Chapter 193: Piggy Teammates Gathering

  Chapter 190 – Pig Teammates Gathered


Receiving the news that the Kingdom of Sardinia is going to join the war, Prime Minister John Russell is very happy, this kind of eye-catching little brother, no one will not like.

After the outbreak of the Near East War, due to their support for the Ottomans, made many people upset, stood on the opposite side of European public opinion. Even within the UK, many people in the media caught the government in the act.

Reality once again proved the importance of a good reputation, the Ottoman Empire’s reputation is really too bad, even if the British and French together can not help them to clean up.

Public opinion is only a small problem, standing on the opposite side of international public opinion, the British is not the first time. These mouth-breathers are just cursing, it’s not like they can hurt a hair on their head, John Russell doesn’t care.

But recently not only has the Duchy of Montenegro joined the side of the Russians, but even their little brother, Greece, has been making small moves, as if to tell how unpopular it is for them to join forces with the Ottomans.

In order to cope with the pressure from the opposition party, John Russell desperately needs to produce results to justify this action.

A military breakthrough, John Russell was no longer looking forward to, the chances of that were too slim. With 20,000 British troops on the front line, it is doubtful that they will be able to achieve any results in a war that involves more than a million men.

If the military can’t do it, then diplomacy will do it. This is their strong point, is not to pull teammates it, the British Empire is experienced.

When Napoleon was so tough, they were formed by the anti-French alliance to death. Although the threat of the Russians is great now, the situation is not as serious as it was during the Anti-French War.

Unfortunately, the European countries have learned to be more skillful, let them coercion and lure, everyone is still staunch, countries have expressed neutrality.

This makes John Russell’s prime minister headache, strong allies to support him has not expected, Europe is only a few powerful countries, everyone is not a fool, no one will be on their behalf of the fire in the corn.

John Russell lowered the standard, as long as there are a few flag-waving existence, can give the domestic public an explanation on the line.

“What are the Sardinians’ conditions?” John Russell asked happily

He had already made up his mind that he would agree only if the Sardinian Kingdom’s conditions were not too much. To establish world hegemony, there was no less need to collect little brothers, and it was also important to buy bones with a thousand pieces of gold.

They had quite a few little brothers, such as Portugal, Holland, Belgium and other countries. Unfortunately, these little brothers are not on the right track, see no benefits to take, one is a shrinking violet, not willing to offend the Russians.

Sardinia’s position is particularly important, after all, is the first to defect, although the role of the military is almost zero, but politically one more country to wave the flag, is also very important.

Originally, the Greeks were also qualified for this role, but unfortunately their conflict with the Ottoman Empire was too great, and there was no possibility of détente between the two sides.

“The Sardinians’ demands are not excessive, they asked the allies to purchase a batch of goods from the Kingdom of Sardinia, as well as deferring the payment of their loans until the end of the war.” Palmerston replied lightly

Undoubtedly, the failure of the Ossa War still hit their confidence and a sobering realization of their own strength, and at this time they simply did not dare to ask for a lion’s share of the money.

John Russell continued to ask: “How many troops can the Kingdom of Sardinia contribute?”

Palmerston said disdainfully, “Two infantry regiments can only be considered better than nothing. Prime Minister Cavour said that if we can provide weapons and equipment and bear the war expenses then they can contribute 20,000 troops.”

John Russell smiled and said, “They can be promised, but we have to get the right to command.

The delay in our land forces arriving at the battlefield has already made our allies very unhappy, so let’s take the Sardinian Kingdom’s army for now.”

He had already guessed the Sardinian Kingdom’s plan, it was nothing more than wanting to gain the support of Britain and France and then unify the Italian region.

For the confidence of the Sardinians, John Russell was a bit puzzled, he didn’t even think that the Italian region could be unified. After the Austro-Saxon War, the economy of the Kingdom of Sardinia directly retrogressed twenty years, and now have not recovered.

The normal situation is that it should recuperate, ease the relationship with Austria, and change the diplomatic dilemma.

After all, during this period, Austria was very influential in the Italian states, and also formed the Holy Roman Economic Union to exclude them from the Italian region.

If they wanted to unify the Italian region, Austria was a hurdle that could not be avoided. Unable to defeat Austria, all their efforts were in vain.

London government support for the Kingdom of Sardinia unification of the Italian region is correct, but this support only stays in the verbal, at most support a loan, personally on the battlefield is impossible.

The French want to drive Austria out of the Italian region, but the French are also opposed to the unification of the Italian region, if not a change of heart, as early as three years ago, France and Austria will be divided into the Kingdom of Sardinia.

It didn’t matter if he couldn’t figure it out, since the Sardinians were willing to be cannon fodder, how could he refuse?



Franz kept a diary, this was a habit after crossing over. There were a whole lot of messy memories from his previous life, and for fear of forgetting, Franz recorded them all.

For the sake of confidentiality, these contents appeared as a novel. The background of the world was also replaced with the magic world, and the messy content was mixed together, so no one could read it except himself.

“Your Majesty, Mr. Metternich requests an audience!” The familiar voice of maid Jenny rang out

“Invite him in!” Franz said faintly

“Yes, Your Majesty!”


Metternich said, “Your Majesty, the Sardinian government is testing our attitude, they are preparing to declare war on the Russians.”

To be honest the first time he heard this news, Metternich didn’t believe it at all, the Sardinian Kingdom had enough to eat before they ran into war with the Russians, knowing that they were in debt right now.

It was only after several confirmations that Metternich accepted the news.

Panic is not so much, Sardinia Kingdom’s military strength how, Austria is the most say, such a slag, not worth attention at all.

But the political significance behind it, it has to be taken into account. In case the British and French promised what benefits to the Kingdom of Sardinia, is the reason why they sent troops, that will have to be concerned.

After thinking about it, Franz replied, “Since the Kingdom of Sardinia wants to join the war, let’s be a man of honor! Give the Sardinian government a hint that Austria has no problem with this.”

Would the entry of the Kingdom of Sardinia into the war affect this Russo-Turkish War? Definitely it had an impact, but that impact was only political; militarily, it was just a matter of them not adding to the chaos of the allied armies.

At this time Franz suddenly realized that it seems that the Russians have a good chance of winning. Don’t look at the allied forces are powerful, but three of the four countries are the goods of the teammates, just rely on the French to bring the move?

The Ottoman Empire does not need to explain how their land forces fighting strength, just look at the battlefield how to be pressed by the Russians on the line.

Sardinia’s army core is finished, the rest are a bunch of lost spirit of the remnants of the army, they formed the army combat power don’t hold any expectations.

The British Army’s fighting strength is relatively good. Unfortunately, their numbers don’t go up, their command ability isn’t great, and they love to drop the ball and pit their teammates at critical moments.

On the contrary, the Russians do not have to take into account so much, a few allies in addition to Austria has the strength, the other two do not have to count on at all.

The role of Austria in the alliance is still the role of the nanny. Unless the Russian army on the front line is defeated, there is simply no chance for the Austrian army to take the field, which is logistically determined.

Greece, Montenegro are all separated from the Russians and don’t have to think about complementing each other at all, much less worrying about being pitted against each other.

Theoretically, if the Russians could just capitalize on the opportunity to crush the French, they could potentially break the enemy on all sides.


Having received word of Austria’s acquiescence to their actions, on July 1, 1852, the Sardinian government declared war on the Russian Empire, and the scope of the Near Eastern War was once again expanded.

(End of chapter)

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