Chapter 185: A Record of Raising a Pig Teammate

  Chapter 182 – The Story of Raising a Piggy Teammate

April 25, 1852, the British, French and Ottoman countries held a high-level government meeting in Paris to discuss the Near East War. Can’t wait – want France to return to the center of the world Napoleon III, personally chaired the meeting.

“The Russians are launching an onslaught into the Bulgarian region and the Caucasus, and our troops have repulsed their attacks several times.

But our forces alone are not enough to defeat the Russians.

What’s more, there are also the Austrians watching and holding back a large number of our troops as well.

If there was only one enemy, we could still cope. Now that we are facing two strong enemies at the same time, we are really exhausted.” Ottoman Foreign Minister Sangad said with some fatigue

This language is really hard to organize, both to persuade Britain and France to send troops to assist as soon as possible, but also not to expose the inside story of the Ottoman Empire’s weakness.

This force is not good to pretend, if you do not pay attention, you will go too far. In case the British and French think that the Ottoman Empire can withstand, and choose to sit on the tiger, they can only cry.

On the contrary, if the weakness of the Ottoman Empire is exposed, Britain and France think that they are not worth investing in, and turn around and carve them up with the Austrians and Russians, then they will be dead.

In addition to the diplomatic troubles, the internal struggles of the Ottoman government were also a headache for Siad, and Abdul Mejid I was not a good match for him.

Not long ago, Abdul Mejid I because of the pressure of the Russians, dismissed him as a pro-British and French foreign minister, replaced by the pro-Russian Rifaat.

With the failure of the Constantinople negotiations, the pro-Russian foreign minister seemed to have lost his value and was immediately dismissed and replaced by the pro-British-French Rifaat.

This is also in the Ottoman countries can be so manipulated, if you change the European countries, so arbitrarily change people, completely do not take the foreign minister as a matter of fact, people would have given up the job.

In fact, the amplitude of Ader also do not want to do this hard work, do a good job without credit, which is the essence of the work of the foreign minister, do a bad job but also be asked for punishment.

But he had no choice at all, Abdul Mejid I’s will could not be violated. In the Ottoman Empire, the status of the ministers was not as high as in the European countries.

“Mr. Banner Ade, there is no need to worry. According to the information we have received, the Austrian government has had their fill, and now they are preparing to fall into their pockets.

Although it’s not clear what the exact content of their secret pact with the Russians is, but from the initial judgment of the current situation, the Russians should have exchanged the two duchies of the Danube Valley for Austria’s material support.

Just recently the Austrian government provided the Russians with a low-interest loan of 100 million guilders, with almost no strings attached.

The ambitions of the Russians are known to everyone, and I’m sure the Austrian government doesn’t want them to continue their expansion, and providing material support at this time is already the limit.” British Foreign Minister Palmerston analyzed the situation

His meaning was obvious, it was to warn Sang-ad that this time everyone’s enemy was the Russians, don’t try to use their power to solve two enemies at the same time.

The reason was very simple, the Russians were the biggest enemy of the British Empire, so of course they should be prioritized to fight them.

As for Austria, after defeating the Russians, we can seek their misfortune again. John Bull’s foreign policy has always been adjusted according to the threat intensity of the enemy.

Facing both the Russians and Austria at the same time was, in Palmerston’s opinion, very irrational.

Anglo-French Ottomans vs Austria + Russia, fighting in the Near East, was clearly an evenly matched battle.

This kind of battle usually results in a lose-lose situation where no one is any better off.

There is no doubt that he is infinitely upstaging the Ottoman Empire, not realizing that this main player, was already a cripple.

Napoleon III nodded and said, “Mr. Palmerston is right, we need to stabilize Austria now, and then consider what to do with Austria after we settle the Russians.”

Although he was confident, not only in the strength of France, but also in the strength of the British as well.

In his opinion the strength of Britain and France was far above that of Austria and Russia, and with the addition of a quasi-Powerful Ottoman Empire, the war was a sure win.

Confidence to confidence, who does not mind making the enemy weaker, disintegration is very necessary.

Amplitude Ade laughed, pretending to be relaxed, said: “of course, can break the enemy one by one is naturally the best.

The Russians’ reinforcements are constantly reinforcing the front line, wanting to win the war at the smallest possible cost, now we have to take immediate action, if the time drags on too long it will inevitably increase the variables.”

He doesn’t care how the British and French plan, as long as the British and French reinforcements are fooled into the battlefield first, he has accomplished most of his task this time.

The victory or defeat on the battlefield, that is not his foreign minister to worry about. The British and French tied to the ship, the Ottoman Empire can at least get through the current difficulties.

Napoleon III said meaningfully, “Mr. Sanad, please rest assured, the French army is ready, and will depart after a week.

France is a responsible country, we will not watch our allies bleed on the front line and do nothing.”

Hearing Napoleon III’s words, Palmerston’s face did not change, as if none of this had anything to do with him.

Smiling, he said, “We are in the process of convincing the Congress, and we will have the result by next month at the latest, and the British Army will be present on the Balkan battlefield by then.”

Amplitude Ade’s face was a bit ugly, as if he was very unhappy with the British performance. In reality, his heart was relieved, this result could already be explained to the country.

The problem of sending troops is solved, the next loan is good. It is just a matter of how high or low the interest rate is, and how many conditions are attached.

In this regard, the Ottomans simply do not have the bottom of the negotiation, the amplitude of the Ader in this regard did not pester, as long as the conditions are not too excessive, he agreed.

Condition is really too much, the big deal is to send back to let Abdul Mejid I approved, anyway, this time the Ottoman Empire has no choice.

Without the support of Britain and France, maybe this Near East war will be able to take the life of the Sudanese government, in the life and death situation, the bottom line, integrity of the gods do not exist.


On May 9, 1852, the main Russian army, with the cooperation of Bulgarian partisans, captured Ruse, an important Ottoman military fortress.

The loss of Ruse meant that there was a hole in the Ottoman defense in Bulgaria, and after nearly a month of attacking and defending Bulgaria, the Russians finally made a strategic breakthrough.

Unfortunately, because of the confusion in the command system of the Russian army, after the capture of Ruse, the neighboring troops were not able to cooperate at the first time to continue to expand the results of the war. When the Expeditionary Command reacted, it was too late.

The Russians lost the chance to hit the main force of the Ottoman army, and the war was prolonged.

By this time, the first reinforcements from the French had arrived in Constantinople, and after a short period of rest and recuperation, 50,000 of the best French troops were thrown into the war.

After being used to the Ottoman rabble, the Russian Expeditionary Command made a misjudgment and was taken by surprise when they suddenly encountered a French elite army.

On May 11, 1852, the adventurous 16th Infantry Division, in pursuit of the Ottoman army, happened to collide with the French 6th Infantry Division, and was beaten half to death by the French.

If reinforcements hadn’t arrived in time, they would have been the first divisional unit to be completely wiped out since the start of the war.

Perhaps in order to avenge the war against France, this group of elite French divisions had a very high morale, and played an extraordinary combat power on the battlefield.

After hitting the Russians, on May 13, 1852, the French army again and the Russian army in Razgrad, with less than 50,000 troops and 90,000 Russian troops frontal confrontation, the two sides fought a half and half.

Unfortunately the remarkable performance of the French army was not able to change the general situation. They were too few in number, and against the growing number of Russians, the French casualties skyrocketed.

After seven days of fighting, the French were forced to break out after 15,200 casualties, and the Battle of Razgrad ended in a French defeat.

However, even though they were defeated, they fought a 1:1.3 exchange with the Russians, and the Russians, as the victors, suffered nearly 20,000 casualties.

This certainly has the advantage of the French weapons and equipment, but and their rigorous training, high morale is also unrelated.

As for the Ottoman army, they could not count on this group of pigmies. After one defeat, it seemed to be scared by the Russians, the army was disorganized, and was chased by the Russian army all over the world.

But if the allies give a little bit of strength, drag the Russian army main force, the French army will not be surrounded by the Russian army, the battle of Razgrad victory or defeat is not yet known.



It was May 12 when the news of the loss of Ruse came through. The weakness of the Ottoman Empire was exposed, but by this time, there was no room for Britain and France to backtrack.

The loan was released, it was just a small problem, the big thing was to be a little shameless and tear up the agreement.

The key is that the first batch of French reinforcements have arrived in the Ottoman Empire, and have gone on the battlefield, this time Napoleon III in any case is impossible to retreat.

Knowing that there is a pit in front of you, you have to jump in, a political need, is enough to make Napoleon III insist on fighting.

Palmerston wasn’t happy either, by this time Prime Minister Russell had convinced Parliament that the London government had declared war on the Russian Empire two days earlier.

War is not child’s play, and by this time the London government had to fight the Russians tooth and nail as long as it didn’t want to be ousted from power; the face and influence of the world’s hegemony was at stake.

In this issue the British can not wimp, if lost to the Russians, then their already unstable world hegemony, directly thrown out.

If this news, can only let the British and French depressed, then the latter news, let them storm.

Especially Napoleon III, the French army in front of the bloody battle with the Russians, the Ottoman army actually retreat all the way back. Whose territory was this in defense?

Of course, as a good politician, Napoleon III still knew how to maximize benefits. Immediately took out the battle results of the French army and showed them off to the people through the newspapers, boasting about his martial prowess from the side.

Losing the Battle of the Guild? It was all the responsibility of the Ottomans, what did it have to do with the primus inter pares French Army? They were the ones who fought an amazing exchange ratio with inferior forces.

The disparity in weaponry was simply ignored by Napoleon III. The populace didn’t care that much anyway, just give them the emphasis to emphasize that the Russians had suffered more losses.

Back home to collect wheat, the update time may be unstable lately, three days later will be back to normal.

Hai Yue is very sorry, I apologize to the book lovers who support Hai Yue here.

As an adult, I always have to do something for my parents, even if it’s a trivial thing, but as a son, I always have to show my appreciation.

(End of chapter)

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