Chapter 1160: The Americas of the Americas

  Chapter 1138 – The Americas of the Americas
Facing the raging continental allied forces, the British colonial government of the Central South Peninsula was directly dumbfounded. The loss of sea power in the Central South Peninsula is like a leaky house on all sides that can’t withstand the wind and rain.

Even if you ignore the gap between the two sides of the combat power, the number of the Central and Southern Peninsula can not come up with a million. In favor of the enemy also has the advantage of sea and air, can be attacked on all sides.

The telegram for help reached London and then went to India.

After the Battle of Malacca, the Far East route was interrupted. Even if reinforcements were sent immediately from the mainland, they would have to take a detour from India.

Time waits for no one on the battlefield, and as the continental allied forces are looking to kill, the only thing that can support the British Central and South Peninsula now is India.

After the outbreak of the War of Hegemony, the Indian colonial army expanded dramatically, and its total strength has exceeded the four million mark.

On paper, that’s an absolutely strong army. Even the Holy Roman Empire’s land, sea and air forces combined have a total strength of less than three million.

But now is the era of industrialization, the tactics of man and sea can still play a role, but this role is being weakened.

The family knows its own business, this more than four million colonial army is what kind of goods, Robert Jervis Governor knows only too well.

Command, equipment, training, morale, there is no one qualified army, how the combat power can be imagined.

Really if there is combat power, there is no need to worry about being besieged by Russia and Austria, but they are out to strike to find the bad luck of the two countries.

Looking at the telegram in his hand asking for help, Robert was broken inside. To the north was the Russian army that was moving south, to the west was the Shen Luo army that was moving east, and now a million colonial allied forces had popped up in the east.

Taking on two of the world’s major military powers and fighting on three fronts at the same time, anyone who encountered this would have their scalp numb.

But no matter how difficult it was, the Central South Peninsula had to be saved. Otherwise the enemy kills all the way over, the final bad luck is still India.

Even if it is impossible to defeat the enemy, at least it is necessary to drag the enemy in the Central and Southern Peninsula to buy time for the domestic breakthrough.

After hesitating for half a day’s work, Governor Robert: “Order the Seventh Army and Eighth Army to move south to reinforce the Central South Peninsula with all speed.

Notify the heads of all departments to come over for a meeting in the evening to discuss the matter of expanding the army.”

Obviously sitting on more than four million troops, but still felt that there were not enough troops. Thinking about it was unbelievable, but reality told Robert that if he wanted to keep India he still had to continue to expand his army.

Hearing this appalling news, the assistant on the side quickly persuaded, “His Excellency the Viceroy, our army has already expanded to its limit, and I’m afraid that we will continue to expand our army now ……”

“There is not that much to be afraid of, the enemy is coming on strong and we don’t have enough maneuverable troops in hand. If we don’t expand our army what will we take to resist?

If the number of grassroots officers is insufficient, train them at a rapid pace or promote them directly from the veterans.

If there are not enough weapons and equipment, then go to the civilian world to collect them. It doesn’t matter what kind of weapons, as long as they can kill the enemy.

Besides, the country has given us strong support. Didn’t two divisions of equipment just arrive yesterday? Once we get through the immediate need, the rest will be fine.”

It’s not that Robert likes to force words and steal concepts, it’s really that the situation is difficult, and as the governor, he must show confidence.

Two divisions of equipment is not a small amount, but compared to the millions of colonial troops now, it is a drop in the bucket.

In order to meet the manpower of a gun, even the last century’s flintlock musket, appeared in the army. The artillery is even older than Governor Robert himself.

No matter how unreliable it was, something was better than nothing. If you can’t fight in the field, you can play a role in defending the fortifications.

This is no way out of the matter, the weapons are disorganized not only the Indian colonial army. Even the troops of the British Isles can not guarantee uniform equipment.

It is not that the British government is not strong, mainly because of the inherent limitations. As a sea power country, the British army has long been going “short and compact” route.

In the capitalist world, it has always been “market orders, determine the size of the industry”. The army order is small, the related industry chain is naturally not big.

A little understanding of the British military industrial system, you know, the army military industry is basically dependent on the naval military industry under the industry.

Purely relying on orders from the army, I am afraid that even the industry chain can not be maintained. After all, these days, high value-added equipment is still less, rifles, machine guns, ordinary artillery have passed the period of profiteering.

In a sense, the emergence of armored forces also saved the Army’s military industry.

This stuff, unfortunately, was not at all practical for Britain.

Usually do not need to use this kind of killing machine, need to use, the enemy has already landed on the British Isles, the situation has gone beyond the ability to return to heaven.


When peace can not suppress the world, the devil will come out of the cage, the whole world will be plunged into “blood” and “panic”.

From Africa to Europe, and from Europe to the Near East, the Far East, and the Central and Southern Peninsulas, the entire world island is immersed in blood and fire.

However, this was only the beginning. The American continent, which is isolated overseas, was also not spared, and since the failure of the secret negotiations, the Oceanic Alliance launched an attack on Shinra’s colonies in the Americas.

Overnight, Latin America, South America, and the Caribbean all fell into battle, and the scope of the World War expanded once again.

Austrian Central America is a good thing, the God Luo in the local operation for decades, the population has long exceeded ten million, the territory is as high as more than one million square kilometers, the limit of mobilization can pull out millions of large armies.

Even if the enemy encountered the north and south lines of siege, that is not lost, and even the fire of war to the hinterland of Mexico, Colombia.

Austrian South America is barely adequate, although the local population of just over a million, but sitting in the Andes Mountains rely on geographical advantage, blocking the enemy’s attack is still not a problem.

What’s more, Shen Luo in the Americas is not without allies, although not directly stand in line, but to the Oceanic Alliance dragged back or not difficult.

The war has been carried out until now, in addition to the fall of Alaska in North America, God Luo has never lost a large area of territory.

Persimmon to find soft pinch, can not win the boss, seek the bad luck of the little brother, and then Spain is a tragedy.

The Americans, who have long been salivating over Cuba, could not hold back their ambition and extended the devil’s hand to the Caribbean.

Only the United States of America’s luck is not good enough, the Spaniards in the suppression of the rebellion, did not immediately disband the French mercenaries, but instead changed to long-term employment.

The situation of the U.S.-Spanish-Cuban War, which changed time, was naturally very different. Unlike the one-sidedness of the original time, the war was now in a scorched earth.

Facts have proved that the American GIs of these days are really not suitable for war, even with absolute numerical superiority, they are pressed by the mercenaries.

If it were not for the limited number of French mercenaries and their unwillingness to sell their lives for the Continental Union, it is unlikely that the landing of the U.S. Army would have been directly cool.

The three major battlefields collectively rested, which is embarrassing. As the planner of this operation, Theodore Roosevelt only felt pressurized.

There was a voice deep inside that constantly reminded him to work hard or else he would be a companion to the unlucky Abraham Lincoln, tied for the worst president since the founding of the United States.

Although it was Roosevelt who took the lead, the countries chose to send troops at this time and were actually forced out.

After making no private contact with the Vienna government, everyone knew that if they didn’t do something, when the British ship sank, we would all die with it.

The war has continued until now, the British boss has been very difficult to perform, is completely being suppressed to fight.

Sending troops to attack the European continent to help the British boss win the war is naturally out of the question.

Everyone was still self-aware, the Ocean Alliance together, when it came to Europe, was not enough for the Shinra family to fight.

Since it is not possible to attack, President Roosevelt put forward the “Americas of the Americas” in an attempt to “protect themselves according to the ocean”.

To do this, not only to have a strong navy; more importantly, or pull out the side of the nail, can not give the enemy left a foothold.

But the plan can not catch up with the fast change, the enemy left the nail is too stubborn, and they pull the nail means too poor.

Not only did they fail to pull out the nails left by the enemy, but they accidentally hurt their own hands.

Along with the battle reports from the front line coming in one after another, Theodore Roosevelt’s temper was getting worse and worse.

“All a bunch of losers!”

“A bunch of losers!”

“The United States is just corrupted at ……”


In the face of the president’s incessant rage, the military representatives one by one lowered their lofty heads. There was no way to say anything after losing the war.

In order to this operation, all the member states of the Oceanic Alliance except Britain and Japan have sent their most “elite” troops to participate in the war.

The king’s start, bronze performance. The allied forces, which seemed to have an absolute advantage, were directly beaten by the enemy on the battlefield.

Not to mention the heavy losses, the key is the bankruptcy of the strategic plan. If they can’t expel the enemy from the American continent, they won’t be able to withstand it once they settle the score in the future.

The law is not responsible for the people, whether it can be applied also depends on the occasion. Participation in the world war such as high-stimulation game, never have to kill, never let go.

Other countries surrender, there may be a chance of survival; United States once surrendered, waiting for their fate is once again divided.

The failure of private contacts is the best evidence of this. Had it not been prepared to come down hard on the United States, the Vienna government would not have directly demanded unconditional surrender.

In this respect, the other members of the Oceanic Union were in fact implicated by the United States.

Without this big boss, the smaller countries were simply not worth the Vienna government’s special targeting, and were spared.

Perhaps Roosevelt scolded too hard to hear, or perhaps for the military to retain the last face, Secretary of State Melchior spoke up: “His Excellency the President, now that the matter has occurred, it is not helpful to pursue responsibility, and it is imperative that we deal with the follow-up issues as soon as possible.

The strategy of driving the Holy Roman Empire out of the Americas cannot be shaken, the power of our allies cannot be relied upon, we must find a way on our own.”

Lulling is ultimately not a long term solution, governments are not fools, sooner or later they will react.

Understanding that the Vienna government is going to really target only the United States, everyone knows what to choose.

Even if the governments are slow to react, the Vienna government will also remind at the right time to guide the governments to make the right choice.

“If you can’t win, join in” is not something to be ashamed of, the real disgrace is still one mistake after another.

There was only one message in between to the betrayal of an ally. But whenever it was determined that the British Empire was going to lose the war, countries immediately chose to cut their losses.

It’s only a matter of withdrawing, but the biggest fear is that these countries will turn on each other and stab the United States again.

In this regard, the Vienna government is a professional, the best at turning the enemy’s little brother into their own little brother.

Changing the subject, the military representatives did not dare to answer. Relying on one’s own strength is simple, the problem is that you really can’t win!
The most elite troops in the country were sent out, and as a result, even the Spaniards’ Cuba was not taken down, let alone facing the more powerful Holy Roman Empire.

Of course, this does not mean that the United States will not be able to deal with the colonies of the Holy Roman Empire. As long as we have enough time, we can rely on our national strength to drag the colonies in the Americas to death.

The reason why everyone was worried now was because time didn’t allow it. The War of Hegemony had reached a critical moment, and one bad move and the British Empire would be gone.

Without the British boss in front of them to shield them from the wind and rain, the United States alone does not have the strength to fight against the Holy Roman Empire.

With this foothold in Central America, even if there is a vast ocean separating them, it can’t hinder the Holy Roman Empire’s power projection.

Though this power projection, it can’t be all of it, even one-fifth of it is difficult.

However, the U.S. Army is not able to withstand ah, against the two layers of military power of Shinra, they still do not have the bottom.

Especially the enemy is good at calling on friends, even the bullish Britain are in a situation of siege, change the United States may be involved in the siege of the country will be more.

Seeing this scene, President Roosevelt’s inner fire even more exuberant. Only the military does not contend, is not a day or two days, and then scolding will not help.

The United States of America’s lack of military luck also has a historical reason. The immigrants who came to the United States, themselves came to escape the war in Europe, natural anti-war people.

Especially after the Civil War, the anti-war ideology was deeply rooted in people’s hearts. For the sake of votes in the hands of the people, legislators have catered to public opinion and disguised themselves as anti-war activists.

The military power that rose during the war was quickly suppressed by politicians. Not only did they compress the military establishment, but the congressmen were even so stingy that they didn’t even bother to hand out the rank of general.

Against this background, the military certainly became a good boy, but good boys aren’t good at fighting!
Including this war, the civil society is also more anti-war calls, if not for the near-unanimous support of the big capitalists in the country, the United States would not have been involved at all.

“Doesn’t the military have a plan?”

Meeting Roosevelt’s sharp gaze, certain that he could not hide this time, Brigadier General Mathias replied stiffly, “The enemy has been operating in Central America for a long time, and has even sent his royal son as governor, the importance of which can be seen.

As we all know, the Holy Roman Empire ruled the colonies by adopting the oldest system of partition. Under this system, the partitioned nobles all had large private armies.

Currently, these nobles were mostly of the first generation, and they were all tough generals who had killed their way out of the battlefield. Although they have retired, they still hold military positions in the reserves ……”

(End of chapter)

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