Chapter 140: I will do three things in a day.

  Chapter 138: Three times a day I reflect on my own self

After reflecting once again on Austria’s foreign policy, Franz decisively decided that in the days to come he would farm in peace.

Austria has been very popular recently, three or five or two dry down the Kingdom of Sardinia, extorting a war reparations, and then interfered with the Papal States, consolidating the hegemony in the Italian region.

Now there is a Holy Roman Alliance, everyone knows that this alliance is not as simple as it seems, just look at the reaction of the German region.

The difference between the Holy Roman League and the Holy Roman Empire is just two words, which is easy for people to make associations.

If it is not pulling the Italian state to participate, and put the base camp in Rome, it is estimated that many people will not be able to sleep.

Even so, to many German nationalists, this was a prelude to Austria wanting to unify the German region.

The seed has been planted, and the rest is waiting for the roots to sprout. If you want to harvest, it’s better to wait for the strength to arrive.

On June 1, 1849, compulsory education in Austria was officially launched. All children aged 6 to 13 could enroll in any compulsory school.

Austrian compulsory education copied part of the success of Prussia, both sides of the core purpose is the same, the management can naturally learn from.

Prussia’s aim: “To train a loyal and warlike nation through schools strictly controlled by the government to resist the circulation of revolutionary ideas.”

Austria’s purpose is also similar, only a different expression, the purpose of education is to “loyalty and patriotism” as the dominant idea, the use of semi-military management.

Since everyone agreed that this was appropriate, Franz naturally would not oppose it. The country is different, the times are different, many things in the latter days are not applicable in this era.

For example, Franz was worried about overcrowding at the beginning of compulsory education; after all, the addition of only 1,000 schools could not accommodate that many students.

It turned out that he had overthought it, and many of the lower classes had little interest in compulsory education. Those who lived in or around the city were fine, a little more open-minded, knowing that it was easier to find a job after studying.

In the remote mountainous areas, many people have not been out of a hundred or ten miles since childhood, and simply do not know what is the use of studying.

The people’s mindset has not yet changed, Franz can not help but be glad that he did not take the initiative to turn the tithe into an education surtax, otherwise it is estimated that many people will say that they do not need compulsory education, and will not pay this tax.

Do not doubt that the European people to do not need the reason for tax resistance has been commonplace, as long as the revolutionaries a drum, the aristocrats and then push a little more, it may be a nationwide tax resistance movement.

Fortunately, Austria’s compulsory education is not tuition fees, as long as the government a mandatory order down, they will be implemented.

Although one and a half less labor force, is not also one less mouth? People can still do the math. Schools are boarding, so they don’t have to pay for their children’s expenses except during vacation time.

“The new student enrollment, have the statistics come out yet?” Franz asked with concern

“Your Majesty, the preliminary statistics have already come out, this opening enrollment totaled 1,246,000, which is one fifth less than what we expected.” The Minister of Education, Count Leo von Tuss-Ho hum, replied

Austria’s education rate in this era is actually not as low as Franz initially imagined, the Ministry of Education’s statistics for 1848 exceeded two million three hundred thousand in-school primary school students, and more than fifty thousand in-school secondary school students.

Of course, the distribution of the educated population is also very uneven, the highest enrollment rate in Austria, Bohemia, economically developed regions, in 1842 reached 94%, while next door to the Galicia enrollment rate of only 27%, the lowest province of Dalmatia less than 5%.

Of course this data is imperfect, only freemen were counted, serfs were excluded.

And being enrolled in school is not the same as actually receiving an education; many of the free parochial schools are a scam for donations under the guise of education.

Students were free to come and go as they pleased, and the teachers were free to teach whatever they wanted, so there weren’t many people who could learn.

Due to corruption in local government, many public schools are not funded in a timely manner, and there are cases where teachers are owed back pay, and some schools have been left empty-handed.

Not long ago, when education was scrutinizing the local education system, there was also a case where a school with 15 teachers on staff actually had only one teacher, who was responsible for the curriculum of all grades in the school.

What is even more bizarre is that the school exists, the teachers exist and the students exist, but the inspectors cannot find where the school is.

These cheating of government funding for education is no longer an isolated case, and the more remote the place, the more serious the situation is.

This is confirmed by many later kinds of sources, only 4.5% of the soldiers recruited by Austria in Galicia in 1865 were able to do simple writing, which is a far cry from the school enrollment rates in the first place.

Franz had not yet had the time to come down hard on the mess in the education system. He had just succeeded to the throne, and the stability of the country was paramount, but that did not mean that it was over.

The promotion of compulsory education is now a test, and those who are unfavorable and dare to reach out are dealt with.

Anti-corruption can only be done from now on, if you count old scores, the Austrian government to carry out a major inventory, will find ten officials to kill nine, there are still leaks.

This is the commonality of all the old empires, in the face of this situation, Franz is also very helpless, can’t arrest everyone, right?

He is not Chongzhen Emperor, eyes can not tolerate sand. As long as you can do things, personal integrity issues can be put first, put the problem in a small book, the coming day is not in a hurry.

“How is it so much worse?” Franz asked with concern

“Your Majesty, most of the schools for compulsory education are concentrated in the cities, and our enrollment is only facing the cities, or the surrounding areas.

All of these areas happen to be the best areas to receive education, and we are enrolling at this time and missing the season, those who have the conditions to enroll have already entered the school.

We in the Ministry of Education have previously counted all the students who can enroll this year, but among these families who have the means to get by, they do not choose to enroll their children in compulsory schools.” Count Leo von Tuss-Hohen explained

There’s no way around it, who made Austrian compulsory education a poor education?

In order to save money, all unnecessary facilities were omitted, even the teachers were fresh from the novice villages, the quality of education could only be said to be better than nothing.

There are a lot of children in this era, with Austria’s population base to calculate, this era of Austria’s in-school elementary school students, should be in the 6 million or so, to be considered basically complete the universal compulsory education.

“In that case, the Ministry of Education and the local government work together to fill the gap in the back of the student population, so as not to waste the resources.

It’s also important to standardize the teaching management system of the church schools, and if you want to cheat education funds in the name of the schools, just let them go to jail.” Franz thought about it and said

If he wasn’t afraid of bad influence, Franz was going to learn from the Prussian government and directly snatch the right to education from the church.

“Your Majesty, please rest assured. From now on all students in Austria will have to take a unified exam organized by the Ministry of Education every year, and as long as there is a large number of students failing the exam, these trash schools will be banned.

At the same time, we will also send people to inspect the schools from time to time, and once we find out that the teaching materials are not uniformly issued by the education, we will hold the teachers and school administrators responsible for their education.” Count Leo von Tuss-Ho hum replied.

Now the Austrian government is financial, teacher strength are not rich, do not have the ability to fully spread compulsory education, the future of these church schools, all belong to the object of being banned.

Austria only the emperor’s voice is enough, the church just need to serve God on the line, if energetic, but also to go to the colonies to vent, the next generation of problems do not need them to worry about.

Now that the boss was set, it was natural for the Ministry of Education to work in that direction. Most typically, starting in 1850, the Austrian government would end funding for church schools.

If they could run education without government funding, on church funds, and meet the regulatory requirements of the Ministry of Education.

Franz was fine with this; such zealots should be commended, and he did not mind giving these people an educational medal.

In any country, there is always a group of silent dedication, and Austria is naturally no exception, it is always bad to cut down all at once.

To Yang Su Xia’s ten thousand rewards, added more, still owe 20 chapters. Thank you for all the reward, owe a debt to the sea month slowly pay back, participated in the storm more 515 ah!

(End of chapter)

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