottomans can be given to them.

If Austria is not willing to give up the Russo-Austrian alliance, then we must prepare for the worst and directly step in to limit Austria’s power.

We will send 100,000 troops, your country 200,000, Belgium, Holland, Portugal, Switzerland, Sardinia, and Spain 50,000 each, plus the Kingdom of Prussia 300,000, to form an intervention army to force the Austrians to give up this expansion.”

I have to say that the British are ruthless enough, the Russian-Austrian alliance can get their hands on the benefits of tearing up the alliance as much as they can get, and even more.

Napoleon III fell into a deep thought, from the strategic consideration, the threat of the Russian-Austrian alliance is too big, not at all smaller than the Austrian unification of the German region.

The British in order to world hegemony, to fight the biggest competitor, this time naturally give anything.

Anyway, after offending Russia, Austria’s rear is unstable, and there are the French in the front to hold back, there is no ability to dominate the European continent.

But it is different for the French, dismantling the Russian-Austrian alliance is of course very important, and suppressing the creation of new rivals is equally important.

In case the Russians were not easily suppressed, and then Austria came to power, they would not have worked for nothing.

The British want to balance the continent, as long as the balance can be maintained, who is strong and who is weak does not matter, in any case, Austria’s geographic location is absolutely unable to challenge the sea power, the threat to them is the smallest among the powers.

It was different for France, Napoleon III was also an emperor who aspired to dominate the continent, and naturally could not tolerate the emergence of a southern European juggernaut.

The gap between the strength of Austria and France is not big, the current Austrian Empire, Napoleon III is not sure to be able to suppress, let alone after the growth of Austria?

At this time the French-Austrian secret treaty has been put behind his head, full of ideas inside his head is not to prevent the Austrian growth, must take effective measures to limit their development.

After half a dozen times, Napoleon III shook his head and said: “Mr. Thomas, your plan is too unreliable, if we admit Austria’s expansion, they turn their back on how to do?

The Russo-Austrian alliance can be torn up, and can likewise be built up again, it all boils down to – interest.

Your country’s plan of balancing Europe and the continent has actually suppressed Austria’s future development, and in order to go further, sooner or later they will still join forces with the Russians.

If I were Nicholas I, even indulging Austria in unifying the German region would be acceptable as long as I could annex the Ottoman Empire.

When Austria united the German region, the first to bear the brunt is France, the Russians can provoke the Franco-Austrian war, and then reap the benefits.

Your country can also sit back and wait for the situation to change. Mr. Thomas, do you think I’m easy to fool?”

Sensing the murderous aura in Napoleon III’s eyes, Thomas hurriedly remedied, “Your Majesty, you are overthinking, Nicholas I is not as wise as you are.

Besides, we won’t watch Austria grow, all European countries don’t want a giant to appear in Central Europe.

There is no chance for Austria to unify the German region, at least the Kingdom of Prussia is too much for them to eat.

Don’t look at the fact that Austria looks strong now, once the war is fought, as long as it’s not fought on their soil, the logistics of a million troops will be enough to drag them to death.”

Napoleon III said with great certainty, “Mr. Thomas, no matter what you say, there is no way that we in France will let Austria grow bigger just to break up the Russian-Austrian alliance!”

After saying this, Napoleon III instantly reacted. Where did the British want to let Austria grow bigger, it was clear that they wanted to curb Austria’s development before coming over to irritate him.

Thinking of this, Napoleon III looked at Thomas with eyes that were overflowing with disgust.

Seeing the change in Napoleon III’s face, Thomas said as if nothing had happened: “Your Majesty, since your country wants to restrict Austria’s development, then as an ally we naturally have to cooperate with your country’s actions.

The war of aggression launched by the Austrians in their ambition, intending to annex all the states in the German region, is something that all righteous people cannot tolerate.

I suggest that our two countries join forces immediately to stop the Austrians and permanently split the German region, forming an independent state out of Prussia and Austria and dissipating the source of war in Europe.”

The poor man’s plan had been realized, and Napoleon III knew that this was the true purpose of the British, but he was now a little incredulous.

John Bull played a diplomatic calculation is too bullish, in the past, his uncle Napoleon the Great bullish, fighting all over Europe without enemy, or in the British under the diplomatic calculation fell.

Austria can dominate the establishment of the Vienna system, that is also the British overseas colonial expansion needs, they do not have the energy to intervene in European affairs, only to push a hand to let Austria on the throne to help maintain the stability of Europe.

When they are free, immediately ran back to do things, the current Near East war, interference in the unification process of the German region, these are under the British domination.

Even now it is clear that the British want to curb the growth of Austria, but it has become that it is France that wants to curb the development of Austria, successfully transferring the task of pulling hatred to him.

Rejection? Napoleon III inwardly wanted to refuse very much, but he had no choice.

Reason told him that if France did not take the lead in restricting Austria’s development, the British would really let Austria grow bigger in order to break up the Russian-Austrian alliance.

This was a phallic plot, and there was no way Napoleon III could not jump into the pit. Now that France has defaulted on its obligations and blocked Austria’s path of expansion, is it still necessary to say what Austria will do when they expand in the future?

It can be said that a calculation, not only curbed the development of Austria, but also let the French and Austrians hold each other back, breaking the road of the two countries’ alliance, but also let the French have to continue to rely on them in international politics.

Napoleon III sneered: “Mr. Thomas, this is your real goal, right?

But do you think Austria is a soft touch, where are the intervening coalition forces of various countries?

To make the Austrians give in with a few threats before the allied forces show up, I don’t think France can do it.

But Mr. Thomas can speak well, so why don’t you go on behalf of France and make Metternich bow down!”

Was the coalition army so easy to organize? Before the plan was exposed, there was no problem in fooling Prussia into joining, Portugal, Belgium, Holland, and the Kingdom of Sardinia had always looked up to the British, and it wasn’t hard to get them to send troops.

Switzerland is a neutral country, why would you want to send troops to offend the Austrian near at hand? Austria’s growth or not, and the Spaniards have no interest at all, why they have to get involved in this pool of muddy water?

Napoleon III did not want to end up by France to be the wrongdoer, in case the Austrians do not yield, the war started, where he went to cry?

The war is also to die, the usual period Napoleon III is not a goat, but at the same time in the war with the Russians, and then and Austria, he has not gone crazy.

Thomas chestily said, “Your Majesty, please rest assured that we have solved the problem of interfering with the allied forces.

Switzerland, Holland, and Belgium can get part of the German region in return, and Spain and Portugal can be rewarded for their overseas colonization.

As long as our two countries are on the same page, they will not dare to reject our goodwill.

Once the Austrians choose war, the Royal Navy will blockade the Adriatic Sea and cut off their overseas trade routes.

Considering the actual situation, I think the possibility of the Austrian government giving in is very high, and as long as we reveal our intention to form a coalition, they will compromise.

Besides, we are not going to kill them all with one stick, for example, the Kingdom of Bavaria, which the Austrians have already occupied, can be annexed by them.

The government in London only wanted to break up the Russian-Austrian alliance, it didn’t want to make it even closer, so intervening by force was only the worst-case scenario.

If we made a move to intervene by force, Your Majesty, how do you think the Russians would handle themselves?

Would they risk sending troops to join forces with Austria to attack the Kingdom of Prussia, or would they confront us in the Near East and verbally support Austria?”

Hearing Thomas’ explanation, Napoleon III only felt thunder rolling, the British were calculating too much.

Almost all of the countries in Europe were given a net, except for Denmark and Sweden in Northern Europe, which were too close to the woolly bear and really could not pull together, other countries were forced to take sides.

Even though the Russian-Austrian alliance still exists, most European countries are standing against them, having sea power is such a cow.

The world’s first and the world’s second naval power to join forces, Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands three colonial countries, simply have no choice.

Belgium is the geographic location decided, must embrace the British and French thighs; Sardinia Kingdom wants to take revenge on Austria; Switzerland and the Habsburg dynasty has a long-standing grudge, if you offend Britain and France, simply can not mix.

Napoleon III coldly said: “In that case, then this plan, it is good for our two countries to put forward together.

The Russians there is still by Mr. Thomas to go, as long as the attitude of the Russians is not firm enough, this plan will be a success.”

Thomas said expressionlessly, “Your Majesty, don’t forget that the plan to divide the German region was proposed by the Russians, and I’m sure that the Austrians’ faces will be wonderful when they learn about this plan.”

Napoleon III said unwillingly, “The prerequisite is that the Prussians don’t know about our subsequent plan, otherwise they choose to join hands with Austria to divide the German region.

At that time, all of this plan becomes a fiasco. With Prussia and Austria growing at the same time, your country’s interests in the German region will not be protected, and you will have to add a competitor in the future.”


(End of chapter)

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