Chapter 224: Interference

  Chapter 219 Interference

On July 1, 1853, Chancellor Felix once again visited the Grand Duchy of Baden for a historic meeting with Prince Friedrich, the regent.

Prime Minister Felix continued to fool around, “Your Highness, the unification of Germany is the common wish of all the German people, and the mantis of the Bavarian government has been abandoned by the people.

History has given us the mission to realize national unification at this time. As nobles of the German region, we have the responsibility to fulfill this obligation.”

In the face of the big fool of Chancellor Felix, Prince Friedrich is a great headache, now “unification” in the Duchy of Baden belongs to the political correctness, with the Bavarian government’s previous experience, he does not dare to make a mistake on this issue.

Felix was accompanied by the threat of Austrian force.

The Kingdom of Bavaria has been put in order, the Austrian army involuntarily moved to the border of the Grand Duchy of Baden, not too much only 100,000 people.

This number, already made Prince Friedrich sleep badly. In his opinion, do not need 100,000 Austrian troops, even 10,000 Austrian troops that are a serious threat.

Fortunately, the Austrians knew to be courteous first, which gave them room to maneuver. Even if it is to be merged, then it must be sold at a good price, right?

Prince Friedrich raised the question in his mind: ”Your Excellency the Prime Minister, as a nobleman of the German region, I am also willing to contribute to the unification of the German region, and the problem now is that the European countries are unwilling to see the German unification.

Britain, France and Russia have all made their attitudes clear that they will intervene with their troops once the German region is unified, and the Prussians are hooking up with them.

If we can’t deal with this problem, and we venture to start the unification process, it’s likely to evolve into a war of massive proportions.”

Nobility is more than just privilege, it likewise represents responsibility, which is why European nobility is respected.

Unable to reject German unification outright, Prince Friedrich simply put the unification dilemma in front of him, and in the process hacked a wave of Prussians.

If Austria could not solve this problem, then the unification could not be talked about, the big deal was to let Austria eat Bavaria, and that was the end of the matter.

Dead friends do not die of poverty, Prince Friedrich did not hold for the Bavarian government, the Austrians have paid attention to the eating, publicly committed to the two royal families for the replacement of the country.

Although the exact location was not disclosed, it was the best option for the Bavarian crown. As the people abandoned the royal family, continue to stay in Bavaria can not sit on the throne, it is better to change the place to save the foundation.

Prime Minister Felix said confidently, ”On this issue, your highness can rest assured. If we can’t solve the diplomatic problems, we wouldn’t dare to bring up unification at this time.

The current world situation, I’m sure Your Highness is also very clear, Britain, France, and Russia are in a fierce battle in the Near East, and right now, even if they want to intervene, they have more than enough power to do so.

As long as everyone is in agreement, the unification of the German region will not be a problem. The trouble now is the Kingdom of Prussia, which has always been ambitious and wants to annex the entire German region.

We will try our best to fight for it. If the Prussian government opposes it and colludes with the Great Powers, then this time we will first unify the South German region.

This is Austria’s bottom line, anyone who dares to get in the way, then I’ll see you at war!”

Prince Friedrich sort of understand, the previous ones are all a ruse, the last sentence is Austria’s real purpose.

After careful calculation, he found that the success rate of Austria’s plan was very high, the Bavarian Kingdom was finished, and there was no more resistance to them in the southern German region.

If the German region is united, Britain, France and Russia will not be able to tolerate. If it had been the division of North and South Germany, the result would have been different.

Austria is bigger, but this kind of bigger just stepped on the bottom line of everyone, and not threaten the survival of everyone.

For the British, there is no need to worry about the balance of Europe out of control, the strength of the Austrian and the French after the strength of the Austrian and the French are on a par, at most a line stronger, but not compared to the Russians.

Anyway, Austria is surrounded by Russia, France and Prussia, and at this point, it will not be able to expand any further, even if it is a little stronger, it is still within the range of tolerance.

The Russians, not to mention, the Russian-Austrian alliance is a well-known thing, as long as it is not the unification of the entire German region, so that the Russians feel threatened, the rest they can accept.

Prince Friedrich guessed that the Russians and Austrians had already reached an agreement, otherwise the Austrians would not have dared to take action at this time.

A separate France, it seems, can not intimidate Austria, fight who is afraid of who ah? As long as it is not Napoleon regeneration, unification of the South German region of Austria is not at all wimpy.

Prince Friedrich can not help but inwardly acquiesced to the people are in favor of unification, in this view, the calculation of Austria’s military strength, but also add the power of several states in the South German region.

There was nothing wrong with this calculation, and when the French came over, they could not even think of not fighting. When a foreign enemy invades, does anyone dare to cry out for neutrality?

Prince Friedrich thought for a moment and said, “Your Excellency the Chancellor, in principle I agree with the unification of the German region, the Duchy of Baden will not be an obstacle to the unification of the country, but in terms of the specific details, we still need to negotiate.”

The competition for interests cannot be backed off, now Prince Friedrich naturally wants to fight for the interests of the Duchy of Baden, or for himself.

Felix revealed a joyful color and received an affirmative answer, he knew that the Baden Duchy was taken care of, were the specific conditions still afraid of negotiation?

You should know that there is a law in the world called the Constitution, the central government can completely limit the rights of the local government through the law.

In the new government, Austria is the absolute dominant position, these few small states with what to fight against?

Felix atmospheric snub: “No problem, considering the German region of each state are self-contained system, in principle we are in favor of state autonomy.

Apart from the fact that everyone has to abide by a common Constitution, the central government usually doesn’t interfere with local government governance.”

All of this comes with a precondition, and that is – for the time being.

Prince Friedrich was satisfied, and could not be satisfied otherwise; Prime Minister Felix was too firm, moved by the threat of force, for him to utter a word of refusal.

As for leaking the Austrians’ plans, Prince Friedrich was not that stupid, it was a laborious thing to do.

Even if Britain and France know, ultimately can not change the result of the Duchy of Baden was unified, now can sell the Duchy of Baden to a good price, is the optimal choice.

If it flips, you can refer to the treatment of the Bavarian royal family. Replacement of the country sounds good, but in reality they lost a lot of money, the results of several generations of business are all gone, and they have to start again.

What if the Austrian government has no shame, and in a decade or eight they pull a stunt and find an excuse to take their throne off their hands?

In the new country, they do not have a deep mass base, the abolition of the royal family is also abolished, even the storm can not be up.

After a week of negotiations, on July 9, 1853, Chancellor Felix, representing Austria, and Prince Friedrich, representing the Duchy of Baden, signed the Declaration of German Unity.

Simply put, it meant that from now on the Duchy of Baden and Austria were considered one and the same country, even though this newborn watered-down Shinra Empire had not yet been put up.

Before that, the Kingdom of Saxony had signed on. The Austrian government has forced a set of combinations of punches down, and the people in the country followed blindly, they want to not compromise is difficult ah!

The nationalism of the German region has been detonated, the Bavarian government that hindered the unification of the country was taken out by Austria, and the Duchy of Saxony and the Duchy of Baden have reached agreement with Austria again.

It looked like the day of the unification of the German region was not far away, when Prime Minister Felix arrived in Württemberg, the crowds that greeted him had already overflowed the streets, and in the end the negotiations had to be held in a manor house outside the city.

When Austria issued a declaration of war, everyone thought that war was inevitable, but it turned out that what the Bavarians did, they managed to turn the war into an armed march, and the dawn of peaceful unification appeared once again.

Before the negotiations even started, the Württemberg government was already under pressure. Before that, there were already many people who openly stated that they would not help the government fight if a unification war broke out.

In order to prevent the Bavarian government from repeating old mistakes, the Kingdom of Württemberg naturally gave in, and as long as Austria could handle the international pressure, then we would all be one family.

On July 11, 1853, the not-yet-established watered-down Shenroe Empire had already emerged: the five states of Austria, Bavaria, Baden, Saxony, and Württemberg.

The South German region, essentially, has been unified, and Felix is on his way to Hesse-Darmstadt, where the Free City of Frankfurt has declared its membership in the Shinra Empire.

By this time, Britain, France and Russia, which were ready to intervene, had reached an agreement. on July 6 Britain, France and Russia jointly issued a statement declaring a one-month truce in the Near East.

On the following day, twelve European countries, including Britain, France and Russia, issued a joint note requesting Austria to stop the actions of German unification.

Without any threatening language, just this one note, Austria had to stop the pace of unification, well by this time Franz’s goal had been accomplished.

The German region, which had just seen the dawn of unification, was immediately plunged into a wail, and many people found helplessly that unification was still far away.

The Kingdom of Prussia also appeared among the interfering countries this time, Franz did not find anything surprising. What’s the point of taking a little blame for the sake of profit?

Anyway, now that their reputation was stigmatized and broken, Frederick William IV didn’t mind being scolded a few more times.

If the Kingdom of Prussia did not participate in this operation, it was certain that this division of the German region would have nothing to do with them.

Supporting Prussia against Austria? Such a good thing, just think about it in your dreams.

Britain said that Hanover was its own little brother and could not give it up, otherwise where would the face of the boss go? Isn’t it enough to check Austria, the French and the Russians?

The French said, I’m not stupid, there is Austria this competitor is not enough, now want to add a?

The Russians said, can, spiritually support you, to practical benefits of their own fight to go, Russia is not stupid.

The interests of Europe are so big, if the Prussians take more than one share, it means that others have to take less than one share.

What idiot would want, to take his own interests and cultivate a rival up?

The geographical position has already decided that once the Kingdom of Prussia rises, it will be everyone’s rival. Because there is no longer enough meat left for the Kingdom of Prussia, they have no choice but to go and grab it.

Check and balance Austria? Once the German region was split up, Austria’s expansion was stopped in its tracks.

The French in the west, the Russians in the east, Prussia in the north, the Balkan Peninsula in the south, the Kingdom of Sardinia in the southwest is the little brother of the British, and the other states in the Italian region are Austria’s little brother, so they can’t get down at all.

What choice could Austria have? Oh, and then there’s Switzerland, which wants for nothing, and wouldn’t be interested in the backbone of Europe unless the Vienna government had a collective brain fart.

According to the plan proposed by the Russians, Austria can either stay put or go out and rob and colonize if it wants to expand!

This Britain and France really don’t wimp out, competing overseas Austria is really no match. Geographic location determines, Austria in overseas colonization is naturally in a disadvantageous position.

As long as the development of colonies overseas, was Britain and France stuck in the neck, not to get along with everyone, do not want to have any harvest.

Storm more, reward, votes go up ah!

(End of chapter)

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