Chapter 1180: Politics is also a human condition

  Chapter 1157: Politics is also a human condition
Washington, the same Christmas different feelings. The impact of this war on the United States is relatively small, in addition to the import and export trade slightly affected, in general the United States is still a peaceful world.

However, this was only superficial. The political mistake of taking sides dealt a fatal blow to the United States.

Washington has repeatedly applied to the Continental Union to withdraw from this war, unfortunately the Continental Union has been slow to respond.

Those who are familiar with politics know that they are not afraid of the enemy’s big appetite, but are afraid of being ignored by the enemy. With a big appetite, there is still room for negotiation; being ignored, even if you want to talk, there is no way to start.

Along with the surrender of the British Empire, the last glimmer of hope for the United States to struggle was tossed away.

The strength of the United States is the greatest in the Americas, but compared to the Continental Union, it is a small pea.

While the people were still celebrating Christmas, unaware of the approaching crisis, the White House was at a loss.

“The government of Vienna to give a response?”

President Theodore Roosevelt asked expectantly.

Secretary of State Pieter Niedermayer: “The response from the Foreign Ministry of the Holy Roman Empire was to tell us to wait for a follow-up announcement and that all issues would be resolved at the Vienna Peace Conference.

Judging from the current situation, we are afraid that we are going to have a hard time this time. The main reason is that the British surrendered too quickly for us to react.”

There is no doubt that “the British surrendered too quickly” is only an excuse. The real reason why the United States is being worn out is that its own development potential is too great.

Of course, the fact that the United States had organized a coalition army in the Americas to besiege Austrian Central America was also one of the reasons why they were given special attention.

Now the British Empire has declined, but the accumulated heritage is still quite a lot, the overall strength of industry is second only to Shinra, and in certain subdivided fields is still at the top level of the world.

Just like the Soviet Union after the collapse, whoever inherits the legacy of the Soviet Union is a military power second only to the United States.

The United States is too closely linked to the British, or rather the capitals of the two countries are too closely linked. After the war, British capital was bound to leave the homeland in search of a more suitable living space.

Although the European continent is close, but the capital power of the European world itself is not weak, there are more powerful aristocrats constraints, obviously not suitable for them these over the river dragon.

If you look around the world, there are not many countries that can accommodate the transfer of British capital. Considering the racial factor, the only countries that could really accommodate British capital were the United States, the Union State, and Brazil.

As for Argentina, Chile and Venezuela, their populations were too small to accommodate much capital.

A deeper study reveals that Brazil was impossible. Not only is the population limited, but there are also a lot of internal conflicts, and a revolution could break out at any time, so the uncertainty is too high.

Although the situation in the Union State is slightly better, but they are playing with the plantation economy, leaving not enough space for capital to operate.

The United States is the best choice, whether it is the population size, resources, or social background, all suitable for the development of capital.

If there is no external intervention, the first choice of British capital after withdrawing from the mainland is the United States.

Once the capitalists were allowed to transfer their capital and technology to the United States, it would be another rising power, which would be very unfavorable to Shinra’s global layout.

Intercepting individual capitalists would require too much effort and would be impossible to prevent. In contrast, it would be much simpler to directly target the United States.

As the saying goes, the authorities are obsessed, and the Americans, who are deeply involved, have not thought about that much at all. After all, these days the United States of America’s strength is limited, there are still a lot of internal contradictions, it is really not worth the hegemony of the country to be afraid of.

“Next we have to change our strategy, not only do we have to lobby the Vienna government, but our public relations to other countries must also follow.”

Unable to figure out the reason for being specifically targeted, Theodore Roosevelt had no choice but to take the dead horse and increase the scope of public relations.

It was destined to be an uneventful Christmas, and almost all the dignitaries of the member states of the Oceanic League were worried about the future of their countries.

Even those who had jumped ship in time were not exempt. “Two-fifty”, not welcome anywhere.

Just because the Vienna government accepted everyone’s defection during the war because of practical necessity does not mean that everyone will be able to enjoy the treatment of an ally.

Just take a look at the ongoing conference on the division of the spoils in Vienna, which was attended by countries that had joined the Continental Union at an early stage, and none of the later ones.

Neutral countries that joined the alliance in the middle of the day were fine, although they didn’t contribute much to the war, but their political stance finally caught up with them.

The countries that jumped ship at a later stage were a different story, with the label of “second fiddle” on their heads, they were destined to be untrustworthy.

Especially the unlucky few who participated in the war, not only have to pay for the losses, but also in the future will not be “special care”.

No matter what they do now, they can’t make up for the political mistakes they made in the early days. Even in order to consolidate the internal relations of the alliance, the Vienna government must also “differentiate” between countries.

Follow the mix, have meat to eat; watch the fun, share the meat when also continue to watch the fun; stand on the wrong side of the timely reversal, to pay the price; dead to the end, is the meat on the plate.


Time rushes by, and the day of the Vienna Peace Conference is getting closer and closer. Delegations from various countries have arrived in Vienna, and public opinion has been ignited.

Facing the media interviews, the representatives of the victorious countries were in high spirits and the representatives of the defeated countries were downcast, totally two very different landscapes.

Even comic publications, which have nothing to do with politics, came out to join in the fun and produced a series of satirical stories.

For example: the Knights and Robbers series, Pirate’s Doom, Animal World Mayhem ……

Related literary works are even more, all over Europe’s literati are in the pen, with extreme exaggeration to write the great war.

And the anti-war thinking after the World War in the original time and space is completely two opposing styles. It can only be said that it didn’t hurt everyone, and other than the British who licked their wounds, the rest of the European populace didn’t feel very much.

The casualties were heavy, and that was the number on paper, not even catching up with the war against France. Except for the British bombs, which killed a few unlucky people, the European populace could not feel the war approaching.

The bloodiest wars were fought in the Far East, the South Asian subcontinent, and Africa, and there was nothing in Europe.

Although the Continental Union also lost nearly a million men, these losses were shared by more than twenty countries, with Russia alone contributing most of them.

The casualties were small, the results of the war were plentiful, and the feelings of everyone were naturally different.

Although there is a lack of classics, but compared with the tragedy created by the classics, it is obvious that the reality of happiness is still more important.

The eyes of the world are focused on the Vienna Peace Conference, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building instantly became a traffic jam, every day to visit the people that is endless.

When it comes to national interests, favors and pulling strings are obviously not enough, but who wouldn’t want to have a better relationship with the boss?
After all, this world is a humane society, when it does not involve their own national interests, the impression of perception is very important.

Shen Luo was now the world’s hegemon, and even just helping out with a word could solve problems in many cases.

If not for the God Luo anti-corruption counter too strong, it is estimated that the Vienna government senior have a count, all of them earn a lot of money.

The risk of giving gifts to officials is too great, a big hat of corrupting Shinra government officials buckle down, then it’s all over.

Can not give gifts to the minister, then find ways to give gifts to the emperor. In recent times, Franz received gifts received soft.

Not that he wants to receive gifts, it is really the gift giving is too thievish. In order to send a gift around the relationship, but also the European royal family is a family, can always be related to relatives.

In the name of strengthening the ties between relatives, do not accept that is not to give face, will hurt each other’s face.

Theoretically, this belongs to the normal exchanges between the royal family, according to the tradition of courtesy, the future is the need to return.

In a different way, it becomes a normal courtesy exchange, and still really need to return the kind.

If just succeeded to the throne pocket poor, need funds turnover time, for this kind of gift to the door, Franz naturally will not refuse.

Now is not the same, the pocket is not bad money, receiving gifts is receiving trouble. Not only to appreciate, in the future, but also to prepare the value of the gift to send back.

Only in the hands of a circle, the last hair did not get, spread out the social impact is not good.

The more he thinks about Franz, the more he feels wrong, sending gifts to pull the relationship is only the second, clearly is the royal family of each country is taking advantage of the opportunity to reap the benefits.

Nominally in the name of the royal family of each country to send gifts, but the expenses are the governments of each country out of pocket, lending his hand on the circle, the future is back in the hands of the royal family of each country, it becomes a legitimate income.

Insight into the truth, Franz still can only obediently accept. It can only be said that the emperor can not escape the human relationship.

Europe’s many royal families, not every family is rich, there are also in debt.

Mainly from the European world of private property and national property is very clear, the country’s money is not equal to the king’s money, and vice versa, the king’s money and the government has nothing to do.

The king could dispose of and use the money of the treasury, only he could not kick it into his own pocket. Apart from the normal annuities, it is left to his own family to run the business.

If it is a large country is good, the annuity income is not expensive, as long as the population is not too much, will be able to maintain the normal expenses of the royal family. A little bit of financial acumen, a small life will be able to live a very nourishing.

Small countries are different, the government revenue is originally small, the king’s annuity is naturally not high enough to maintain the monarch of the row.

However, the monarch’s face can not be lost, no one cares how to live in the background, but the face of decency must be maintained.

The annuity is not enough, then you can only think of ways to fill the hole. If you are a good businessman, it’s just a matter of time, but if you don’t know how to run a business, it’s a tragedy.

As far as Franz knew, there were seven or eight royal families in debt. It’s not that they are profligate, it’s just bad luck.

For example, in the Italian states, except for the Pope, who was not poor, the other monarchs were very poor.

This is the pot of the French, in the war everyone lost the manor land, and because of the restoration, depleted the accumulated family money, some even owe a debt.

As to why Franz was so clear, naturally: as a debtor, it was hard not to be clear.

The Royal Bank had already given them extensions and extensions, and if it had been on the heads of ordinary people, they would have been liquidated in bankruptcy.

In order to make money, these royal families have become the center of the fashion world. Luckily, they still knew how to respect their own identity and didn’t become the face of luxury goods.

No one’s modesty is much higher, this kind of opportunity to get rich in name only, as long as there is the first family to take the lead, there will naturally be others to follow the trend.

Anyway, if you give away more, you will recover more in the future, so you can’t even think of not being generous. In the post-war period, when the distribution of benefits is at a critical juncture, governments can only accept it, no matter how reluctant they are.

You can’t give away everything but you, right?

Don’t see, there are still a bunch of people who want to send gifts but can’t send them out, one or two of them are almost red-eyed.

Politics is also a human condition, as the leader of the monarch world, Franz can’t hinder everyone from getting rich.

The foundation of a long-term interest group is the good of all. It’s just a favor, so if you can help, you should naturally do so.

If one examined it carefully, one would realize that the person who was able to appear on the gift list was clearly the protagonist of this spoils sharing meeting.

I do not know how the later generations will evaluate, anyway, Franz knows, through an unseen deal, the relationship between God Luo and the European countries became more and more intimate.

In fact, this was only a small episode before the Vienna Peace Conference. There were many, many more deals of interest that went on and on.

Before the conference even opened, the Vienna government had signed over a hundred commercial orders, of which arms orders alone accounted for half.

All the transactions have been completed beforehand, and when the Vienna Peace Conference opens, there will not be much left to do.

In addition to the defeated countries are still selling misery, praying for sympathy, the continental union in addition to the Russians strongly dissatisfied, basically a harmony.

Will a good international conference, hard to play into the human feelings, insider trading, Franz himself amazed.

But the reality is so, the Holy Roman Empire is a dominant one, as the second oldest Russian Empire is not only isolated by the countries, but also busy fighting a civil war, there is no energy to tie the thorns.

Further back as the oldest three Spain, the strength is really too weak, not to mention and God Luo wrist, can maintain the status of the empty shelf powers is good.

Looking around the world a can fight are not, a little bit of strength of Britain, is still a defeated country.

In the pattern of one dominant, as long as the Vienna government is willing to, completely can turn the peace conference into their own hall.

It is estimated that many countries are now regretting that they should not have been fooled during the Anti-French War, so that they let Shinra get bigger.

Regrettably, there is no medicine for regret in this world, the Holy Roman Empire has become a great power, and only one family is left to make the rules, so everyone can only follow the back of the mix.

Regret, it is estimated that many countries are still secretly thankful: the Vienna government, as always, pay attention to eat, otherwise the days would not be able to live.

(End of chapter)

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