Chapter 127: A Beautiful Misunderstanding

  Chapter 126 A Beautiful Misunderstanding

On December 12, 1848, registration for the civil service examination, which had a profound impact on Austria, began, marking a fundamental shift in the way Austria selected talent.

Although this examination, is still the internal competition of the nobles, but there is competition is better than no competition.

Here the fallen nobles, got the opportunity to return to the center of power, the Austrian government once again gained their support.

Government agencies, state-owned enterprises, teachers and a series of positions added up to nearly 130,000 positions for the community, a total of 186,000 people applied for the examination.

This rate of competition would probably have many people bouncing off the walls in later generations, but in this day and age, many people are still complaining about the pressure.

Inside a tavern in Vienna, a teenager of about twenty years of age complained, “Damn, Raul you know what the Ministry of Finance is up to this time, why do we have to take an exam when we’ve all made it to the second round?”

“Come on, Wigel. Everyone knows that we got into the second round without a test. I heard that the number of applicants to the Ministry of Finance has exceeded eight thousand while the number of recruits is only 876, a ten to one pass rate.

Is there a faster way to weed out the vast majority of applicants than to take the test?

If you’re afraid of the competition, you can go apply for grassroots teachers ah, there are more places there and fewer applicants.” Raul took a small sip of wine and said smilingly

He is not afraid of the exam, in school time is an honor student, compared to his friend Weigel this scum, he has enough confidence to pass the exam.

Exam fraud? Want not to think, also do not look at the ability to participate in the examination are some people, a group of aristocrats made a scene, who can pocket.

If you have a strong network of connections, you would have been mixed into the civil service team, why would you need to come here to compete?

“Forget it, I don’t want to hang around in the countryside with no bar and no friends, that would kill me!” Wigel said, shaking his head

Compared to the Establishment, the Ministry of Education’s recruitment for teaching positions was much more tragic, many people’s faces changed one by one when they heard that they had to teach in the countryside.

The plan to recruit 50,000 teachers resulted in less than 20,000 people applying. In order to recruit enough teachers, the Ministry of Education had to build schools around the towns.

Anyway, the government bore all the costs of compulsory education, and it was fine to centralize and manage the students; the big deal was to adopt the boarding system.

In most areas, the government had seized a large amount of real estate from the rebels, which could be converted into school buildings.

Even so, there were still not many applicants for elementary school teaching positions, and the Ministry of Education finally had to cut the number of recruits.

In any case, compulsory education cannot be spread to the whole country at once, and it takes time to promote it gradually, and not enough teachers can be trained slowly, as the teacher training courses of the Ministry of Education have already enrolled the public.

“Then we can only compete, you have to know that the most competitive Senate Secretary, just only two people are recruited, there are actually more than eight hundred people to apply, and the number of applicants continues to grow.

God, the chance of passing is not even one in four hundred, there are actually people who dare to go, I have to admire their courage.” Raul said in a very exaggerated tone

A man next to him interjected, “What’s so strange, the Senate Secretary is serving the Cabinet Government, hanging out in front of a bunch of bigwigs every day, there’s much more room to rise in the future.

Everyone wants to get ahead in one step. If you get in by chance, you’ll make a lot of money. If you don’t get in, it’s a big deal to waste a little bit of the application fee.”

“In that case, I’m a bit tempted, anyway, the examination time is not the same in every department, so it’s good to try.” Raul thought about it and said


This civil service examination is not unified, each department needs different talents, Franz is not prepared to recruit a bunch of all talents.

Therefore, the recruitment conditions of everyone are not the same, some departments are highly competitive, written tests and interviews are being conducted, and some departments have too few applicants and no picky qualifications, as long as they meet the basic conditions.

Since this is the first exam, no one knows what will be tested, the candidates just have to be dry and anxious, and want to temporarily hit the raid have no direction.

Not only do they not know, even the government ministries and commissions that preside over this examination are a bit baffled, everyone is inexperienced, and they have to draw on foreign talent selection systems.

This year, the most popular in Europe is still the gift system, Austria is considered to be at the forefront of the world, the first to break this system.

And the Austrian civil service examination is the closest, actually is the Manchu imperial examination system, if it is not too tight, the cabinet is ready to send people over to visit.

Finally or Franz personally help ideas, although he did not preside over the labor civil service examination, but in his previous life to participate in a number of times, there is a wealth of experience of being eliminated.

Meizumi Palace

Prime Minister Felix frowned and said: ”Your Majesty, this civil service examination, we have provided a total of 128,939 positions, a total of 589,656 enrollments, there is a serious situation of one person applying for multiple departments at the same time, and there are still nearly thirty-five thousand positions that are unclaimed, mostly concentrated in the education sector.

Considering this situation, the government has decided to abolish these unclaimed posts and at the same time outlaw one person applying for more than one department, recognizing only the earliest department applied for.”

This Austrian civil service exam, naturally, could not be broken down as much as it was in the Internet era, pinpointing each specific position.

Now the application is only ministries, the final specific position according to the actual situation of deployment, in addition to a few departments to recruit only a few people, clear the specific position, other are unknown.

For example, applying for the Ministry of Taxation, it is possible to stay in Vienna, there is also the possibility of going to Croatia, there is also the possibility of becoming a tax inspector to run across the country, the specific position arrangement will have to wait until the end of the examination to know.

Hearing that there are so many positions unattended, Franz could not help but rub his forehead, it is because of the fear that no one will apply for positions in remote areas, he has summarized all the recruiters in the ministries, and wait for the final allocation.

It didn’t occur to him that even this was equally insufficient. At this time, he was wondering if he should select some from other departments to fill the hole.

After hesitating for a while, he finally canceled this plan, the strong bite of the melon is not sweet. So pit people, there will certainly be resentment, and finally bring this resentment into the work, affecting the purity of the government team.

“The positions that no one has applied for can all be canceled, and we will train ourselves if there is a shortage. I guess even if the exam is passed, many people don’t want to go to the poor countryside.

They don’t want to go even if they don’t want to go, we can’t force them. Doesn’t the army have demobilized soldiers, these remote corners of the aristocrat’s children can’t look at, the soldiers won’t be able to look at them too, right?

We can select literate soldiers from among them and train them to serve as civil servants in remote areas.

For the case of one person applying for more than one position, this time, forget it, we did not make provisions in advance, their practice is legal, as a lesson learned.

However, after being successful in one ministry, they can’t continue to take the ministry exam for the next one, and the application fee is not refundable.”

Franz didn’t mention the issue of the transferring officers, in this day and age the officers of the Austrian army were basically of noble birth, even if he himself no longer had a noble title, their parents, grandparents, uncles, there would always be those who were nobles.

As sons of nobles, they were treated differently again. The rank they had in the army before they retired, they had equivalent treatment after they had been transferred.

In other words, in the army they were officers, and after they were transferred, they were also officers. If they are not competent, they will have to be demoted, but their pay will not be reduced.

Of course, this is limited to those with military service. Officers with no military service who have been transferred will not be treated so well.

Franz’s proposal of selecting talents from soldiers for training was likewise limited to those with merit, and the big-headed soldiers with no war merit were naturally excluded from the scope of training.

For the candidates who repeated the application, Franz was very understanding, back then he had also experienced it, who all wanted one more chance, one more choice. Only this would increase the workload of the recruitment department.

Franz is still temperate, since the government did not make it clear beforehand, it can not shirk its responsibility, so just increase the workload, the pit dug by himself is responsible for filling it.


The government canceled more than 35,000 positions at once, and the opening ratio has finally climbed to 2:1, with a few moments of brutal competition.

Various recruiters, still worried about the question, European public opinion has boiled over.

Mainstream media have expressed their views, there is support and opposition, in short, Austria’s civil service examination, has become the focus of European society.

Engels published an article in the Rheinische Zeitung, fully recognizing the Austrian government’s civil service examination system.

The reason is very simple, the Austrian government announced the restrictions, after excluding the bourgeoisie, but did not restrict the working class, peasant class.

Theoretically, as long as their academic qualifications are up to date, they can enter the government system through selection.

This, together with the compulsory education proposed by the Austrian government some time ago, has led many ~~~ists to believe that the Austrian government is actively reforming and preparing to absorb the working class into the government.

Well, this beautiful misunderstanding, Franz will not come out to explain, one more group of advocates is always a good thing.

As an emperor, what he needed was a group of people whose loyalty was on the passing line to help him run the country, and it didn’t matter where these people came from.

It can only be said that in the face of different national conditions, the use of different employment mechanism. In Austria must rely on the aristocracy, if it is in Britain and France, then the bourgeoisie can also be the pillar of the country.

This is the social environment, if in a new country, there is no deep-rooted aristocracy, there is no strong bourgeoisie, then the working class, the peasant class can also become a pillar of the country.

Wang Mang was the best example if he blindly reformed and turned his back on the class that supported him.

(End of chapter)

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