Chapter 118: Enthronement

  Chapter 117: Enthronement

Time rushed by, and it was the end of August, and as Franz’s enthronement ceremony approached, Vienna became lively.

The laughter washed away the shadow brought by the March rebellion.

The government’s wartime economic system played a great role in restoring the economy, and Austria had already shaken off the effects of the economic crisis.

A large number of state-owned enterprises were born, and with the implementation of the Labor Protection Act, the working class got a reprieve, and everyone was better off.

Thanks to the positive publicity of the newspapers for a long time, Franz’s popularity among the people was still very good, and the people were very much looking forward to him as a young monarch.

The face of the Habsburgs was still big enough, and all the major European nobles sent their heavyweights to attend the ceremony, and for a time Vienna was a gathering of power and nobility.

Franz finally realized what is the lower half of the Fortress family, which really relatives all over the European continent, the messy relationship is stroked out.

Good thing that Europe does not count much generation, or Franz will be dumbfounded, because from a different point of view, the relationship between relatives is not the same, it is possible that a person at the same time is your: the second great-grandfather, the third granduncle, little nephews, cousins ……

This is still because the situation on the European continent is unstable, many aristocrats stay at home to preside over the results, otherwise Vienna will be more lively.

Capitalists must be grateful to Franz, his this enthronement ceremony, directly let Vienna’s commercial prosperity up a notch.

These guests who came to participate in the ceremony, are a bunch of big shots, go out how to bring a few juniors, now Vienna suddenly increased tens of thousands of purchasing power of strong quality customers, business want not to be prosperous can not be.

September 1, this monumental day, God is very facetious, seems to be favoring his faithful believers.

Today, the sky in Vienna is extraordinarily high, the air is extraordinarily cool, and the wind is extraordinarily soft. There was no summer heat, nor was there a winter chill, and the earth was green and full of color.

On this windy and beautiful day, Franz ascended to the throne of the Austrian Emperor in Hofburg, and a new page in Austrian history was opened.

This sacred ceremony of the throne how to do, Franz do not want to evaluate, he now has only one feeling – tired.

First of all, like a puppet general walked through the process of enthronement, followed by the reception of a group of distinguished guests, make him exhausted.

In the evening, after returning to his bedroom, Franz only felt a sense of emptiness hit him. The magnificent Vienna Palace, as if it could not make him feel a trace of warmth.

The emperor is destined to be lonely, a great emperor must abandon unnecessary emotions, emotions are also part of the political system.

Emperors are lonely in their emotions, in their political thinking, in their decision-making and reform, and they have honed a hard heart and a tolerant temperament in their loneliness.

Continental Europe is a little better, the internal tilt of the royal family is not so serious. Under normal circumstances, there is no need to worry about siblings plotting to usurp power, which is considered the only good news.

Franz’s luck is good, there are two brothers and a sister below, the one who died early is not to be considered, before he crossed the line he met God, naturally talk about what feelings, the remaining siblings have a very good relationship.

In the spirit of the younger brother is used to pit, this is not Massimiliano and Karl Ludwig two teenagers were Franz pushed out to meet the guests, which is also the responsibility of the royal family members.

The last sister was even, Franz did not want to ask for trouble yet. Princess Ludwig Viktor was just six years old, a lively and active age, and pranks were one of her hobbies.

Franz, like his father Archduke Karl, loved this porcelain doll-like sister and indulged her, which caused Mrs. Sophie, who was bent on raising her into a qualified princess, a headache.

Looking at the extra gifts in the room, Franz’s cold heart melted, opened the exquisite gift box, which contained a fat little clay figure.

On the clay man’s head was something that could be a hat or a crown, who knows?

Picking up the small note next to it and looking at the contents, Franz was quite overwhelmed with tears and laughter. According to the letter, the clay man was the image of Franz towering over his sister.

Mudman pinched fat even so, inferior products can not ask for too much, this missing an arm what is the matter? Is this older brother of his a cripple?

Franz can only throw this pot to the Renaissance, after the European Renaissance, many statues in Europe are missing arms and legs, the beauty of the name is defective beauty.

This does not teach the next generation, the mutilation is the beauty, so this piece of Princess Ludwig Victor’s work, can not be an exception.

After resolving to correct this wrong aesthetic of the people, Franz had already laid down on the bed and quickly went to sleep. There was work to be done to-morrow, and it was not yet time for the young man to enjoy himself.


The next day, Franz got up early in the morning as usual, it can be seen that he is in a good mood, strolling in the Vienna Palace, by the way instead of today’s training.

As one of the three most recognized palaces in Europe, the Vienna Palace is still very beautiful. As far as the eye can see are dazzling enameled window panes, and lifelike marble reliefs, like Rodin’s hand, like Michel’s soul, like Leonardo da Vinci’s aura, like Raphael’s sprightly ……

“Your Majesty, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet Ministers seek an audience.”

The maid Jenny’s clear voice, rang in Franz’s ears, he is still a little not very adaptable, before yesterday he was still his highness, now it has become your majesty.

This discomfort flickered away as Franz answered, “Invite them over!”

Prime Minister Felix brought his cabinet to his door early in the morning, there was obviously something big going on, otherwise they wouldn’t have been so adventurous.

“All sit down, Jenny asked the kitchen to prepare more breakfast.”

Franz knew that everyone came so early, most of them came hungry, as a good leader, he naturally had to care about his subordinates.

“Say, what happened that you guys rushed over in such a hurry?” Franz asked

In order for the enthronement ceremony to go smoothly, the Austrian government are implementing a steady policy, it can be said that the country is in peace and there will be no major events.

Prime Minister Felix replied with a grim face, “Your Majesty, our covert investigation into the church’s assets is about to be exposed, a relevant document in the cabinet was stolen yesterday and is now nowhere to be found.”

Hearing this news, Franz’s good mood was instantly gone. This news was leaked at a bad time, the church was deeply entrenched, and inventorying their assets could not be accomplished overnight.

It’s not like suppressing insurgents, you can just arrest people and plagiarize their families, for these people in the church, the Austrian government can’t be so rough.

Franz just want their money, life even, the people also need spiritual support, can not be killed with a stick.

After the news had been leaked, it would be difficult to investigate slowly. There are many ways to transfer and hide property, so that these people reacted, cleaned up the head and tail, the Austrian government will not be able to get much in the end.

Franz thought about it and said: “Then let’s move ahead, anyway, we don’t expect to drain the church’s oil and water, confiscate their illegal property and get it back.

Other things are good to hide, the church’s land can’t be hidden, right?

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs talks to His Holiness the Pope and gets him to issue an order for the churches in the Austrian region to sell all their land to the government, with the money serving as military expenses to save the Papal States.”

The opportunity is rare, now that Pius IX has been driven into exile by the revolutionaries. Franz, who was crowned just yesterday, happens to be in Vienna now. A naked exchange of benefits, there was no fear that he would refuse.

As for the interests of the Austrian Church being jeopardized, what business is it of the Pope?

The papal state is the foundation of Pius IX, the interests of the Austrian Church is damaged, the biggest loss is still a group of local bishops, in order to recapture the papal state to pay a small price is nothing.

“Yes, Your Majesty!” Metternich replied

Using the Pope against the Church was the best way, as long as there was a name in the greater good, the Austrian government could easily force these bishops to compromise.

The Austrian government wanted the church’s property, it wasn’t like they were going to touch their personal property, it wasn’t enough to make them fight for their lives.

Just suppressed the domestic rebellion, many places in Austria are killing heads roll, the nobles of the government’s are in awe, it is the best opportunity to start.

“Your Majesty, why don’t we call the bishops from all over the world to come to Vienna for a meeting in the name of the Pope, announce this decision to them, and whoever opposes it let Pius IX depose him as bishop.” Prime Minister Felix suggested.

Obviously, the Pope is not so high and mighty in times of declining ecclesiastical power. Prime Minister Felix didn’t take Pius IX seriously at all, if Austria was willing, even a new pope wouldn’t be too difficult.

Now the Austrian government gave Pius IX respect, that was because we had cooperated quite happily before, as a Catholic country to respect the pope just a little.

After listening to Felix’s words, the “Hongmen Banquet” instantly appeared in Franz’s mind, the bishop is not hereditary, the Holy See has the right to remove the bishop.

The Holy See has the right to remove bishops, even though most of the bishop’s appointments and removals are decided by the local churches, and the Holy See is just going through the motions.

Now that the Austrian government needed it, then that right could be returned to the Pope again in a short time.

Those who obey me will prosper, those who oppose me will perish.

Anyone who is smart knows that once they are deposed as bishops, their rotten affairs will be raked over the coals by the Austrian government in the shortest possible time, and the only result awaiting them is one word – death.

“Okay, let’s do it!”

Franz nodded and said, why get so bloody when you can solve the problem with civilized people?

The Church had a long history of greed and corruption, and he, a pseudo-Catholic, had no intention of cleaning up after God.

Thank you for your support, although the subscription did not meet expectations, Hai Yue continued to try to write!

The results are not good, that is sea and moon level is not enough to attract more readers, the back will work harder. Today received a lot of book reward, sea month really grateful, this is since the beginning of the industry received the most reward of the day.

More than five o’clock Feifei, River God 0008, Otsutsuki Moon’s 10,000 bounty, the back of the sea moon will be added, now owes a total of 17 chapters.

(The end of this chapter)

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