Chapter 190: Ophidiophobes

  Chapter 187 The Austrophobes

Franz’s troubles could not be experienced by Abdul Mejid I. If he had known about Austria’s plans, he would not have had to give up the Serbian region.

In fact, this time the Sudanese government to give up the territory is also not only the Serbian region, the region of Bosnia and Herzegovina is also within the scope of the abandonment.

The reason was very realistic – it could not be defended.

Since they knew that they could not defend it, why did they waste their troops? The Ottoman government made what it thought was the right choice, concentrating its superior forces on defense against the Russians.

As for Austria, after occupying Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, the front line was too long, and it was too late to stabilize the rear, so how could it continue to attack?

Britain and France had already made a promise to the Ottoman government: as long as the Russians were defeated, they were sure to make Austria spit out what it had eaten at the negotiating table.

With so many favorable conditions, of course Abdul Mejid I had to concentrate his forces to fight the Russians.

In order to delay the Austrian army, the Ottoman army, when retreating, also incidentally destroyed the roads and bridges along the way, burned down the granaries and conscripted a large number of young men to leave.



Staring at the large map on the wall, Abdul Mejid I sighed, giving up his ancestral foundation was not something he was willing to do, but reality was not for the faint of heart.

Abdul Mejid I never fully believed in the promises made by the British and the French, such as now – the reinforcements promised by the British did not arrive in full.

The promised 80,000 reinforcements, only came over 20,000, the rest of the troops to wait for them to expand the army, now really can not get out.

It’s true, the British Army really can’t send out so many reinforcements, and the London government really didn’t mean to screw its teammates this time.

As for Palmerston’s promise in the Paris negotiations, how could the French be fooled into contributing without saying that?

Do not see now the French army, are fooled over? In order to play an eye-catching results, Napoleon III sent all the elite troops, did not take new recruits over to fill the number.

Abdul Mejid I calmed down a bit and asked, “Have the camps of the allied forces been arranged?”

“All of them have been properly placed, and we have evacuated the neighborhood to make sure there is no mess.” Minister of State Bishara Mehmed replied seriously

The British and French armies of this era, when they were in their homeland they were military disciplined, when they were out of the country that was no different from bandits and robbers, and looting was also an important part of their business.

In the first batch of French reinforcements arrived, the Ottoman government suffered a loss, and now naturally want to learn a lesson.

Abdul Mejid I did not mean to despise the military discipline of the British and French armies; in fact, the Ottoman army’s military discipline was even worse. The British and French armies were at least disciplined when they were on home soil, the Ottoman armies were a scourge at home.

Only the difference between the two sides is that the sultan of the Ottoman army can still be restrained, the Anglo-French army he simply can not command.

Abdul Mejid I continued to ask: “Britain and France have not yet agreed on who will be the commander-in-chief of the coalition army?”

The union of the British, French and Ottoman countries is not the same as the union of Austria and the Russians, they have to fight with each other, then the command of the coalition army is a big problem.

On this issue, the Ottoman Empire originally had the right to speak, but after the failure of the Battle of Bulgaria, this right to speak disappeared.

In the face of the British and French two big brother, the Sudanese government is one can not afford to mess with, simply come to a silence is gold.

Britain and France hundreds of years of feud, the hatred of the people of the two countries has been accumulated, not by a government order can be unraveled.

The French broke the British dream of the continent, the British broke the French dream of hegemony. Both sides have been fighting for hundreds of years, and it is no longer clear which is right or wrong.

The French now believed that their army was the best in the world and that they deserved to be given supreme command of the allied forces.

Napoleon III wanted to improve France’s position in the world and gain political prestige for himself, so the French had to fight for the command of the coalition army.

The British thought: their own family is the world’s hegemony, (although not yet recognized) the world’s first comprehensive national strength, the world’s leader naturally have the world’s leader of the faction, the British can not give up the right to command.

The British are not willing to be commanded by the French, and the French are not willing to be commanded by the British. Not only was this true of the top brass, but it was equally true of the soldiers below.

Even though they were allies, the officers and soldiers of the two armies just didn’t see eye to eye with each other. It’s good to look at each other cross-eyed, but fights and brawls happen all the time.

Then, Sultan Abdul Mejid I had a headache, the two bosses argue endlessly, but the war still have to be fought!

The Russians stopped attacking, not that they stopped fighting, but they were preparing for a new campaign. On the one hand, they grabbed strategic supplies, and on the other, they let their resting troops wait for reinforcements.

“No, the British and French representatives are still arguing.” Foreign Minister Banner Ade replied with a bitter smile

It’s not that he didn’t work hard, since the Austrian government secretly stirred up public opinion within Britain and France, the issue became sensitive, and neither government dared to give in easily.

In the words of the Times: don’t let the French ride on our heads and shit!

There were similar remarks in the French press, and the position of a coalition commander has now risen to the status of the dignity of the two countries.

This is a situation that no one expected. If they had known this would happen, the two governments would never have argued over the issue, giving the opposition parties a chance.

Manipulate the public opinion of Britain and France, Austria has not been so strong ability, only their domestic forces can do.

Being able to cause trouble for their political opponents and being politically correct, it makes no sense for them not to do it.

Abdul Mejid I sighed, “Alas!”

And added, “Tell the British and French representatives that if they still can’t agree, then form a joint command of the three countries, with one person from each of our three countries in joint command.

If that still doesn’t work, then just split up the troops, each commanding their own troops, as long as they cooperate with each other!”

Obviously, Abdul Mejid I also knew that these were two bad ideas. But there was no way, no way for the Ottoman government to convince Britain and France.

War was imminent again, and with the issue of command still delayed, they were going to be at a big disadvantage once the Russians launched their attack.

No matter what, let’s establish a coalition command first. It was really not possible to split the army, and Abdul Mejid I could accept it.

Anyway, the British are only coming with 20,000 troops, the main force of the war is still the Ottoman army and the French army, the British are responsible for knocking on the door.

“Yes, Your Majesty!” Amplitude Ade replied



Ever since the total defeat of the Wars of Ossa had passed, Charles Albert, the unlucky king, was abandoned by the people of Sardinia, and his son, Vittorio Emmanuel II, succeeded to the throne.

Unlike in history, this time Charles Albert was left with a super mess.

Owing huge foreign debts not to mention being patronized by the Austrian army, Sardinia’s domestic economy was devastated and still hasn’t come out of the shadow.

Legendary Prime Minister Cavour ascended to the stage of history against this background, but unfortunately he is a man not a god, and faced with this super mess, he also had a headache.

Development? This issue has nothing to do with the Kingdom of Sardinia for the time being, it’s better to recover first! If you can’t solve the domestic problems, then what’s the point of talking about development?

“What? Prime Minister, you actually want to go to war with the Russians?” Vittorio Emmanuel II roared in a near-roar

Ever since the Ossa War, Vittorio Emmanuel II was filled with the shadow of war, and now when he heard that Cavour was going to war with the Russians, he immediately exploded.

“Yes, Your Majesty!” Prime Minister Cavour replied

Vittorio Emmanuel II angrily questioned, “My Prime Minister, are you sure you’re not joking?”

Prime Minister Cavour replied without changing his face, “Your Majesty, of course this is serious, how could I possibly joke about something like this?”

Vittorio Emmanuel II questioned, “Crazy! Why would we go to war with the Russians for no reason, do you have a grudge against the Russians?”

It’s not like the Sardinian Kingdom and the Russians had a conflict of interest, Vittorio Emmanuel II really couldn’t find a reason to fight the Russians.

Prime Minister Cavour explained unhurriedly, “Your Majesty, I don’t have any grudges with the Russians, even if I look at them with displeasure, it definitely doesn’t rise to the level of hatred.

Now that the British, French and Ottoman countries are all at war with the Russians, we want to seek help from Britain and France, and this is the opportunity.

Join this war and seek an opportunity to ally with Britain and France. Use this war to get rid of the economic crisis at home and get us out of the woods.”

Vittorio Emmanuel II thought seriously, this proposal of Prime Minister Cavour was pie in the sky, but it might not be impossible for the Kingdom of Sardinia.

The Sardinian Kingdom is far away from Russia, it does not have to worry about the military threat of the Russians, even if it offends the Russians, it is not afraid of them retaliating.

Vittorio Emmanuel II shook his head and said: ”This is not enough, just gaining an alliance with Britain and France is not valuable to us.

We do not have the bargaining chips to negotiate with Britain and France in our hands now, and the interests of the Near East are not something we are qualified to meddle with.

Using the war to get rid of the economic crisis, my Prime Minister now the Kingdom of Sardinia is difficult to get together the equipment of an infantry division.

Are you asking Britain and France to provide us with weaponry, taking their weaponry would be sending the lads to the battlefield as cannon fodder.”

Reality was so cruel, the Sardinian Kingdom was too weak. After the Austro-Saxon War, even the army was disbanded. This was not forced by Austria, but by the finances.

The British are not doing charity, loans, interest are not a penny less, must be returned on time, the Kingdom of Sardinia will not have the money to develop the army.

Anyway, the defense has the British to provide protection, they only need an armed force that can stabilize the country, the police force is enough. The only army in the Kingdom of Sardinia now was the King’s Guard.

Prime Minister Cavour said passionately, ”Your Majesty, I know that the British and French weaponry is not good to take, and I am not willing to let the lads go to the battlefield to be cannon fodder, but the country needs it now!

If we can’t get the support of England and France, the Sardinian Kingdom won’t have the chance to develop and grow. The blood of the Austro-Saxon War has not yet dried, and on our own we will never be able to avenge ourselves on the Austrians.

They left ……”

Vittorio Emmanuel II, disgruntled, said, “Stop! Prime Minister Cavour, I don’t want to hear your long speech.

All day long you have been propagandizing about revenge against Austria, are you worried that the Austrians have forgotten about us and want to remind them to be alert to the fact that there is still an enemy present in the Italian region?

In the Austro-Sardinian War, the Kingdom of Sardinia lost 110,000 brave soldiers in battle, 80,000 civilians were sacrificed, and there were more than 100,000 wounded, and the economic losses were incalculable, and the whole Kingdom of Sardinia was crying.

War casualties coupled with the deteriorating economic situation, from 1848 to the present, the total population of the Kingdom of Sardinia dropped by 670,000 people.

Do you think we still have extra manpower to expend? Even with the support of Britain and France, do we possess the ability to take revenge on Austria?”

Revenge? Vittorio Emmanuel II wanted to, but reality did not allow it. The Kingdom of Sardinia is just a small country with a territory of 70,000 square kilometers and a population of more than five million people.

After one blow, not only Vittorio Emmanuel II had no confidence, the whole Sardinia Kingdom had lost confidence.

The main purpose of Prime Minister Cavour’s proclamation of vengeance against Austria was still to inspire everyone to fight for the unification of Italy through the power of hatred.

Cavour continued to explain: “Your Majesty, the international situation is ever-changing, and now that Britain and France are leaning together, and Russia and Austria are standing together, it is a matter of time before we take sides.

Instead of being forced to take sides when the time comes, it is better to take the initiative to join in now. The Austro-Saxon War two years ago decided that we have no choice.

Declaring war on the Russians now is just an attitude, our strength is limited, Britain and France will not ask us to contribute much.

Now that Montenegro and Greece are on the side of the Russians, Britain and France also need someone to help shout internationally, with the strength of the Kingdom of Sardinia doing this is just right.”

Hearing this explanation, Vittorio Emmanuel II’s expression eased slightly.

Not needing to commit a large amount of troops, then it was still negotiable. After losing too much in the last war, his father turned from a hero to a bear and was finally forced to abdicate, he didn’t want to do it again.

Vittorio Emmanuel II said very calmly, “We also have to consider Austria’s attitude, the Russians can’t do anything about us, but they are on our side. One order from the government in Vienna and it won’t take a week for us to be in exile again.”

There was nothing Cavour could do about the Austrophobes. It was not only Vittorio Emmanuel II who had it, but many others after the Austro-Saxon War, even himself, except that he had too much self-control to show it.

This sentiment was particularly acute among the people. Having experienced a war at first hand, many people knew the horrors of war, and their fear of Austria was heightened.

This was the aftermath of excessive propaganda. Charles Albert’s period publicized Austria’s decadence, exaggerated the strength of the Sardinian Kingdom, and cultivated the self-confidence of the Sardinian people.

Unfortunately, this self-confidence was lost in the Austro-Saxon War, and then the counterforce broke out, and those who experienced this war became Austrophobics.

The nationalists and middle-aged teenagers who were not afraid of the sky and the earth back then are now not making any noise, and the country is stabilized, but the plan for the unification of Italy is also aborted.

After hesitating for a moment, Cavour spoke, “Your Majesty, I will find a way to fix the Austrian problem, if they are adamantly against it, we will give up this opportunity!”

There was no getting around this issue, if Austria made a military threatening move, Cavour himself was abashed. The current Sardinian Kingdom simply didn’t have the power to fight in a war, and participating in this Near East war, in reality, they could only wave the flag.

Hearing Cavour’s answer, Vittorio Emmanuel II nodded his head in satisfaction, indicating acquiescence.

(End of Chapter)

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