Chapter 1189: The Grand Finale

  Chapter 1166 The Grand Finale
In an uproar, on December 31, 1905, Franz officially passed the throne to Frederick, and the Holy Roman Empire officially entered the Frederick era.

Unlike previous power changes, this time the transfer of power was exceptionally smooth. The fact that the outside world did not know Franz’s real health condition did not mean that the top government was not aware of it.

Even though they don’t understand why Franz is in a hurry to abdicate, but the old emperor is still alive, so everyone dares not move.

The European world does not have the proverb “the gun hits the head of the bird”, but the reason is still the same. Even if the desire for power is big guy, also dare not make a demon at this time.

When the top echelon of the government is stabilized, the political factions attached to it will naturally be stabilized as well. Even if there are those who dare to venture out, they will be suppressed by the cabinet.

Now is the time to test everyone’s ability, if you can’t even do the most basic thing to stabilize the situation, then you don’t need to mix in the political arena.

The transition of power has been completed without a hitch, and Franz is happy to relax. Once people get older, they don’t like to toss and turn.

From the Austrian Empire to the current Holy Roman Empire, fifty-seven years of the emperor’s career, Franz has long been tired of tossing and turning.

Frankly speaking, in this era of more than rotten, the overall performance of the Divine Roman bureaucrats is also noteworthy.

Although they have not been able to eliminate corruption and laziness, compared to the bureaucrats of other countries in the same period, they are definitely called “competent”.

Certain that what he had left behind was not a mess, Emperor Franz, after abdicating the throne, was satisfied and started his nationwide touring program.

As for the finalization of the World War, it was a “political achievement” that he left for his son. Although the specific work may be a bit cumbersome, there may also be twists and turns in the middle, but the overall situation is set.

In the face of absolute strength, all plots and tricks are futile.

Italy became a geographical term; a scaled-down version of France is still licking the wounds left by the last World War; the bullish British Empire has now given thanks.

Without the colonies to replenish blood, the greatly wounded Britain and France, without thirty to fifty years will not be able to restore the energy. If they want to return to the top, it is even more impossible to think about it.

The Russian Empire, the most powerful empire in the world, was now caught in a civil war. With the Allies holding its main forces, the Tsar’s government could not do anything even if it wanted a quick solution.

In particular, the international “anti-Russian forces” have colluded, and tens of thousands of “mercenary armies” are sweeping towards the Tsar’s government, with the intention of not stopping until Russia is divided.

The United States of America, which should have risen to power, is now also being tossed to its last breath. Because of the war reparations, the states were unable to reach an agreement, and even the elections could not be held normally.

In the European Union’s push and pull down, the federal state legislatures have even openly discussed the issue of independent statehood.

Even the capitalist consortiums that were supposed to support the unification of the federal government are now backing off. Obviously, the world war has scared them.

Swimming against the current has never been the style of capitalists. We all have families and businesses, and to ask them to “throw their heads and spill their blood” for the sake of the United States is really too difficult for people.

Besides, the capital world is never ironclad, some people’s interests are damaged, and some people should profit, at least the local small consortiums in the Midwest are happy to separate from the East.

Throughout the world, the Holy Roman Empire did not have a single “enemy” of any significance. As the only “Great Power” and superpower, the situation couldn’t be much worse if it were to go through any more trouble.

Without the annoying political affairs, Franz on the journey, the mood is extraordinarily relaxed.

The sky is so blue, the water is so clear. Every now and then there is a “wind blowing grass see sheep and cattle”. Set up a barbecue, and some cumin, chili powder, the picture is particularly pleasant.

With no time constraints, Franz would stop to taste local specialties and enjoy the local customs in every place he visited.

After half a year of traveling, he was still wandering around the Balkan Peninsula, which was not even the tip of the iceberg compared to the vast Holy Roman Empire.

According to this speed, it is estimated that Franz will not be able to complete the national tour in his lifetime. But this is not important, out to play as long as happy on the line.

The Holy Roman Empire is too huge, all kinds of climate and geography that is everything. Not to mention an old man in his twilight years, even if it is a young man to travel all over the country is difficult enough.

Time rushes by, a flash is twenty-five years, Franz bottom still did not complete the global tour, and even Africa did not go to one-tenth.

There was no way, the years were unforgiving. No matter how much physical exercise you do, you will never reach the erosion of time. At the age of “mackerel”, Franz was forced to return to Vienna to retire.

As he watched his body deteriorate, Franz could only sigh in secret. Not afraid of death are false, spare two lifetimes Franz can not look down on life and death.

Recently, a memory kept surfacing in his mind, as if it was a dream. In the dream he turned into another person and similarly started a world empire.

Although reason told him that it was a dream, his intuition told him that it was real. Even such a ridiculous thing as crossing over had happened, so it was nothing strange to have another life.

Intermittent memories continued to come back, causing Franz to be frustrated. At his current age, any more life experience would be useless.

“Father, news just came in from the South Seas that William was called away by God last night.”

A familiar voice rang out, pulling Franz back to reality. It was not the first time that Franz had experienced a parting in life and death. In the past years, he had sent too many people away.

Watching the familiar people around him become fewer and fewer, he had thought that he had gotten used to it. He didn’t realize that now it was his son’s turn, and he still couldn’t do it with his heart in his mouth.

“What happened, why did William suddenly go? What last words did he leave behind?”

Influenced by Franz’s early abdication, several of his sons followed suit and in recent years have also abdicated one after another, returning to Vienna to retire.

Now that the Shen Luo Empire was at its strongest centripetal force, struggling overseas in the early years and returning home to retire in the later years was likewise very popular among the people.

Originally William also returned to Vienna, only to stay for two years feel tired, and ran to the South Seas. Just did not expect, this went to become goodbye forever.

“Yesterday was the national day of the Duchy of the South Seas, William drank a few more drinks at the banquet, and when the ladies found out today, he had already gone. Nothing was left of his last words.”

Frederick explained. It was obvious that he was also stunned by the news. But this happened to be the most reasonable explanation.

As a king, even an abdicated king, it wasn’t that easy to have an accident. Not to mention that it was still in his own territory.

As they spoke, a group of latecomers from the Habsburg family also arrived one after another, and it was clear that Franz was the last to know the news.

Think about it, this kind of bad news naturally need to consider his mental capacity. Are about to run a hundred people, truly can not withstand the toss.

Waved his hand, did not give the crowd the opportunity to open their mouths to persuade, Franz calmly said: “I know, you arrange the funeral! Now I want to be alone.”


Surveying the familiar palace and recalling the years of the past, Franz fell into deep contemplation.

The butterfly effect was powerful, and along with the rise of the Holy Roman Empire against the world, the world situation had long changed.

Especially in the last decade or so, with the dismemberment of the Russian Empire and the further fragmentation of the United States, the hegemony of the Holy Roman Empire has become more and more consolidated.

The pattern of the formation of a dominant, rivals are in the corner trembling, afraid of becoming the next target of Vienna.

In this context, as long as the Vienna government does not mess things up, the international situation want to chaos are difficult.

What have, the situation is good, the Vienna government naturally no need to toss. So in recent years, the world situation that is a harmonious.

In addition to individual countries are still in civil war, only the colonial empire occasionally broke out a rebellion. As for international wars, without the nod of the Vienna government, who dares to take action?
You know that the League of Nations is not idle, under the promotion of the Vienna government, the current League of Nations is a proper world “police”.

If nothing unexpected happens, this kind of peace will continue for a long time, until the god Luo one day own death defeat all the family funds, unable to stabilize the situation.

What will happen in the future is anyone’s guess. Anyway, Franz wasn’t going to do anything else, and had already reserved enough for later.

In the last twenty years, the Habsburgs had established more than ten states overseas. If this could all be taken in one go, Franz would have nothing to say.

The international situation is not equal to world peace, the Vienna government can reconcile the international conflicts, but can not reconcile the internal conflicts of the countries.

The first to bear the brunt of the countries of the Americas, especially those unlucky “defeated countries”, have been caught up in racial disputes.

Secondly, is the major European colonial empires. Recently, the days are not very good.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance. The nationalism that was exported back then to split the Russian Empire has finally backfired on the nations.

It was only at this moment that everyone realized the magnitude of the Vienna government’s tactics back then. However, it is too late, now there is no “defeated country” for them to receive trouble as the wrongdoer.

People always have to face the reality, took stock of the international situation, and reviewed the experience of a lifetime, Franz has realized that his days are numbered.

At this point in his life, the past glories of the past are just like clouds in the past, “right and wrong” is free to be commented by future generations.

After getting rid of the sadness of his son’s death, Franz had no intention to pay attention to other things, at the moment he only wanted to try to integrate the memory fragments that kept coming into his mind.

“Ferdinand”, “Bulgarian Empire” …… memories gradually connected in the mind, Franz’s body is a sharp turn.

After sending William away, and spent the last birthday of his life, the hundred-year-old Franz finally went to the end of his life.

On March 26, 1931, under the soft sunlight, Franz the Great closed his eyes.


Along with the end of the story, the other end of the “Li Mu” just woke up, but fell into a daze.

Who am I?
Who is “Li Mu”?
Or Franz?
Or was it Ferdinand?
The two additional memories suddenly appeared, leaving Li Mu completely baffled.

Whether it was “Lanke’s Dream”, or “A Dream of Huangliang”, or “Multiple Worlds”, Li Mu was completely confused.

However, Li Mu knows one thing, must get up quickly to go to work, or will be late.

No matter how awesome he was in his dream, in reality he was a miserable office worker. Even though he had two more rich life experiences, he was now useless.

After all, dreams were born with a golden key, born to be superior. It was never the existence of being pleasing to people, but there was no experience of a loser’s history of struggle against the odds.

After completing the washing in the shortest possible time, Li Mu picked up his cell phone, quickly stepped out of the rental house, and went straight to the bus stop.

While running, he was still praying that he must catch the bus. Otherwise, whether it’s taking a taxi or being late for work, today will be a wasted day.

The life of ordinary people is so plain and simple.


(End of chapter)

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