Chapter 1183: The Colonial Deal

  Chapter 1160 – Colonial Deal

The words that were said and the water that was thrown out, naturally there was no reason to take them back. Especially when it comes to a major event like the change of the throne, there is no room for jokes.

Since he had made his decision, Franz was not prepared to change his mind, no matter how much other people tried to persuade him.

Any career would get boring after a long period of time, and the emperor was no exception. Power is certainly tempting, but after more than fifty years of continuous power, Franz had long lost his initial passion.

Look at the performance of the last ten years to know, will be a large number of political affairs pushed to Frederick, the name of the exercise “Crown Prince of political ability”, in fact, is to be lazy.

No matter how lazy, the emperor is still the emperor, need to be responsible for the country. Franz can not deal with specific things, but about the country’s long-term development, strategic diplomacy or he personally formulated.

In fact, Franz had long since stopped wanting to do it. All seventy to eighty years old people are still struggling in the post, is simply a model model of labor.

The main thing is that before the herd, the international situation is uncertain, Franz is not sure Frederick can pocket.

Now the dust has settled, the era of fighting the world has ended, the Holy Roman Empire has become a great power, the personal ability of the monarch requirements have been substantially reduced.

As a giant, the Holy Roman Empire’s margin for error is still very high. As long as it doesn’t flounder, and goes on step by step, the hegemony can continue for at least a hundred years.

Franz’s age, Frederick’s age is not small, are fifty years old, have long passed the age of the love of tossing and turning.

What’s more, was Franz honed for more than twenty years, political sword and shadow, and all have seen, the edges have been smoothed out. As a master of the success, it is just right.

The abdication of the throne is not something that can be retired just by saying so, the transfer of power also needs a process.

Before that, Franz must also be some trouble to deal with, so as not to Frederick just succeeded the throne was messed up in the face.

For example: the division of the states.

Don’t look at the fact that Shinra now occupies so much territory that the central government can’t rule over it anymore, but there are still a large number of people who are against splitting it up.

Not everyone could see the colonial system collapsing, and in most people’s eyes, colonization was still the least troublesome way to go.

It was the way things had been done before, and there was no harm in continuing it.

This includes the previous process of African indigenization, which would never have passed if Franz hadn’t pushed it so hard.

People were against indigenization mainly because the cost of rule would go up dramatically and it would make it impossible to continue to plunder wealth with impunity.

However, indigenization was able to increase the power of the central government, and at the same time increase the political power of the feudal aristocracy, and the opposition was mainly from the capitalists, so it was not too difficult to implement.

The same cannot be said of the feudal states.

In essence, the biggest beneficiaries of the establishment of overseas states were still the royal family and overseas fiefdom nobles, followed by local immigrants.

To the central government, this would not be friendly. It may seem that the states are not separated from the empire, the meat is still in the pot.

However, the states had a great deal of autonomy, which directly divided the power of the central government and affected the interests of the bureaucratic groups.

When self-interests are involved, contention is inevitable. In the face of a strong Franz, even if these guys want to make trouble, they will think twice before doing so, in Frederick’s place, not necessarily.

The human nature of this thing can not stand the test, Franz does not think that every bureaucrat below, are loyal subjects filial son.

Many times the opposition, do not need to do anything specific, as long as you do not let you do things to do it. When it comes to the ability to drag their feet, all bureaucrats are equally professional.

In Franz’s view, ministerial power and monarchical power are both complementary and antagonistic at the same time.

No monarch likes a strong minister, and no minister likes a strong monarch.

An unscrupulous bit of thinking: if the emperor is so capable, what is the point of having ministers?
In Franz’s time, the emperor was too strong, even if people had ideas in their hearts, they could only hold them in their hearts.

With Frederick on the throne, it’s hard to say. A poorly handled, it will hurt the prestige of the monarch.

Nicholas II is a ready-made example of the opposite, the Vienna government bureaucrats may not be so bold, but the opportunity to engage in a downward spiral is still very likely.

If the new monarch succeeded to the throne, the first big thing to screw up, in the future do not expect to have a high prestige in front of the ministers.

In this regard, the ancient saying that “three years is as long as your father’s ways” is still very true.

“Doing more is more wrong, doing less is less wrong, and not doing less is not wrong.”

With a buffer period of three years, when the political situation is stabilized and the prestige of the monarch is enhanced, it will be much easier to do things again.

Throwing the daily political affairs to Frederick, Franz took the map of God’s land and drew circles. The feudalization is never an easy task, and the problems that need to be considered are also many and varied.

Not only to consider the politics, economy, strategy, but also to consider the local humanities, social background, as well as the personal ability and willingness of the recipient.

They are all family members, and Franz does not want to make a scene over this issue. It is impossible to level the playing field, and the feudal states are destined to be fat and thin.


With the end of the World War, Lisbon has once again regained its former prosperity, with only the crumbling buildings left behind to tell the world that it has just experienced a civil war.

There is no doubt that the Portuguese Republicans have been victimized by the revolutionaries. Because they were “revolted”, the Allied Forces were able to take care of them as well.

The reality is so comical that for a long time Carlos I was subjected to domestic interests and could not control the country according to his own will.

It was not expected that after a wave of exile and restoration, the interest groups suffered a heavy blow, and Carlos I, on the contrary, really grasped the power of the country.

“Reform”, once again, was on the agenda. Only this time, the object of emulation, no longer Britain and France, but once again on top of the Holy Roman Empire.

Before the official reform, the Portuguese government still has an important problem to solve.

Along with the end of the world wars, Africa had completely turned into the Africa of the Holy Roma. The Portuguese African colonies, all of a sudden, became awkward.

Being neighbors with an overlord was definitely not an easy task. The entire African continent was occupied by Shinra, who dared to guarantee that the Vienna government didn’t have thoughts about Portuguese Africa?
Even if it didn’t have thoughts now, it didn’t mean it didn’t have thoughts in the future. Once the Vienna government took an interest in Portuguese Africa, it would be a disaster for Portugal.

As a small country, to be able to establish a foothold in the European world, Portugal relies on the knowledge of the times.

Instead of waiting until the back to be robbed, it would be better to take the initiative to take it out in exchange for favors. Anyway, Portuguese Africa is not a good land, year after year in the loss.

Carlos I asked: “How is the talk, what price are the Austrians willing to pay?”

Reform is the need for money, although Portugal is the old colonial empire, but long has colonies are in the hands of interest groups, the government not only failed to make money from it, but instead, year after year to stick money in it.

If it was before, Carlos would be worried about the opposition of vested interests, now there is no need to worry about it, those people have already seen God in the previous restoration war.

The Allies did it so cleanly, and naturally there was no shortage of benefits to be exchanged. Just listen to the propaganda of the Revolutionary Party: the tyrant Carlos sold out the interests of the country and colluded with foreign powers to suppress the republican government ……

“Tyrant” is really an injustice. The performance of Carlos I was not related to “brutality” at all, but was simply a result of his own incapacity.

Selling out the interests of the country is even more bullshit, which king wants to sell the country, but not because of the strength of the weak, had to compromise with the outside world.

Now, for example, Carlos I’s positive behavior, it is difficult not to let people suspect that he and the Vienna government in the secret deal.

But everyone is smart, except for the leaky revolutionaries and republicans, everyone else chose to look the other way.

This is the helplessness of small countries, facing the world’s hegemon Portugal is really too weak. Sensei exists what deal, as long as an agreement is reached, it must be fulfilled.

“The Vienna government gave two options: one is for them to make a one-time contribution of 50 million Shendian to buy out our colonies in Africa; the other is to make a colonial swap.

On this issue, the Vienna government is still very sincere, and they took out three colonies for us to choose from.

They are: Annam in the Central South Peninsula, the eastern part of the former Persian Empire, and the southern frontier of the former Colombia in South America.

According to the information provided by the Vienna government, these three colonies all have their own advantages. Annam has the largest population and the best economic conditions.

The eastern part of Persia is connected with our colonies in India, while the southern Colombian frontier has the advantage of being the largest in size.”

It was obvious that Frank was very happy with the deal. Regardless of which trade proposal the king ultimately chose, this answer from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would be sufficient to account for it to the nation.

The crowd present in the heart of a shock, have secretly thought: actually is an equal deal, could it be that the previous mistake, Portuguese Africa is not in exchange for the Vienna government to support the restoration of the conditions?
Doubt to doubt, but this is a good thing. Since it is an equal deal, there is no fear of being criticized.

As a small country to be able to do this, it is already very difficult. If you want to take advantage of the situation, it’s better to wash your hands of it and really think that the world’s hegemon is a vegetarian.

As if he had expected it, he only saw Carlos I faintly smiling, “These several options are all acceptable, let’s leave it to the parliament to discuss, so as to save them from always complaining that we are dictatorial.”


Tokyo, ever since the news of the signing of the Vienna Accords, Japan has erupted into a powerful campaign of denunciation against the traitors of the country.

Again, the cession of land and reparations were intolerable to the fragile Japanese nationalists.

The delegation had not yet returned home, and this fire could only be taken up by the Japanese government first. In order to ease the domestic conflicts, the Japanese Government headed by Katsutaro was forced to take the blame and resign.

However, this was not enough. The angry patriotic youth put forward the demand of “not to cut an inch of land, not to compensate a round”.

It would have been fine if it was just a civil disobedience. Anyway, this was not the first or second time, and the Japanese government had a lot of experience in dealing with it.

Troublesome military also followed the uproar. The navy, not to mention, since the Malacca naval defeat, they have become Japan’s sinner, political simply do not have the part of their speech.

The biggest problem now was that the land forces overseas refused to retreat, wanted to defend Japan’s colonies to the death, and demanded that the government refuse to honor the Vienna Agreement.

International treaties are not child’s play. How can they be refused just because you say you won’t fulfill them?
The smoke in Tokyo Bay had only just cleared, and it was less than a month before the Shinra Navy had its bonfire banquet in Tokyo.

The people below could take it lightly, but as the top government officials, they couldn’t ignore the horrible consequences of refusing to honor the treaty.

Times are different now, the Russian Empire is deep in a civil war from which it cannot extricate itself, and the European world no longer needs Japan to hold Russia in check.

Pawns that have lost their value have become dispensable and are one step away from being “discarded”.

The previous bonfire in Tokyo was a warning to the government in Vienna that it would be dangerous if it did not comply.

For a while, the Japanese Senate was caught in a dilemma.

Push the book “I Chongzhen will never hang”, introduction: dignity, only in my sword blade above.
Truth, only within the range of my artillery.

(End of chapter)

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