Chapter 153: Only the Talented Are Employed

  Chapter 151: Only Talent Is Used

The topic of purging the official culture was a bit heavy for Metternich. Although no one accused him of anything, this was indeed the mess he had left behind.

“European Prime Minister” is not called for nothing, in order to the prosperity and stability of European countries, Metternich is a broken heart. He also had to fight his political enemies at home, so he didn’t have the energy to focus on the problem of corruption.

As a result of decades of accumulation, small problems have become big problems, the entire Austrian officialdom is the world as black as a crow.

Engaged in the Austrian government now, even the slogan of anti-corruption are embarrassed to shout, because in the sitting of a few people may not be clean under the buttocks.

Franz very much take care of everyone’s face, too early in the problem he did not know, also do not want to know, directly uncovered.

But the problems that are happening now have to be dealt with, kicking out the incompetents and improving the government’s ability to perform, that’s the minimum requirement he puts forward.

After seeing Franz’s methods, they did not dare to underestimate the young emperor.

Just think about the 1848 rebellion, the Austrian government took the opportunity to clean up how many interest groups, how many power factions were knocked out, we will know that the emperor’s ruthlessness.

According to normal circumstances, killed so many people, offended so many interest groups, not to buckle a dim king’s hat, then sorry for their means.

The reality was the opposite, those who opposed the emperor all died, and those who survived were all loyal and patriotic lords. The hatred was all pulled away by the chaotic party, and the remaining black pots were taken down by the frontline generals and the cabinet.

Even if someone accused the government of excessive tactics, they were all cursing at the cabinet, and the emperor was always great.

The nobles who had just quelled the rebellion and lost their lands put the most pressure on the government, Felix was ready to resign to take the blame.

As a result, the black pot he did take the blame, and the Butcher Prime Minister was his gain.

More than that, he was scolded by the nobles, of course, resignation is not necessary, the emperor is very responsible to resist the pressure. Using the ransom money as bait, diverted everyone’s attention.

No one wanted to step down with a curse on their back, in order to clear the name of the butcher prime minister. Felix had to work hard, trying to come up with political achievements to shut them up. His push for expansion into the German region also had an element of this.

Metternich was also snubbed out of office in this way, and with a bad reputation at home, he had to find a way to clear his name, and the best way to do that was to come up with a feat that left no room for comment.

If Metternich had resigned before 1848, he would have returned with honor as a sign of the times, but unfortunately caught up with the Revolution and became the target of the revolution, and his escape in disgrace became a stain on his life.

For the sake of his own reputation, for the sake of his family’s reputation, that even if in his heart he was very disgusted with waging war to unify South Germany, he was still working for it.

Those who have accomplished the great work of national unification will become heroes, even if they have only accomplished half of it, they are still the national heroes of Germany, which is enough to cover up all their previous faults.

“Prime Minister, since we are going to implement the merit appraisal system, let’s do it a little more thoroughly, linking the promotion of future officials to the merits they have achieved.

Identity and pedigree will no longer be the indicators for the promotion of officials, we will only look at the political achievements, those who are capable will go up, those who are not capable will get out.” Metternich said fiercely

If Franz knew that the cabinet was going to engage in meritocracy, he would have been shocked, the Austrian government was actually so progressive?

Although there are still many shortcomings of the performance-based theory, but compared with the promotion system of officials who look at the title and pedigree, it is much more reliable.

Superiority is all a matter of comparison. There is no such thing as the most advanced system; as long as the new system is more suitable to the reality than the old one, it is a successful reform.

“It can be, but one more thing must be added, the political ideology must meet the most basic requirements.” Felix said thoughtfully

The debt was too much, and they didn’t care if they were scolded too much. Anyway, as long as they were in power for a day, no one dared to come over and scold them to their face.

When the results of the reforms came out, these promoted people would naturally be the faithful defenders of this system, and in Austria’s history, these reformers of theirs would definitely leave a strong mark.

Successful people are not to be blamed, and these people who scolded them will instead stand in the position of the villains, speculating on the efforts they made for the reform.

Meritocracy and flaws in personal integrity are acceptable. The only thing that is not acceptable is a flawed political ideology. No matter how capable one is, if one is not loyal to His Majesty the Great Franz, there is no value in promoting him, and this is the most basic principle of the Austrian government in employing people.

This is the most basic principle of the Austrian government. A thing that needs to be done with 200,000 guilders can be done with only 100,000 guilders by an official with flawless personal integrity, saving 100,000 guilders for the country, which is: a pillar of the country that must be promoted;

The same thing, another person with good personal integrity, he needs two hundred thousand guilders to get it done, then he is a: dry official, able to do the tasks arranged by the leadership in a step-by-step manner, and can be promoted into a special position;

The same thing, a capable corrupt official with 100,000 guilders to do it well, he himself swallowed 50,000 guilders, and finally saved 50,000 guilders, then the cabinet will give him the evaluation will be: capable official, can be reused but must be used carefully;

The same thing, if this corrupt official did it with 100,000 guilders and swallowed 100,000 guilders, not saving the country, then the cabinet gave him the same evaluation: dry official, can be raised as a pig;

If you need to spend three hundred thousand guilders to get the same thing done, even if you are clean, the cabinet gives the evaluation: dim official, stay and take the blame, or go home and plant potatoes;

If the same thing, you need to spend 300,000 guilders to do down, and overstated the budget by 50,000, for their own private consumption, then there is no need to evaluate, directly sent to prison reform is good.

The first few types of officials have a value of existence, and clean officials can be transferred to special positions if they are not competent enough.

Corrupt officials as long as they have the ability to have value, can be used to do things, but also as a pig to raise. When they are fat, they will be killed to buy the hearts of the people, and by the way, they will also increase a financial income.

Only the last kind, both incompetent and corrupt officials, is really irredeemable.

Austrian cabinet government employment standards, obviously influenced by Franz. Meritocracy is used as long as there is ability. There is not even a fear of abandonment until the value is drained.

If you are able to make big achievements, then congratulations you are safe and don’t have to worry about settling scores in the fall. Franz never kills meritocracy, it’s one of the means to attract people to sell their lives.

Of course, those who rebel or commit treason are exceptions.

In Franz’s opinion, one Heshen contributed more than a hundred Ji Xiaolan. Being able to help the emperor to do things properly, what curses are carried for the emperor, and when he lacks money, he can also take him, such a minister is simply a model of a human minister ah!

Unfortunately, there was no such minister in the Austrian government. Although the emperor to take the blame for a lot of people, but the embezzlement technology is obviously not pass, not to mention the embezzlement of two hundred million taels of silver, is the embezzlement of two million guilders of talent are few and far between.

(1 guilder ≈ 11.69 grams of silver)

Due to the amount is too small, the great emperor his majesty can not pull the face to turn the other cheek, can only be written down in a small book.

Can’t say that people’s corrupt officials’ family properties are all from corruption, capable people can also money for money, corruption of a million and then earn 10 million, this kind of corrupt officials Franz favorite.

When they are rich, they can settle scores. Even if they just embezzled 10,000 guilders, Franz wouldn’t mind confiscating all their billions.

So the Austrian government officials to go to sea is very risky, if not get rich even if, get rich must think about their own ass clean or not.

Unfortunately, up to now, the great Emperor has not killed a minister for corruption.

There was no way that everyone was a human being, and there was no excuse left for His Majesty to take action. Many of the officials who were targeted by the Anti-Corruption Agency were very abashed and ran to confess their crimes.

Then, handing over the stolen money to go back and continue to be an official, this is Austrian politics.

Officials are nobles, dead carry not recognized, after the evidence is confirmed, can also be handed over to the court of nobles trial. When it comes to the direct admission of weakness, the emperor also take them no fold.

From his own interests, this set of rules of the game Franz is not going to break. While protecting the interests of the nobles, it also protects the interests of the emperor.

Simply put, in this system, the nobles must stand on the side of the emperor, to ensure that the imperial power does not fall. Once the imperial power declined, these invisible privileges of theirs, too, went up in smoke.

The Austrian Empire was still an aristocrat-dominated country, and in Franz’s opinion, it would be difficult to change this situation for at least fifty years.

Only when the commoners, after receiving compulsory education, after a long period of accumulation, have enough talent, can impact to this system.

Like the present Austria, Franz can definitely say that the number of talents of the aristocratic class exceeds the sum of all classes, and even if they compete under fair conditions, the commoners’ children have almost no chance to win.

According to Franz’s reform plan, the Austrian aristocracy will absorb more blood in the future, and the outstanding talents of commoners’ children, through their contribution to the country, can be transformed into members of the aristocracy.

This is the ass decides the head, as the emperor he can not watch the noble class decline, otherwise the power in the country will be out of balance.

Apart from the aristocracy, Franz did not think that there were other forces in Austria that could suppress the growing bourgeoisie and guarantee the supremacy of the emperor.

The experiment in the city defense army was a successful example. After the baptism on the battlefield, the several hundred noble sons had already become qualified officers.

Obviously the Austrian aristocracy is not completely rotten, if it comes to the period of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in history, then it is really irredeemable.

The pride of the aristocrats was lost in the war, and after losing their ideals in life, they all became assholes.

Nowadays, the Austrian nobles at least have a goal to strive for. The idea of Greater Germany is a powerful weapon, and most of them are striving for the great goal of unifying Germany.

As a result of this, the good times ended for the nobles who were originally in the barracks. No matter in that army, they had to undergo strict military training.

If you want to run out and make waves, understand the Austrian military law before making a decision.

Of course you can also apply for early retirement as long as you can afford to lose the man. Before making this decision, it is best to consult with your parents, otherwise it would be a disaster to go back and be beaten half to death and sent to the barracks again.

There have been many such examples, nobles are all about face. Especially the nobles in the German region, if they don’t join the army, they don’t want to raise their heads in the circle of relatives and friends.

Even affect the family reputation, a good name is not easy to get. Although some people could not bear to see their sons suffer, they could not bear to see the honor of the family.

Under the personal supervision of Prince Wendy Schlegelz, any officer or soldier who dared to avoid training was first caught and beaten with fifty army sticks, and then sent home.

No one’s face is not good, the Austrian government are preparing for war, how can you let a few playboys, affect the army’s combat effectiveness?

(End of chapter)

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