Chapter 1187: The Americas in turmoil

  Chapter 1164: Stirring up the Americas

Taking advantage of the wind of victory in the World War and with the support of local Mexican powerhouses, Count Brew moved into Mexico City on October 16, 1905.

There is no harm without comparison, thanks to the successive years of chaos in Mexico over the years, the public’s patience with the republican government has long been exhausted, and the restoration went more smoothly than expected.

Once the momentum has converged and formed the flood of the times, it is no longer possible for individuals to stop it.

Massimiliano I so many years of operation is not in vain, in Mexico also has a group of supporters, and this group of supporters is also mostly foreign students, whether it is the eyes, or ideas, are much more open.

Seen the prosperity of the European world, these people have the idea of changing the status quo in Mexico, can be said to be a natural reformist.

Unlike Massimiliano I, who grew up in a honeypot, Bru grew up with the name of Prince in Exile, and took on the heavy responsibility of restoration early on.

Together with Franz’s meddling, Bru received an imperial education from an early age. Whether it was his eyesight, or his personal ability, he was much stronger than his father.

As early as a few years ago, when Brew first arrived in the Americas, he made contact with these supports. Through these relationships, Bru had layouts in the Mexican government and military.

Only before did not get the full support of the family, coupled with the fear of interference from international forces, Bru has been silently accumulating strength.

Along with the victory of the World War, the situation became very different all of a sudden. The Holy Roman Empire became the new hegemon, and the Habsburg Dynasty once again stood at the top of the world.

In this context, even if the neighbors wanted to intervene, they did not dare to do it easily, and the international environment for the restoration was already in place.

What’s more, during the World War, Bru also used the power of the Holy Roman to take advantage of the opportunity to remove dissidents.

Don’t look at Mexico is now all over the royalist party, thought everyone how to support the royal family, in fact, that’s because those who do not protect the royalist have been clicked.

It is with the help of God Luo’s tiger skin, Bru can smoothly with the mercenaries recruited, hugely arrived in Mexico City.

Uninformed look, the army of God Luo have opened in, Bru must have gained the full support of the government of Vienna, and then do not defect to the past, that will not catch up.

One day, one day, in this change of dynasty stall, if the wrong team that is very fatal.

The followers + the royalists + the speculators together constituted the ruling class of Bru.

This kind of provisional government with a majority of speculators is obviously unstable. But Brew had no choice now, knowing that speculators must be used.


“What about father’s side, did you get the loan?”

Count Bru asked with concern.

The restoration also needs money, Mexico itself is in high debt, the republican government period has occurred many times financial bankruptcy, not to mention the baptism of war.

Now Mexico, like a house that has been torn down the four walls of the southeast, northwest and north-west, the only few remaining pillars are also full of holes.

Since the takeover of national power, these troubles naturally fell into the hands of Count Blu. Do not solve the financial problems, even if the restoration of the success of the kingdom will not sit long.

“His Majesty told you to complete the restoration as soon as possible, as for the issue of funding, he told you not to worry, he will find a way to solve it.”

The old man replied slowly and methodically.

The old man was also convinced of Bru’s prudence. The telegram wasn’t without a code, and he actually had to send someone to personally pick up the pieces, and had to destroy them immediately after reading them.

But Bru’s caution was also justified, the more critical the moment, the more careful and vigilant one had to be.

Now support his restoration of only the royal family, not the Holy Roman Empire, even within the Vienna government opposition is not small.

Now Bru is completely utilizing the difference in information, pulling up the skin of the Divine Law tiger, letting the outside world mistakenly believe that he has gained the full support of the Holy Roman Empire.

The most important reason why the Mexican community was willing to cooperate so much was still the shock of the prestige of the World Hegemon. Once they were made aware that Brew’s current supporters were only the royal family, the situation would be very different.

No matter how powerful a family is, it is no match for a country, especially if that country is still the world’s hegemon.

If the full support of the Habsburg family was obtained, then flattening a Mexico was naturally no big deal. As long as you are willing to smash money and resources, more trouble can be solved.

This is the pot of Massimiliano I, who has reached out many times in the past decades to make a fortune, but does not have a single take-away achievement.

In everyone’s eyes, this was a waste of the family’s resources. With this inherent impression, there was no end to the naysayers when Bru sought the family’s help.

People simply did not look favorably on their restoration plan, believing that even if the restoration succeeded, it would only be a flash in the pan and would not be able to stabilize the kingdom.

Especially in the slot of opening up a state, another group of cousins came out to grab political resources. The older generation was obviously willing to invest more resources in the construction of the state rather than supporting the restoration of their father and son.

In this context, Franz could not give too much support to Bru.

For the sake of unity and stability of the family, Franz took the approach of treating everyone equally. As long as the individual ability to pass, and ambitious family all give support.

With such a dispersal of power, the amount of support that Brew could obtain was imaginable.

Seems to be a fair distribution, but the gang of cousins, people still have their fathers in the government operated political resources, these Massimiliano I can not provide.

The top of the Mexican emperor’s hat, the identity is honorable, but also cut off his opportunity to develop within the Holy Roman Empire.

When his parents were around, he could still chew on the old man, but now he can only chew on his elder brother.

However, this is also a drop in the bucket. Franz has many brothers, the second generation has more than ten sons and nephews, and the third generation has dozens of people.

Even if there was kinship, there was not much to share on Bru’s head. If it is not the face of Massimiliano I, Bru’s want to pull the tiger’s skin is difficult.

If it is not Franz in the back to help pressure, the Vienna government would have jumped out to say, the name of the world’s hegemony is not a good borrowing.

Not enough resources in hand, Blue had to be extra careful. But all the telegrams involving the core secrets, would rather send a person to run a trip, but also to go to the Governor’s Office of the special line.

Getting an affirmative answer, Bru did not feel happy. This thing of human favor is used one point less, and affection is likewise not able to withstand wear and tear.

Now that the affection has been exhausted, once the future fathers pass away, the days behind them will not be easy.

Although everyone acted very subtly, but as an intelligent person, Bru was able to clearly feel the cousins’ estrangement from their father and son.

After contemplating for a few moments of effort, Bru: “Well, since the funding issue was resolved, let’s prepare to start the reform program!”

“Your Highness, won’t you carry out the restoration first?”

As an old man who had followed Massimiliano I for decades, Philibert had spent his entire life fighting for the great cause of restoration.

Let’s leave aside how capable he was, but this loyalty was incomparable to those who came after him.

Now it is not easy to see the dawn of the restoration, actually have to carry out social reforms first, how can he accept.

“Duke, the restoration is very simple, there have to be people who want to wrestle this from the dragon. All it takes is an order, and the ceremony can be held tomorrow.

But that doesn’t make any sense. How can we win the hearts of the people if we don’t have something to show for it?

There are many things that can be done now that will become very troublesome once the restoration takes place. Taking advantage of the chaotic situation now is our best chance for reform.

If anyone dares to jump out and oppose, just kill them directly. When the situation stabilizes after the restoration, it will be difficult to deal with these hardliners.

This is uncle’s personal experience, when the Vienna revolution broke out, Austria was also in chaos, it was his insistence on bold reforms in the midst of chaos that brought about today’s Holy Roman Empire.”

All pulled out the classic case of Franz the Great, Philibert more reasons, all swallowed back. After so many years of upheaval, no one wanted the country to be strong more than him.

Since there was a ready-made template, why not learn from it?

It was obvious from Bru’s every move that it was clearly imitating Franz.

Back then, Franz took out the active capitalists by the hands of the rebels and dealt a heavy blow to the recalcitrant aristocracy, which created an opportunity for the rise of the emerging aristocracy.

Bru’s approach was similar, and in the past world war, it had used the power of the Shinra army to remove a large number of dissidents.

Now it is the time when the Mexican recalcitrant strength is the weakest, and the lucky ones who remain are also frightened by this social poisonous beating, and will not dare to make trouble at all in a short period of time.


Mexico’s great reform has just drawn the curtain, the United States of America’s farce is scrambling to be the first to be staged. In the face of astronomical war reparations, Congress has clamored.

As legislators are bickering, private citizens are bickering even more. Most notably, it was the Confederate states of the Midwest and the eastern states-who fought in the newspapers.

One side accused the other of holding the government in check, of starting this wrongful war for their own benefit, and of making them pay for it.

The other side claimed that the United States was one, that it was the central government that had started the war, and that the responsibility naturally rested with the central government, while the reparations were to be shared by all the Confederate states.

As for the central government, it naturally did not exist. The impeachment case had only just begun when the Roosevelt administration very honorably dropped the ball.

Having taken out the old government, the new government was difficult to produce. The issue of the distribution of war reparations was a hot topic among the states.

The presidential election was also affected by the tense situation in the country. The politicians running for the election were afraid of being forced by the public to take a stand, and even their speeches could only be broadcast.

This is not a good team to stand on, the atmosphere in the United States now, actually has a few signs of the outbreak of the Civil War.

Radical media, has shouted the slogan of independence. Some of the people of the Union states have already taken to the streets in groups, demanding independence from the United States of America.

(End of chapter)

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