Chapter 1164: Seven Injury Fist

  Chapter 1142 – Seven Injury Fist

Just when the British government decided to press all their chips on the pokies, the ending of the Battle of the English Channel was also spread by the Vienna government.

The morale of the Continental Union soared, and the wallflowers who were still wavering were now leaning towards the Vienna government.

If it was not for the fact that there were too many countries involved, the interests involved were too great, and it was difficult to finalize it for a while, the Continental Union had already swelled a circle.

On the contrary, the Oceanic Alliance is a sad cloud. As great as everyone’s expectations of the Royal Navy were before, the disappointment was now as great as it was now.

The boss wasn’t giving it a go, and the little brothers were having a hard time. If it wasn’t for the fact that the current situation didn’t allow everyone to retreat, I’m afraid that everyone would have voted with their feet.

Fortunes come in twos, and misfortunes come in twos.

On May 27, 1905, the mainland coalition army led by God Luo in the Khorasan region with the south of the Russian army to meet, the same day by the mainland coalition army heavily besieged by the Tehran garrison put down their weapons and surrendered, the Persian empire formally overthrown.

Originally, the defeat of Persia is also the rightful sense, facing the attack of the European countries, to resist for five months, the Persian Empire is already over-performing.

Despite the support of its allies, this was a remarkable achievement. If the British Isles bordered the European continent, it is unknown whether Britain could have supported it for five months.

But rushed at this point in time, there is no room for not thinking about it more. An emotion of a rabbit dying and a fox grieving spread in the Oceanic Alliance.

The British government has a lot of things to do, now can not care about soothing the allies emotions, even their own emotions are too late to regulate.

It was clear from opening the map that India was in danger. Fortunately, the Suez Canal was blocked, otherwise the enemy’s navy out of the east, cover the army from the sea attack, the situation will be even worse.

Now is not much better, India has been caught in a two-front war, or perhaps the future will have to fight on three fronts.

The only thing to rely on is geographical advantage, the coalition army to the west to cross the Persian plateau, logistics and transportation is a big problem.

In fact, the Persian Empire was able to hold out for five months, the biggest reason is also because of the logistical limitations of the allied forces to play.

There was no way, except for the major cities, most of Persia did not have railroads, and could only rely on human and animal transportation.

The only railroads that existed were also damaged by the Persians. In order to safeguard the logistics of the troops, the Vienna government even mobilized hundreds of transport blimps.

Along with the constant forward movement of the battle line, the Allied command was also moved to Zahedan. As the victor of the Great War, Archduke Friedrich could not see a smile on his face.

“Kill all the way to India”, the slogan is simple to shout, really want to be specific in practice, the trouble will come.

Logistics is the biggest problem, at this moment the biggest task of the allied forces is not to fight, but to repair the railroad destroyed by the enemy.

It is ironic to say that most of the railroads in Persia were built by the British, and now these railroads have become the biggest help for the allied forces to attack India.

Perhaps by coincidence, or perhaps in defense of the Persian Empire, the churners built railroads in Persia to a variety of specifications.

In order to repair these railroads, even the train cars were specially customized from the country. Looking at the report in his hand, Friedrich was somewhat skeptical that he was not the commander-in-chief of the allied forces, but a commander-in-chief of engineering.

There is no way, the war with Persia is over, but the local is still unstable. Railroad restoration work, can only be handled by the military themselves.

No wonder Alexander the Great did not manage to kill his way to India in his eastern campaign, just look at the bad traffic and you will understand.

No matter how bad the traffic is and how bad the conditions are, advancing the battle line to India is a strategic victory.

At this point, as long as the Continental Union is willing to invest, it is only a matter of time to take India.

There are two sides to everything, while strategically winning, the Continental Union is also in turmoil internally.

Undoubtedly, the rich India is the best “pie”. The Vienna government made a promise early on that it would leave India untouched and let everyone else have a piece of it.

The continental alliance is mostly small countries, except for Shenla and Russia, no one has the strength to swallow India alone. The Vienna government also announced its early withdrawal, leaving only Britain and Russia as competitors.

It was not difficult to expel the British, the possibility of Britain holding India in the face of a siege from the entire continent was slim, the trouble lay after the expulsion of the British.

Without a common enemy, allies became competitors. Interests move people’s hearts, although the Russian Empire is still powerful, but this can not shake everyone’s determination to spy on India.

Alone, no one was a match for the Russians; once they were in a group, the situation was very different.

Anyway, there is God Luo in the above pressure, nominally everyone is an ally, even if there is a contradiction, the Russians can not be directly on the action.

Do not need to go to war with the Russians directly, just secretly start competition, who is a grandson.

A war that does not see smoke, this in the continental union within the prelude. Pull back, under the black hand, a variety of underhanded means that is the first to be staged.

Soon the lawsuit hit Franz’s case, and then naturally continue to tear. In front of the interests, can not be said to be able to mediate?
What’s more, provoking conflicts between European countries and the Russians was originally planned in advance by the government of Vienna, and even threw out India for this purpose.

If not considering the hegemony war is not yet over, now is not suitable to stir up strife, otherwise Franz would have to personally come down to the scene to push the wave.

The Vienna government does not care about the matter, the two sides strangling is happy, but at this time the British dark hand and launched.

Strikes, strikes, strikes again, from Lisbon to St. Petersburg, all over Europe broke out the strike movement.

Unlike the previous support for the revolutionary party of the convergence, this time the British is completely let go of the hand, what harm will play, not the slightest consideration of the subsequent impact.

Not only did they repatriate the revolutionaries, but they also sent professionals to help formulate the outline of the revolution. No matter whether they could succeed or not, at least they were successful in drawing the cake.

The revolutionaries who were fooled, one by one, were like playing chicken blood, and they were desperate to join this revolutionary wave.

The Russian Empire, which had accumulated the most contradictions and had the most corrupt bureaucratic groups, naturally became the hardest hit by this storm.

When other countries went on strike, it was really just a strike. The social environment did not allow it, and even if the revolutionaries shouted their slogans loudly, it was difficult to start a revolution.

The Russian Empire was different, as the first country to enter the war, Russia was also the country most deeply affected by the war.

Nearly three million troops were mobilized to support the war on two fronts at the same time, and the economy could not remain unaffected.

Despite the support of the government in Vienna, there was a limit to this support. Most of the war funds and materials were raised by the Tsarist government itself.

If only so, with the volume of the Russian Empire, it is not impossible to support, bad is bad in the bureaucracy.

Nicholas II was never a strong monarch, and naturally could not deter the domestic bullies. When the opportunity to get rich came, it was inevitable to “levy three or five more buckets”.

Seemingly insignificant, but the layers of accumulation, to the bottom of the people, is a heavy burden.

The already difficult life, the capitalists and follow the jump out to fall on the well. On the one hand, they hoarded and speculated on prices, and on the other, they deducted salaries and increased working hours.

The people have no money in their pockets and life is unsustainable. No matter, there are tailor-made loan sharks.

Experts and scholars who should have issued early warnings, under the power of capital, keep singing praises and advocating frantically ……

Along with the continuous concentration of wealth, social conflicts are increasing day by day, creating opportunities for revolution.

On June 1, 1905, the Polish masses on strike and marching broke out into armed conflict with the military and police on Vitus Avenue, and the Polish Independence Organization took advantage of the situation to launch a rebellion.

The “June 1” revolution was like pouring a ladle of water into a boiling frying pan, which instantly splashed and flew.

June 4, the Bulgarian region outbreak of national independence movement; June 6, the Finnish region outbreak of independence movement; June 11, Lithuania, the region of anti-Russian riots; June 15, the Ukrainian region ……

Before that, in May the Afghan National Revolutionary Party launched an armed revolution and fired the first shots against Russia.

Only the anti-Russian riots in the Afghan region were frequent, and the guerrillas were just never wiped out clean enough to draw attention to them.

On June 22, the French laborers who were in Siberia rioted and the Siberian Railway was interrupted for a time.

On June 26, Ottoman emigrants exiled to Siberia, also took part in the rebellion.

That was not all, in early July, there was also a rebellion in Grozny, in the Caucasus.

On July 11, the Kazakhs in Central Asia also joined the anti-Russian movement, and the Central Asian railroad was forced to be disrupted.


So many independence and rebellions were obviously not something that the British alone could orchestrate.

Other than that, a look at how the revolutionaries returned to Russia and where the weaponry originated can be illustrative.

The European countries together to screw the Russians, the tsarist government want not to be unlucky. What’s more, the Russian Empire was leaking everywhere, creating opportunities for everyone.

When the Russians were unlucky, the European countries were not left alone. Revolutions were contagious, especially with the British still on fire.

On June 18th, the Portuguese republicans staged a coup d’état and Carlos I fled in a hurry.

On June 24, a religious conflict broke out in Madrid, the capital of Spain, resulting in seven deaths and 16 injuries, and the conflict between reformists and conservatives escalated.

On June 27, a republican movement broke out in Italy, the Archduke of Lucca fled, and the life of the Papal States hung in the balance.

On the same day, an anti-war movement broke out in Hanover, demanding the Vienna Government to end the war and restore peace.

On June 29, anti-Russian demonstrations broke out in Prussia.

On July 1, an anti-war demonstration broke out in the Netherlands.


It’s a mess, the whole continent of Europe from east to west.

The British just started a head, the rest are countries free to play, he pit you, you pit me, I pit him, pit to pit a circle down, no one can be alone.

The continental alliance is in chaos, Britain has not been able to escape, as the protagonist of this war, how can there be no conflict in the country?
After the Battle of the English Channel, the peaceful days of the British Isles came to an end, and the public’s aversion to war reached its peak, and the civil anti-war clamor grew louder and louder.

On June 16, 1905, an anti-war strike movement broke out in Bradford, followed by Sheffield, Liverpool, London, Dublin and other major cities followed suit.

Especially in the Dublin area, the independence movement was so strong that if it were not for the large enough garrison, it was feared that the locals would not only oppose the war, but would become independent.

(End of chapter)

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