Chapter 1182: The Emperor’s New Clothes

  Chapter 1159 – The Emperor’s New Clothes

The defeated country is good to deal with, anyway, in this fist is the truth of the times, not convinced to do another battle is.

There is no Britain as the leading brother, Japan and the United States, even if they want to make trouble, but also tossed out of the pattern.

The real need for the Vienna government to bother, or once a good ally – the Russian Empire.

This was the time, and that was the time. With the victory of the World War, the dragon slayer has taken over the role of the evil dragon.

The identity has changed, and naturally the position has changed with it. What was once an ally has now become a competitor.

Whether or not to lay a black hand on the Russian Empire and take the opportunity to get rid of it was a question worth examining.

The Russian civil war had already reached its climax, and with the support of European countries at all costs, the rebels were gaining momentum by the day, sweeping through half of the Russian Empire.

You can’t really blame the Tsarist government this time, even though their incompetence created the conditions for the rebels to grow bigger, the core reason was the enemy’s lack of martial virtues.

The Russian Revolutionary Party had not yet become a climate, although in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other major cities to launch a rebellion, but because of the lack of mass base, was quickly extinguished by the tsarist government.

It was now the independent organizations in various places that acted as the heavy burden of anti-Russianism. There was a mass base, but because of strong nationalism and regionalism, the influence of the independent organizations was mostly concentrated in a certain region.

The most representative of these organizations were the Polish, Bulgarian, Finnish, and Afghan partisan groups.

All of these organizations have one thing in common: their influence is limited to a single region, and they are unable to create an anti-Russian wave on a national scale.

After the outbreak of the anti-Russian war, these independent organizations, which did not belong to each other, were caught in the middle of their own battles. Under normal circumstances, it was only a matter of time before they were extinguished.

Unfortunately, now that an outside force had intervened, at first everyone knew the rules and merely secretly provided funds, weapons and equipment.

Along with the development of the situation on the battlefield, everyone’s investment was getting bigger and bigger, and in order to ensure the final victory, the modesty was inevitably lowered that much.

First sent volunteers to participate in the Russian civil war, but the pig teammates are really bad to bring, so we have no choice but to go on the “mercenary”.

What Swiss close guards, Prussian eagles, Hessian mercenaries, French roosters, the Angels, the Swedish Trojan horse …… but all the mercenary organizations that have a bit of a name in the international arena, have appeared on the battlefield.

According to incomplete statistics, the number of mercenaries active on the battlefields of Russia has exceeded one hundred thousand people.

Don’t ask why there are so many mercenaries in the war, the question is: international righteous people are not used to the brutal rule of the Russians, to free the various nationalities enslaved by the tsarist government.

What appeared to be a Russian civil war actually turned into a war between the Czarist government and the nations of Europe. With one against many, the Tsarist government was naturally going to be in tragedy.

With endless strikes, the rebels sweeping the world, and the bourgeoisie and the new aristocracy looking to seize power, the Tsar’s government was already in a difficult situation.

In the north, Finland had fallen completely, and the rebels were building fortifications on the Isthmus of Karelia and Lake Ladoga;
In the west, Polish and Lithuanian rebels had joined forces, and there were no longer any Czarist government flags on the Polish-German plains, and the war reached the Belarusian region;
In the south-central Caucasus, the smoke of wolves and Ukrainian partisans were everywhere, and the Russian Balkans were now the domain of the Bulgarian Independence Army, with only a single Constantinople remaining that belonged to the Tsarist government;

The Central Asian steppes had once again fallen to the tribes, and the Russians were no longer to be seen in Afghanistan;
The Siberian rebels and the Russians were killing each other, and for a while it was impossible to tell the difference between victory and defeat;

The Far East is mostly in the hands of the Japanese, and although a treaty has been signed, it is still unknown when it will be implemented.

From the current situation, the Vienna government just need to add another fire, the tsarist government is likely to be really cold.

Suppressing the Russian Empire was one thing, but killing the Tsarist government was another, two very different concepts.

What Franz wanted to do was: to preserve the Tsarist government as much as possible under the precondition of weakening the Russian Empire.

The specific plan was: to make Finland, Poland, Bulgaria, Ukraine, the Baltics, the Caucasus, Central Asia all independent, and ideally split up Siberia and the Far East as well.

Plans are plans, reality is reality. Even if the government of Vienna personally came down, Nicholas II could not accept such a humiliating condition.

The probability of compromise was even higher when the Tsarist government was replaced by a bourgeois government.

If we can’t reach an agreement, we’ll have to find a way to create a fait accompli. Then use time to force the Russians to slowly accept reality.

Looking at the map of Russia with small flags on the sand table, Franz asked with concern: “According to the current situation, is it possible for the rebels to capture St. Petersburg?”

Established facts are not so easy to create, the rebel active area, except for a few areas with dangers, most of the area is flat.

The rebels seem to be in a strong position now, and once the Tsarist government has slowed down, the situation will soon be reversed.

For example: the return of the main Russian army in India and the lifting of the Union blockade against Russia. The contrast in power between the two sides would be topsy-turvy in an instant.

Even with the support of the European countries, the rebels would hardly be able to fuck the Tsarist government. In addition to a few areas can rely on the natural dangers to support one or two, most of the region is difficult to escape the clutches of the Russians.

In any case, nominally the Russians were allies, and it was impossible for the government in Vienna to keep holding back the Russian troops on the Indian front, much less impose a prolonged material blockade on Russia.

With the end of the World War, these two realities could no longer be delayed. If one wanted to dismember the Russian Empire, the only way to do it was to do it before the main Russian army returned home.

Human nature is complex, and although the Tsarist government has experienced a lot of social venom in recent decades, it has also achieved a number of glorious victories, and its heart is in the right place.

The only way to get them to accept reality was to first knock off the Russian arrogance. There is no simpler way to do this, other than a brutal and sustained war, than to let the rebels capture St. Petersburg.

Once the regime was subverted, the first question before the tsar and nobles was not to preserve the unity of the country, but to find a way to restore it.

At that time, no matter how much pride there was, in order to accomplish the restoration, they would find their own reasons to temporarily compromise and leave the problem to be solved in the future.

In the past, there was naturally no problem with playing this way. Just put the country in the hands of the rebels for the time being, and then complete the unification of the country when they were strong.

But at this windy juncture in the early 20th century, which coincided with the burgeoning of nationalism, once the country’s independence was accomplished, the people could no longer tolerate continued enslavement.

Prime Minister Chandler: “The Russian rebels were now so powerful, largely on the backs of their own people, that the fighting power of the insurgents would be greatly reduced away from the gathering areas.

Although some have helped the rebels improve the organizational structure of their government, it is limited to a single region. The rebels in each region remained separate and had no way to unite against the Tsarist government.

Because of the distance, if the rebels wanted to attack St. Petersburg, the only ones who could really fight were the insurgents in Finland, Poland, and Lithuania.

On the battlefield in Eastern Europe, the government forces and the rebels had essentially reached a stalemate, and it was difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat for a while.

Unless an elite force joins in and breaks the current stalemate on the battlefield, there is no hope at all of conquering St. Petersburg.”

An elite force, naturally, could only be selflessly sponsored by the backers behind the scenes. As the number of participants in the battle grew, the name of mercenaries was no longer good enough.

One hundred thousand mercenaries is already an exaggeration, almost all of the world’s mercenary organizations have “been” involved in the war, more history books will not be written.

Any more and everyone will know that the European countries intervened in the Russian civil war. We all want to face, secretly to do things can be, take to the stage to say is embarrassing.

The Russian Revolutionary Party is to be blamed for the failure of the uprising, even after taking a large amount of aid.

If the Revolutionary Party could start a revolutionary wave in St. Petersburg or Moscow, there would be no trouble at all.

“Who knows? You know that as early as 1848, the French organized volunteer armies to prepare to support the Polish independence movement.

Although it was finally canceled for various reasons, this spirit of internationalism is still worth recognizing.

Recently, the anti-Russian movement in France has been on the rise, and countless French people want to welcome back their compatriots who were robbed and enslaved by the Russians, and it is said that a volunteer army has already been organized.

Despite the fact that some Frenchmen have made a big mistake before, we have no reason to stop them from rescuing their own compatriots and supporting the Russian national independence movement.

It may be that at some point the French volunteer army, kills its way to the Russian Empire and contributes to the cause of human liberation.”

It was evident from Frederick’s exaggerated tone that he now wished so desperately to see the Russians fall into bad luck that he did not even want modesty.

Interfering in the civil war of an ally and attempting to split an ally are things that are not to be seen in the light of day, and naturally the government of Vienna could not do them.

In this context, the backstabber is very important. Although everyone knows that this is the “emperor’s new clothes”, but the game must be played.

As for the existence or otherwise of the French Volunteers, it is no longer important, the key depends on whether the Vienna government now need their existence.

Only Franz smiled slightly, apparently satisfied with his son’s ability to adapt. Times were different nowadays, the Shinra of the World Hegemony and the Shinra of the European Hegemony were two different concepts.

The European Hegemon’s Shinra still had competitors, and the Vienna government had to unite more allies and not be too overbearing in political diplomacy.

World hegemony of the god Luo is different, behavior a little out of the ordinary is appropriate, did not directly tear down the Russian-Australian alliance, that is even if there is a sense of propriety.

Even though some people were dissatisfied in their hearts, they could only hold it in now. Being able to launch a backstabber is already giving face to the Russians.

Otherwise, now personally intervene in the internal affairs of Russia, the tsarist government can only passively accept the reality, do not even think someone out to do justice.

After a little thought, Franz slowly said: “Frederick, in the future the things of the Russian Empire, you will be responsible for presiding over, the cabinet is responsible for cooperation.

Not only these, the next aftermath, you also gave a takeover together. If there are no surprises, I am prepared to abdicate at the end of the year.”

“Abdication”, this was undoubtedly a thunderbolt. If word got out, it would cause a major earthquake in the world’s political arena.

Frederick, as the person involved, was directly confused. Despite being the crown prince for fifty years, Franz’s health has always been very good, and he has never even thought about succeeding to the throne now.

On this issue, ancient and modern times are the same, rarely heard of an emperor himself to retire. But all those who abdicated early were almost always forced to do so.

Franz’s current situation was obviously different, having just led Shen Luo to defeat the British Empire and seize the position of world hegemony, he was at the peak of his life, and no one could force him at all.

Looking at the crowd that was in a state of confusion, Franz continued to add, “Don’t make a fuss, I’m just feeling tired. Want to go out and take a good look at the world while my body is still able to move.”

It was fine if he didn’t explain, but once he did, the crowd became even more confused. It was really difficult for everyone to connect “going out to see the world” and “abdication” together.

(End of chapter)

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