Chapter 135: The Russian-Austrian Secret Pact

  Chapter 133 The Russian-Austrian Pact

To find trouble for Prussia, Franz is only in passing, the Austrian government is not going to invest too many resources for this, now the most important thing is still to develop the domestic.

In the Prussian-Danish war broke out again at the same time, the Russian-Austrian negotiations also fell, after nearly half a year of efforts, the two countries finally agreed on their respective interests.

On March 21, 1849, the Austrian ambassador to Russia, Wessenberg, and the Russian foreign minister, Karl Wasserrod, signed the Russian-Austrian Trade Agreement in St. Petersburg.

Contents of the treaty:

1. The two countries were to treat each other as most favored nations, and tariffs on commercial exchanges were not to exceed those of third countries;

2, The two countries formed a strategic trade partnership and followed the principle of free trade; (if a war broke out between one of the countries and a third country, trade between the two countries would continue as usual)

3. ……

These very sketchy commercial trade agreements were obviously not the result of half a year’s effort by the two governments, and what really deserved the attention of both sides was the signing of secret treaties, including the Russo-Austrian Military Alliance and the Russo-Austrian Division of Powers.

Contents of the Russo-Austrian Military Alliance:

1. From the date of the treaty, the two countries formally concluded a military alliance;

2, In the event of a foreign military invasion of one of the parties, both are considered to have jointly declared war on both countries;

3, When one party declares war on a third country, it may request assistance from the other party, including material and military assistance;

4, ……

There is no doubt that the Russo-Austrian Military Alliance was a continuation of the Berlin Convention, and even went a step further, except that the contracting parties were no longer Prussia.

Nicholas I was not a fan of Prussia because of the Prussian-Prussian War, which marked the end of the era of the “Three Courts of the North”.

In contrast to the military alliance, the Russo-Austrian Division of Powers was the cornerstone of the alliance, and the two countries got what they needed.

The treaty stipulated:

1. Austria recognized the full sovereignty of the Russian Empire over the Black Sea Straits, the Dardanelles, and the lands along the coast; (including Constantinople, the Asia Minor Peninsula, and parts of the Balkans)

2. Austria recognizes the rights and interests of the Russian Empire in the Far East;

3. The Austrian Government recognizes the interests of the Russian Empire in Central Asia;

4, The Austrian government recognizes the interests of the Russian Empire in Persia;

5, The two countries jointly divide the interests in the Balkans and the Mediterranean;

6, The Russian Empire recognizes Austrian sovereignty over South Germany;

7, The Russian Empire recognizes Austrian interests in the Danube Valley;

8. the Russian Empire recognized Austria’s interests in the Italian region;

9. the Russian Empire recognized the interests acquired by the overseas colonies opened by Austria;


The agreement between the two sides was very clear: you support me in acquiring the regions along the Black Sea coast, I support you in annexing the South German states, and we all come together to divide the hegemony of the Balkans and the Mediterranean.

Outside of these core interests, support was given to each other as long as their interests did not conflict.

Russia and Austria agreed on their respective expansions, which also meant that the British-led Straits Convention was nullified. Without Austria’s support, it was already difficult for Britain and France to suppress Russian ambitions in the Near East.

According to the agreement between the two sides, Austria would obtain the South German region, the Bosnia-Herzegovina region, half of Serbia and half of Romania, and parts of Bulgaria.

In terms of territorial area, it was less than one-half of the Russians; in terms of economic development, the two sides were even more incomparable.

In this era, the Black Sea coast are developed areas, the essence of the Ottoman Empire are here, while the Austrian side, in addition to the South German states, other areas have not had time to develop.

Looking at the two sides of the revenue comparison, Franz also understand why the history of Russia and Austria will flip, the Russians take too much, the Austrian government red.

More crucially, once the Russians’ ambition is reached, the Austrian Empire will never sleep well again.

Originally Franz thought that the interests of the Black Sea Straits would be enough to satisfy the Russians’ appetite, plus half of the Balkan Peninsula at the most, but the facts proved him wrong, the Russians circled Asia Minor as well.

Since the appetite of the woolly bear was so good, of course he did not mind giving it a push. Austria recognized Russia’s acquisition of Asia Minor, and the Russians made concessions of interest in the Balkans.

The Balkan sphere of influence agreed upon by both sides, Franz does not care, it is good to be able to get it, it does not matter if you can not get it, as long as you occupy Belgrade.

Now the Austrian Empire does not have such a good appetite, a bite to eat on the hold, if not this era of the Balkan Peninsula’s population is not much, he is not even dare to touch.

But do a full set of theater, if Austria’s appetite is too small, I guess the Russians will also suspect that there is no conspiracy behind this.

Franz ventured a guess that the great victory was being celebrated at this time in the court of St. Petersburg.

Historically, the Russians had broken up the Straits Settlement in exchange for sending troops to help Austria crush the Hungarian rebellion.

In this time and place, there was no chaos in the Austrian government, and they took care of the rebellion themselves, so naturally they didn’t need any help, and the payoff was nowhere to be found.

If the Straits Convention had existed, the Crimean War would not have been fought, and the Russians would not have been able to take on Britain, France and Austria alone.

This is also the reason why historically Austria betrayed the Russians and was not a good person inside and out. In the eyes of Britain and France, if it wasn’t for Austria’s initial indulgence to the Russians, the war would never have been fought.

“Your Majesty, this treaty is too much of a loss for us, and once it becomes a reality, the Russians will be unchecked!” Chancellor Felix said with a frown on his face

The state policy of annexing South Germany was led by him as the Prime Minister, but after seeing the cost of compromising with the Russians, he regretted it.

“If the Russians don’t get bigger, do we have a chance to annex the South German region? Who in the countries of Europe wants to see Austria continue to grow?” Franz asked rhetorically

Metternich agitatedly said, “Your Majesty, it’s easy to let the Russians out, but it’s hard to block them back in.

Besides, can we really annex the South German states?

If the Russians do take over the said regions and we haven’t eaten the South German regions, then Austria loses its future.”

Franz said calmly, “Don’t be blinded by profit, on the surface this treaty is very favorable to the Russians, but in reality do you think that the Russians with their national strength can support this plan?

The Russians are trying to swallow the Ottoman Empire in one bite this time, and the Sultan’s government will definitely have to fight to the death, and this war is obviously not going to end in the short term.

The French still have a lot of interests in the Near East, they can’t let the Russians expand, and maybe the Russians’ actions will make the French government unite against the foreign enemy.

The British even more needless to say, for the Russians as a rival, when have they ever relaxed vigilance, support for the Ottoman Empire is inevitable, or perhaps to pull the French together on the battlefield.

Don’t look at the British strength seems to be in the sea, but they can’t help but have money, as long as the Ottomans did not die out, they can let the war continue to fight.

Even if the Russians are good, they’ll be dragged down in the end.

Unless the Tsar’s government can see the good thing to end, after the occupation of Constantinople to stop all military operations, on the ground for defense, to the Russian national strength to hold a fortress city is not difficult to consume a few years of effort, the British and French will naturally give up.

Then the Russians and then gradually eat up the Ottoman Empire, if no accidents, estimated efforts of three to five decades, can almost realize the goal.

Such a long period of time is enough for us to do a lot of things. The Austrian Empire, by then, may not be weaker than Russia.”

Speaking of the French, Franz wanted to laugh. There was no one who could compare the Habsburgs to the losers in recent times but the French.

The Ottoman Empire couldn’t be counted, their road to defeat hadn’t officially started yet, and they were still in a large swath of the country.

Since the 18th century, the French have been on their path of tragedy, and if anyone was paying attention they would have realized that the First French Colonial Empire at its peak had a really thick family.

After losing the War of the Austrian Throne and losing the Indies; losing Canada in the Seven Years’ War; and supporting American independence, in the blink of an eye the War Against France broke out and the Louisiana Territory was bought by the United States. ($15 million for 2.6 million square kilometers of land)

This is just the beginning, if history does not change, the French will have to lose Central America, including the Panama Canal, and the French-dominated region of Egypt one after another ……

The French fell to, and directly fed, the British and the Americans, the latter two empires that stepped on the shoulders of the French to become world empires.

Of course, this is not without the credit of the Habsburg dynasty, without their selfless dedication, the British can not rise, the Americans naturally needless to say.

Franz finally convinced the cabinet, of course the treaty has been signed, the wood is already dry, also played a big role in promoting.

Theoretically, as long as the British and French are willing to work hard, the Russians want to realize their ambitions is still difficult, the weak nature of the Ottoman Empire has not been exposed, and people still have expectations of them.

If the Russians chose a conservative strategy and struggled slowly, there would be even less to fear.

Thirty to fifty years was already enough time for the Austrian Empire to complete its industrialization while digesting the South German region along the way.

(End of chapter)

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