Chapter 1175: Surrender?

  Chapter 1152: Surrender?
Theory to theory, reality to reality. It seemed like the engagement was completed and the crisis was over, but everyone still had no bottom.

Verbal promises are inherently illusory, especially when there are no specifics and ambiguous promises, then there is even less assurance.

Yamagata Arimoto: “Ito-kun, the Vienna government still hasn’t agreed to our withdrawal from the war, and now it’s only a temporary truce, not even a formal negotiation.

It is important to realize that Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and other countries have all signed armistice agreements with the Continental Union. Although the price to be paid has not yet been determined, the countries have indeed withdrawn from the war.

Only the British Empire, the United States of America, and our three countries are still at war with the Continental Union.

The dust is slow to settle, and no one knows what the Vienna government is thinking, what if they turn their backs on us?”

This fear was not unwarranted; although the Vienna government had a good reputation, the Japanese government had not made any substantial agreement with them.

The Vienna Government had only hinted at this by requesting the Japanese Government to “demonstrate its sincerity,” but had not explicitly stated it, including the fight against the Russians.

Whether it was a “show of good faith” or not depended on the mood of the Vienna Government. If the Vienna Government changed its mind, the Japanese Government could not do anything about it.

Ito Hirobumi: “Yamagata-kun, things are not that bad. The British Empire is down, and the Holy Roman Empire is full.

With so many colonies, it always takes time to digest them. According to the intelligence coming from Europe, the Vienna government even plans to abandon India.

In the case of absolute superiority, give up the most affluent India, surely not only to pull in allies, the greater possibility is still the core of the strategy.

The same as the colonial empire, the colonial policy adopted by the Vienna government was undoubtedly more focused on the long term. The opening of colonies also mostly chose areas with relatively small populations and rich resources, and seldom touched densely populated areas.

This strategy proved to be very successful indeed. Not only did it avoid the competition with the great powers at the early stage of colonization, but in the process of colonial operation, the colonies of Shenla also had the least problems.

With a successful case in place, it was fine to follow the same formula and copy it, there was no need to change it at all.

Not only are we densely populated, economically backward, and resource-poor, we also have volcanoes that erupt from time to time, and have no strategic value, so we’re not even worth the Vienna government’s eyes.

Against this backdrop, as long as we don’t kill ourselves, there won’t be any major problems.”

It’s sad to think that “economically backward, resource-poor, and volcano-frequent” has become a plus.

But in the face of survival, none of this is worth mentioning. Like the sea spider, as long as I have no value, I am not afraid of being spied on.

The main reason for Japan’s acceptance of reality is that it has been hit hard enough since the Meiji Restoration.

The daily ravages of the Great Powers are just that, a little problem is not worth getting upset about. As long as core interests are not involved, they can be tolerated.

The biggest blow to confidence is still the strategic obstruction, first of all, the southern invasion of the Philippines, was driven back by the Great Powers; not easy to drum up the courage to launch a war against Russia, and then catch up with the World War.

The camp of the great powers divided, passive Japan, unfortunately with the wrong boss, buried the hard-earned naval base.

Watching the ocean alliance fall apart, but can not do anything about it, the Japanese government’s heart expectation is naturally a drop again and again.

Even the ultra-nationalists were not as arrogant as in the original time and space. “Conquest of East Asia, world domination”, or wash the sleep, fall asleep, everything is realized.

In the face of the complex situation, the Japanese government deliberated and finally came up with the most helpless strategy – playing the grandson.


The Japanese government’s choice, no one has paid attention to, now the world’s attention is focused on the British Isles.

Negotiations are negotiations, and the war is still going on. The two big rogues are both kings of playing international politics, and there is no possibility of trying to stall by negotiating.

Until one side is defeated, or a truce is reached, the Continental Union’s offense against Britain will only intensify and not weaken.

Unlike the beginning of the war, countries were dragged to the battlefield by the government of Vienna, now the situation is clear to beat the dog, everyone is grabbing on.

The most striking thing was the Indian battlefield, where the situation was changing from day to day. The British colonial government was incapable of defending India, not to mention the even worse Congress Party.

Those who don’t know it think it is an Indian independence organization, but in fact the founders of the Congress Party are retired British-Indian officials, and its political advocacy is now limited to the implementation of representative government.

The Congress Party is now limited to the implementation of a representative system of government. It has been independent since the Second World War, but it is still a good boy, rallying around the colonial government of British India and defending the colonial rule of the British Empire.

Even if India became independent after World War II, it was also forced by the international situation, the decline of Britain could not defeat the United States and the Soviet Union was forced to make compromises.

The role of the Congress Party was to protest, demonstrate, communicate, compromise and then take over power. The most famous outbreak of resistance was Gandhi’s “non-violent non-cooperation movement”.

Without the support of international public opinion, the Non-Violent Non-Cooperation Movement was a joke.

Now the Continental Union represents the international community, and more than 80 percent of the world’s countries are part of the Union. It is self-evident who international public opinion will support.

As the attacking side, the Continental Army never expected the Indians to cooperate.

This time to play “nonviolent non-cooperation movement”, “hunger strike movement”, I think the alliance senior management may not even know what happened, let alone compromise.

In any case, India’s population is large enough that a few million or so is just a drop in the bucket, so it doesn’t matter at all.

“Resisting by force”, that’s just too much of a hardship. If we had let everyone become independent earlier, we might have been able to fight the Union Army.

Now, just after the announcement of granting independence, the Allied Forces are coming to kill us, how can this embarrass the newborn Indian government?
They hadn’t even completed the transfer of power, let alone organized effective resistance. Apart from the additional name of independence, the resistance was still the colonial army.

Had it been a different country with strong nationalism, it’s possible that it would have been able to explode to its amazing potential, spurred on by independence.

Unfortunately, India clearly does not have such conditions. If nationalism was strong, Britain would not have been able to colonize India.

Unless we can emancipate our minds and break the caste system, we will not be able to organize an effective resistance due to the submissive nature of the people.

London’s decision-making based on past experience not only failed to stimulate the Indian people’s sense of resistance, but also brought greater chaos to India.

The Congress Party, which had just taken over some of the power, was clearly incapable of unifying the country without the constraints of the British bureaucrats.

If it had been a peaceful time, it would have taken its time to grow up, but the present situation was clearly unsuitable, and the result of its hasty intervention was that local powers fell into the hands of Brahmins and Kshatriyas.

This is not all, thanks to Britain in the past in India constantly digging holes, deliberately create a lot of racial and religious conflicts, but also to make the nascent Indian government worse.

In this series of factors together, the situation in India is naturally a plunge. If nothing else, India will change hands before Christmas.

Without India there would be no British Empire, and this was the consensus of the whole world. Seeing the fall of India, the British Isles on the main war faction completely extinguished the fire.

India is gone, where next?
The Holy Roman Empire has become a great power, and the countries of the world are scrambling to serve as its wings, so whether it is to attack Australia and New Zealand, or to seize Canada, it is not a difficult task.

Without overseas colonies, how long can the British Isles alone hold out, no one has any idea.

In this cruel world, there are fewer people who send charcoal in the snow and more people who throw stones in the well. Britain likes to make trouble all over the place and has enemies all over the world.

With the war becoming clearer and clearer, the countries of the world have drawn a clear line with Britain and joined the blockade team.

The only way to get supplies is through black market smuggling. Even this only channel is not smooth.

It’s not that the capitalists aren’t giving it a go, it’s just that the risks involved are too great. Governments have been sternly warned by the Continental Union that if they do business with the British at this time, they will be regarded as accomplices of Britannia.

In order to avoid suspicion, countries had to put out twelve points of strength to suppress smuggling, so as not to be affected by the fish.

Overseas trade lines are cut off, if there is no more colonial supplies to replenish, how can Britain go to war?

Other things aside, food alone is a big problem. With this year’s productivity, the food produced by the British Isles, simply can not afford to feed the 40 million people on the island.

Iron will, but also can not resist the belly hungry. Once the reserve grain is exhausted, is the British Empire collapse time.

Home Secretary Azevedo: “As early as three months ago, we implemented a rationing system for supplies, but it is still a drop in the bucket compared to the predicament we are currently facing.

The war has been going on for almost a year now, and domestic reserves are being depleted very quickly. Food, in particular, will be able to last another two months at most.

If there are no supplies to replenish, we will have a hard time this Christmas.

Public opinion, too, is very unfavorable to us. The anti-war wave has resounded through the British Isles, and it’s time to think about ending the war.”

“Ending the war” is not the first time it has been mentioned. As early as six months ago, there were calls for an end to this misguided war.

At that time, the London government and the Vienna government had a secret talk, but unfortunately, the two sides were too big in installments, and the Vienna government not only wanted hegemony, but also demanded that Britain give up one-third of its colonies, which ultimately ended fruitlessly.

When the situation collapsed two months ago and anti-war voices rose, the two sides once again held secret talks.

The last time the Vienna government proposed the armistice conditions, Britain was able to accept, but unfortunately the Vienna government’s appetite has become bigger.

Not only limited to the colonies, and even hit on the idea of splitting the British Isles. Of course, there is still room for negotiation.

However, when it comes to the mainland, the British government simply does not dare to agree. If it really accepted the Vienna government’s condition to split up the British Isles, I am afraid that the angry people would be able to start a revolution.

Now that the situation has completely collapsed, restarting negotiations can no longer be considered a negotiation. Britain’s capital has been lost, and the strength of the two sides has been completely unbalanced.

Foreign Minister Adam shrugged: ”Your Excellency, when to end the war, the initiative is no longer in the hands of the Empire. To end the war immediately, unless we surrender.”

“Surrender”, the word was both familiar and unfamiliar. It wasn’t as if Britannia hadn’t experienced defeat or surrendered to the enemy.

It was just that for the last hundred years, Britain had reigned as the world’s hegemon. Even if they lost on the battlefield, it was just a truce to stop the damage, and never came to the point of surrendering to the enemy.

This time is different, Britain has lost the capital to continue to fight, once the war continues, Britain really want to lose pants.

Weak countries have no diplomacy, Adam’s experience is the most profound. As Britain’s foreign minister, Adam more than once to see the weak diplomatic envoys, in the negotiation of the “helpless”.

But he never dreamed that such a miserable scene would actually be staged in Britain one day.

Campbell: “Whether it is war or peace, we do not have the power to decide on behalf of the 40 million British people, or to submit to Parliament for discussion!”

(End of chapter)

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