Chapter 1166: The Difference Between Politics and the Military

  Chapter 1144 – The Difference Between Politics and Military
As the countries of the continent came together to pit the Russians against each other, the continental alliance fell into infighting, and the oceanic alliance finally gained a brief respite.

The first to benefit is Japan, unlike the original time and space of smooth sailing, this time the Russo-Japanese War is a series of twists and turns.

Especially after the failure of the Battle of Malacca, the Spanish Navy came to look for trouble every now and then, causing the Japanese Empire to nearly collapse.

The safety of the route is threatened, the transport fleet is often attacked, the supply of logistical supplies is insufficient, the front line of the Japanese army naturally have to suffer.

If it wasn’t held up by the blood of the officers and soldiers, I’m afraid the battle line would have collapsed long ago. Even so, the battle line retreated from Vladivostok all the way to the Yalu River.

The shadow of defeat loomed over the Japanese, despair spread, and the Japanese government had even begun to prepare for a fallback.

At this critical moment, the Spanish Navy, which was active in the Sea of Japan and often made things happen, suddenly did not come.

Immediately after the news of the chaos in Europe came again, the Japanese government that sank to the bottom of the heart, once again active.

Especially after receiving the news of the disruption of the Siberian Railway, the Japanese felt that they had done it again. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for all the European countries to screw the Russians together.


“Don’t be blindly optimistic, the situation hasn’t fundamentally changed, and on a world scale, the Oceanic Alliance is still at a disadvantage.

The infighting in the Oceanic Alliance is not intense, with the Vienna government at the top pressuring it, the countries will at most lay their hands on the dark side.

Now the countries are targeting each other, in addition to the conflicts accumulated in the past days, mainly for the distribution of booty.

But the prerequisite for sharing the spoils of war is to win the war. On the point of winning the war, the position of the European countries is the same.

The most important thing is that the Holy Roman Empire is not directly involved in the present dispute. If the conflict continued to escalate, the government of Vienna would certainly intercede.

Right now our priority is not to defeat the Russians, let alone open up colonies, but to find a way to survive.

We can’t pin all our hopes on the British, and we must consider the new international situation we will need to face after the defeat of the Oceanic Alliance.”

A pot of cold water was poured down, dousing the blind optimism of the military, and Ito Hirobumi only felt tired.

The situation in the Far East battlefield had indeed been reversed, but the human manipulation behind this reversal was too obvious.

Siberian railroad disruption, the Russian army’s logistical supply problems, but the Japanese army’s logistics is not much better.

If it were not for the enemy’s navy deliberately letting off steam, the Japanese government wanted to send strategic supplies to the front line is difficult, how can we talk about other?
Defeat the Russians, annex the Far East, and then plot the whole of East Asia.

Such a strategic plan, Ito Hirobumi do not even dare to think. Unless the Oceanic Alliance won the war, Japan, as a victorious nation, might have a chance to take a few steps forward.

If the Oceanic Alliance loses the war, as the loser in the war, Japan will be able to keep the mainland is good, colonies that is not even think about.

Yamagata Arimoto: “Ito-kun, you’re being too pessimistic! The British performance in this war is indeed disappointing, but it’s not to the point of an immediate defeat.

I’ve studied the history of European wars, and there have been wars of this magnitude that lasted more than ten years, decades, or even hundreds of years.

On the contrary, the previous war against France, which ended in less than two years, was the real alternative.

With the British Empire’s bottom line no matter how bad it was, it was always no problem to fight against the Holy Roman Empire for three to five years.

By the time they’ve split the difference, we’ll have long since established ourselves in the Far East. The payoff is not proportional to the payoff, the Austrians will not labor to go far.”

There’s no problem, all the camp confrontations in European history have lasted a long time.

The main reason is due to productivity constraints, everyone’s national strength is limited, can not support a long period of continuous warfare.

Usually, after the fight, both sides can not hold out, so they first truce home, after a period of time to continue to work.

After entering the 19th century, the situation changed. The previous war against France was a typical example of this.

Both sides are able to support millions of troops off the production of combat, direct confrontation on the line, there is no need to engage in so many excesses.

Times are different, the past historical experience, just refer to it. If you are addicted to it, you are bound to be led astray.

These problems are not unimaginable to the military. The main thing is that the interests of the people, addicted to it is already the authorities are obsessed.

One side has to cope with international changes, and the other side has to suppress the domestic military should not have the mind, not heart tired can not.


Compared to Japan’s radicalization, the other members of the Ocean Alliance are much more rational.

Europe is indeed chaotic, can be chaotic within the scope of control, the real situation out of control only the Russian Empire.

Obviously the countries look at the war victory is imminent, ahead of the Russians kicked out of the game, to reduce a fight for the spoils of war.

What’s more, it’s not just the Continental Union that’s in chaos, the Oceanic Union is also on fire in its backyard.

Britain was caught in the double impact of the wave of strikes against the war and the Irish independence movement, and the British Empire also needed time to extinguish the fire, and was unable to launch a full-scale counterattack in a short period of time.

The United States is even more joyful, not only the outbreak of anti-war wave, some states even unilaterally announced withdrawal from the war.

Want to join in, want to withdraw from the withdrawal, as if it is not grown up children, is capricious.

Mexico and Colombia, which suffered the impact of the war, reacted even more fiercely.

July 24, 1905, Bogota coup d’état, the original republican government fell, the new government is actively launching diplomatic action, want to withdraw from the war.

Whether or not they could get out in one piece, I don’t know, but for the first country to withdraw from the Oceanic Alliance, the government in Vienna was very facetious, and the front line had already ceased fire, waiting for the outcome of the negotiations.

Mexico, since the fall of the Massimiliano regime, has been plunged into warlordism, and the central government is only nominally unified.

Such a country obviously does not have the ability to wage war against foreign countries.

Mexican Republican government can be maintained until now, Britain and the United States are vigorously. If there is no international intervention, with the Vienna government support Massimiliano’s restoration has long been successful.

Participate in this war, is completely behind the boss exerted pressure, plus the United States did send reinforcements, which only drummed up the courage to pike a hand.

Then the tragedy began to happen. High hopes of the United States elite troops, just on the battlefield in a flower style to send head.

Although the Mexican army is also a rabble, but the civil war played more, everyone’s fighting strength did not rise, but the battlefield to save their lives on the ability to rub up.

Bizarre scene appeared, the same is a losing battle, the Mexican army casualties are less than one-third of the U.S. army. To know the Mexican army in the war, but the number of U.S. troops double.

Bright eye-catching casualty figures, fell into the eyes of the Mexican warlords, came to a – “United States elite combat effectiveness is not as good as their own conclusions”.

This conclusion, everyone on the Oceanic Alliance to win the war directly lost confidence, at least the Central American battlefield is no hope.

For the sake of their own interests, one and all were preparing for a fallback. Certain guys who were originally inclined towards the monarchical system even openly played the banner of Massimiliano.

South American countries are also not peaceful, the so-called “three powers of South America”, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, also broke out a powerful anti-war march.

Although the pro-British faction is powerful, the pro-Austrian faction is not for nothing. Before Britain has the advantage of sea power, we do not mind to follow some advantage, now the situation is reversed, of course, to change their faces.

Originally, they were annoyed at the lack of a breakthrough on the battlefield, but now they are only glad that there is no breakthrough. The lack of a breakthrough on the battlefield means that not much substantial damage has been done.

The lower the damage, the lower the hatred, and the smaller the price to be paid to wipe out the hatred.

Shamelessly, you can also put the blame on the British, claiming that he was “in the camp of Cao in the heart of Han” was forced to get involved.

Submit a complaint, throw a few scapegoats out, and pay some damages, and the matter will be settled.

Similar cases have long been common in European history. The countries of the Americas were born in Europe, so naturally they have not been affected.

For many countries in the Oceanic Alliance, the fact that the European Union is in a state of civil unrest is the best opportunity for everyone to get off the boat.

Missing this point in time, and then wanting to get out in one piece, the price to pay is not such a half a star.

Just by looking at how busy the Shen Luo Foreign Ministry was, one could tell that something big was going to happen soon.


As if irritated, Army Minister Fislav: ”Launching a landing operation now, it’s impossible!

The British are still strong, and it’s too risky to land without knocking out the enemy’s air force and navy.”

“Sea Lion Plan”, the implementation is not simple. In the original time and space, the German Three Empires had failed, and now, although the situation in Shinra was better, the British naval and air force mainstays were all still in good shape.

In case the landing was halfway through, and the enemy suddenly exploded in a wave of desperation, it would be a big deal.

Any great nation is capable of erupting with unrivaled strength in times of life and death.

The British Empire, which dominated the world, was not a sick cow in the latter days, and in times of crisis, it definitely did not lack the spirit of desperation.

Foreign Secretary Leo: “Your Excellency, don’t get excited. The risks of landing operations are indeed great, but the benefits are also great!

We don’t need to occupy the British Isles directly, we just need to complete the landing, it doesn’t matter even if the landing site is a bit remote.

The coastline of the British Isles is so long that the enemy will always have places they can’t take care of. As long as we are fast enough, it is not impossible to send a small number of troops to capture a landing site.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is now trying to turn around the Oceanic Alliance members, and some of them have already moved on, but they are still holding out the last vestige of hope for the British.

As long as they are disillusioned, the Oceanic Alliance will soon fall apart. Together with the other countries we have secretly brought together, it will be enough to create a wave of anti-British sentiment throughout the world.

By that time, perhaps the British themselves will surrender under internal and external pressure without the need to attack.

Even if there is a risk, compared to the lucrative benefits, it is enough to carry out this adventure. The big deal is that the Allied troops were sent there first, and now the time has come for them to give.”

There was no problem, allies were meant to be pitched. The War of Hegemony has been going on so far, and the only one who’s really been punked is Russia, and no one would dare believe it if they said that.

Now that an adventure was needed, it was only right to let the allies go first. Without sacrifices, who is qualified to share the spoils of war?

You should know that this war is mainly fought by Shinra, and everyone is just following and playing soy sauce.

Fislav was deep in thought, politics and military are not the same. The “Sea Lion Program” was formulated by the military, obviously more military.

In the military, to defeat the British Empire, as long as the occupation of London is enough, the rest of the countryside is not important at all.

Politically, however, it was very different. It did not matter where the allied forces landed, and it did not matter whether the follow-up operations could be followed up, as long as they gained a foothold in the British Isles, it was considered a successful landing.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs could take this result and ostentatiously fool the hesitant governments to help them make the right decision.

“You can try, but ……”

(End of chapter)

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